Nine zero lucky wife with rich wealth and billions

Chapter 86

"It's all ready." Accountant Yu nodded.

The two walked to the innermost position, where there were two tables and a stack of documents.

Qiao Xingyue raised her wrist to look at the time, and then glanced at the business owners present. Everyone had followed Qiao Xingyue to the provincial capital for inspection, so naturally they recognized her immediately.

When the time came, Qiao Xingyue stepped up to the front of the stage, she stood still, and the chattering merchants immediately stopped whispering.

Although we only got together for a short day, everyone knew that every word that this girl uttered was worth listening to!
Without anyone's explanation, they also spontaneously quieted down.

"Hi everyone, we meet again. Welcome to the Cosmopolitan Department Store Merchants Signing Conference. Do you remember me? Qiao Xingyue. I will be in charge of today's signing."

Qiao Xingyue opened briefly, and the merchants below immediately let out a "remember" voice.

Qiao Xingyue nodded and paused for a few seconds, waiting for the scene to quiet down again.

"First of all, let me introduce to you the most important thing about this investment signing... the fees that the signing merchants need to pay! Please take a look at the contract in hand, the third item."

Cooperating with Qiao Xingyue's speech, accountant Yu had brought over a stack of contracts and distributed them one by one.

"To enter the Universal Department Store, you need to pay a certain fee for the entrance rent. In the future, the operating company will also deduct [-]% of your turnover as a supplementary rent." Qiao Xingyue explained.

Someone raised his hand, "Then don't we have to pay two rents?"

Qiao Xingyue nodded, "Theoretically, that's the case."

At this time, Accountant Yu cooperated with Qiao Xingyue to speak and sent another document to everyone.

The three-page document contained three floor plans of the shopping mall, and each floor plan was divided into several areas, and each area was marked with some numbers.

"The document you are getting now is the entrance rent and area marking map of all areas of the mall. You can choose the area you want to lease based on this document."

Someone raised his hand again, "I want to open a bigger store, can I rent two adjacent blocks?"

Someone else asked, "I want to rent a piece in the men's clothing section on the first floor and a piece in the women's clothing section on the second floor, is that okay?"

"What if I choose the same area as someone else?"

Qiao Xingyue squeezed her hands and explained again, "We will rent all the areas in the form of auctions later. For those who are capable, we do not limit your size. As long as the ability is sufficient, I can rent the entire shopping mall to you. .”

This made the merchants laugh. If they had the ability and courage to rent the entire shopping mall, they would have rented it from the state in the first place.

"Now let's take a closer look at the other clauses in the contract, especially pay attention to the relevant clauses of your business, and be optimistic about the obligations you need to perform in the business. If you commit any crimes, you will be fined. You should also pay attention to the relevant rights and interests. In case the mall someday You can file a complaint if you take advantage of your rights, of course Mr. He is very familiar with these terms, I don't think he will violate them." Qiao Xingyue said.

This remark caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

However, merchants do take it seriously.

This method of double rent collection is easily accepted by everyone, because the entrance rent is very low, so if they do not manage well, at least they will not lose a large amount of rent.

The [-]% deduction is more acceptable to everyone. Even if the new department store opens, the business is better than the old department store, and the turnover is still limited. In the end, everyone thinks it is more cost-effective than renting a store outside.

Moreover, the contract states that the shopping malls are managed uniformly, cashiers are unified, and clothes are priced uniformly without bargaining. This can save merchants a lot of trouble. Clothes come in to set a good price and leave it to the salesperson.

Those who want to open both a men's clothing store and a women's clothing store will have no worries at all.

After giving everyone enough time to read the contract, Qiao Xingyue said again, "Now, do you have any questions about the contract? Do you have any objections?"

"What if you object?" someone asked.

Qiao Xingyue shrugged, "Then you can only choose not to sign, and you can leave now."

"Wow," another burst of laughter.

In fact, no one left the scene.

The next link is the auction of all areas. Each area is marked with a serial number on the floor plan. Qiao Xingyue personally presides over it. The auction starts from area No. [-]. The starting price is the price marked on the map.

If no one bids in a certain area, it will be temporarily reserved for auction. After all the areas are auctioned, the reserved area will be put up for auction again.

In the first round, everyone definitely wants to take the best position, but there must be quite a few people who can't compete, so they can only choose from the remaining areas.

There were three rounds of bidding, and the last area was also auctioned off.

From the business model of the shopping mall to regional bidding, everyone said in their hearts: This boss who bought the department store is amazing!
The one with the highest price wins, which avoids the difficulty of different pricing in different regions, and avoids competition among merchants.

Moreover, this kind of low entrance fee and the method of charging rent according to the turnover amount are very novel and easy to accept.

They were all led by Qiao Xingyue to visit many department stores in the provincial capital. What they learned was the outside of the store, but the actual way of doing business was invisible to the naked eye.

But after listening to Qiao Xingyue's specific explanation of the business model, even compared with those large chain supermarkets in the provincial capital, it is no less inferior.

Merchants have more trust in the owner of the new department store.

After signing the contract, ten o'clock in the morning is the time for the bosses to choose their own salespersons.

Each area is required to have at least two salespersons, and the boss is fine if he wants to be a salesperson himself, but he must obey the company's regulations like other salespersons, such as clocking in and out of work, accepting irregular daily inspections, wearing work clothes, and serving customers according to the company's requirements, etc. wait.

Merchants who compete for multiple areas need to be equipped with salespersons according to the number of areas.

After the accountant left, Qiao Xingyue came to the lobby on the first floor again, leading the merchants to select their respective salespersons.

Boxes of goods had already been unloaded between the shelves, and the employees were fine at the moment, watching Jiao Feifei unpacking the boxes.

The cash registers were assembled one by one, and the cash registers were taken out and placed on the cash register. Everyone was curious and excited, and many people whispered, "Is this a computer?"

"Does our mall use computers to collect money?"

Cashiers are envied because of these cash registers.

"Mr. Jiao." Qiao Xingyue came over and greeted Jiao Feifei.

Jiao Feifei raised his eyes, and a smile immediately filled his face.

"Is everything going well?" Qiao Xingyue asked.

Jiao Feifei nodded, "It went very well. I brought three people here this time, and two of them are laying cables. There is only a little left to finish. The one over there is working with your security guards to assemble the cash register. Once these machines are all installed, we can start recording.”

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