Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3541

Chapter 3535: Definitely will do it

After Changhe Sunset, Zhiyue, and June Feixue went to rest, Samadhi’s words changed directly. She was sure that the heroes of the Heavenly War would take action against the Misty Pavilion. The reason why he said that those were just to appease the Changhe Sunset and made him feel relieved. , And after Othello asked why, she directly gave a reason—the Yeyu family would definitely take action on the Miaomiao Pavilion.

Think about it too, at this time everyone has determined that the Yeyu family and the Yangtze River Group, which is close to the Yeyu family, will become the shareholders of the heroes of the future, so it will naturally have a certain impact on it and even the decision-making power. The heroes of the heavenly war will naturally take action on the misty pavilion.

“Ye Yu Fei Fei is a very ambitious person, I know very well, but she is also an extremely smart person. Once I see that we can easily defeat the Dongfang Family and other gangs, I am afraid that she will not act on us rashly, especially watching In the case of hitting the stone with the pebbles.” Black and White Chess said, while looking at everyone: “And at present, the strength of our Misty Pavilion is improving very quickly, and there is still a good chance of defeating the Dongfang Family and other gangs. Can you kill people without fighting?”

“It is not easy to defeat the gangs such as the Dongfang Family.” Ye Luo shook his head. Seeing the puzzled look of Othello and Breaking the Waves, he continued: “Don’t say that you will stand firmly in the Dongfang Family in the future. There are many gangs that Bian has turned against us, and their overall strength is very strong. Just say that the first time we will confront the Dongfang Family and other gangs, I am afraid that the Yeyu Family will help them…”

“Impossible, Ye Yu Feifei is a smart person. She can’t stand directly on the opposite side of us when the situation is unknown.” Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Ye Luo’s words, and she had a pretty face when she said this. Full of doubt.

“Of course, Ye Yu Fei Fei will not stand on the opposite side of us when the situation is unknown, but with her ambition, she will definitely do it in the dark. It is not necessarily that some strangers will be sent to us in secret, but she will definitely support the Dongfang family and so on. Gangs, for example, they fund some killer items such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and these things greatly affect the outcome of the battle.” Samadhi Shi explained on her behalf. When she said these, her tone was extremely determined: “Ye Yu Fei is An ambitious and smart person, she knows that the gangs such as the Eastern family will be at a disadvantage to a large extent, so they will surely support them secretly, so that even if the gangs such as the Eastern family cannot defeat us, it can also greatly weaken us. In this way, the Yeyu family can replace us as the first gang in the Chinese server.”

“Yes.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently: “Because Ye Yu Fei Fei’s goal from the beginning is to become the first gang in the service, and at this time we occupy this throne, so her goal at the beginning is us, in order to have as much as possible If the opportunity to replace us, she will naturally help the Dongfang Family and other gangs as much as possible, and even if circumstances permit, they will join forces with the Dongfang Family and other gangs.”

“Judging from Ye Yu Fei Fei’s courage and ambition, she can do such a thing.” Fireworks Yi Leng added.

After such a long period of time, they have also understood Yeyufeifei’s ambitions, and they also know that the latter is very likely. No, it must be aided to a certain extent to the Eastern Family and other gangs so that the strength of the Misty Pavilion will be greatly reduced. Because they have an antagonism with Miao Miao Ge, but just because Miao Miao Ge is the first gang in the Chinese server-if it is the other gang is the first gang in the Chinese server, Ye Yu Fei will also take action against it.

“We would have had a lot of pressure on the powerful gangs such as the Shangdongfang family, the Ouyang family, the Yinian family, and the Heavenly Slaughter organization. If we add the support from the Yeyu family, we will eventually defeat these gangs. There will also be greater consumption and casualties. Maybe it will really give the Yeyu family a chance to replace us.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, after a short pause, she continued: “By the way, now there is one more hero of the Heavenly War, after all. Ye Yu Fei Fei can influence the decision-making of the heroes of Heavenly War to a certain extent.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: “What’s more, Damo Guyan’s ambition is not much smaller than that of Ye Yufei. Maybe he wants to replace us. The two hit it off, so we have more opportunities to do it.”

“Yes, it’s really possible.” Black and white, she frowned when she said this: “Then what are we going to do? At the same time, facing so many gangs, we are under too much pressure, even we really have possible……”

Although Othello did not continue, everyone already understood what she was going to say. Thinking of the situation that she would face in the future, for a while, even if she was breaking the waves and riding the wind, her expression became a little dignified. Of course, there were some worries that the river sunset was caught between the misty pavilion. It is difficult to choose between the desert and solitary smoke.

