
Chapter 247: Heart Sword

# 247. Heart Sword

“Little eunuch, help this official out and go investigate this ‘He’er’.”

Xu Qi'an put down the ledger and turned to instruct the little eunuch who had been assigned by Emperor Yuanjing to monitor him.

The little eunuch obediently left.

After he had gone, Xu Qi'an resumed looking through the ledger, turning the pages with great care.

*I really can't stand these ancient ledgers... So few words, yet so many strokes—reading it strains my eyes...* Xu Qi'an spent an entire hour meticulously reviewing the records for the entire year.

He closed the ledger and looked at the elderly eunuch in charge, saying, "Where's the latrine?"

The elderly eunuch replied, "In the backyard."

Xu Qi'an immediately went to the latrine, but instead of taking out his 8======D, he retrieved the Earth Book fragment and found the Confucian version of a spellbook gifted to him by the great scholars.

He tore out a page of the Qi-watching Technique and burned it.

His eyes emitted a sharp, clear light, which then gradually faded.

After casting the Qi-watching technique on himself, Xu Qi'an returned to the side hall and nonchalantly asked the elderly eunuch, "I noticed something wrong with the ledger. You'll need to give me an explanation."

"Please, do tell, Sir." The elderly eunuch responded calmly.

"In the thirty-second year of Yuanjing's reign, there should have been daily deliveries of medicinal pills to the inventory, correct?"

"Well... it's been four years. I can't quite remember." The elderly eunuch felt uneasy under the copper gong's intense, deep gaze, which seemed to hide a vortex.

*No lies…* Xu Qi'an continued, "While inspecting the ledger, I noticed that the records for February 10th and February 20th of that year are missing. Were there no medicinal pills delivered on those days?"

The elderly eunuch still shook his head, wearing a troubled expression, "I honestly can't recall, Sir."

*Still no lies... And this old eunuch likely doesn't have an artefact that can block his qi... Old age really isn't forgiving, memory fades...* Xu Qi'an returned the ledger to the elderly eunuch and instructed him, "Give me the records of the Imperial Pharmacy's transactions within the past five days. I'll arrange for someone to assist you."

The so-called "assistance" meant supervision. Xu Qi'an had already decided who would oversee this: the little eunuch that Emperor Yuanjing had sent to monitor him.

This little eunuch was Emperor Yuanjing's spy, and every bit of progress Xu Qi'an made would be reported back to the emperor in detail.

Lin'an leaned in close to Xu Qi'an's ear and whispered, "Are you suspecting that someone tore pages from the ledger?"

"When the old eunuch retrieved the ledger, the cover was covered in dust, except for a few new fingerprints. I'm certain they were made no more than five days ago."


Second Princess secretly praised him, growing increasingly confident in Xu Qi'an.

At that moment, the little eunuch hurried back, his face pale and hesitant to speak.

"You may go now," Xu Qi'an dismissed the elderly eunuch who managed the Imperial Pharmacy.

The little eunuch still didn't speak, cautiously glancing at Lin'an.

"We cannot listen to this?" Lin'an became angry, her eyebrows shooting up in indignation.

*As expected, though Biaobiao may not be very clever, she certainly doesn't lack the spoiled, stubborn traits of a princess. She just favors me more...* Xu Qi'an frowned and said, "Speak."

The little eunuch swallowed, took a moment to gather himself, and then whispered, "He'er is from the Empress's palace."

For a brief moment, the side hall fell into dead silence.

*He'er is from the Empress's palace... No wonder Huaiqing's mood changed when she heard the name... In other words, the person who saved Huang Xiaorou was the Empress... In other words, Huang Xiaorou owes a great debt to the Empress.*

*Yet in this case, she played the role of an agitator, leading the charge to frame the Crown Prince for consorting with a concubine and plotting against the throne... The Empress is in trouble.*


Lost in thought, Xu Qi'an suddenly noticed Lin'an's heavy breathing beside him.

*This is bad...*

"I'm going to find Father."

Lin'an, gritting her teeth, left this sentence behind, then abruptly stood up and stormed out.

