Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 42

Chapter 0036: The First Kill

[Ant Nest Male] (quasi-bronze Boss)

Level: 15

Physical attack: 80-90

Defense: 160

Qi and blood: 45000

Skills: [Claw Teeth Slash], [Formic Acid Poisonous Fog][Ant Nest Queen] (Bronze Boss)

Level: 15

Physical attack: 90-100

Defense: 180

Qi and blood: 80,000

Skills: [Claw Teeth Slash], [Atomic Acid Fog], [Queen’s Roar]

【Claw Teeth Slash】: Use Kongwu’s powerful chelate teeth to slash the enemy, causing 140% damage. The skill use interval is 30 seconds.

[Formic acid poisonous fog]: Male ants or queens can spray formic acid to form a huge area of ​​poisonous fog. When trapped in it, they will be attacked by toxins. They will lose blood for 15 seconds per second. The duration is 30 minutes. The skill use interval is 30. minute.

[Queen ant roar]: The queen roars in anger and sends out an extremely sharp sound wave attack, causing the target within 15 meters of the surrounding area to suffer 160% damage, dizziness for 1 second, and the skill use interval of 3 minutes.

Four monsters, but the attributes of the three male ants are very powerful. They are stronger than the 12th-level demonized wolf king, and the attributes of the queen are even more terrifying. With Ye Luo’s current defensive power, it can only resist five. Six attacks.

“The attributes of male ants are very powerful. It is not difficult to deal with one at the same time with our current strength, but it is very dangerous to deal with two. For the sake of safety, we should deal with only one. Fortunately, these male ants stand far away. It shouldn’t pull the hatred of other male ants only.” The firework is easy to get cold, and she quickly has a battle plan.

While talking about this, Firework Yi Leng had already reached the side corner of a male ant, and moved forward cautiously. Her route was quite precise, keeping as far away as possible from the other two male ants and beyond.

It’s not too difficult to lure monsters out to be cold to fireworks. Seeing the male ant coming aggressively, she began to retreat. After more than ten meters away from the other magic ants, she began to attack. The energy arrow whizzed away.

The [Ice Spirit Power] upgraded to the master level adds an additional 40 points of ice damage, plus the ice damage attached to the flying snow dress and the wolf king’s cloak. The fireworks are easily cold and cause high damage to it, almost every All hits have 400 damage.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that [Ice Spirit Power] has a 20% deceleration effect. As a result, the speed of this male ant is greatly reduced, and it is only colder and faster than fireworks. But it couldn’t catch up with the fireworks and was easy to get cold, because Ye Luo also insisted on fighting and got stuck in front of it.

Firework is easy to be cold and the damage is very high, but Ye Luo’s combination attack is higher, and the result is easy to transfer the hatred, and then the male ant abandoned the firework and is easy to cold, suddenly accelerates, and the chelating teeth smashed on Ye Luo’s body like a long knife. , A yellow damage of ‘125’ points appeared.

This point of damage is nothing to Ye Luo. It’s just that a big blood recovery pill has almost recovered, and then he forcibly carried the soldier ant, outputting the enemy with the maximum attack.

The firework is easy to be cold and turns its head, and a series of energy arrows attack, and cast [Frozen Arrow] every 30 seconds.

After reaching the advanced level, [Frozen Arrow] can cause 130% damage, and can also freeze the target for 3 seconds, but it also bought Ye Luo some time.

However, the normal damage of the male ant is too high, and the CD time of the pill is 30 seconds. After a few hard fights, Ye Luo’s blood will drop below 200 points. If the male ant has a crit at this time, he will almost stale blood. NS.

I also saw Ye Luo’s situation. The fireworks were easy to be cold and quickly mounted, allowing him to weaken his attack slightly.

With such a transfer of hatred, Ye Luo was able to quickly restore his vitality, and when his vitality was restored to more than 360 points, he increased his attack, and the combined attack came out again.

In this way, the two took turns at the top, and the qi and blood always remained above 200 points, and there was no pressure.

After fighting for one or two minutes, the male ant roared and sprayed a cloud of acid mist from his mouth, which instantly enveloped a range of nearly 30 meters. Obviously, it had activated the [Formic Acid Toxic Mist] skill.

The toxicity of formic acid poison mist is between the primary and intermediate levels, but the small detoxification pellet can no longer completely resolve it. However, Ye Luo had already collected a lot of bezoars, and he had also refined a few detoxification pills. This was a second-tier pill that could withstand the attack of the poisonous mist.

After swallowing the pill, the two of them did not have any serious problems in the poisonous mist, and continued to attack efficiently.

“Tsk tusk, fortunately we went to find the bison, otherwise we will have a lot of trouble in this poisonous mist.” Ye Luo said, the corner of his mouth evokes a rare arc: “Others are not as lucky as us to have detoxification pills, you can say We have a great advantage.”

“There is a small detoxification pill sold in the pharmacy.” Suddenly, Fireworks Yi said indifferently. She was surprised when she saw Ye Luo, and she continued: “When I saw the magic ants, I thought about ant poison, so I reminded Sister Feng and the others. Buy some.”

