Ninja World: I Was Lying Flat And Was Exposed By The Question And Answer?

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 The Emotion Of Second Generation, The Team Exam!

And Senju Tobirama, who knew the truth, how could he let him go?

【Senju Tobirama】: Monkey, you’d better give me an explanation, I let you be Hokage, is that how you are?

【Sarutobi Hiruzen】: This… teacher, I can’t blame it either, the Uchiha family was really suspicious at the time, and I didn’t decide this alone!

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen became more and more quiet, but he was still heard by Second Generation on the tip of his ear!

【Senju Tobirama】: What did you say? What is it that you didn’t decide alone?

【Sarutobi Hiruzen】: Uh… Koharu, Homura and Danzo, they also participated! And it’s Danzo’s hands!

【Shimura Danzō】: Sarutobi Hiruzen, why can’t you make a face? Didn’t you say that you were afraid that the Uchiha clan would have dissent, so I let this old man take action to solve the Uchiha clan?

【Utatane Koharu】: Danzo is right, if you hadn’t nodded, how dare we call the shots?

【 Mitokado Homura 】: Humph! That’s right, you Sarutobi Hiruzen don’t nod in agreement, we’ll make up our own minds?

Originally, the three of them kept seeing several Konoha bosses talking, so they avoided coming out, but Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled them directly into the water.

If this doesn’t come out again, I’m afraid some black pot will be detained on their heads.

【Uchiha Fugaku】: Humph! You are all the same raccoon dog, no one is better!

【Shimura Danzō】: Humph! If it weren’t for you Uchiha, how could he be exterminated?

【Uchiha Fugaku】: You are so farting. If you didn’t press hard, how could we Uchiha have different opinions?

【Senju Tobirama】: Enough is enough, stop arguing. This time it was the old man who was wrong. Although the Uchiha clan was at fault, they should not be annihilated! !

【Uchiha Fugaku】: I heard, Nidaime said, the Uchiha family should not be exterminated! !

【Shimura Danzō】: Humph!

Danzo couldn’t take it anymore. After all, Second Generation had already spoken. What else could he say, he could only snort coldly!

【Senju Tobirama】: I never thought that my disciple would do such a thing!

For the Uchiha family, although Second Generation has been suppressing them, they never thought of destroying their family.

[Konoha Salted Fish]: You didn’t expect much, forget it, I won’t talk to you anymore, I’m going to sleep!

After finishing speaking, Yicheng left the chat group directly, leaving the rest of the group dumbfounded.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen]: Did he just say…going to bed?

【Senju Hashirama】: Yeah, what’s wrong?

【Shimura Danzō】: It’s daytime outside, where did he sleep?

【Senju Tobirama】: What do you care about other people’s sleep? Hmph, when the old man goes out, I will take care of you!

Hearing Senju Tobirama’s words, Danzo and the others fell silent, and the group fell silent for a while!

【Senju Tobirama】: Huh? What about people? Where have they all gone? ?

【Uchiha Madara】: Where else can we go? They all run away!

【Senju Tobirama】: Humph! The monks can’t run away from the temple, Konoha is there, where else can they run?

Outside, Yicheng glanced at the time, it was already noon, he jumped out of bed, ate some food, and was ready to go out to take the team’s exam!

Although a lot of big events have just happened, what should be done still has to be done.

All the way to the agreed place, Yicheng saw three Hanhans standing there.

Thinking about it, they should have come running at six in the morning, but these three are really big-hearted.

When such a big thing happened, you can still wait here for Kakashi to come, and the first time is four hours, and they still say that they keep their promises or are they stupid?

“Ah! It’s Mr. Yicheng, Mr. Yicheng is here!!”

Seeing Yicheng approaching, Naruto jumped directly from the stump, dancing and shouting loudly.

That’s right, because of Yicheng, there is one more graduate this year, and Yicheng was assigned to Kakashi’s seventh class.

“Yo! Naruto-kun, you are so energetic!”

Seeing the energetic Naruto, Yicheng smiled and reached out to greet Naruto!

“Yicheng-kun, Yicheng-kun, did you see what just happened?”

Yicheng naturally knew what Naruto was talking about. Just now, Yicheng only pulled a few big bosses and Uchiha Fugaku, and didn’t pull Naruto and others into the small group chat.

Therefore, what Naruto is talking about must be the systematic Q&A chat group of the whole ninja world.

“Well, I’m not blind, I can see it naturally, but it has nothing to do with us, and we can’t get those things, so let’s train and do tasks with peace of mind!”

Yicheng shrugged and said indifferently, as for his identity in the chat group. Yicheng will definitely not reveal it to anyone.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was indifferent, and he didn’t dare to be interested in these things.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that he saw his parents again, and now he is still immersed in chatting with them.

As for little Sakura, not to mention, a proper nympho, only Sasuke exists in her eyes.

For her, even if the sky falls, it is none of her business, she only cares about Sasuke.

“Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Well said, for what you can’t get, you have to understand the trade-offs!”

Kakashi walked towards the four while applauding. Today’s Kakashi is a bit different. In the past, the dead fish’s eyes were obviously brighter.

“It seems that the teacher has encountered a good thing!”

Yicheng saw Kakashi in high spirits and probably guessed why he had changed so much.

This is all thanks to the previous question and answer system. Kakashi can have such a big change. I think he met his father in a group chat.

“You talk too much!”

Kakashi rolled his eyes and glared at Yicheng, also surprised by Yicheng’s keen eyesight.

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