
Chapter 244: Woman’s Corpse

# 244. Woman’s Corpse

Xu Qi'an didn’t wait for Wei Yuan’s response; instead, he first encountered the Gold Gongs. Powerful presences appeared on the seventh floor, and among them were two familiar faces.

Nangong Qianrou and Zhang Kaitai.

“Duke Wei, are you alright?”

A sturdy and robust Gold Gong, wielding a purple-gold hammer, swept his bell-like eyes around the surroundings as if facing a formidable enemy.

“We failed in our duty, not realising an external enemy had intruded. Please forgive us, Lord Wei.”

As Zhang Kaitai spoke, he spread out his spiritual sense to detect any potential dangers or enemies.

Gradually, the experienced Gold Gongs sensed something amiss. First, with their foundation at the Refining Spirit stage, if there were any crises around, their intuition would respond.

But there was none.

The entire Tower of Noble Spirit was peaceful, although the clerks inside were currently in chaos.

Second, if a formidable enemy had invaded and could hide from their senses, Lord Wei would certainly not be unscathed.

Could it be true, as the legends say, that a master lurks in the shadows beside Lord Wei, guarding him?

This speculation arose in the minds of the Gold Gongs. None of them connected it to Xu Qi'an. It was simple; the roar they heard earlier, although not remarkable in terms of spirit strength, was incredibly potent and alarming.

It was definitely not something a newcomer to the Refining Spirit stage could unleash.

At this moment, they heard Nangong Qianrou ask Xu Qi'an, “Was it you causing trouble earlier?”

Nangong Qianrou knew Xu Qi'an was no ordinary Refining Spirit stage practitioner.

*Causing trouble? I’m not Ning Caichen…* Xu Qi'an looked at Wei Yuan, and seeing him nod, he openly admitted, “It was me. Lord Wei wanted to test my primordial spirit’s strength, so I roared a little.”

The tea room fell into a brief silence.

The Gold Gongs silently gazed at him, their faces expressionless.

After a long pause, Zhang Kaitai tentatively asked, “Xu Ningyan, you advanced to the Refining Spirit stage in Yunzhou, right?”

As early as when Jiang Lyuzhong’s secret letter reached the capital, they learned that Xu Qi'an had advanced to the Refining Spirit stage. At that time, Lord Wei was in an exceptionally good mood.

However, even so, he had only been at the Refining Spirit stage for over half a month, and the intense and pure primordial spirit wave from earlier shouldn’t have been from someone at this level.

This talent is truly astonishing.

With that in mind, the Gold Gongs looked at Xu Qi'an as if examining a peculiar artifact.

“I suddenly understand why Jiang Lyuzhong and Yang Yan fought so fiercely for him,” a Gold Gong muttered.

A sudden realisation!

The Gold Gongs’ gazes grew increasingly fervent.

“Don’t get the wrong idea…” Xu Qi'an waved his hand. “I advanced to the Refining Spirit stage at the last moment before death.”

This… The Gold Gongs reevaluated him. After a brief silence, they said in unison, “Duke Wei…”

Wei Yuan shook his head, “Xu Qi'an remains under Yang Yan’s command. Whoever wants him, go and ask Yang Yan.”


Except for Nangong Qianrou, the six Gold Gongs responded in unison.

*It doesn’t matter whose command I’m under, but Gold Gong Yang is going to face the brunt of this…* Xu Qi'an hoped Yang Yan would delay his return to the capital, at least until the excitement died down.

Imagine, Yang Gong returning to the capital after a hard-fought campaign to suppress bandits, only to be greeted not with cheers but with the fists of his colleagues. And then there’s the backstab from Jiang Lyuzhong once he hears of this.

Zhang Kaitai walked to the lookout hall, looked outside, and helplessly said, “The Nightwatchers and guards are all gathered downstairs.”

Wei Yuan said, “Disperse them. This matter stays within us and must not be spread.”

“Yes Sir!”


After the guards and Nightwatchers outside dispersed, Xu Qi'an leisurely drank a cup of tea before taking his leave of the Tower of Noble Spirit and returning to Spring Breeze Hall.

Auntie and Xu Lingyue were sitting at the table waiting, with Xu Lingyin curled up in her mother’s arms, asleep.

“Big brother, where did you go?” Xu Lingyue approached, her delicate brows furrowed with lingering fear, “Why was there thunder just now? Mother and Lingyin were frightened.”

Xu Lingyue, a scheming and somewhat sly sister, had also been scared pale, but in front of her big brother, she wanted to maintain a perfect image.

Cleverly using her sister and mother.

“A sudden clap of thunder on a clear day, it happens often.” Xu Qi'an pulled out a hundred taels silver note from his pocket, “The matter is resolved. This is the compensation from the Zhao family. You don’t need to worry about this anymore.”

Auntie looked at the silver note in disbelief, “For me?”