Xu Qi'an quickly grabbed her hand, trying to soothe her, "Your Highness, it's too early to jump to conclusions."

"Isn't it obvious? He'er is the Empress's maid, and Huang Xiaorou owes her a great debt. The Empress has always wanted to harm my Crown Prince brother so her own son can inherit the title of Crown Prince. The motive is clear as day, isn't it?" Lin'an turned her head, glaring at him:

"You're stopping me because you still have feelings for Huaiqing?"

She was referring to the "defection" situation, given that Xu Qi'an was someone she had "snatched" from Huaiqing.

*Crap, what you said makes it sound like I ate Huaiqing and then ate you too. If this gets back to Emperor Yuanjing, he'll order my execution…* Xu Qi'an glanced at the little eunuch and said sternly:

“This matter involves the Empress. You can't just rush out and accuse her of murdering Consort Fu and framing the Crown Prince.

“What if it turns out that the Empress is innocent?”

Lin'an loudly retorted, "I don't care, I don't care! The Crown Prince is my brother."

"Your Highness!" Xu Qi'an glared at her, his tone sharp.

"...Hmph!" Lin'an subdued her temper, dissatisfied but no longer defiant, "Then what do you propose?"

Those familiar with her personality would be shocked to see the spoiled and stubborn Second Princess so obedient in front of a mere bronze gong.

"Keep investigating, Your Highness. Simply watch and wait."

Lin'an huffed again, clearly unhappy with this outcome, but she didn't continue to throw a tantrum.

Xu Qi'an turned to the little eunuch and said, "Today's findings must be reported to His Majesty in full detail. However, be sure to keep it simple—stick to the case, nothing else."

*And please omit the interactions between Lin'an and me...* Xu Qi'an thought to himself.

The little eunuch recalled his godfather's warning from the other day and was suddenly moved. Although Sir Xu's temper wasn't great, he was very kind-hearted and considerate of little people like him.

"Rest assured, Sir Xu, I will only report on the case and won't say a word more," the little eunuch declared loudly.

*This little eunuch knows the drill...* Xu Qi'an nodded and added, "Afterward, go find the eunuch in charge of the Imperial Pharmacy and obtain a list of those who entered and exited within the past five days. Then, quietly cross-check it with the guards."


After leaving the Imperial Pharmacy, it was about 11:00 AM, and Lin'an mentioned that she would be having lunch with her mother, cruelly abandoning her yet-to-be-married fiancé.

Xu Qi'an had no choice but to join the eunuchs for a meal. The Imperial Kitchen prepared meals for the masters, while the eunuchs and palace maids ate at the Small Kitchen.

As they were halfway there, someone suddenly called out from behind: "Sir Xu…"

Xu Qi'an turned to see a blue-robed Daoist rushing over, saying with delight, "Sir Xu, I finally found you."

Knowing that any daoist who could enter the palace must be a Daoist from Lingbao Temple, Xu Qi'an clasped his hands and said, "Daozhang."

"Please, there's no need for such formality," the Daoist approached and respectfully returned the gesture, "Master Xu, the sect leader has requested your presence."

"This…." Xu Qi'an hesitated.

Luo Yuheng was someone Emperor Yuanjing had his eyes on, and Xu Qi'an was already entangled with his daughter. He didn't want to further displease Emperor Yuanjing by getting too close to another woman.

Moreover, Luo Yuheng was a second rank powerhouse. Xu Qi'an didn't want to be too close to a top-tier expert with whom he wasn't familiar, in case she discovered the existence of Shenshu... *Oh no, she might realise I've already become a monk's vessel!*

*Then they'll seal me in Sangbo for five hundred years, waiting for a monk to fetch the scriptures and release me.*

*The undying Shenshu can survive five hundred years, but can I? I can't exactly ask heaven for five hundred more years.*

"The National Teacher is waiting for you. She'd like to invite you for a meal," the Daoist said.

"Alright!" Xu Qi'an agreed.

