Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 96 - Real spirit

The face of Qinglao’s face is rarely a smile: “My idea is that you clearly worship a master who can compete with the East, and then, if the East wins you, you will have a new Master’s help. Plus my secret lining, I am afraid that he won’t win in the East?”

Sun Hao thought, should you be so troublesome? Sun Hao had long known that Qing Muzong had two foundation-based monks, Qingla and Xu Zong, who thought that it would be easy to get this thing out of the old age. I didn’t expect the old man to turn around and make such a way.

At this time, Qinglao has said with great enthusiasm: “Just do it, right, the small Yuzi of the Fufutang is very good, how about the second-level mages, how do you need me to help you give him a message? Let him collect you For pro-pass?”

Sun Hao’s face appeared strange, and he immediately knew that the young man in the old man’s mouth should be Yu Changming. He was admired for this tactical teacher, Sun Hao, and this instructor was also impressed by Sun Hao. Yes, I used to make Sun Hao refining the fourth floor and looking for him, and let him have a kiss.

This Master is not aware of this matter, right?

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said honestly: “The last time the disciples were in class, they had contact with Yu Chang, and the elders had asked the disciples to refining the fourth floor and then went to him and asked me to pass a kiss.”

The old man was stunned. He really didn’t know. Immediately, he quickly said in his mouth: “That is good, I am free from this.”

This matter was fixed, and then the old man and Sun Hao turned their heads and turned to Sun Hao’s harvest in this battle. When I learned that Sun Haoxiu could immediately upgrade to the sixth floor of the refining, the satisfaction of the old and the old was gratifying. Sun Hao took the opportunity to ask some questions from Qinglao to practice, and Qinglao was very careful about this and patiently and meticulously answered them one by one.

Even the childpower that listens to one side is greatly benefited.

Since Tong Li is so close to Sun Hao, the old man is generous and free, and he does not evade the childpower. The monks are alive, and there are rare like-minded clans. There is no need to let them be guilty.

After consulting the questions on cultivation, Sun Hao thought about it before he got up and said, God read a move, took out the jade box containing the spirit and grass from the storage bag, and handed it to the old man: “Master, This is the spiritual thing that the disciple found in the Fire Frog Swamp. Master sees if this is useful for your practice.”

This spirit Sun Hao himself did not know, and did not know how to use it. Master helped him a lot. It was better to give it to Master than to put it on.

Spirit? for myself?

Qingla is another one who never thought.

Qingla knows that Sun Hao is fighting for this spirit and fighting with Yu Kunlong. The situation can be said to be extremely thrilling. Although Sun Hao talked about spiritual things, but did not think of the old man, Sun Hao actually put This thousand spirits and hardships are honored to you. This disciple, he really has no white pain. Shang Zhiqing, Shang Qing, see how wise you are in your choice.

The face still remained silent, and the old man took the jade box firmly and firmly, resisting the old tears that came out of the pre-existing, and said plainly in his mouth: “Well, then I will come to see what this spiritual thing is?” ”

Slowly open the jade box. At this time, the grass lying quietly in the jade box is no longer an unremarkable look. The body of the fire red grass, as if there is a flame in the flow, the whole spirit grass lying in the jade box seems to be a dragon that wants to take off, lifelike.

“Well?” Qingla carefully looked at Lingcao. After half a ring, he said to himself a little puzzled: “Is this thing actually? No, how can this kind of thing appear in the fire frog swamp? No reason, no reason. Ah! What went wrong?”

Master seems to recognize this spirit grass.

However, Master seems to think that this spirit grass should not appear in the fire frog swamp. Sun Hao suddenly became curious and asked: “Master, is there any problem with this spirit?”

“Yeah!” Qinglao quickly replied: “This should be a dragon’s grass, but…”, the old man took the dragon’s grass in the palm of his hand, and left to look at the right, this said: “According to the truth This dragon grass does not appear in the fire frog swamp, and the color of this dragon grass does not seem to be the opposite. Oh, I understand, this is not the dragon grass, this is just the pseudo dragon grass.”

Dragon grass? Pseudo-long grass?

Sun Hao had not read it in the collection before, and sure enough, there is no end to learning.

I know that Sun Hao may not know the dragon grass, and the old man holds the spirit in his hand and slowly explains: “The dragon is the top creature in the legend of the Tianling continent. It is said that the young dragon can be repaired in adulthood. The dragon grass, according to legend, is the fire of the dragon, and the birth of the grass has been born for a long time, and your spirit grass is far less mature than the dragon grass. According to my analysis, this is only a pseudo. The dragon grass, the so-called pseudo-dragon grass, is also the pseudo-dragon, the pseudo-fire is the fire grass that the dragon descendants gave birth to. The value of this fire grass is far less than that of the dragon grass, but it is also a must, you The grade is not high, but it should have special effects.”

“Master”, Sun Hao said a bit strangely: “What do you mean, this spirit grass is the gold line fire frog king gave birth to?”

“Good”, the old man refers to the three-grass body on the grass: “This spirit grass has three thousand years, just like you said the golden line of the fire frog king three thousand years of repair, it is said that this swamp fire frog Actually, it is a close relative of Yanlong. Is there a blood in the dragon?”

