Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 564 Zhang Shangshu defeats General Tiance! Li Zian's Portable Dream

Chapter 564 Zhang Shangshu defeats General Tiance! Li Zian carries the dream witch head!

"Qingyang has met His Majesty."

In Shangyang Palace, Qingyang is full of blessings towards Emperor Jingtai.

"Excuse me, why is my Qingyang free to come to the palace today? Didn't you go to the White Horse Temple to watch the battle? Don't you want to see your sweetheart show off his majesty?"

Emperor Jingtai joked with a smile on his face.

Qingyang didn't know whether Emperor Jingtai was happy to see her, or whether he couldn't help but be happy because his plot was about to succeed.

She smiled slightly and said: "There is nothing interesting over there at White Horse Temple. A thousand blood pagodas can't make any waves, so they will definitely not be Zian's opponent. Qingyang came here today because he wanted to tell His Majesty that Duke Wu'an's Mansion It has been repaired.”

"Haha, so that's what happened. Don't worry, Prince Rui has already taken care of it, and the family will not let go of your marriage. Once the martial arts and literary competition with Xi Chu is over, I I will issue an imperial edict to announce to the world that you and Zi'an will get married as soon as possible."

Emperor Jingtai had a smile as warm as the spring breeze. But he had already regarded Li Zian as a dead person in his heart.

With the elite Huben led by Xuanyuan Changhu in the light, and the assassins of Dream Witches and Barbarians in the dark, how could Li Zian, whose cultivation was suppressed at the fourth level, escape?

He didn't believe in this chain-linked scheme, and he still couldn't take down Li Zian!

"Qingyang has thanked Your Majesty, but does the Jade Princess from Western Chu really want to be betrothed to King Yan?"

Qingyang pursed his lips and said while looking around at the surroundings with his peripheral vision, but didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

As for Emperor Jingtai...

He is full of energy and vitality, and does not look like he is controlled by people or evil spirits.

Could it be that she, the emperor's younger brother who valued love and righteousness, was really blinded by the supreme imperial power and lost his heart after becoming the emperor?

Emperor Jingtai didn't know that Qingyang had begun to doubt him.

He chuckled and said, "Why, is there anything wrong with Princess Jade being betrothed to King Yan?"

"But in this case, wouldn't it be against Jiang Jingcan's wishes? Then the matter of Xichu becoming my vassal state of Dayin will probably cause trouble again."

A trace of sadness flashed in Qingyang's eyes.

"King Yan is my Prince Dayin, and my marriage to Princess Xichuyu is a perfect match. If Jiang Jingcan really insists on being stubborn, I won't let him get used to it. At worst, Li Bingmao and Xichu will have a fight. .What do I fear?"

Emperor Jingtai could not help but exude an aura of looking down upon the world!

This surprised Qingyang.

This momentum...

It made her a little suffocated.

But why does it feel like I’ve felt it somewhere before?

But when she concentrated again and wanted to feel it, the momentum dissipated without a trace.

She looked confused.

Is it an illusion?

Emperor Jingtai paused and continued: "You should understand that if Princess Jade really marries Zian, it will be a slap in our Dayin's face! You are the eldest princess of Dayin, and Princess Jade wants to be on an equal footing with you. How can this be?"

"Qingyang, thank you for your concern, Your Majesty."

Qingyang showed his true feelings and said movedly, "By the way, I heard that the queen was frightened in the harem a few days ago? Is she feeling better now?"

"You are concerned. I have seen the imperial doctor. There is nothing serious. Mother and son are safe."

Emperor Jingtai said calmly.

Qingyang nodded gently: "The Queen gave birth to a dragon son, which is considered a great achievement. When I entered the palace this time, I also brought some supplements such as deer antlers and wild ginseng, and asked Xiao Dengzi and others to send them over. Qingyang Chi Let’s go see the queen later.”

Emperor Jingtai smiled and said: "Although the queen is fine at the moment, she is still a little depressed after living in the palace. You can just go and talk to her and relieve her boredom."

"Why, didn't the Wang family come to visit the Queen?"

Qingyang asked casually.

"You also know that the queen is a concubine of the Wang family, and Hua Xue, the only queen of the Wang family, has married into a ghost doctor's family. There are really not many people who can accompany the queen to relax."

"The Queen is weak after giving birth and cannot return to her parents' home... Then Qingyang should go see the Queen now."

Qingyang suddenly felt that the queen was also a pitiful person.

It seems that the mother is the most noble woman in the world, but in the end, she is still just a bird in a cage.

It's better for her, she can go wherever she wants, without any restrictions.

"Well, you go ahead and talk to the queen more."

The emperor waved his hand.

"Then Qingyang will leave first. Your Majesty, please take care of your dragon body."

Qingyang turned and left.

A few moments.