*Mainly because Luo Yuheng. She... she's just too tempting.*

This is the second time Xu Qi'an has visited Lingbao Temple. The last time was to help Daoist Jinlian obtain a pill, during which he met Luo Yuheng.

This head of the Human Sect seems to have taken a liking to him, as she had once made a very suggestive comment. Unfortunately, Xu Qi'an, being a man of virtue, chose to ignore her advances.

Xu Qi'an was directly led into a meditation room, which contained only two meditation cushions, a small table, a small brazier, and a "Dao" character boldly written on the wall. The simple setup left no room for anything superfluous.

A Daoist child brought a large platter of temple food, with black rice, corn, and millet, along with three plates of vegetable dishes.

"Sir Xu, please enjoy your meal. The sect leader will be here shortly," the Daoist child said respectfully before retreating.

Xu Qi'an didn't start eating immediately. He glanced at the two bowls and pairs of chopsticks on the table and nodded with satisfaction. If this meal had been intended for him alone, he would have left right then and there.


With a soft creak, the sliding door, which had just been closed, was pushed open again. The female National Teacher entered, dressed in a dark Daoist robe, carrying a horsetail fuchen on her arm. Her black hair was tied simply with a Daoist hairpin, with a few strands hanging down her forehead, giving her a slightly alluring look. The red mark on her forehead, however, added a touch of ethereal purity, creating a peculiar blend of different kinds of charm.

"National Teacher!" Xu Qi'an stood up and cupped his hands.

Luo Yuheng nodded and gestured, "Sir Xu, please eat."

"National Teacher, please enjoy the ‘eel," Xu Qi'an replied politely.

The two of them sat down, served themselves a bowl of rice, and began eating in silence.

Xu Qi'an couldn't quite gauge the beautiful National Teacher's intentions, so he remained cautious and said nothing. Occasionally, he would glance at her, finding her quite pleasing to the eye.

This woman, at first glance, seemed to be a tender twenty-year-old. But the more you looked, the more she resembled a thirty-year-old woman, full of vitality. And if you looked even longer, you'd realise she was actually an exquisite beauty in her forties, with a mature and voluptuous figure and a gaze that couldn't hide her sensuality—truly a man-killer.

Xu Qi'an was reminded of the feeling he had the first time he saw her: a woman who could be a friend's mom, a kind aunt, or an English teacher with a soft heart.

He couldn't help but wonder, "Is this woman cultivating Daoism, or some kind of bewitching magic?" He frowned slightly.

These illusions weren't his fault. It had to be related to the cultivation method of the Human Sect, as confirmed by Daoist Jinlian. None of the three sects of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity were without their quirks. The Earth Sect was burdened by karma, often falling to demons. The Human Sect's situation was unclear, but it also seemed to have its side effects. As for the Heaven Sect, the path they followed was problematic from the start.

The heavens are emotionless, and thus everlasting.

But if a person is emotionless, how are they different from a corpse?

According to Xu Qi'an's understanding, the union of Heaven and Man meant becoming a rule or law.

"Daoist Jinlian mentioned that Sir Xu took a Rebirth Pill in Yunzhou?" Luo Yuheng broke the silence.

*Why did Daoist Jinlian tell her that...* Xu Qi'an was startled. "Yes."

"This Poor Daoist would like to borrow a bowl of your blood as a medicinal guide, to refine a pill to alleviate a stubborn ailment," Luo Yuheng said.

*What kind of ailment needs my blood as a medicinal guide?* Xu Qi'an glanced at her, not responding immediately as he internally searched for a way to politely decline.

Blood in this world could be used for various purposes far beyond what it was used for in his previous life. The most memorable example for him was the curse-killing technique of the Sorcerer Sect.

Luo Yuheng seemed to anticipate his reaction and calmly added while taking a bite of rice, "It was Daoist Jinlian's suggestion."

Xu Qi'an nodded. "I need to confirm this."

Luo Yuheng inclined her head in agreement.

Xu Qi'an took out the Earth Book fragment right in front of her, about to send a message, but then he remembered that he was currently "dead" and couldn't speak.

