Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 20 Success

After leaving the small courtyard, the two of them swaggered about without any intention of hiding their figures.

Chen Yuan stayed behind the two of them from a distance and watched them all the way to the Sun Mansion.

The doorman of the Sun Mansion skillfully opened the side door and welcomed the two of them in. Chen Yuan's eyes flashed before he turned around and left quietly.

As expected, shopkeeper Sun did not completely let down his guard against him.

Chen Yuan never expected that he could gain the trust of shopkeeper Sun after talking to Zhao Shan.

I just dropped the bait today and the fish took the bait.

What we have to do now is to sprinkle more bait to feed the fish so that the water can return to calm.

After entering the Sun Mansion with the two men who were following Chen Yuan, they were led by the handyman to a study room and met Shopkeeper Sun who was waiting there.

The two bowed and saluted. Shopkeeper Sun waved his hands and asked expressionlessly:

"Tell me, what did Chen Erniu do today? Is there anything unusual about it?"

One of them said respectfully:

"Report to the shopkeeper that Chen Erniu did not go out in the morning. He went out with a food box to get food at noon. In the afternoon, many family members of the guards came to ask about the convoy..."

He explained in detail what Chen Yuan did today, and another person added it without making any judgment.

Shopkeeper Sun listened carefully and nodded slightly:

"After escaping from the catastrophe, you must be extremely frightened in your heart. You will pursue pleasure and live in drunken dreams. It is human nature and there is nothing unusual about him. You will keep an eye on him for another day tomorrow. If he is still like today, you don't need to follow him anymore."


The two of them bowed respectfully and exited the study.

Shopkeeper Sun closed his eyes slightly and sat quietly for a moment. The handyman took the other two people to the study.

He opened his eyes, and after the two of them saluted, he asked:

"What did Zhao Shan do today? Is there anything unusual?"

"Reporting to the shopkeeper, Zhao Shan stayed at home for a day today, and many family members of the guards came to inquire about the convoy..."

The next day, Chen Yuan took the remaining one or two silver coins and went to drink, listen to music and have fun.

On the third day, Chen Yuan was still like this and squandered all the five hundred coins left in his hand.

But this time, he didn't feel the eyes of the person following him.

Chen Yuan remained calm and still looked drunk on the surface.

After returning to the small courtyard, he quietly climbed over the wall and looked around carefully, but still found nothing, and finally felt relieved.

Shopkeeper Sun should have lifted his suspicions on him and no longer sent people to keep an eye on him, so he can act with confidence.

It happened that he had also spent all his savings. If shopkeeper Sun sent someone to follow him for a few more days, he would not be able to test it.

Chen Yuan quietly rolled back to the small courtyard, filled his body with starlight, and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Chen Yuan put on a pair of inconspicuous coarse clothes, left Xingyefang and came to a bank.

This bank is called Huitong Bank. It is the largest bank in Qi. It has been established for a hundred years, with branches all over the country. It has extremely strong financial resources and excellent reputation.

Chen Yuan found the shopkeeper of Huitong Bank, showed the copper key and said a few secret words.

The shopkeeper looked surprised, but still took him to the side room and asked Chen Yuan to wait for a while.

Chen Yuan waited for half an hour. The shopkeeper of the bank placed a small wooden box with a lock in front of Chen Yuan, then turned and left.

Chen Yuan took out the copper key, opened the wooden box, looked at the contents inside, and couldn't help but smile.

This wooden box was what Manager Li gave to Chen Yuan before he died. It was his last fortune. Even Mrs. Zhang and Li Ying'er didn't know about it.

There are many things in the wooden box, including a yellowed ancient book, which is the Li family's ancestral exercise "Six Yang Gong".

A jade bottle contains ten Peiyuan Pills for marrow refining warriors, worth one hundred taels of silver.

A wooden box contains a century-old wild ginseng with slender and dense roots.

Finally, there was a deed to a house in the third courtyard of the county city and a silver check for five hundred taels.

Chen Yuan carefully checked and checked to make sure that everything was well preserved before putting it back, taking the wooden box and leaving the bank.

He did not go back to Xingyefang directly, but came to the small courtyard of the old Confucian scholar in the east of the city and knocked on the door.


After a while, the courtyard door opened, and the old Confucian scholar poked his head out. When he saw Chen Yuan, his face showed joy and said:

"Er Niu, are you back?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said:

"Sir, long time no see. Please forgive me for not being able to salute."

He raised the small wooden box in his hand. The old Confucian scholar stepped aside, waved his hand and said:

"No need to be polite, come in quickly."

Chen Yuan walked into the small courtyard, entered the house with the old Confucian scholar, and gently placed the small wooden box on the table.

The old Confucian scholar turned a blind eye to the small wooden box, and did not ask Chen Yuan about his experience during this period. He just said with a smile:

"Are you here to study scripture today?"

Chen Yuan nodded and said:

"That's exactly what the students meant."

"Okay, ahem, what did you learn last time?"

Chen Yuan frowned and looked carefully. He found that the old Confucian scholar's face was a bit paler than before, and his figure was more stooped, showing his age, so he advised:

"Sir, if you feel unwell, just rest for another day. There is no rush at this moment."

The old Confucian scholar shook his head stubbornly:

"Now that I have accepted your training, how can I not do my duty in teaching? What did you learn last time?"