From the shadows, a hunched eunuch came out, his voice was quite sharp: "Your Majesty, why did the princess come to the palace suddenly?"

The eunuch was young, probably in his early thirties. He was the commander of the Shadow Guard who was promoted by Emperor Jingtai and succeeded Ying Yi, who was killed by Li Nuo.

And thanks to the true dragon energy of the Emperor of Central Plains, the strength of this great eunuch has also been upgraded to [Third Grade of Deception], which can be said to be a step to the sky.

"My Qingyang is eager to get married. I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug Li Zian gave her."

The smile on Emperor Jingtai's face gradually cooled down and became a little gloomy, "But for the sake of the common people in the world and the stability of Dayin, I can only sacrifice Qingyang's happiness for the rest of his life. I hope she won't blame me for being ruthless."

"His Royal Highness Qingyang will definitely understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts. How can he blame His Majesty?"

The eldest eunuch bowed his back and complimented with a flattering expression.

Emperor Jingtai sat on the recliner, narrowed his eyes, and said with a slightly cold expression: "Jiang Jingcan had a good plan, but he was too naive, thinking that by offering a woman, he could become brothers with my Dayin. Yes? Huh! I want to unify the entire thirteen states in the world! If Western Chu does not surrender, I will take it by force! Open up the territory and expand the territory, and become an emperor for the ages!"

Faced with this slave who would never betray, Emperor Jingtai completely exposed his ambition.

"Your Majesty is extremely ambitious, and I will follow your Majesty's footsteps to the death!"

The great eunuch was infected by the emperor's will, and his whole body became excited.

The Son of Heaven becomes the Emperor of the ages.

Then he will become the best "inner minister" in the world!

Although he wields a sword from the palace and lacks the tools to carry on the family line, if he can really become the most powerful internal minister in the world, then he can be regarded as honoring his ancestors, right?

"Haha, but it's really thanks to my good father that I can make this determination!"

Emperor Jingtai showed a trace of madness.

It was the wealth left by "Wen Zong" that completely released the beast that was imprisoned deep in his heart!

Heroic Spirit Summoning Technique!

He never expected that this technique would be so powerful!

He just tried it casually and couldn't put it down.

But what Wenzong used before was actually only a incomplete version.

Because the host body of the heroic spirit is not strong enough, it cannot truly carry a powerful heroic spirit!

It was precisely because of this that Wenzong was reluctant to lose and his soul was beheaded by Li Nuo.

The body instantly turned into bones, unable to support the heroic spirits of founding generals Shi Fengda and Chu Zhenfei.

But as the saying goes, people in the past planted trees for others to enjoy the shade, and now he has perfected this defect!

"Nine Volumes and Nine Needles of the Lingshu" of "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic"!

This secret technique, which has never been revealed to anyone, was obtained by the Wang family from the ghost doctor's sect in exchange for their direct daughter-in-law, Wang Huaxue.

The third of the nine needles can force a person to break through the physical limit for a period of time. Of course, the price is to overdraw the person's potential.

But this side effect doesn't matter to Emperor Jingtai.

He has tried it on dozens of eunuchs, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Even a eunuch with no cultivation level can withstand a sixth-level heroic spirit for two full hours after being acupunctured.

Of course, after this, the eunuch will bleed to death from his orifices.

But as an emperor, how could he care too much about a few humble lives?

It was precisely with this confidence that Emperor Jingtai finally made up his mind to get rid of Li Zian!

It's strange that Li Zian's prestige among the people is so high that the whole of Dayin only knows Duke Wu An, but not the emperor!

Li Zian can fight?

And always winning battles?


This is no longer necessary.

Dayin no longer needs an invincible God of War!

In the Dayin Dynasty, he, the emperor, was also able to lead his own conquests and open up new territories!

As long as his army of heroic spirits is built, who will dare to disobey wherever the army passes?

In front of the queen's palace, the guard commander said with an apologetic look: "Eunuch Deng, I'm really sorry. It's my duty and I can't let you go."

The guards also knew Little Eunuch Deng, Princess Qingyang's personal eunuch, but Princess Qingyang did not come in person after all. It was naturally impossible for them to let these eunuchs and maids into the queen's palace. If they disturbed the queen's purity, they could Can't afford to suffer.

"No problem, no problem. This is a gift from His Highness Qingyang to the Queen. You all can carry it in. His Highness Qingyang will come to visit the Queen after paying his respects to the Emperor."

Xiao Dengzi handed the gift to the guards guarding the door. Of course, all this was within their plan.

The group then said their goodbyes and left.

Zhang Qiushi took the opportunity to leave the team.

Not long after, a military magical power enveloped him. The wisps of strange mist completely restrained his breath, which was similar to Wen Dao's "One Leaf Blinds Eyes".

Although the palace is large, it is not difficult to find the general of Tiance Mansion.

Zhang Qiushi immediately targeted the emperor's study room.

