Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3597

Chapter 3591: The most important thing

Because they did not find that there were a lot of top-notch mounts in the Japanese server alliance, people in the major servers of the Chinese server alliance believed that the Australian server suddenly built so many gang sites but it was just a reapplication of tricks and then used it to lure and then consume it. Those who served the alliance, after all, originally prevented the Japanese alliance players from taming the [Bloodthirsty Lion] in the US, which caused great consumption and casualties for the Chinese alliance.

In addition, in the hearts of the Chinese server alliance players, only by using this method can the Japanese server alliance have the opportunity to greatly consume the Chinese server alliance and then reverse the situation on both sides. When thinking of these, they even believe that this is the Japanese server alliance. The technique is repeated.

Of course, the most important thing is because the last time the US server prevented the Japanese server from taming the [Bloodthirsty Lion], the major servers of the Chinese server alliance had greater consumption and casualties. They did not want to launch such an attack again. That’s it.

“Well, is it possible that the enemy alliance was worried about being harassed by us knowing in advance, so they didn’t tame the mount for the first time, but planned to start tame the mount after the gang station was built to a certain extent?” Suddenly Dongfang Mingzhu said, As she spoke, she looked at everyone: “After all, this is more secure for the enemy alliance, so that they can always tame the mount, and if this is the case, the situation is a bit more complicated for us, because if we If they don’t attack, then they can always tame the top mounts. Once the superiority on the mounts far surpasses us, then the situation on both sides may also be reversed.”

Seeing that the expressions of the people became serious, she continued: “In addition, in the hearts of the enemy alliance, even if we attack them now, we can use those gang sites to cause us greater casualties and consumption, and this is for them. It is beneficial and harmless, so they are more likely not to tame the mount first, so as to hide it from us.”

In fact, Pearl of the Orient says that these are the instructions behind the stars of the Orient, and the reason for this is that it is natural to hope that the Chinese server alliance will launch an attack on the enemy alliance, because only in this way can the Misty Pavilion be further consumed and injured, and this is the only way for the East in the future. Aristocratic families and other gangs will have a greater chance of winning against the Misty Pavilion. Like Longteng Tianxia’s judgment, Eastern Stars do not believe that everyone in the Misty Pavilion will not take part in the action, and as long as they participate in such Eastern Star’s The plan will succeed.

“Well, it’s also possible.” Deep Sea Youlan said solemnly, “After all, if they tame the mounts at the beginning, it will definitely arouse our vigilance and then be stopped by us in advance, because they did not build a gang resident, or the gang resident is of a very high level. Low, so it can be easily destroyed by us and prevent them from taming the mount, so they are likely to conceal the news.”

After hearing this, everyone nodded, and they also thought of this possibility. For a moment they were silent. After all, they also knew that if this was the case, the people of the Japanese subjugation alliance would tame the top mounts, then the situation would be extremely unfavorable for them.

“If this is the case, it would be too much trouble.” An unsuspecting player took over: “If we don’t stop them now, then they will not only tame a large number of top mounts, but also build those gangs more advanced. , Such as raising it to level 4 or even level 5. It is almost impossible for us to destroy it anymore.”

“Hey, even if they find a place where they can tame a powerful mount, I don’t believe that that place can keep refreshing the mount like [Bloodthirsty Lion].” The third character laughed, “Since I can’t keep refreshing. , Then we have nothing to worry about.”

“Especially there are too few places where Shuai Xin has been a top-notch mount. At present, it is only refreshing [Bloodthirsty Lion].” The third character added, and his words have also been echoed by many people.

“Yes, I doubt it too.” A player in Bucky’s voice said solemnly, after a short pause, he continued: “The most important thing is that we have prevented the enemy alliance from taming [Bloodthirsty Lion] before. Consumption and casualties, if you attack the gangs of the Australian service now, there will be greater consumption and casualties, especially the defensive force of the enemy alliance this time will be stronger, so there is also a great chance that the situation on both sides will be reversed. If this is the case, then we might as well ignore them and continue to accumulate strength. Anyway, our overall strength is now faster than the enemy alliance, so we can drag on with them.”

“Yes, as long as the enemy alliance finds that the top mounts can’t be tamed all the time, then we have nothing to worry about, we can continue to consume them.” The fifth character took the stubbornly, and his words were echoed by many players. After all, In their hearts, the Japanese server alliance found that the possibility of refreshing the top mounts was too small, too small, almost none.