Chen Yuan looked at the old Confucian scholar's cloudy but determined eyes, stopped trying to persuade him, and said:

"The Lingxu Sutra is halfway through."

"Okay, let me look for it..."

The old Confucian turned around and rummaged hard on the bookshelf for a long time before he found the "Lingxu Sutra", spread it out on the table, and started reading slowly:

"Yi has Tai Chi, which is the birth of two rituals. Tai Chi is the nature, and the two rituals are life. Although there are two names, in reality nature is the main one, and it is popular between yin and yang. The meaning of this sentence is..."

Every subtle Taoist saying came out from the mouth of the old Confucian scholar. Chen Yuan listened intently, gradually forgetting everything about the outside world and immersed himself in it.

Taoist classics, with subtle meanings, explain all things and phenomena. The Three Thousand Great Dao is also closely related to martial arts. Chen Yuan learned a lot from it.

An hour later, the old Confucian scholar stopped and finished explaining the whole volume of "Lingxu Jing".

"Ahem, after finishing this volume of "Lingxu Jing", I have three Taoist scriptures left here. You can take them all and study them by yourself."

Chen Yuan said in surprise:

"Why did you say this, sir?"

"Ahem, in the past three years, I have taught you a total of one hundred and thirteen volumes of Taoist scriptures. You are intelligent by nature and have a photographic memory. You have already understood them all, and you don't need me to say anything else."

Chen Yuan said:

"Sir, you are so complimentary. The students feel that their knowledge is shallow and they need more guidance from you."

The old Confucian scholar smiled bitterly and said:

"I have been talking about this for an hour today, and I am already dizzy and exhausted. I will be even more powerless in the future. If I continue to talk about it, I will mislead people."

Chen Yuan sighed and said:

"Well, now that my husband has made up his mind, this is the only way. But even if he no longer teaches students, I will still come to visit him once a day, give him some decoction, and hope that he will take good care of his illness and recover soon. "

The old Confucian scholar showed emotion in his eyes and said with a smile:

"Then I'll trouble you."

Afterwards, Chen Yuan asked for a baggage from the old Confucian scholar, went to the side room, took out the contents of the wooden box, put them in the baggage together with the three volumes of Taoist scriptures, and said goodbye and left.

During this process, the old Confucian scholar didn't ask any more questions. He just followed Chen Yuan's instructions and hid the small wooden box so as not to show it to others.

Chen Yuan carried the baggage and carefully made all the way around, avoiding the people in Baibing Hall, and returned to the small courtyard.

It was approaching noon. In order not to arouse suspicion, Chen Yuan went to the kitchen to prepare food.

After lunch, he bolted the door, entered the main room, closed the door, and then opened the bundle.

Chen Yuan first put away the five hundred taels of silver notes. The situation was very tight at this time, and it would take some time before he could exchange it for cash.

The property deed in the county town is of no use for the time being, so keep it together with the banknote.

The century-old wild ginseng can be used now.

This is a magical elixir that strengthens the body and strengthens the body. It can save people's lives, but for warriors, its effect in assisting in breaking through the internal energy is even more important.

Finally, there was a bottle of Peiyuan Pills left. Chen Yuan ate two pills first to make up for the energy gap caused by the starlight infusion last night, and put the remaining eight pills close to his body.

Although the Peiyuan Pill is a pill for marrow refining warriors, Chen Yuan has been in the marrow refining realm for a long time. Starlight has been injected into his body too many times and his body is strong. One pill is not enough to replenish the energy.

Finally, Chen Yuan looked solemn and opened the book "Six Yang Gong".

All other things put together are not as valuable as this second-rate book.

As long as he practices this technique, Chen Yuan will be able to break through to the realm of inner strength and be able to defeat hundreds of people. Looking at the entire Leping County, he is also a top master.

"Six Yang Gong" was only a thin volume. Chen Yuan quickly read it from beginning to end, but his expression became more and more surprised. When he finally closed it, he showed a look of ecstasy.

This Six Yang Skill is actually not a second-rate skill, but a first-rate skill that can directly transform energy!

Guanshi Li is really secretive. The outside world thinks that Six Yang Kung is just a second-rate technique. Although he cherishes it, it is not uncommon in the world.

He is also the manager of Baibing Hall, and he is also a warrior at the peak of marrow refining, so not many people covet him.

But if people knew that Liuyang Kung Fu was a first-class skill, the Li family would be wiped out that night.

Luo Zhenwu, the leader of the Fuhu Gang, is nothing more than a Huajin warrior.

Except for a few famous sects, most of the Jianghu gangs' secret skills, that is, first-class techniques, still have some flaws.

In addition to the method of moving the true energy, the "Six Yang Gong" also has a light body technique, the Shadow Step, and a red sun sword technique.

These two unique skills can be practiced individually, but only under the stimulation of the true energy of the Six Yang Gong can they exert their full magical effects.

The skimming step has been practiced to the extreme, and the figure is ethereal. In an instant, it is ten feet away, like a floating shadow.

Chiyang's swordsmanship is powerful and strong, its aggression is like fire, its power is like lightning, and its power is astonishing.

As if Chen Yuan had found a treasure, he immediately came to the courtyard. The operation method of Six Yang Gong emerged in his mind. He slowly practiced the Six Yang Palm, converting the Fuhu Jin Qi in his body into the masculine Qi of Six Yang Gong bit by bit. .

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