“Uh, you mean that others can think of this too.” Ye Luo said as he attacked.

“Yeah.” The firework Yiyi responded indifferently, and then changed his tone: “However, the small detoxification pills are not completely immune to the formic acid poisoning mist. They will lose about 10 points of blood per second, so outsiders deal with male ants. We still have to be careful at this time, we have the advantage again.”

Nodded, Ye Luo didn’t speak, and continued to attack.

Ye Luo is no longer the time to deal with the demonized wolf king at level 10. They have added a few powerful equipment, and their level is also higher than the original level 3, and their strength has been greatly improved. Too much pressure.

Three or four minutes later, the male ant fell to the ground and took a brief look. There were no offensive equipment such as rings and necklaces, and the two did not look again. The fireworks were easy to be cold and attracted a male ant, and the two repeated their old tricks. , And quickly fought together.

Seven or eight minutes later, Ye Luo and the two finally solved all three male ants, and they began to fight the last ant queen.

“The queen’s attack is very high. Just a simple [Claw Tooth Slash] can cause 140 points of damage to us. Critical strikes will be troublesome.” While shooting an energy arrow, the fireworks were very cold and solemn: ” Therefore, we keep our vitality above 300 points, and it is best not to die. Although the dungeon will not lose too much experience when it dies, and it will be resurrected in the dungeon, this will reduce the evaluation of our mission and the reward will be much lower.”

In the dungeon, it is different from the wild. If you die in the wild, you will drop 1 level, and will be resurrected at the nearest resurrection point.

However, death in a dungeon is different. Death will only drop 10% of the current experience bar, which means that if you die multiple times, you will not lose the level, and will also resurrect where they first entered the dungeon. You can continue to kill the boss. .

But in this way, the system will lower their evaluation of completing the task, and the reward will also drop a lot.

Knowing this, Ye Luo nodded and made the firework easy to cold attack. After grabbing the hatred, he chased after him and slashed. Feeling that the damage was about to transfer, he slowed down the attack a little bit, or let the firework easy to cold display [Ice Seal Arrow] skill.

The two cooperated tacitly, and they also had powerful supplies. Although the blood under the care of killing monsters fluctuated greatly, but there was no danger, and the queen’s blood continued to decrease.”Fireworks, the last skill of the queen is the group killing skill, the damage is very high, and the range is very large, we can hardly escape.” After the queen’s vitality lost 20%, Ye Luo remembered this, his expression was solemn: “So if it can be frozen, it will be frozen…”

Nodded, the fireworks were easy to be cold and didn’t say anything, and dealt with the queen intensively.


System Tips (China): Congratulations to the team that becomes a demon with one thought, a god with one thought, a demon with one thought, a Buddha with one thought, a ghost with one thought, and a monster with one thought. Each person has a level 10 bronze weapon, a little skill, and 100 prestige.

I was fighting strange, suddenly a system upgrade sounded, resounding all corners of the China server, and even Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Cold in the dungeon heard them.


System Tips (China): Congratulations to the team that has completed the [Dungeon of Demon Ants] task. The time required for the task is open. Please check on the system leaderboard.

Another system prompt sounded, which caused an uproar on the Heavenly Tribulation Continent.

“This, this…” Ye Luo looked surprised at the system prompt.

“Don’t worry, the six-person copy is separate from the two. After all, the two are not comparable.” Fireworks said coldly. Then she said to herself, “We just killed the queen just now. The family members have actually completed the task, and the speed is a bit fast.”

“Fireworks, shouldn’t the number of magic ants killed by the six-person copy and the two-person copy be about the same?” Ye Luo asked.

“Yi Nian Cheng Devil and others are all level 15. It stands to reason that they kill monsters larger than us. They complete the task so quickly. Maybe as you think, they also kill 100 worker ants, 20 soldier ants, and 3 males. An ant and a queen.” The firework Yi cold nodded, thinking of something, he said: “I know everyone in the family, the demon is a priest, and the demon is a knight. These two people hardly attacked. Force, this can only be the case for completing the task so quickly.”

While speaking, Fireworks Yi Leng was also investigating the system. After seeing the ranking list of the time required for the dungeon mission, her beautiful eyes lit up, and her tone of voice was somewhat clear: “Six-man dungeon, normal difficulty, no wonder it’s so fast. Completed the dungeon task.”

Ye Luo also saw the rankings, and he let out a long sigh of relief: “It turns out that it’s just normal difficulty, but these people are also smart. They will get rewards for completing tasks first.”

“But this Yinian family is also very powerful. It can be the first to complete the dungeon mission among countless players, which is enough to show that these people are not easy to come.” Ye Luo added.

“If my guess is true, the major gangs should have passed the qi in advance, and exchanged with each other about the tasks and difficulty of entering the selected dungeon.” Suddenly the fireworks became cold, and she saw Ye Luo’s shocked and thoughtful look. Reach the first lightly: “Yes, this is more than avoiding conflicts, and most of the rewards will be included by the major gangs.”

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