Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3593

Chapter 3587: Retreat

Whether the super gang site can be successfully constructed and then built to a higher level is related to whether the Japanese server alliance will have a final shelter in the future, and this is a very important thing, so how to use the [Super City Heart] is very important.

Now that Tokyo Shinhwa had already discussed where to build the super gang resident, the next step was naturally to discuss how to build it.

Everyone also realized that it was very important whether the super gang resident was successfully constructed, and then they began to ponder if it was successfully constructed. Twilight was the first to think of a way. He looked at everyone and said: “[Super City Heart] Only One is very important, so I suggest building a number of ordinary gang sites on the periphery first, and then building a super city after these ordinary sites have reached a certain level.”

“Yes, this is the safest way.” The foot of Mount Fuji took the stubbornly: “There is no need to build the ordinary gang resident to be too advanced, only level 3 is enough, because you and I know that we can build it to level 3. Arranged for manual teleportation to the gang site. At this time, all of our servers are nominally allies, and mobilizing the army to guard can cause great resistance to the alliance of the Chinese server. After all, even the level 3 gang site is relying on the gang site and defending the city. With the advantage of the eight-winged fallen angel NPC, we must be able to cause great casualties and consumption to the alliance of the Chinese server, not to mention that we have a larger number of advantages than in the US server.”

When it was in the US server before, the US server was only nominally allies with the Japanese server, and not with other servers. This prevented people from other servers from entering the gang sites or teleporting players through the teleportation arrays of these gang sites. In addition, they will take into account the defense equipment on the gang’s station and the allies to cause “no injury”, so they can’t perform their combat power perfectly.

But now it’s different. All servers of the Japanese server alliance are nominal allies, so they can maximize the overall strength of their alliance, at least compared to the previous combat power they used in the US server. Be strong.

Hearing that, everyone was deeply convinced, and after a short pause, the red Fengye continued: “Yes, now that we can exert a stronger combat power, we will definitely be able to cause greater casualties and consumption to the Chinese server alliance. What’s more, when the US server was in the US server, the Chinese server alliance had already suffered a lot of casualties and consumption. The special consumption of [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassins were twice as many as ours. Now they have not slowed down. Once we build some common gang sites, they will not be able to attack at all.”

“Even if they come to attack, we will definitely cause them to have more casualties and consumption.” Emperor Yingge said coldly, and when she said these, her tone was faintly excited: “I even want them to attack. Because we can exert greater combat power, this will definitely cause more casualties and consumption to the Chinese server alliance. Hey, this time they may not be able to occupy our gang site again.”

“Even if they occupy our gang site, what about it, because we can exert a stronger combat power and the consumption and casualties of the Chinese server alliance will be greater than last time. The most important thing is according to the introduction of [Super City Heart]. It’s just that the newly constructed gang station is also stronger than the ordinary level 3 gang station in terms of overall attributes. Hey, in the end, our concentrated defense will definitely be able to withstand the attack of the Chinese server alliance, and this will surely cause more casualties. And consumption.” Emperor Yingge added: “Maybe we can exhaust the advantages created by the alliance of China for so long in one fell swoop, which means that we can reverse the situation, so there is no need to worry about the war between our alliance and the country. It ended with defeat.”

Emperor Yingge’s words were echoed by many people, and they all agreed. Then some of them put forward some very good suggestions. For example, in order to attract the attention of the Chinese server alliance, they can increase it. The intensity of the harassment and assassination of the Chinese server alliance, so that they can more smoothly build those ordinary gang resident and even super gang resident.

There was no objection to such a proposal, and this matter was set in this way, and then naturally began to act.

Of course, the first action was the elite assassins of the Japanese server alliance. Of course, there are also super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. They sneaked into the Chinese server alliance relay and increased the strength of the sneak attack, and this really attracted many Chinese server parties. The attention of the alliance, of course, also caused greater casualties to the China-servicing alliance through this method.

It is worth mentioning that in the US server, the alliance of the service party had a greater consumption and casualties, and morale was more or less lowered. The most important thing is that the players of the alliance of the day service are more confident, so they act. They are also a lot bolder, especially when they think that the purpose of their actions this time is to attract the attention of the Chinese server alliance, and for these they even do not hesitate to use big tricks and even use [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items, plus Super masters such as Shang Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also participated. This caused a lot of trouble to the Chinese server alliance and attracted more attention. In desperation, the Chinese server alliance had to transfer some assassins back to their respective servers. Defense.

