Ninja: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 25

Page 25

Akira Uchiha has absolutely no idea what Shisui was thinking!

Suicide is a certainty. Danzo was beaten away last night. It is impossible for him, and he does not have the ability to go to Uchiha’s station to kill!

Although I don’t know why.

However, Akira Uchiha immediately turned over and ran to Shisui Uchiha’s house, without even waiting for the old man to be with him!

At this time, Uchiha Shisui’s house was surrounded by many people!

After all, as the strongest Uchiha, Shisui’s prestige in the Uchiha clan is still very high!

Uchiha Akira is Shishui’s disciple. After he came, he naturally came to Shishui’s body for the first time!

At this time, the patriarch Fuyue, Itachi, and other elders of Uchiha are already here, and their expressions are solemn!

“Teacher Zhishui, did he leave any last words? Or is it a suicide note?”

Arriving in front of Shisui-sensei’s body, seeing that he had indeed lost his breath, Uchiha Ming only felt that his heart was jammed in a panic, followed, looked at the Fuyue Patriarch and asked.

“There are no last words, no suicide notes, and besides, his eyes are missing!”

After listening to Uchiha Ming’s inquiry, the Fuyue Patriarch shook his head and said.

“Are both eyes gone? So, Shisui-sensei still gave the left eye to Itachi like in the original book?”

“Does the plot really have its irreversible inertia?” Hearing this, Akira Uchiha’s eyes turned to Itachi.

If it is really the same as in the original book, then, after returning home last night, maybe Itachi and Shisui-sensei stayed together?However, after carefully looking at Uchiha Itachi’s expression, his eyes were also full of grief, and he couldn’t see anything else!At this time, I want to ask something.

However, more and more high-level Uchihas came over.

In the public, Uchiha Ming did not rush to ask him!

Regarding the suicide of Shisui, this caused a great sensation in the Uchiha family and even the entire Konoha Village!

The strongest Uchiha, the super strong known in the ninja world.

Moreover, at a young age, less than twenty years old, did you commit suicide like this?

This makes many people wonder why!

Many of Uchiha’s strong men are filled with righteous indignation, saying that this matter must be thoroughly investigated!

Of course, there are also Uchiha Shisui’s eyes, where did they go.

This matter also needs to be well investigated!

Akira Uchiha, sitting in a corner of Shisui’s house.

The indignation of the Uchiha clansmen seemed to be very far away.

Uchiha Ming sat quietly, in a daze!

To be honest, at the beginning, Shishui became his teacher, and Uchiha Ming was most pleased that there was a big boss with him, and his safety factor would be much higher.

Moreover, doing tasks can also be a lot more at ease!

For more than half a year, Mr. Zhi Shui has been very genial in dealing with people and things, and even taught himself the best S-level Esoteric Shunjutsu!

This whole-hearted teaching made Uchiha Akira’s heart secretly moved!

Also, these days, the front and back have also done five or six tasks with him.

He taught and cared about himself, but also from the heart!

It can be said that if there is no stop water, the growth rate of oneself cannot be so fast!

However, he didn’t give him anything in return, and he still died!

For a time, Akira Uchiha just felt heavy in his heart, very uncomfortable!

After getting along for half a year, Akira Uchiha indeed regards Akira Uchiha as someone who is very important to him!

Otherwise, Akira Uchiha, who has always been trying to find a way, would not have been able to go to the hard team to save people after learning the news of Shishui’s murder last night!

warm, creamy…

When Akira Uchiha was in a daze, he suddenly felt that something slipped across his cheek.

Reached out to touch, pale red tears.

This is?Blood and tears?

Blood mixed with tears?

“Hey, brat, are you alright?”

At this time, the old man, who had discussed with the patriarch and other elders, was obviously more worried about Akira Uchiha. He came to Ming and asked!

“Don’t worry, old man, I’m fine!” Uchiha Akira wiped the blood and tears from his cheeks and shook his head!

“Good grandson, you, your writing wheel eye…”

However, seeing Uchiha Ming raised his head, the old man’s face showed a look of astonishment!

“My Shaker? Is it the Sangou jade?” After hearing the old man’s words, Akira Uchiha came back to his senses.