Said here, Qinglao shook his head again: “No, if the fire frog really has the blood of the dragon, then the repair of the fire frog should not be so low”, the dragon spirit beast, even if it is a pseudo-dragon, the king-level spirit beast No one is less than the Jindan period, this gold line fire frog king is good, only the refining gas is perfect, how to see how it is not like a pseudo-dragon.

When I heard the words of Qinglao, Sun Hao suddenly remembered the strange blood, so he turned the drip from the storage bag and handed it to the old man: “Master, look at this blood.” The Golden Line Fire Frog King spits out four drops of blood. This drop is very different. You see if there is any abnormality.”

Curiously took the jade bottle, and the old man observed it. One hand slammed the thigh: “It turns out that it is, so it is very good to explain…”

Immediately, the old man asked Sun Hao to collect the pseudo-dragon grass and the blood, which gave Sun Hao a detailed explanation of the reasons.

According to the prediction of Qinglao, the strange blood of Sun Hao’s hand should be the blood of an adult dragon. I don’t know why, because of the reason, it was scattered in the fire frog swamp. The chance was swallowed by the Golden Line Fire Frog King. Trying to refine, the Golden Line Fire Frog King has undergone a change, from the ordinary tree frog to the spirit beast, and because this drop of the Golden Line Fire Frog King can not be completely refining, so its repair is always high No, but by chance, it gave birth to a pseudo-ragon grass.

In contrast, Qinglao feels that the value of this drop of dragon blood in Sun Hao’s hands is more on the pseudo-dragon grass: “The book records that high-order spirits have blood heritage, and blood is often brought There are mysterious ethnic secrets, dragons, which are ancient races from ancient times. They may have unusual inheritance in their blood. Others may not be able to inherit the blood, but Sun Hao is different, Sun Hao You are living in the same five-wheeled spirits that have been passed down for a long time. They have been refining the same kind of fire frogs. Once you have successfully rotated the roots, you are likely to have a chance to get some chances of Yanlong… ”

Sun Hao heard the words, the spirit is one of the vibrations.

Unexpectedly, the real spirit of the fire frog swamp is actually this unremarkable blood.

Sun Hao’s five-wheeled Lingbi has two ways of rotating the roots. One is Sun Hao’s current practice. It relies on a massive fire frog to turn into a fire root, and the other is a high-order rotation. The blood of the beast forms the root of the fire. Sun Hao did not think that he struggled for many years in the Frog Swamp. In the end, he actually got a drop of Yanlong blood, which is not a general high-order beast! This time, Sun Hao is a little hilarious. He has carried out two ways at the same time. It can be expected that the fire roots that he has made this rotation should not be too bad.

Moreover, Qinglao feels that although the value of pseudo-dragon grass is not too high, but the practicality is not bad: “Sun Hao, for you, this pseudo-long grass is also a rare treasure.”

“Master,” Sun Hao asked in confusion: “Is this pseudo-dragon grass not useful to you?”

Qinglao nodded and said patiently: “This pseudo-rabbit grass is strictly speaking, it is only a first-order spirit grass, because the gold line fire frog king itself is only a refining gas repair, you say, a refining spirit What effect does Grass have on Master?”

This is a half-truth, and this kind of spirit grass is not high or false, but it still has a great help to the old. However, Qing Lao feels that this kind of grass should be used by this disciple, so that the use of its value is more sufficient.

“This pseudo-rabbit grass has the role of strengthening the knowledge of the gods”, Qingla taught Sun Hao the experience: “For Sun Hao, you are currently refining the gas, and the mind is still No use is transformed into gods, but if you can take and refine this grass, then, the old man said with deep meaning: “Sun Hao, you are likely to give birth to the gods during the refining period.”

God read? God know?

To be honest, Sun Hao’s difference between the two is not particularly clear. It is important to know that Sun Hao has just rehabilitated it in the medium term.

The old man’s face was calm, and he thought that Sun Hao’s kid didn’t know the great use of God’s knowledge. This made him have to go and explore it later. I hope that he will not be too surprised when he is, hahaha, I also I want to see what a freak that can be recognized by a refining period.

“However,” Qing Lao reminded Sun Hao: “Refining this pseudo-rabbit grass, it is best to use it after the rotation of the five elements to produce Huo Linggen, so that its absorption and utilization is more thorough.”

Sun Hao nodded and said that he understood.

Qingla’s big hand waved and let Sun Hao go out. On the occasion of Sun Hao’s going out, the voice of Qinglao was heard: “In the last two or three years, the two elders of Danfangtang are preparing to retreat and build a foundation. You are fine. Go to harass them…”

Upon hearing this, Sun Hao is both reassuring and worried. The peace of mind is that in the near future, he does not have to fear the revenge of the Eastern elders. The worry is that after two years, the elders of the East really built the foundation. What should they do?

However, there are still two years, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and then look at the situation.

Now Sun Hao, a lot of things are waiting to be dealt with, no time to worry about this.

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