At that moment, Luo Yuheng's gaze shifted to the doorway, and she said softly, "He's here."

Xu Qi'an turned his head and saw an orange cat squatting at the threshold, its amber eyes watching them intently.

"Daoist, how have you come here... wait, aren't you unable to enter the Imperial City?"

The orange cat, with its tail erect, walked gracefully and silently across the floor, jumping onto the table.

Xu Qi'an lightly swatted it away, saying, "We're eating. Watch out for cat hair."

The orange cat had no choice but to squat on the ground, looking up at them as it spoke in a warm tone, "After recovering from my injuries, I can enter the Imperial City freely now. But I still can't enter the palace."

*So Daoist Jinlian's power is even greater than I thought...* Xu Qi'an mused. He wasn't a novice anymore and knew that to sneak into the Imperial City without being detected, one would need at least the strength of the fourth rank.

Of course, this didn't apply to martial artists.

Due to the characteristics of the martial artist's system, even a first-rank martial artist couldn't silently infiltrate the Imperial City without being noticed; they'd likely be detected.

However, if it were a first-rank martial artist, they could probably solo the entire "Great Feng Capital" dungeon.

"What about the blood..." Although Xu Qi'an trusted Daoist Jinlian, he was still a bit hesitant.

This is like someone asking to use your computer. Even if it's a good friend or relative, you'd still feel reluctant. After all, who doesn't have a few hundred gigs of "wives" stored on their hard drive?

"We need to borrow the medicinal properties of the Rebirth Pill in your blood," Daoist Jinlian explained after glancing at Luo Yuheng and seeing no reaction from her. He continued, "The path of the Human Sect is fraught with difficulties, as you may have already understood to some extent. Daoist Luo suffers monthly from the burning of karmic fire, enduring the agony of the seven emotions and six desires. The Rebirth Pill can shed the old and bring forth the new, temporarily easing her symptoms."

Xu Qi'an nodded slowly and boldly commented, "No wonder I find the National Teacher to have an extraordinary charm."

If Daoist Jinlian weren't present, he would never have dared to make such a remark.

Daoist Jinlian responded with a smile, "The Dao of the Human Sect, when cultivated to a high level, reveals the appearance of all beings, allowing you to see the aspect you most desire in your heart... I'm referring to matters of love and affection."

As he spoke, the orange cat's face displayed a human-like smile. "What did you see?"

Luo Yuheng looked up at Xu Qi'an with an expressionless face.

Xu Qi'an's face suddenly froze.

This reaction... Daoist Jinlian was taken aback, then became interested and pressed, "It seems you were deeply affected."

*I thought I was into black stockings, mature women, elder sisters, and lolis. But in the end, I realised I was just a simple lecher... I've never felt so deeply about this realisation before...* Xu Qi'an forced a laugh and casually changed the subject, "Since Daoist Jinlian is acting as the intermediary, I'm naturally willing to do my part."

Luo Yuheng nodded in satisfaction and softly said, "If there's any pill you need, feel free to ask. Consider it compensation for your blood."

Daoist Jinlian spoke up before Xu Qi'an could, "No rush. Take your time to think. The favour of the head of the Human Sect is not something easily granted."

Luo Yuheng glanced at the orange cat with a hint of disdain.

Jingxiu Palace.

Lin'an, accompanied by her guards, arrived at her mother’s residence. She rushed into the room, her red dress fluttering as she called out, "Mother, Mother..."

Inside the room, Consort Chen was secretly wiping away her tears. When she saw her daughter running in, she quickly turned her face away to hide the tear stains.

The usually lively Lin'an suddenly became quiet. She walked slowly to Consort Chen's side and held her hand, a flash of concern crossing her enchanting peach blossom eyes.

"Mother, Brother Crown Prince will be fine. The innocent will clear themselves. Please don't cry."

Lately, her mood had been terrible—partly because of Xu Qi'an's death, and partly because of the Crown Prince’s predicament, which had caused Consort Chen to cry daily. As a daughter, it pained her to see her mother so despondent, but she felt powerless to help.

