Ninja World: I Was Lying Flat And Was Exposed By The Question And Answer?

Chapter 266

Chapter 264 The Exam Begins

The Chūnin exam is the exam for the promotion of Genin to Chūnin in the Hokage world, and is usually held twice a year. This exam will be valued by the shadows and daimyo of various countries. They judge the actual strength of each village by observing the strength of the young ninjas in the five villages.

This year’s Chūnin exam will be held at Konoha Village in the Land of Fire.

The Konoha Village Examiner’s Office was very busy at this time, and there were constantly ninjas from Konoha Village walking back and forth here. All matters related to this Chūnin exam were planned in this place.

“Have you sorted out the list for the Chūnin exam?” a ninja said slowly to the man beside him.

“It has been sorted out. This year, the number of people taking the Chūnin exam is particularly large. We have 87 people in Konoha Village, 30 people in Sunagakure, 21 people in “493” Rain Shinobi Village, and other villages. There are a lot fewer people.” The ninja said slowly while looking at the list.

After Hong Yuri came out of the Hokage room, he directly summoned the three of Yicheng to meet in the woods.

“I called you here today because there is something important I want to tell you.” Hong Yuhi looked at them and said.

“The bi-annual Chūnin exam is about to be held, and this exam will be held at Konoha Village. Based on the usual examination of the strength of the three of you, I have already registered for you. Hong Yuhi said lightly.

“What?” Tian Tian said in surprise.

“What’s the fuss about this? Don’t worry, I am very confident in the three of you. As long as you can perform normally, you will definitely be promoted to Chūnin this time.” Yuhi Hong said confidently.

But Hinata and Tian Tian were still very flustered, because they felt that their current strength was still too weak. As for Yicheng, the question he was thinking about at this time was how to hide his strength in the Chūnin exam.

“It stands to reason that Third Hokage’s disciple Orochimaru will be involved in this Chūnin exam. He and Yinyin Village have planned a big conspiracy, and now Hokage will also be killed in this incident.” Yicheng said in himself thought in mind.

That old man from Third Hokage is usually pretty good to him, so let’s just save him this time. Yicheng has already made up his mind.

“The next time, the three of you have to prepare well for this exam. I’m just an illusion ninja, and I can’t help you too much, so it’s all up to you three little guys.” said slowly.

After a while, Yuhi Hong claimed that he still had a mission to retire first.

“Ah ah ah, I don’t think I will be promoted to Chūnin.” Tian Tian said dejectedly.

“The two of you have nothing to be afraid of, your Summoning has improved very fast these days, enough to make you shine in this exam. As for Hinata, your Eight Trigrams Palms should be taught by Neji. No problem.35

“What you two need to do now is to adjust your mentality and ensure the normal performance of the Chūnin exam.” Yicheng said with great relief to the two of them.

After Hinata and Tian Tian heard Yicheng’s consolation, for some reason, their hearts suddenly calmed down.

The Chūnin exam is coming soon. In the past few days, many foreign ninjas have gathered in the village. They all came from afar to take the Chūnin exam.

The first quiz of this Chūnin exam is about answering questions. The examiner divides all the ninjas who take the test into the classrooms.

“This test has a total of ten questions, but each of you has only nine questions on the paper, and the last question will not be given until the end of the test. In addition, I need to emphasize one point, that is all of you. They all come in in the form of a three-person team. If one person fails, the entire team will be eliminated. The chief examiner said to the crowd.

For a time, a very tense atmosphere covered all the candidates. No one thought that the first session of the Chūnin exam would be conducted in the form of an exam.

Yicheng sat calmly at a table, and soon the person in charge of the test would distribute the test papers to them.

According to Yicheng’s memory, this exam is mainly to test the cheating ability of ninjas, which is easy for Yicheng, who now has the strength of Six Paths.

After 18 years when he first came to the Hokage world, Yicheng has already mastered all the ninjutsu in the ninja world, and even the advanced pupil jutsu such as sharingan is not a problem for him…

However, every time Yicheng used the pupil technique, he would use an illusion technique, so that people around him would not be able to find that he also had such eyes.

After a roll of eyes, Yicheng could easily see the correct answers written by others, and he had already filled the test paper within ten minutes of the test.

After doing all this, Yicheng began to look at the other people around him leisurely. Every ninja also used his own cheating methods. Some people used sand to condense a small eye, and some people observed through Sharingan. The actions of others are analyzed in turn to find out what is written.

The time quickly came to the last ten minutes of the exam. At this time, the examiner also said to everyone, before watching the content of the last question, you need to first decide whether to answer. Take this exam.

Everyone’s face changed greatly after hearing such a rule, this exam is really too harsh.

However, in the face of such a difficult problem, Yicheng just smiled softly, because he already knew that as long as he chose to answer the question, even if he didn’t write the answer to the tenth question, he would still be eligible for the promotion.

Some other ninjas have also decided to answer the question after careful consideration of 4.0, but there are still a large number of ninjas who choose not to answer this last question for fear of the consequences.

After the first exam was over and the answers were announced, the groups who did not choose to answer the questions regretted one by one, and lost their qualifications for this exam just because they were afraid of making mistakes.

The rest of the ninjas who were promoted had not had time to rejoice in their wit, and were immediately taken to the next exam by the examiners.

It was a dead wood from a distance, especially gloomy, just standing on the periphery of the wood, you can feel a chilling atmosphere.

Even when the ninjas were chatting about the content of the exam, a heroic Konoha Village ninja stood in front of everyone and started to explain the rules of the exam.

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