Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 99 Giant Bee

After Chen Yuan left, only the whistling wind remained on the Chisha River. The red muddy water flowed quietly into the distance. Occasionally, a ferocious figure swam quietly in the river.

Half an hour later, a figure came running from the south. It was He Xin who had been following Chen Yuan's trail.

Under the guidance of the spirit fox, he knew Chen Yuan's trail very well.

But before entering the red plain, he went to several places with dense spiritual medicines recorded in the map of Lingyun Sect and collected some hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, which delayed him for some time, so he caught up now.

He entered the secret realm of Dongxu Mountain mainly to collect spiritual herbs in exchange for foundation-building pills. Killing Chen Yuan was just a matter of convenience, and he would never reverse the priorities.

He Xin came to the river, took out two magic tools, drove the flying boat, and flew across the Chisha River.

When the flying boat came to the surface of the river, a ferocious python head poked out of the river, staring at He Xin in the air, and constantly spitting out scarlet snake tongue.

He Xin was alert and extremely vigilant, but the giant python just watched coldly and did not attack He Xin.

It was not until the flying boat flew over the Chisha River and landed on the other side that the python's head slowly retracted into the river, and the river surface returned to calm.

He Xin's vigilance was slightly reduced, and he put away the magic weapon again.

There are many monsters in the Chisha River, but as long as they are not provoked, they will generally not take the initiative to attack the monks.

After crossing the river, the fox's pink nose kept twitching, guiding He Xin to the place where Chen Yuan fought with the crab monster and the disciples of Guiyuan Sect.

He Xin looked down at the two gravels that were burned to a charred color, as well as the remaining crab monster shells, and showed a happy expression on his face, laughing:

"God help me!"

Chen Yuan actually provoked the monster in the Chisha River. After a fight, his magic power must have been consumed a lot, and he must stop to recover his magic power.

He Xin stroked the fox's fur twice and said with a smile:

"Where did this person go? Quickly point it out!"

The fox was intelligent and could understand what people said. It immediately raised its left front paw and pointed to the north-east.

He Xin stepped down, performed the light body technique, and chased after it.


In a valley between mountains, the stream was gurgling and the flowers and trees were flourishing.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the water and walked to the shore step by step. It was Chen Yuan.

The Lingyun Sect's standard robes had the effect of warding off water and fire and preventing wind and sand. Although he walked out of the water, he was still dry and there was no water stain on his body.

He fought two consecutive battles with the crab monster and the disciples of Guiyuan Sect. He consumed a little of his magic power. Although he had the strength to fight again, the secret realm was full of dangers. If he encountered a few more monsters and disciples of his sect, his situation would be worrying.

Therefore, he left the Red Plain without stopping, found a valley, hid in the stream, took a pill of Rejuvenation Pill, and in less than half an hour, he restored all the mana in his body.

Although doing so would waste some of the power of the Rejuvenation Pill, it saved a lot of time.

Chen Yuan came to the shore, took out the storage bag of the Guiyuan Sect disciple, probed into it with his spiritual sense, took out eight hundred-year-old spiritual herbs and seven or eight talismans, and put them into his own storage bag.

This person should have the same idea as Chen Yuan, wanting to avoid the disciples of various sects, deliberately walking on the Red Plain with depleted spiritual energy, and harvesting very little.

The two magic tools, the jade ruler and the jade bowl, one is a top-grade magic tool, and the other is a top-grade magic tool. Chen Yuan has no time to sacrifice and can only leave it for later, but these talismans can come in handy.

After hastily sorting out the spoils, Chen Yuan looked up at the sun, identified the direction, and walked eastward.

Although the secret realm of Dongxu Mountain was sealed by the ancient immortal cultivators with great magic power, it could not cover up the evolution of celestial phenomena, and the sun, moon, and stars could all be seen.

This place is called Lianli Mountain. In ancient times, it was a place for raising monsters. After thousands of years, it has restored its original appearance, with undulating hills and dense forests.

In this area, there are several places where three hundred years of spiritual herbs grow, and there are many monsters.

Chen Yuan avoided these places and followed a crooked route, spreading his spiritual sense, slowing down his pace, and moving forward carefully.

That is, he could find such a route only after he had the strange map in hand and compared it with the map of Lingyun Sect.

However, even though he was extremely careful, there were many monsters here, and he still encountered several first-level monsters along the way.

After seeing Chen Yuan, these monsters immediately went crazy and pounced on him, and he was quickly killed by thunder.

The spiritual energy in the outer ring of the secret realm of Dongxu Mountain is not rich enough, and there are no second-level monsters. As long as these first-level monsters do not live in groups, they will not last more than a few rounds under Chen Yuan.

One day later, Chen Yuan finally walked out of Lianli Mountain. There were more monster materials in his storage bag, as well as a few hundred-year-old spiritual herbs he picked up casually.