A maidservant standing beside them whispered, "In the past few days, some kings from the royal family came to see Madam. They said that the ministers outside are discussing the matter of establishing a new Crown Prince."

Hearing this, Lin'an's anger flared up. "Those short-sighted dogs, why would they tell Mother about this?"

She was so furious that she cursed her uncles as "dogs."

"Lin'an, don't speak nonsense." Consort Chen grasped her daughter's hand tightly, her expression sorrowful. "Your brother, the Crown Prince, was born of a concubine. Over the years, people have always said he ascended improperly. Maybe it’s better if he is deposed. At least then, we wouldn’t have to live in constant fear."

This statement ignited a fire in Lin'an's heart. She knew her mother was referring to that scheming mistress of the harem.

The head maid sighed, "If only the case could be thoroughly investigated and the truth revealed. But so many days have passed, and there’s been no progress."

The investigation had to be kept confidential, something Xu Qi'an had repeatedly emphasised to the two princesses. But now, seeing her mother growing more emaciated and her eyes red and swollen, Lin'an couldn’t hold back any longer. She blurted out, "Who said there’s been no progress? Xu Qi'an has already uncovered most of the truth."

Consort Chen’s eyes brightened, and she stared intently at her daughter. "Is it true? Has that Xu Qi'an really almost solved the case?"

In her excitement, she gripped Lin'an's hand tightly.

"Mother, you’re hurting me."

Since she had already spoken, Lin'an didn’t bother hiding anything anymore. "Mother, it was the Empress who framed Big Brother the Crown Prince. It must be her."

Consort Chen's face turned pale. "Lin'an, don’t speak such nonsense."

"Mother, don’t worry. Lin'an has solid evidence..." She then recounted the entire course of events to Consort Chen.

"So it was really her... If not for her unfaithfulness back then, how could His Majesty have demoted her to the Cold Palace, and how could my son have become Crown Prince?" Consort Chen broke down in tears. "His Majesty is so kind-hearted, remembering their old relationship and not deposing her completely. Yet she dares to scheme for the Crown Prince’s position again after all these years."

Consort Chen’s words struck Lin'an like a bolt of lightning.

What had she just heard?

The Empress was unfaithful? Her father intended to depose her?

When had this all happened? How did she not know?

Images of the Empress, with her gentle nature but perpetual lack of smiles, floated through Lin'an's mind. Although she resented the Empress for framing her big brother, deep down, Lin'an didn’t believe she was an unfaithful woman.

But after hearing this shocking news, many past details she hadn’t paid attention to suddenly made sense. For example, the Empress had always kept a low profile, rarely involving herself in palace affairs. Lin'an also realised that since she could remember, she had never seen the Empress smile. Additionally, the Empress had always been cold and indifferent toward Huaiqing and the Fourth Prince, showing none of the love that Consort Chen showed to her and the Crown Prince.

"Mother, what...what exactly happened? The Empress was unfaithful... Who was the man?" Lin'an gripped Consort Chen's hand tightly, burning with rage.

As the daughter most loved by the Emperor, it was natural for her to be furious upon hearing this news.

"Don’t... Don’t ask anymore..." Consort Chen realised she had misspoken and shook her head tearfully. "This is His Majesty’s taboo. You must not speak of it to anyone."


"I don't like owing favors. Sir Xu, just tell me directly what you want." Luo Yuheng was not inclined to go along with Daoist Jinlian’s plan.

_Auntie, I don't want to struggle anymore…_ Xu Qi'an screamed internally.

As for the reward, he couldn’t think of anything specific for the moment, so he couldn’t help but glance at the orange cat, seeking its advice.

The orange cat pondered for a long time before saying, "The Human Sect is renowned for its swordsmanship across the Nine Provinces. Perhaps a sword technique would make a good gift."

"But I use a sabre," Xu Qi'an reminded it.

"Who says sword techniques can’t be applied to a saber?" Daoist Jinlian responded with a chuckle.

