Nine trials of Douluo's preemptive sea god

Chapter 12 Pretentious.

Chapter 12 Pretentious.

After finishing off the pirate leader and his party, the Viper Pirates began to clean up the debris at the scene.Throw the corpses on the wooden boat into the sea to feed the fish, and some soul masters even spit out some water to clean the deck.Some of them went into the cabin to search for money, such rare things as storage soul guides, pirate leaders and other low-level pirates must not have it.So the corpse was thrown directly into the sea and fed to the fish, and they didn't even bother to search it.

Hemingway was on the Viper Pirates' boat and watched them skillfully clean up the mess, and watched them assign several people to drive the wooden boat.It can be said that the most valuable thing on the pirate leader's body is this 30-meter-long wooden boat.

As for property, to be honest, there are really not many.

After all, when you are a pirate, you always pin your life on your belt. A group of desperadoes, who goes to sea and takes all their belongings with them?


That night.

The Viper Pirates held a grand banquet to welcome Hemingway aboard and treated him very warmly.

The pirates sang and danced, as if they regarded him as a part of the ship.Toast to him frequently, and greet him not to be impolite, to enjoy the food to the fullest.

Hemingway is also welcome, in the face of the toast, anyone who comes is welcome!
After a feast for both guests and hosts.

Everyone cleaned up and went back to the house to rest.

the next morning.

Everything is fine.

After Hemingway woke up, he was still treated enthusiastically. It seemed that these pirates really had no malice, and not only treated him very respectfully.And the food given was the best on board, and he was completely treated as a VIP.

Another day passed like this.

At this time, there were still six days left before arriving at the island that Hemingway wanted to reach.

Days go by like this.

Every day on the ship, Hemingway would be warmly received by the pirates, and of course some side-knocking inquiries were inevitable, wanting to know his origin.

Hemingway was naturally aware of this, but he couldn't say anything about his identity.So he was vague and casually fooled the past.

In the blink of an eye.

Hemingway spent several days on the Viper Pirates' ship, and there was only one day left before arriving at the destination island.We can reach our destination tomorrow.

Everything seems to be working fine.




Inside a cabin of the Viper Pirates.

Hemingway was sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, his long white hair hanging behind him, like a silent statue.The breath is imperceptible, and even the sound of the heartbeat seems to be indistinct.

"Dong Dong!!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the cabin.

"Mr. Hai, are you asleep?" It was a young voice.


Hemingway did not reply, still sitting cross-legged.It seemed that nothing in the outside world could interfere with him.

Another moment passed.

There was a whisper outside the door.


There was the sound of a key being inserted in the door, and finally with a click, the door was slowly pushed open...

A group of pirates with weapons came in slowly, some with shackles and chains.Looking at the white-haired boy sitting cross-legged on the bed, who seemed to be meditating, there was a sneer of conspiracy on his face!

"The captain is too cautious. It will take a few days for such a young boy to lower his vigilance. If you want me to say that the big guys swarmed up, they immediately took care of this kid." A pirate said with disdain.

"You know what a fart! This white-haired boy is not easy to mess with at first glance, who knows how many brothers will die in a real fight?" Another pirate looked more stable, and retorted: "It's still the leader's method to be safe. The drug got this kid done."

In the past few days, the food on the ship has been dosed with a small amount of psychedelic drugs. The amount is not much each time, and it will not cause any abnormalities in the body.But after eating it for several days in a row, the medicine accumulated in the body will become stronger and stronger until it suddenly explodes!Make people fall into a coma without knowing it.It is really a must-have weapon for Yin people.

Now this group of pirates is here to accept the results of the past few days.

But, will the truth really be what this group of people wish?

The answer is naturally no!


Hemingway, who was originally sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a sigh.The pirates who were so frightened that they were going to tie him up with iron chains couldn't help but take a step back, and the chains in their hands loosened with a bang.Heavy chains slammed onto the deck.

"...Why bother? Just send me to the island honestly." Hemingway shook his head and sighed, for the small actions of these pirates.In the past few days, he has already seen all their plots through his knowledge and arrogance.So every day when returning to the cabin, I used the ability of the meatball fruit to eject the medicinal power in my body.In other words, he was not drugged from the beginning to the end, he was just pretending.


The pirates were startled at first when they saw the person who should have been unconscious suddenly wake up.Immediately afterwards, the fierce face was revealed, the soul ring was opened with a tacit understanding, and the soul skill was launched brazenly!

a time.

Water bombs, ice arrows, poisonous stingers, cuttlefish ink... all attack!

Hemingway, who was sitting cross-legged, let out a bang, and disappeared instantly.

Navy six style - shave!

Stepping on the ground more than ten times in an instant, uses the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to move.

To put it simply, it is a technique that enables the body to move at high speed, but it exceeds the limit of ordinary people's naked eyes, so it looks like teleportation, disappearing in place in an instant.But it's just moving too fast.

Seeing that Hemingway disappeared instantly, all the pirates were startled. Before they could react, Hemingway appeared in front of him, his right hand turned into an afterimage!Then there was a sudden sharp pain in my chest!
"Puff puff puff..."

The chests of all the pirates burst out in a cloud of blood, as if they had been hit by bullets.Before he could let out a miserable howl, he collapsed to the ground, bleeding profusely all over his body.

This move is one of the "Six Styles", a technique that claims to have the power of a gunshot, and it is called the finger gun!

As the name suggests, gather the strength of the whole body on any one of the ten fingers of both hands, and use the hardened fingers to release a blow between lightning and flint.The fingertips have the attack power of bullets, which can easily penetrate the human body!
On the contrary, the stronger the physique, the more terrifying the power of this move!
Just now Hemingway poked a hole in each of these pirates' chests with a finger gun in the blink of an eye!

Because the speed with which they raised their hands to poke people was too fast, these people looked as if a ball of blood burst out of their chests all of a sudden!
"Hmph! You're really cautious, let these cannon fodder come to your death first!" Hemingwei, who was always covering the whole ship with his knowledge, could clearly see the pirates waiting in full force not far from the cabin, headed by the old soul king. .Compared with these pirates who came to explore the way, the strength of those pirates outside is much stronger.It is clear that these low-level pirates should be tested first, if he is indeed tricked.Then these pirates are enough to take him down.

But if he doesn't get the trick, like now.The sacrifices were only some cannon fodder, and the core members of the real pirate group were still safe and sound.Waiting outside, releasing the soul ring, the soul skills are ready to go...

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(End of this chapter)

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