At the same time, the players of the Australian server have also taken action. They have begun to build gang resident at the border with India server and Southeast Asian server. Of course, they will build ordinary gang resident according to the previous discussion, which is more secure.

Because it is an ordinary gang resident, and it only needs to be built to level 3, and the Australian server has sent a large number of players to do it, it is not difficult to build some, and it does not take much time. Raising it to level 3, the most important thing is that it has not been discovered by anyone from the Chinese server alliance before.

In fact, the most important thing is that it is the ancient battlefield, which is inaccessible. After all, both assassins and space players are used to directly teleporting through the teleport points left before, and they will never shuttle past the ancient battlefield. Such players in the Australian server The construction of the gang resident was concealed from the people of the China Service Alliance.

It’s worth mentioning that this time the Australian server has built 8 ordinary gang sites like the previous US server. It took 3 or 4 days to build all of these gang sites to level 3. Although it was a waste of some time, look at After the formation of the resident Japanese service alliance, people feel it is worth it, especially thinking that they can build a super gang resident in the future. At this time, even if the people of the Chinese service alliance find that they are building a super gang resident, don’t worry. What’s wrong, because the normal gang sites on the periphery have been successfully constructed, the Chinese server alliance wants to prevent people from the Japanese server alliance from building a super gang site. At least two general gang sites need to be captured, and this will make the Chinese server alliance more competitive. Great attrition and casualties.

As the Tokyo Mythology said before, because at this time they can more perfectly display their combat power, so the Chinese server alliance to attack the casualties and consumption must be greater than the previous time in the US server, and at this time The [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassins that have been hoarded by the alliance of one side have the overall strength and may not be able to attack them.

Even if it is attacked, the overall attributes of the newly built super gang station are more than that of the level 3 ordinary gang station. At this time, the people of the Japanese server alliance must fully defend, so the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly need more to destroy and occupy here. There are heavy casualties and consumption, and they can hardly take this place anymore when there are already large consumption casualties.

After thinking of this, the people from the Japanese server alliance began to build a super gang station with confidence. Of course, they mobilized sufficient manpower for safety, and these people are not only involved in the construction of the gang station, but also mostly settled in the surrounding ordinary stations to do a good job. It is ready to respond to the attack by the Chinese server alliance at any time.

After doing this, the people of the Japanese server side alliance are somewhat expecting that this place will be discovered by the Chinese server side alliance, because they can use these gang sites to once again hit the Chinese server side alliance. The most important thing is that they still have full confidence. Can hold the super city.

Once the Chinese server alliance has greater casualties and consumption, so they can only watch the people of the Japanese server alliance continue to build the super gang station, and as long as the level of this station is raised, then even if the Chinese server alliance resumes before I’m afraid that the consumption and strength of the super gang can no longer be captured. After all, even if the super gang resident is only built to level 3, the overall attributes are stronger than the ordinary gang resident at level 5.

Of course, the players of the Japanese server alliance also hope that they will be discovered by the people of the Chinese server alliance after raising the super gang site to a certain level, so that they can hold on more confidently. Fortunately, there are no people from the Chinese server alliance at this time. It was discovered that in this way they could continue to build the gang resident.

Although the construction of a super gang site requires more various resources than ordinary gang sites, several times more, but people from multiple servers can participate together, and servers such as Japanese servers also mobilize relatively sufficient manpower. It is not too difficult to raise the level of the super gang resident in this way. At present, it takes only one or two days to upgrade to level 2.

After the super gang resident is upgraded to level 2, the overall attributes are stronger than that of the ordinary gang resident at level 4. Coupled with the 8 ordinary gang resident in the periphery, this is enough to cause greater resistance to the alliance of the Chinese server.

“Hey, the super gang station has been built. Although it is only level 1, the overall attributes are already stronger than the ordinary level 3 gang station. The most important thing is that we only need more than 1 day to raise it to 2. Level, such an overall attribute goes further, and once so, even if the people from the Chinese service party alliance attack with all their strength, they may not be able to take it.” The Emperor’s spear was quite exciting and authentic.

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