*That’s true. As long as the essence of the technique is extracted, it can be applied to the sabre just the same. It’s like how I can combine One Blade from Heaven and Earth with the Lion's Roar to defeat enemies.*

Xu Qi'an slowly nodded.

Luo Yuheng raised her hand and lightly swept it across the table. Three thin booklets appeared on the table.

The National Master’s pleasant voice said, "I have three sword techniques here: _Heart Sword_, _Qi Sword_, and _Sword Control_.

"_Heart Sword_ requires the assistance of the Primordial Spirit for cultivation. The spirit is used as a whetstone for the sword, which must be sharpened daily without rest. It cannot cut the flesh, but it is deadly against the Primordial Spirit."

Hearing this, Xu Qi'an instinctively looked at the orange cat.

The orange cat hissed and extended its sharp claws, warning, "Sir Xu, don’t provoke me."

Xu Qi'an quickly looked away.

Luo Yuheng continued, "_Qi Sword_ is the opposite of _Heart Sword_. It is a top-tier offensive technique. When mastered, the sword energy is endless and invincible."

Xu Qi'an couldn’t help but ask, "A sword’s breath travels three thousand miles, a lone sword’s light chills the nine provinces?"

Luo Yuheng couldn’t help but glance at him, her beautiful eyes, as clear as a limpid autumn water, lingering on Xu Qi'an for a while. She praised, "It is said that Sir Xu's poetic talent is unparalleled, and it’s true. This line is full of grandeur and boundless imagery."

*That wasn’t my line. It was written by a famous writer who’s famous for filling manuscripts with water...*

"As for _Sword Control_..." Luo Yuheng waved her hand lightly. The doors and windows instantly flew open, and a sword light shot out from her sleeve, whistling as it danced above the courtyard.

It moved as swiftly as thunder and as gracefully as a fish.

Xu Qi'an marveled, "Sword Control is truly an immortal technique. In that case, I choose _Heart Sword_."

Luo Yuheng was taken aback for a moment but then nodded. "Alright."

Though _Sword Control_ was flashy and powerful, Xu Qi'an felt that _Heart Sword_ was more suitable for him.

The reason was simple: his One Blade from Heaven and Earth technique was an extremely extreme saber technique—nothing in the world could withstand it. If something could, then it was time to run for his life.

So, when he cultivated, his priority was not to add more techniques but to perfect One Blade from Heaven and Earth.

Or maybe after mastering the Lion's Roar, this belief had become even more firm.

He had control techniques and physical damage covered, but what he lacked now was an attack in the Primordial Spirit domain.

Luo Yuheng retracted the _Qi Sword_ and _Sword Control_ manuals and pushed the _Heart Sword_ manual toward him. "If you encounter any difficulties in your cultivation, you may come to Lingbao Temple to seek my guidance. I can offer you assistance three times."

"Thank you, National Teacher," Xu Qi'an thanked her sincerely.

Then, Luo Yuheng took out a jade bowl from her sleeve and pushed it to Xu Qi'an, holding it between her slender fingers.

The bowl wasn’t large, only about three times the size of a teacup. Xu Qi'an felt relieved; he had been worried it would be a large bowl like the one Xu Lingyin used to eat.

After obtaining the blood, Luo Yuheng hurried off to refine her elixir.

The quiet room was now left with just the orange cat and Xu Qi'an.

"Daoist, please help me block the others for a moment. I need to privately contact Li Miaozhen."

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Xu Qi'an planned to inform Number Two about his resurrection.

To this request, Daoist Jinlian simply responded, "Hehe."

"What’s the problem?" Xu Qi'an frowned.

"Li Miaozhen mentioned that she would come to the capital after the start of spring. Given the situation in Yunzhou, it would likely be after the bandit exterminations have finished. In any case, she’ll be here soon, why do you need to hurry?” Daoist Jinlian responded.

He was anticipating the moment when Li Miaozhen, after realising that Xu Qi’an had resurrected, would be so angry that she would go fight him instead, thus disrupting the battle between heaven and man and sorting out the conflict between the two sides.

“Indeed!” Xu Qi’an nodded.

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