
Chapter 253: Take a Door to the Face

# 253. Take a Door to the Face

"When I wanted to show my 'status' back then, I secretly took a piece of fabric from the Empress's palace..." As the Imperial Uncle spoke, his eyes shifted to the yellow silk cloth.

Xu Qi’an understood. So, the yellow silk that Huang Xiaorou had was obtained this way.

*However, many concubines in the palace likely had access to such material. Relying on just this piece of fabric wouldn't be strong enough evidence…* Just as Xu Qi’an was pondering this, he suddenly heard Huaiqing’s calm voice:

“Sir Xu was able to trace the clues from the autopsy to lock onto the Imperial Uncle. How much more likely is it that the mastermind, who already knew the inside story, would be able to do so?

"If my mother hadn't confessed, evidence would naturally emerge to help Sir Xu trace it back to the Imperial Uncle. Besides, with our Uncle's 'unbreakable resolve,' he'd surely confess everything after just one night in the Nightwatcher prison."

A cold smirk played on the corners of Huaiqing's mouth.

*She has a point. I was trapped in a fixed mindset. This bastard must have a lot of dirt on him. The key issue isn’t how much dirt he has but rather the Empress's decision...*

*Although he’s a useless fool, he’s still the only brother. If Erlang were constantly bullying and harassing women, would I save him if political enemies used him to attack me?*

In Xu Qi’an's mind, he imagined Xu Xinnian receiving a group of bodyguards, surrounding several young beauties, grinning lewdly as they were lead to him….

*What a beautiful scene... It's giving me goosebumps. Well, with Erlang's looks, he wouldn’t need to use force. There would be plenty of respectable women eager for him…* Xu Qi’an muttered internally.

"I want to see the Empress, I must see the Empress..." the Imperial Uncle, excited, lunged toward Huaiqing like a child who had made a mistake but hoped for someone to shield him.

"The Emperor can depose her if he wants, she doesn't care about him anyway. The Empress's position means nothing to her. But Huaiqing, I’m your only uncle."


Huaiqing, rarely angry, rebuked sharply, her tone fierce: "Father and Mother's love is not something you can slander!"

*Damn, what a talent! It’s not that he’s overly bold, but rather his sheer stupidity. He never thinks things through, always assuming someone will clean up his mess… Just like those reckless youths who believe they’re invincible.*

*In my time, he'd be labelled a man-child, someone who has never faced the harsh realities of life…* Xu Qi’an clicked his tongue twice in thought.

*The crucial thing is, while deceiving the Emperor and seducing palace maids is a thrill, this Duke is the only one daring enough to actually do it.*

*No matter whether the Empress is deposed or the Imperial Uncle faces punishment, it’s a family matter for the Emperor. It doesn’t really concern him.*

*So he can be very relaxed. At most, he’ll feel sorry for Huaiqing somewhat, but given Huaiqing’s loathing for her uncle, even if his head was chopped off I doubt wifey would be very upset about it.*

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Xu Qi’an's head. The Empress may not be able to truly punish her brother, but how could Duke Wei tolerate such an incompetent ally?

Even if the two families were old friends, with Duke Wei’s skill, keeping a scumbag in line and making him behave should be easy.

"Does Duke Wei know about this?" Xu Qi’an asked.

At this, Huaiqing immediately glanced at him, a thoughtful look crossing her face.

"Wei Yuan?"

Just moments ago, the Imperial Uncle had been panicking and helpless, but now his expression turned vicious and angry. He sneered, "Yes, it must be Wei Yuan behind all of this. It has to be him.

"He killed my father, and now he’s after me. That heartless bastard deserves to die without an heir."

Xu Qi’an’s small mind suddenly filled with big questions. Before entering the estate, Huaiqing had told him that the Wei family and the Shangguan family were old friends.

But judging from the Imperial Uncle’s attitude, they seemed more like mortal enemies than family friends.

Xu Qi’an immediately turned to Huaiqing. She furrowed her brow, clearly just as perplexed by the Imperial Uncle’s words and unsure of the underlying truth.

Clearing his throat, Xu Qi’an took the initiative to ask, "What do you mean? Why would Wei Yuan want to harm you?"

the Imperial Uncle shot him a glance and chuckled coldly, "Do you dare to listen? Do you know what Wei Yuan did all those years ago…"


Before the Imperial Uncle could finish, Xu Qi’an slapped him, cutting him off.

"Enough, I don’t want to hear it. Right now, I only want to take you back to the Nightwatcher constabulary," Xu Qi’an said as he glanced at Huaiqing, seeking her approval.

Princess Huaiqing nodded and said, "Take him away."

"Huaiqing, Huaiqing, you can’t treat me like this... I’m the only son of the Shangguan family. Your mother wouldn’t allow you to do this..."

Xu Qi’an dragged the Imperial Uncle out of the estate. Following Huaiqing’s orders, the Imperial Uncle was handed over to a few guards, who escorted him to the Nightwatcher constabulary.

As Xu Qi’an mounted his horse, Huaiqing opened the window of her carriage and called out in her cold voice, "Sir Xu, why not ride with us?"