When he was on the road, he ran into his disciples fighting monsters several times, but he ignored them and just left quietly.

His spiritual awareness was amazing and covered a wide range. He could see others, but others could not see him, so he was able to avoid many meaningless fights.

After walking out of Lianli Mountain, there was a dark mountain five hundred feet high. The mountain was covered with a strange ancient tree with gray-black leaves.

On both sides of the mountain, there were cliffs thousands of feet high and thousands of feet wide, filled with strange yellow miasma.

According to the records on the map of Lingyun Sect, this mountain is called Heimu Mountain, which is the only way to continue moving forward after passing Lianli Mountain.

The miasma in the cliffs on both sides is extremely poisonous. If a Qi-refining cultivator inhales it, he will be poisoned and die immediately. There is no way out.

On the Blackwood Mountain, there is a kind of black giant bee as big as a fist. Although it is only a low-level monster, it swarms in groups, with tens of thousands of them. It is extremely poisonous. Only a few hundred of them can sting a Qi-refining level 10 cultivator to death.

Fortunately, the black giant bees feed on the nectar of strange ancient trees and will not actively provoke the monks. As long as they do not actively provoke the bee colony, they can pass through this mountain safely.

But other disciples can do this, but Chen Yuan cannot.

The black giant bees are also monsters. After seeing him, they are likely to fall into madness.

At that time, tens of thousands of black giant bees will besiege Chen Yuan, and he will definitely die.

However, since he dared to choose this road, he was naturally not unprepared.

Chen Yuan came to the edge of the cliff, stopped outside the yellow miasma, and released his spiritual consciousness to explore under the cliff.

Miasma has no damage to the spiritual consciousness, which is a void. Chen Yuan's spiritual consciousness explored forty feet under the cliff, and saw several spiritual herbs where the miasma turned dark yellow.

This spiritual herb is pitch black, with serrated leaves and a black flower on the top. The picture looks like a human face, which looks very strange.

Chen Yuan was delighted. He stroked his storage bag, took out the Qingyun Sword, and threw it into the miasma.

As soon as the Qingyun Sword entered the miasma, the spiritual light around it immediately dimmed.

The surrounding miasma flowed slowly, corroding the blade of the Qingyun Sword.

Chen Yuan's face turned slightly pale, and he pinched the magic formula with his hands, and controlled the Qingyun Sword to fly down the cliff.

The Qingyun Sword flew down forty feet, and the spiritual light became dimmer and dimmer. The sword began to rust, and Chen Yuan's face became even paler.

But he continued to inject magic power into the Qingyun Sword, and controlled the sword to carefully cut off the three black spiritual herbs growing on the cliff, and flew back.

When the Qingyun Sword flew out of the yellow miasma, the sword body was already covered with rust.

Chen Yuan caught the three black spiritual herbs, and the Qingyun Sword suddenly trembled, and the spiritual light completely dissipated, breaking into several pieces.

Chen Yuan sighed lightly and put the broken Qingyun Sword into the storage bag.

Then he looked at the three strange black spiritual herbs, hesitated for a moment, picked up a spiritual herb, put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it.

When the spiritual herb entered his stomach, a cold feeling arose, which made Chen Yuan shiver.

But after a moment, this cold feeling turned into a cool feeling, which was very comfortable.

Chen Yuan was determined in his heart, and did not dare to delay time. He stepped on a step and headed straight for Black Wood Mountain.

According to the strange map, as long as this black spiritual herb is taken, the giant bee will recognize the cultivator as the same kind and will never attack the cultivator.

However, this spiritual herb grows in the dark yellow miasma, forty feet below the cliff, and is beyond the reach of the spiritual consciousness of the Qi Refining cultivator. Therefore, it has not been discovered by the disciples of various sects for tens of thousands of years.

However, Chen Yuan would not blindly believe what the map said. When he entered Black Wood Mountain, he took out the Dingguang Realm and the Chixiao Sword and was extremely vigilant.

If the black spiritual herb could not suppress the madness of the giant bee, he would immediately return the same way and never take risks.

There was silence in the Blackwood Mountain, except for the rustling sound of the leaves when the breeze blew.

Chen Yuan walked into the mountain for a quarter of an hour and did not encounter a single living creature.

This was the territory of the black giant bee, and no other creatures survived.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound came into Chen Yuan's ears. His heart tightened, and he slowed down his pace and followed the sound.

I saw a black giant bee flying from a distance, lying on a strange ancient tree, sucking nectar.

This bee was the size of a fist, and its appearance was no different from that of an ordinary bee, but its tail sting was particularly thick and ferocious.

Chen Yuan spread his consciousness and found that there was only this giant bee within a radius of fifty feet. He felt relieved and approached.

He came to the front of the black giant bee, and the giant bee paused while sucking nectar, and turned to look at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan immediately raised his hand and made a gesture, and the tip of the Chixiao Sword trembled slightly, eager to try.