It turned out that when I was bleeding and tears just now, Sharonyan had unknowingly evolved to the stage of Sangouyu!

At the same time, the reminder that his ninja level has been upgraded to the upper ninja has also appeared in front of his eyes! .

Chapter 46: Konoha shakes, Uchiha Ming Sangouyu? (5th more)

In other words, whether it is the initial opening of the eyes or the evolution to the state of Ergouyu.

Uchiha Akira’s advanced writing wheels are all accomplished during life simulation.

Unexpectedly, the death of Teacher Zhi Shui will make his Sharinyan successfully evolve to the state of Sangouyu!

With the evolution of the writing wheel, Uchiha Ming can clearly feel that the writing wheel of the three-gou jade has become more powerful on the basis of the original two-gou jade!

Not only insight and dynamic vision have been improved in all aspects.

You can even see exactly how the opponent’s chakra works!

Only in this way, Sangouyu’s writing wheel eye can cooperate with the action of copying the opponent’s seal, so as to directly copy the opponent’s ninjutsu display!

It’s just that every time I simulated life before, the evolution of Sharinyan, Uchiha Ming’s mood was very happy!

But today, Sharinyan has evolved into a state of three-goose jade, but Akira Uchiha has no joy in his heart!

In my heart, as if something was blocking it, it was heavy.

There is a feeling of wanting to shout to the sky and vent it!

In this way, after the indignation of Shisui’s death in Uchiha Shisui’s home, Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch, began to organize Shisui’s funeral!

And Uchiha Ming also followed home!

On the day of the funeral, the Uchiha family held it very grandly.

The Hyuga Clan, the Inuzuka Clan, Qiu Dao and many other senior members of the Konoha Village Ninja Clan also came to express their condolences!

Of course, Konoha executives headed by the third Hokage and Shimura Danzo also attended in person!

The third Hokage said very sadly that Shisui’s death was a very heavy loss to Konoha Village…

Uchiha’s clansmen next to him watched the performance of the third Hokage with cold eyes.

Obviously, everyone thinks that the third generation of Hokage is a cat crying a mouse!

In fact, the third generation of Hokage is really sad!

After all, if Shishui is still alive, his other gods should be able to make the Uchiha clan surrender to him and use it for himself!

Such a strong man has just fallen and lost a top tool man. The sadness of the third generation Hokage is not a fake!

In this way, after the funeral, the days of Konoha Village slowly seem to have returned to calm!

It’s just that the senior officials of Konoha Village, who had been jealous and guarded against the Uchiha clan, became more and more unscrupulous!

For one thing, Uchiha Shisui is dead, and the Uchiha family can be said to be missing a pillar!

Secondly, the kaleidoscope of Zhishui’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and another one fell into the hands of Danzang.

Naturally, the higher-ups of Konoha felt that there was nothing to be afraid of!

With the intensified oppression of the high-level Konoha Village, Uchiha’s clansmen, although they have lost Shishui.

However, the idea of launching a coup d’etat is getting stronger and stronger!

For several days, Akira Uchiha didn’t mean to leave the house!

Neither practice nor do tasks!

It seems to be completely rotten!

In this way, after Shishui committed suicide, a week has passed!

This week, the news that Uchiha Akira’s writing wheel has evolved into Sangouyu has once again cheered up the Uchiha clan!

One year, open eyes, two gouyu, three gouyu?

This terrifying growth rate has simply created the history of the Uchiha family!

There was even a voice in the Uchiha clan who said that it would only take a dozen years to give Uchiha another twenty years.

Perhaps, it can reach the height of the legendary Uchiha Madara!

Shisui’s death has lowered Uchiha’s morale a lot!

And Uchiha completed the growth rate of ordinary people evolving to Sangou within one year next year, which has improved Uchiha’s morale a lot!

That night, Akira Uchiha sat quietly in the yard, looking at the full moon in the sky.

Still thinking about what to do next!

For a long time, Akira Uchiha kept aloof from the night of the genocide.

Therefore, when simulating life, I almost always try to escape from the village!

However, Shisui-sensei died, but Akira Uchiha always felt a rage in his heart and wanted to change everything!

However, with his own strength, it is simply not enough to change these!

This makes Uchiha Ming feel tangled!


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