*Oh no, this isn’t appropriate. A man and woman, alone together, sharing a carriage? I’ve never even ridden with my younger sister or my aunt…* Xu Qi’an quickly dismounted and climbed into the luxurious gold thread and zhennan wood carriage.

With a crack of the whip, the coachman urged the two horses forward, and they galloped swiftly and steadily away from the Shangguan estate, heading toward the imperial city.

Inside the carriage, soft woollen carpets covered the floor. At the far end was a couch, draped with azure *kui*-patterned cushions, two large chairs, and a fixed tea table.

The eldest princess retrieved some tea leaves from a wooden cabinet beneath the table, lit some smokeless “beastmetal” charcoal, and began brewing tea. "Does Sir Xu have any suggestions?" she asked.

*This is like the ancient version of a limousine… This carriage alone must be worth thousands of taels of silver…* Xu Qi’an mused inwardly, then responded thoughtfully, "Your Highness surely has an idea already."

Huaiqing nodded slowly. "I have never liked Imperial Uncle. Since this matter started with him, it should end with him."

The unspoken message was clear: she was prepared to hand over the Imperial Uncle.

"But even so, the Empress is still guilty of shielding him." Xu Qi'an frowned.

This matter could be either serious or trivial. If Emperor Yuanjing were magnanimous and forgiving, a small punishment would suffice, and there would be no need to depose the Empress. On the other hand, Yuanjing could use this as a pretext to depose her, as the crime was sufficient.

From what Xu Qi'an knew of Emperor Yuanjing, he was possessive and power-hungry. People like him were deep thinkers but couldn't tolerate any blemish.

"Who said my mother shielded him? It was the Imperial Uncle who, after learning about Consort Fu's case, realised his misdeeds were about to be exposed. He then sent people to desperately plead with my mother. Out of familial ties, though she despised Uncle's disgraceful behaviour that brought chaos to the inner palace, she still chose to take the blame for him."

Princess Huaiqing’s expression and tone were as calm as ever, her face practically reading, "Yes, that’s exactly what happened."

Xu Qi’an sighed inwardly. "Your highness has a point."

*Damn, if I married a woman like this, it would be nearly impossible to cheat or be unfaithful.*

"We are quite curious about what the Imperial Uncle was going to say before Sir Xu interrupted him. Why did you stop him?" The Princess asked casually.

Xu Qi’an calmly examined Huaiqing’s exquisitely carved features. "What was the Imperial Uncle about to say? I have no idea, Your Highness. If you're curious, I could interrogate him for you later."

He had intentionally interrupted the Duke earlier because the matter involved Wei Yuan.

For Xu Qi’an, there were two things he should avoid. The first was palace secrets, which needed no further explanation. The second was anything related to Wei Yuan’s secrets. As Wei Yuan was his superior and his biggest backer, if Xu wanted to keep his footing in the capital, he had to maintain a good relationship with him.

Thus, any secrets regarding Wei Yuan were things Xu Qi’an shouldn't know about—unless Wei Yuan told him personally.

Huaiqing smiled lightly and shifted the topic. "Sir Xu need not worry about the Empress. Duke Wei will handle it. What you need to do is find the mastermind behind all this. Do you have any thoughts?"

Xu Qi’an furrowed his brow, staring at the purple clay teapot being licked by the blue-red flames, silent for a long time.


Nightwatcher Constabulary, the Tower of Noble Spirit.

A black-clad official entered the tea room and respectfully said, "Duke Wei, Princess Huaiqing’s guards have brought the Imperial Uncle to the constabulary. The Imperial Uncle is clamouring to see you."

Without looking up from the memorial he was reading, Wei Yuan responded indifferently, "There’s no need to meet a dead man. Notify Gold Gong Nangong and have him take good care of the Imperial Uncle."

After the official withdrew, Wei Yuan closed the memorial and slowly paced to the observation deck, his deep and weathered gaze fixed on the distant imperial palace.


Back at the imperial palace, Princess Huaiqing headed straight for Fengqi Palace.

Xu Qi’an, intending to continue investigating the names on the list, called for a young eunuch to assist him.

Following the list, tracking the clues one by one, he hit a snag when he reached the last person.

It was a palace maid from Jingxiu Palace.

"Sister Lang’er is currently attending to the Noble Consort. Sir Xu should return later," the gatekeeping eunuch blocked Xu Qi’an.

Xu Qi’an glanced at the sky and spoke kindly, "When would be a good time for me to come back, then?"

The eunuch responded coldly, "Who knows, maybe tomorrow."

"The case is urgent, and I can’t afford such delays. I just need to ask a few quick questions. It’ll only take a moment."

Xu Qi’an pulled out a banknote for five taels of silver and handed it over. The eunuch took the money, turned around, went inside—and never came back.

"How dare he!" The young eunuch accompanying Xu Qi’an was outraged and angrily said, "Sir Xu, that running dog is toying with you."

"If I forced my way in, what would happen?" Xu Qi’an asked, expressionless.

"Oh no, you mustn't!" The young eunuch quickly stopped him, urging, "Breaking into a consort’s chambers is a serious crime."

Xu Qi’an nodded, then turned to leave.

The young eunuch hurried after him and said, "Might as well give up. It’s getting late. Sir, you should head back."

"No, I’m going to see Her Majesty Princess Lin’an for reimbursement."

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