Think about it too. Although the Misty Pavilion is very powerful, and its strength is firmly in the throne of the first gang in the middle service and even the heavenly robbery, but the Eastern family, the Ouyang family, the Yinian family, the Yeyu family, and the heroes of the sky are all the top ten gangs, and there are also There are relatively high rankings, coupled with an assassin-based genocide organization, facing so many enemies, the pressure of the misty pavilion is naturally great.

“It’s actually very easy to solve.” Suddenly Ye Luo said, seeing the doubts of everyone, he continued: “We can form an elite team to attack and consume their gang resident. I believe that not many players can intercept us in the future. If we can’t help it, we can only watch us destroy and even occupy their gangs. Of course, we still need to consume them as much as possible before that. They will naturally be unable to compete with us. .”

“And in the process of consumption, we believe that many enemies will be killed by us, and this can further weaken their strength.” Ye Luo added.

If you think about it, it’s no surprise that the confrontation with the Dongfang Family and other gangs and even the big fight must have been after the end of the national war, and at this time Ye Luo must have been 360 level 9th, [Blade of Reincarnation] was upgraded and then merged with [Ghanjiang]. In addition, all the spiritual weapons on his body have been upgraded and the points are used to exchange for a national weapon. At this time, he is almost invincible. It is no exaggeration to say that even the East Killing Sky, the Great Desert Guyan and others have joined forces. It is not necessarily able to resolve his harassment and sneak attacks on the gang’s premises, not to mention that they will help him in the future. Even the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Shinhwa will not be able to resolve the harassment of Ye Luo and the others. , Expenditure tactics, not to mention the people of Eastern Killing Sky, Damo Guyan, etc. After all, except for the Eastern Killing Sky, the strength of the other people, including the Great Desert Guyan, has some gaps with the dark night and Tokyo myths.

Since Ye Luo’s harassment cannot be resolved, he will naturally destroy multiple defense equipment and even kill a lot of people. Aristocratic families and other gangs caused a great blow.

“Yes, this is a very good idea.” The book echoed in the middle of the night. When he said this, he looked a little excited: “We can even form a hunting team to carry out assassination operations against the Dongfang Family and other gangs. Hey, we The cooperation of these people, especially the use of [Chaos Arrow], not surprisingly, even if the East Killing Heaven is not necessarily able to deal with our sneak attack.”

“Once we have hunted down some super masters and exploded some national weapons, then these gangs will not be a cause for concern.” Midnight Shu added: “Next, we really have the strength to forcibly occupy the gangs of these gangs. The resident.”

“The gang resident is the economic lifeline of a gang. Once the income is gone, the gang members are likely to withdraw directly, so they will naturally collapse.” Samadhi Shi took the stubbornly, and then she chuckled, “That said. It’s not too difficult to deal with gangs such as the Eastern Family.”

“But what if they make the move first?” Suddenly, he said while looking at everyone: “For example, the Dongfang Family and other gangs concentrated their superior forces on our gang station. It is several times our enemy, especially No one knows how many killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] will be in the hands of Eastern Killing in the future. Maybe they can actually capture our gang site directly, and once the gang site is occupied, it will be a big blow to us.”

Hearing this, everyone frowned slightly, because they also realized this possibility.

“Ye Yu Fei Fei and Eastern Stars are smart people, and they also know that procrastinating time is extremely detrimental to them, so it is really possible to concentrate on one and complete the effort.” Midnight Shu said in a deep voice: “If this is the case, we are really serious. Will face a lot of trouble.”

“No, with the courage of the Eastern Stars and others, he will definitely focus his efforts directly.” Midnight Shu added. When he said this, he looked at Ye Luo and the fireworks were easy to get cold, which was self-evident.

“Hey, if it were before, we were really worried about this problem, but it shouldn’t be too big a problem now.” Suddenly breaking the waves and riding the wind, ignoring the doubts of everyone, she continued: “Hey, as long as our gang station is not affected. Destroy them all, then we will not be destroyed. Then we can have fun with them, just like Ye Luo and Xiaoshu’s tactics against them, they will definitely be defeated in the long run.”

“And we have 3 gang sites, and they are all level 5 gang sites. Among them, Tianxia City and Wushuang City are dual-channel city walls. In addition to the gang sites, powerful city guards have been installed, such as the Eastern Family. It is almost impossible for the strength of the gang to capture our three gang sites one after another.” Po Lang Chengfeng added, and her tone was filled with strong confidence when she spoke.

“That’s right, especially Wushuang City. This gang resident is surrounded by water on three sides, which can stop the enemy’s siege to a certain extent, and this also increases the difficulty of occupying it.” Samadhi Shi took the sentence: “At least the gangs such as the Dongfang Family will think. It is almost impossible to capture our three gang sites one after another.”

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