But the giant bee just glanced at Chen Yuan with its compound eyes, then turned around and continued to suck nectar, and flapped its transparent wings towards Chen Yuan twice, as if to say hello.

Chen Yuan was relieved and went straight to the ancient tree, only one foot away from the black giant bee.

The black giant bee was still indifferent and ignored Chen Yuan.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan was completely relieved, stepped on the ground, and walked into the mountain at full speed.

When the disciples of various sects passed through the Black Wood Mountain, they were all cautious and did not dare to get too close to the black giant bee, otherwise they would be attacked by the giant bee.

But Chen Yuan only had three black spiritual herbs, and he had to walk out of the Black Wood Mountain before the medicinal power was exhausted, so he could only move at full speed.

When the medicinal power of the first black spiritual herb was about to run out, he only climbed halfway up the mountain, took the second black spiritual herb, and his feet became a little faster.

When he reached the top of the mountain, the medicinal power of the second black spiritual herb was only one-third left.

At this time, Chen Yuan's spiritual sense detected that a huge black beehive appeared on the top of the ancient tree in front of him, with hundreds of black giant bees lying on it, seemingly resting.

He hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to take a detour, but ran straight forward.

The medicinal power of the black spiritual grass was almost gone, and it could not be wasted at all.

When Chen Yuan passed under the beehive, he attracted the attention of the hundreds of black giant bees. In an instant, thousands of compound eyes looked over at the same time.

Chen Yuan tightly grasped the Chixiao Sword in his hand, his expression was extremely solemn, but his speed did not slow down at all.


Several black giant bees flew out of the beehive and flew towards him.

Chen Yuan's heart tightened, and he almost threw the Chixiao Sword out.

But these black giant bees did not attack him, but flew in circles in the air, as if expressing something.

Chen Yuan's mind turned quickly, and his feet accelerated and walked forward.

When he left the beehive a hundred feet away, the black giant bees flew back to the beehive and continued to rest.

Chen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. These black giant bees seemed to have mistaken him for a giant bee from another hive. They drew circles to drive him away, but they had no ill intentions.

After this incident, Chen Yuan was no longer afraid of the hive. He went straight all the way and passed two more hives along the way. When the medicinal power of the three black spiritual herbs was completely exhausted, he left the Black Wood Mountain.

After this mountain, it was a smooth road. In another half a day, he could reach the mountains that separated the inner and outer rings of the secret realm.

But this is also the place where the outer ring spiritual herbs are most densely populated, and there are many three hundred and five hundred year old spiritual herbs. It is the focus of the disciples of various sects.

Chen Yuan did not rush to travel, but found a secret cave, took a soul-restoring pill, and meditated to regulate his breath.

He used the Qingyun Sword to enter the miasma, and needed to resist the corrosion of the miasma, which consumed a small part of his mana.

With Chen Yuan's cautious character, he naturally wanted to fully restore his mana before continuing on his way.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Yuan opened his eyes, his mana was fully restored, he walked out of the cave and continued to move forward.

Unlike the rampage in the Black Wood Mountain, this time he spread his spiritual sense, holding the Dingguang mirror in one hand and the Chixiao sword in the other, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Yuan encountered a high-level leopard monster.

When the monster saw Chen Yuan, its eyes turned red and it immediately pounced on him.

Chen Yuan did not dare to hold back, and used the Chixiao sword, purple bee needle, and Dingguang mirror to kill it on the spot in a few seconds.

Then he quickly packed up the monster materials, picked a three-hundred-year-old spiritual herb guarded by the leopard monster, and continued to move forward.

Along the way, he encountered many monsters, and after killing them, he harvested a lot of monster materials.

But he deliberately avoided several places where spiritual herbs grew, but did not meet his disciples.

After walking and stopping for a few hours, Chen Yuan could see the ring-shaped mountain range separating the inner and outer rings from a distance.

At this moment, several sounds of metal clashing faintly reached Chen Yuan's ears, followed by several shouts and curses.

He paused, slowed down his pace, and walked slowly forward.

Chen Yuan was behind a hill at this time. The surrounding terrain was flat and there was no place to hide.

He planned to observe the situation first and then make plans.

Chen Yuan came to the top of the hill several feet high, hid behind a rock, and looked from a distance.

Under the hill, five purple-robed Ziyang Sect disciples were besieging a cultivator.

The cultivator controlled two flying swords, defending left and right. Although he was surrounded by five people, he was not at a disadvantage.

Chen Yuan looked carefully. This person was wearing a white shirt and had a stern expression. He was the disciple of Tiangang Sword Sect mentioned by Mo Jingchun, Ren You.

And the two flying swords, one was the flying sword body, and the other was a sword shadow condensed by spiritual light, which was the famous light splitting and shadowing technique of sword cultivators!

Today is my mother’s birthday and many relatives came to my house. This is the only chapter I have updated. I will resume updating two chapters tomorrow.

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