Xu Qi'an nodded firmly, “Auntie has worked hard for the family. This is what you deserve. Unfortunately, it’s only a hundred taels, considering the strong backing they have.”

Auntie took the silver note, looked at him, and was a bit moved, saying in a low voice, “Ningyan, I just like to complain. Don’t take some of the unpleasant things I say to heart.”

“We are family.” Xu Qi'an said sincerely.

“Oh, by the way, I have something tonight, so I won’t be coming home.”

“Something?” Auntie put away the silver note and said, “Since you returned from Yunzhou, you haven’t rested at home for a single day. What is it?”

*I’m going to develop two mountains and a canyon with someone, investing billions in gold…* Xu Qi'an thought to himself.

“Big brother didn’t come home last night either. It can’t be another social gathering tonight.” Xu Lingyue was a bit skeptical. Relying on her woman’s intuition, she asked:

“Father said big brother likes to go to the Jiaofangsi.”

“Shoo, shoo.” Auntie spat at her, “Your big brother isn’t like that. Erlang might be messing around, but your big brother isn’t.”

“Then, big brother, swear to me that you’ve never been to Jiaofangsi.” Xu Lingyue pursed her lips, her eyes stubborn.

*You, as my sister, where do you get the right to question me…* Xu Qi'an solemnly said:

“I, Xu Qi'an, have never spent money in the Jiaofangsi.”

Xu Lingyue smiled sweetly, her eyes sparkling.

“Lingyue, when you get home, you can question Erlang like this too.” Xu Qi'an, feeling a bit unbalanced, encouraged her, “I believe Erlang, like me, is also an upright gentleman.”

“Of course, Erlang wouldn’t go to Jiaofangsi.” Auntie was full of confidence, thinking that when Xu Pingzhi returned home tonight, she would question him like this and see if he dared to swear.

After seeing off Auntie and his sisters, Xu Qi'an planned to return to Qingyun Hall to retrieve his gold token, but it had been delivered back.

“Sir Xu, the chief constable of the prefectural office, Lyu Qing, requests an audience.” A clerk from Spring Breeze Hall came in to report.

“Invite her inside.” Xu Qi'an turned and reentered Brother Chun’s office.

Not long after, as he sat behind the desk, he heard hurried footsteps, as if in pursuit. Immediately afterward, the athletic female constable crossed the threshold and entered the hall.

At the moment she saw Xu Qi'an, Lyu Qing, with her clear and delicate face, was filled with surprise and excitement, and she froze, staring at him in confusion.

Xu Qi'an also looked at his long-unseen friend. Her eyes were bright and lively, her skin was a healthy tan, her nose was high, her eyes were large, her lips were rosy, and her cultivation seemed to have advanced.

Her official bearing was also more imposing than before.

“Constable Lyu, long time no see, how have you been?” Xu Qi'an greeted her with a smile.

“Sir, Sir Xu?” Constable Lu stared intently at Xu Qi'an.

“While in Yunzhou, I took the pill of rebirth, narrowly escaping death, though it changed my appearance,” Xu Qi'an explained.

Lyu Qing nodded, forcing a smile as she took out the gold token from her pocket. “The constables at the constabulary told me about the private school incident. I decided to send constable Zhu back and deliver the gold token personally to Sir Xu. I also wanted to check in on you. I hope you can grant me this small favour.”

As she spoke, Lyu Qing's delicate eyes fixed intently on Xu Qi'an, ready to apologise and leave if she detected any displeasure on his face.

“The token isn’t important,” Xu Qi'an tossed the token onto the table and smiled, “It’s been a while. Shall we have a drink tonight?”

Lyu Qing shook her head and gently declined, “Sir, I am a woman after all…”

_If you were a man, I would have suggested we go to the Jiaofangsi for a drink._ Xu Qi’an thought to himself.

The two of them sipped tea and chatted, losing track of time until the distant sound of the watchman's clapper signalled the end of the workday. Lyu Qing suddenly snapped out of her trance, entranced by Xu Qi’an’s “charms,” and stood up to bid farewell.

“Then I’ll take my leave, sir,” Lyu Qing cupped her hands and left.

Xu Qi'an escorted her to the gate of the yamen, watching her slender figure disappear. He couldn’t help but stroke his chin.

*Could it be that Lyu Qing is interested in me? Song Tingfeng said she’s still unmarried. Although in this era she’s considered an old maid, for me, a woman under thirty is in her prime.*

*Forget it, Lyu Qing is a respectable woman, different from the girls at the Jiaofangsi. The world of respectable women isn’t a place you can just enter and exit as you please. You have to keep going in and out.*

This was something Xu Qi'an certainly couldn’t do.


As the sun set, Xu Qi'an rode his horse leisurely down the wide ancient streets and entered the Jiaofangsi.

Fuxiang was sick, suffering from a cold, lying pale and groggy in bed.

Seeing Xu Qi'an, she was delighted and tried to get up.

This made Xu feel quite guilty for his freeloading. He gently pressed Fuxiang’s shoulders, feeling remorseful, and said, “It’s my fault for overworking my beauty.”