“But what if the enemy alliance really finds a place where the top mounts can be refreshed all the time?” Ye Yufei asked rhetorically. Seeing that everyone was silent, she continued: “Although the gangs we are currently attacking on the Australian server will have larger locations. The exhaustion and casualties, but it does not necessarily make the situation on both sides reversed, and once enough time is left for them, the situation on both sides will really reverse.”

“The most important thing is that if we delay the time and make the gangs of the Australian service rise to a higher level, then it will be more troublesome for us to attack there, so I still recommend the sooner the better.” Ye Yufei Added, and her words were echoed by some people.

“So the most important thing at the moment is to find out whether the place where the enemy alliance builds the gang resident can always refresh the powerful mount.” Qianli walked on the single road, and while talking, he looked at everyone: “If the enemy alliance really finds out We can always refresh the powerful mounts, then even if we are facing greater casualties and consumption, we must attack there and stop them, otherwise we will really be reversed. The most important thing is that once the situation is reversed, we will think again. It’s hard to turn over.”

It has to be said that riding thousands of miles alone came to the point, everyone nodded, and after a brief discussion, they decided to dispatch an intelligence agency to investigate and try to figure it out in a short period of time.

After these decisions were made, the meeting was temporarily disbanded. Everyone was busy, while the god of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing went to find the people of the Misty Pavilion such as Fireworks Yi Leng. After all, whether the people of the Misty Pavilion participated in the subsequent actions is critical to the game situation. important.

I won’t talk about this for now, and I will go back to the time when the fireworks Yi Leng led the crowd to leave the table in anger.

“Damn it, Dongfang star and Ye Yu Fei are scheming again, they really think we are so good to bully.” Othello angrily said, she snorted: “This time we must show them good looks, no Motivated by them to participate in this action, I see if they can win us.”

“Yes, we can’t bear this anger anymore.” Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornness: “Even if we offended the game club and then we were removed, it would be fine. I can’t bear those people’s hands on us for a long time, hey , Leave them alone to see if they still point fingers at us.”

“The Tribulation is just a game. We can be top-notch in this game. We can even ignore the punishment of the game department and all kinds of small shoes. But in the future, how to start a game again?” Midnight Shu asked rhetorically, seeing Po Lang Cheng. Feng and the others were silent, and he continued: “After all, when we have another game, we have to start from scratch. Although we will not be short of funds or personnel, but if we are suppressed by other gangs from the beginning or even deliberately by the game department Suppression, especially since we have no celebrity benefits and have no right to participate in various decision-making, this is still very unfavorable for us.”

“What’s the matter? Anyway, we are not affected by this anger.” Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but when she said this, her tone was a little insufficient, obviously she was already a little guilty, and then she looked at the fireworks on the side and it was easy to get cold. it goes without saying.

Think about it, too, in the heart of Polang Chengfeng, fireworks are easy to be cold no matter what time she is extremely calm. She will not be angry and make wrong decisions because of the words of Ye Yu Fei Fei, Dongfang Star, etc., since she is like this It was so natural that she had reason and plan, so she looked at her after hearing the words of the book in the middle of the night, wanting to see why she did it.

“If the situation permits, naturally don’t fight with the game department…” Fireworks Yi said coldly, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

“Sister Fireworks, since you know it’s best not to fight with the game club, why did you take us away before?” June Feixue asked curiously: “You should have done this on purpose, which means you Already have a plan, tell us how you plan?”

“It’s not intentional to leave, but I have to leave.” The fireworks said coldly. When she said these, her tone was still as calm as water: “Because you have also seen that the Oriental star and Ye Yu Fei are pressing hard, they What we have to do is to let us participate in this action and consume more killer tools, and we must not let them succeed, otherwise it will be detrimental to our future development, and even we may really be too expensive and casualties. They stole the title of the first gang in the Chinese server.”

“We still can’t be the first in the robbery, let alone other games, because when the time comes, the major gangs will start to suppress us at the very beginning.” Fireworks Yi Leng added.

“Oh, that’s true.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, then she changed her tone and asked: “Then what are we going to do next?”

“Also, is it considered that we have offended the game department when we left the meeting angrily before?” Po Lang Chengfeng asked.

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