Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3627

Chapter 3621: Unbelievable

Previously, the players of the Japanese server alliance were full of confidence in the super gang site and even their plans. They were confident that using the super gang site and the surrounding ordinary gang sites would surely cause great casualties and consumption to the Chinese server alliance. To reverse the current situation, they are even worried that the surrounding ordinary gangs are too advanced and the players from the Chinese server alliance are afraid to attack, but after hearing that Ye Luo was the first to complete the ninth turn, he was rewarded with generous rewards, especially After seeing the attributes of [Reincarnation * Gan Jiang], they lost their confidence, and even worried that these simply could not withstand the attack of the Chinese server alliance, especially after thinking that Ye Luo could use the advantage of ultra-long-range attack to harass the gang’s resident.

And once the attack of the Chinese server alliance player cannot be resisted, it is not a big deal to consume and damage the Chinese server alliance. The most important thing is that the super gang site will be occupied or destroyed. In the future, the Japanese server Players from one alliance lose their safest habitat.

Think about it, too, the super gang station is stronger than the level 5 gang station or even the imperial city. Especially after multiple gang stations are arranged around, the players of the Japanese server alliance even regard it as the last habitat. Land, and once this is captured, the consequences may be disastrous-if the super gang site can still be captured by people from the alliance of the Chinese server, then this means that the people of the alliance of the Chinese server can conquer the imperial city of the alliance server of the Japanese server. Not to mention those 5th-level gang resident.

And this further means that the players of the Japanese server alliance will no longer have any habitat at that time. After thinking of these, it is no wonder that the players of the Japanese server alliance will be worried.

It is precisely because of these concerns that the players of the Japanese server alliance gathered at the super gang site, and they have to discuss the next response, because it will not take too long in their hearts that the Chinese server alliance will take action on the super gang site. They have to do everything possible to defend here-or that sentence, if the people from the Japanese server alliance can’t even guard the super gang station, then they can’t stand the other gang station and the imperial city of their server even more, and wait All they have is to destroy this road.

“Oh my God, Ye Luo Zhiqiu’s [Reincarnation * Gan Jiang] is too powerful, the overall attribute even exceeds the superposition of two national artifacts, but this national artifact can make Ye Luo Zhiqiu stronger than other players. , No, any player must be better, not to mention that he was the first to complete the ninth rank task and received such a generous reward. The total attribute points alone exceeded 2000 points. At this time, his strength is probably better than ours. The most powerful player on the side should be one or two chips higher.” Wucai Demon Fairy exclaimed, and when she said these, she couldn’t hide the worry in her tone.

“The most troublesome thing is that Ye Luo Zhiqiu has the advantage of a super long-range attack range. With his powerful equipment level, overall attributes and other advantages, he can easily destroy the defense equipment on our station and kill those eight-winged fallen angel NPCs. , And we want to stop it is very difficult, you and I have seen this.” The sun never sets the spear said in a deep voice, seeing everyone’s expressions become dignified, he continued: “This is still before, now Ye Luo knows autumn. The strength has improved too much, and it will be even more difficult for us to stop him.”

“Yes, even if our defensive force here is very strong, it may not be able to stop it, and if we can’t even guard the super gang resident, it means that the gang resident and imperial city of our server can’t be guarded. The important thing is that we won’t even have a place to live in the future.” Emperor Yingge took the stubbornness, she said while looking at everyone: “So what should we do?”

“Knowing this way, we have been strengthening the construction of the surrounding gangs. If we upgrade it to level 4 or even level 5, we will be more sure to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance. Now it seems that the Chinese server alliance is very The action will start soon, no more than 24 hours at the latest, and we can’t do much at such a time.” The emperor spear said, his tone was full of helplessness when he said this.

“In fact, even if our people have been strengthening the construction of the surrounding gangs, they can only be upgraded to level 4 when the Chinese service party is attacking, and this still can’t resist Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others.” The emperor sang coldly. Dao, after a short pause, he continued: “Fortunately, the super gang resident will soon reach level 4, and once so, the overall attribute will exceed the gang resident of level 5 and then reach or even exceed the defense of the imperial city. With these we will not see. It must not be able to withstand the attack of the Chinese server alliance.”