Fuxiang’s eyes were half-closed, her voice soft and drowsy, “Any girl in the courtyard, you may choose at your leisure to serve you in my stead.”

In the bedroom, three dainty maidservants brightened up instantly.

Xu Qi'an shook his head and declined earnestly, “With you ill, my lady, how could I have the heart for revelry? I will transfer some Qi to you.”

He held Fuxiang’s wrist and sent a gentle stream of Qi into her.

Qi can unblock the meridians, invigorate the vital organs, and boost the body’s resilience. A mere cold would be no match.

Fuxiang coughed violently, her face flushed red.

After a quarter of an hour, her complexion visibly improved.

“Dear master, I feel much better,” Fuxiang’s eyes sparkled with gratitude as she gazed at him.

The three maidservants were also pleased.

“Madam had taken medicine but showed no improvement. Yet, with Sir Xu’s arrival, her colour instantly brightened. It’s truly comforting to have a man to rely on.”

“Rest well. I’ll come back tomorrow to check on you.” Xu Qi'an pinched her cheek and left the Reflecting Plum Pavilion.

Once he confirmed he had left, Fuxiang opened her eyes and softly said, “You may all leave. No need to stay in the room.”

The three maidservants left in response.

As the bedroom door closed gently, Fuxiang’s previously bright face quickly grew haggard again.

A soft sigh echoed in the bedroom.


Xu Qi'an then headed to the Azure Pond Pavillion, where another Oiran, Mingyan, resided.

Mingyan was petite and delicate, a typical southern maiden. Last time, Xu Qi'an had enlightened her on how to “touch her knees while lying down,” which led to a profound exchange, sharing heartfelt stories.

Mingyan was originally from the *Jiangnan* region, south of the river. In her youth, she followed her father, who moved to the capital for a promotion. What they thought was the beginning of their rise ended up in ruin.

The next year, her father, having backed the wrong side, was exiled three thousand miles away and never heard from again. Mingyan was sent to the Jiaofangsi.

“Sir Xu!”

Having been informed by a young pageboy of Xu Qi'an’s visit, Mingyan, dressed in a light blue ornate long dress, adorned with precious jewellry, welcomed him with a vibrant smile.

Upon seeing Xu Qi'an, her smile turned to surprise, nearly mistaking him for someone else.

“A day apart feels like three years,” Xu Qi'an smiled and nodded, “We can talk about my change in appearance later. It’s been over a month since I last saw Mingyan; it feels like a lifetime ago... Ah, it seems our fate spans three lifetimes.”

_What a sweet talker..._ Mingyan’s eyes glistened with joy, her smile growing sweeter, her gaze full of affection.

_Sigh, I’m getting better at these irresponsible sweet words..._ Xu Qi'an felt a pang of guilt.

But a place like the Jiaofangsi was meant for seasoned players to thrive. There was no room for a straight shooter here.

Mingyan led Xu Qi'an inside, speaking in a soft voice, “Why didn’t you stay at the Reflecting Plum Pavilion, Sir?”

As she spoke, she lifted a wine jug with one hand and gathered her sleeves with the other, pouring Xu Qi'an a drink.

“Because I missed you, Mingyan,” Xu Qi'an answered sincerely.

Mingyan, delighted, turned to her maidservants and instructed, “Close the courtyard gates. We won’t be holding any tea gatherings tonight.”

She nestled against Xu Qi'an, lifting her bright, delicate face, staring at him with admiration. Having not seen him for over a month, Xu Qi'an’s transformation was astounding.

If she was initially drawn to his talent, now Mingyan was quite tempted by his charm.

Xu Qi'an recounted the events in Yunzhou, speaking with confidence and eloquence:

“...At the time, eight thousand rebels besieged the Yunzhou Administration. Shadows of people were everywhere, and the Provincial Governor was trapped inside, his life hanging by a thread.

“Having no other choice, I stood alone with a blade, facing eight thousand rebels. One came, I struck one; two came, I struck a pair. Who can stand firm with a blade? I believe it’s only me, Xu Qi'an.

“I fought for half an hour without blinking. Finally, reinforcements arrived.”

As they conversed, they moved from the hall to the bedroom, then to the bath, and eventually to the bed.

“Sir, didn’t you promise to watch me dance?” Mingyan pouted, playfully.

“Then, how about a Latin dance?”

In Azure Pond Pavillion, Mingyan’s bed swayed till the wee hours.


The next day, a rejuvenated Xu Qi'an left Azure Pond Pavillion, riding his horse to the palace.

From a distance, he spotted the eunuch tasked with supervising him, pacing anxiously near the palace gate.

“Hey, little eunuch, you seem quite polite today.”

Xu Qi'an teased from atop his horse.

“Sir, you’re finally here!” The little eunuch hurriedly approached, speaking as he walked, “Something happened last night. They found a woman’s body in the well.”

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