This is the best place to hide.

There were guards guarding the outside of the imperial study, but they were naturally not as strong as the guards around the emperor.

As a master of the art of war, Zhang Qiushi easily got in through the mist.

In the imperial study room, a man wearing a black cloak to cover his appearance was sitting beside the desk, holding a five-inch jade dragon seal in his hands.

Seal of the General!

But he had been prepared for it, but seeing the situation with his own eyes, Zhang Qiushi's mood still fluctuated a little.


King Xin suddenly turned his head and saw a looming mist.

This is……

Military fog!

Someone actually used military magic to sneak into the royal study?

You know, this kind of military magical power cannot be used by those who are less than the fifth level.

As a general of Tiance Mansion, he is naturally very familiar with this strange mist!

He immediately focused his ghost power on his eyes and discovered that the person hidden in the mist was actually Zhang Qiushi, Minister of War!

Why did he come so quietly? Didn't the emperor send him to sort out the military books?

not good!

King Xin was shocked.

He must have discovered that [Bingjia Sandbox] had been tampered with!

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

King Xin was well versed in the art of war, and he immediately raised his hand forward. The purple ribbon and golden seal glowed with divine light, and it grew to a height of one foot in diameter, and then he struck hard at Zhang Qiushi!

Although this seal ribbon was carved from jade, it carried the fate of Dayin's country for a hundred years and was only one grade lower than the emperor's jade seal.

Its power is no worse than a magic weapon!

The purple ribbon and gold seal quickly enlarged in his pupils, as if Mount Tai was crushing him to pieces, but Zhang Qiushi's eyes were cold and fearless.

Although the Ministry of War and Tiance Mansion are on the same level, in terms of power, the Ministry of War is still larger.

Tiance Mansion is in charge of fighting and winning wars, and has the power to lead troops to fight.

But when and where to fight, it is the Ministry of War that has the final say.

In short, the Ministry of War is in charge of the strategic level, whether this war should be fought or not.

And Tiance Mansion is in charge of tactics, how to win this battle.

And tactics have always served strategy.

There is one more.

The Minister of the Ministry of War, he was born as a serious Jinshi.

But the general of Tiance Mansion was only appointed by His Majesty.

There is naturally a considerable difference in the status and reputation between the two in the scholarly world and even in the officialdom.

Back to business.

Seeing the general's seal flying towards him, Zhang Qiushi waved his sleeve gently and used the seal of the Minister of War!

"Seeing this military order, why don't you retreat?"

Zhang Qiushi used the power of the Minister of War to issue orders.

Then he saw General Yin Shou of Tiance Mansion trembling slightly and stopping his offensive.

A half-level official can crush people to death!

"It turns out that His Highness King Xin has been missing for more than half a year. Why did he change his mind to practice the ghost way? This is an evil way, and anyone can punish it! Just follow me and go."

As soon as Zhang Qiuzhen finished speaking, he threw out the "Kiuzhou Map".

King Xin was shocked. He just wanted to escape, but he was still sucked in.

At the beginning, even Li Nuo suffered from the "Kiuzhou Map", let alone the mere King Xin.

After receiving the letter from the king, Zhang Qiushi also firmly caught the admiral's seal.

Then with a thought, he directly wiped away the remaining aura on the [Seal Shou].

And the piece of yellow silk on the table also lost control.


Zhang Qiushi once again used the art of war and left the imperial study.

And at the same time.

The White Horse Temple attracts thousands of people to watch the battle.

The old monk Shi Kong, who was chanting sutras and creating dream-like bubbles, spat out a mouthful of blood.

The illusion fell apart in an instant.

Everyone on the field woke up and soon there was a commotion.

what happened?

Aren't you watching the battle? Why did you fall asleep?

Boom boom boom!

The [Military Sandbox] on the ground flew up into the sky and expanded rapidly to a hundred feet. Even the sky was covered and became completely black.

And the void covered by the [Bingjia Sandbox] was torn open with a big crack.

The soldiers were thrown out one by one!

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly stepped back to make way for a clearing.

However, the more people looked at it, the more strange it became, and they even exclaimed in surprise.

"Aren't these soldiers Long Xiangwei and Xuefutu?"

"Look, this it the Tiger Army?"

"Ah, I recognize this, this is Xuanyuan Changhu, the old general of Huben! Why did the Huben army also get involved?"

"What's going on? Are these big guys Southern Barbarian warriors?"

Everyone looked in disbelief.

Didn't we agree that five thousand Dragon Guards would fight against one thousand Blood Pagodas?

So what happened to these extra people?

Fortunately, the mountainous area in front of the Main Hall of White Horse Temple is large enough, and it can barely accommodate these more than 10,000 soldiers.

"Sorry, I came out a little late."

Li Nuo walked out last.

In his hand, he held a bloody head.

Fourth level dream witch!

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