“That’s right.” Red Fengye took the stubbornly. She said while looking at everyone: “Although Ye Luo Zhiqiu’s strength is very strong, he is the only one who is strong. The strength of the other people in the Chinese server alliance is not necessarily too strong. Strong, but what Ye Luo Zhiqiu alone can do is very limited. They just occupy the outer gang station and there will be some consumption and casualties, and then attack the gang station, the casualties and consumption will be greater, so before we The purpose you want to achieve is achieved.”

“The most important thing is that it is very difficult for them to finally capture the super gang station, and there is almost no chance, especially after the super gang station reaches level 4.” Red Fengye added, and when she said this, her expression was full of expectation. “And once they have no chance to occupy the super gang site, then we have nothing to worry about. The most important thing is that a forced attack will definitely cause great consumption and casualties to the Chinese server alliance. Maybe it will be caused by this action. Reversing the situation on both sides.”

Hearing that, the people of the Japanese server alliance were cheered up. After all, they also knew the consumption and casualties of the people of the Chinese server alliance if they could not capture the super gang resident. For a while, they were somewhat looking forward to it.

Of course, next they also thought of another question-whether they can upgrade the super gang resident to level 4 before the people from the Chinese server alliance attack.

“If the super gang resident is upgraded to level 4, it will not be a problem to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance. After all, the Chinese server alliance has already had large casualties and consumption when we were on our server. At this time, we are hoarding. The [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items are not necessarily less than the Chinese server side alliance, plus we have the advantage of defending the city, it is still difficult for them to attack, and there is no chance at all.” After talking, he frowned deeply when he thought of something: “The question is whether we can raise the super gang resident to level 4 before the people from the Chinese server alliance attack, it seems that the time left for us will not be too long… …”

“No accident should be after 24 hours.” Twilight said slightly, although he was guessing, but his tone was quite sure: “Because we can know when Ye Luo Zhiqiu was on the job transfer mission based on the information we got before. Consuming the awakening skills of combination equipment, plus staying up for so long, so they have a long time to report, and it should be tomorrow that they will attack the city again.”

“So we only have one day, I don’t know if we can upgrade the super gang resident to level 4.” The perfume muttered poisonously: “If you can’t upgrade it to level 4, you will suffer, even if they are here this time. We have caused great casualties and attrition to the Chinese clothing during the action.”

“Yes, if even the super gang site is breached, it means that we can’t defend our imperial city at all. At that time, people from the Chinese server alliance can destroy our gang site and even the imperial city. So we Even the last habitation is gone.” A player in Bafu said in a deep voice.

“So the most important thing now is whether we can upgrade the super gang resident to level 4, and within 1 day.” Susano Shinto, while talking about him, looked at the people around him: “You feel that one day Can our people raise it to level 4 at the time of day?”

“Concentrate the greatest strength, one day’s time is not a big problem.” The spear said in a deep voice, and his words made everyone’s eyes light up.

“This question cannot be ambiguous. You must definitely raise the super gang resident to level 4 before the people from the Chinese server alliance come to attack.” Tokyo Myth said in a deep voice, and the players responsible for gang building were silent after hearing his words, because they There is no full confidence.

After a long silence, the colorful demon fox said, “It doesn’t make much sense to say these at this time. What we have to do next is to build a super gang station with all our strength, and we must raise it to 4 before the people from the Chinese server alliance come to attack. Level, and for these, I suggest that we send the most elite players to take over the gang resident mission, and only in this way can we have the opportunity to upgrade to level 4.”

That’s right, the construction of a super gang resident requires a variety of resources just like the construction of an ordinary gang resident, but the super gang resident requires more resources, and the best way to obtain various resources is to take the gang resident task. The more tasks you do, the more likely you are to upgrade them in advance, especially those tasks with a high degree of difficulty.

It is precisely with this in mind that the colorful monster fox proposed to let the most elite players in their alliance take over the gang resident mission, especially the people like Dark Night and Tokyo Myth. After all, their efficiency in doing tasks is the highest among the people.

“Well, if it is to ensure that the super gang resident is upgraded to level 4, then it is necessary for us to participate in the task of receiving the gang resident.” Fujisan said sinkingly: “After all, we are more efficient in doing tasks, especially It is to do the task with the highest degree of difficulty, and this can obtain the most various materials in a short time.”

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they also agreed to the proposal of Mount Fuji and the colorful monster fox. After all, they realized that only if they did it together would they have a better chance to raise the super gang resident to 4 before the people from the Chinese server alliance came to attack. class.

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