Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 581 Li Nuo accepts a disciple

Chang'an City, which was reborn after the war, became bustling again after Li Nuo returned.

The door of Li's Mansion was almost broken by the matchmakers.

However, these matchmakers did not come here for Li Nuo, and of course, they did not have the guts to take Li Nuo's interest. Who in the world doesn't know that Duke Wu'an already has a wife who is as beautiful as a fairy, and will marry another princess.

The purpose of their coming here is to mediate with Jiang Raner!

The news that Jiang Bodhisattva, who lives in the Li Mansion, is Li Nuo's biological sister, could not be kept secret for long, and finally someone who was interested found out.

Is this possible?

For a time, the world was in turmoil!

Duke Wu An's biological sister is sixteen years old, with a beautiful heart and a kind-hearted person. She also has a pair of hands that can bring the dead back to life. The most important thing is that she is still a virgin!

How long would it be before a matchmaker came to propose marriage at this time?

Of course, those who come to propose marriage are basically people from the world.

As for the elders in the officialdom, although they are also interested in letting their incompetent boy marry Wu An Gong's sister, they are still waiting to see what happens.

There was a feud between the emperor and Duke Wu An!

Although the veterans who are involved in the officialdom all know that there was a comradeship between Wu An and Emperor Jingtai who lived and died together, but accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. Emperor Jingtai is no longer the King of Qin back then, but an emperor who holds imperial power. !

In all the dynasties, haven't there been too many cases where cunning rabbits died and were cooked by running dogs?

And these days, anyone with a discerning eye can see that His Majesty is desperately trying to clean up the officials of the Lushan faction, even if the Imperial College faction is dominant!

How could they dare to have a close relationship with Li Zian? It's too late to escape.

This is the difference between officialdom and the world!

However, there is one exception here.

Jing Anbo!

"Sir, Uncle Jing has sent another post."

Lu Yihong, the leader of the Cao Gang who is not doing his job properly, has been the housekeeper of the Li Mansion since last year.

For him, it was much better to serve the young master in Chang'an than to rule the roost in Jiangnan.

He walked into the study and placed a gold-gilded invitation on the desk.

Li Nuo didn't pick him up.

He rubbed his temples and said helplessly: "Didn't you refuse? Why are you still coming? This old guy is so patient."

Lu Yihong also said that he was helpless: "Sir, my subordinate has refused no less than five times, whether expressly or implicitly, but he still doesn't give up. How about a meeting? I heard that Jing'anbo's youngest son is as tall as a tree, and he was like a tree in the wind. He has also won the title of scholar in this year."

"It's a step too late. Ran'er...has already made up her mind."

Of course, Li Nuo would not do anything like beating a mandarin duck.

Since his sister also likes Nangong Ziyu, he will definitely facilitate this marriage.

Whoever dares to block it will have his hand chopped off!

Not even Nangong Qu!

This is Li Zian's attitude!

Domineering, protective of shortcomings.

Not convinced?

Just pick up the knife and fight!

"It's not that I don't think highly of Mr. Nangong, it's just that Nangong is from a famous family. This family has a big business, so the relationships inside are complicated. Miss Ran'er is innocent and kind-hearted, and I'm afraid that if I marry him, I will suffer a loss."

Lu Yihong said worriedly.

What was his intention when he rejected Nangong Amber one after another?

I just don’t want to get too involved with the aristocratic family.

"I know this well, and I won't let Ran'er suffer. How is the Jiangnan Auction House doing?"

Li Nuo asked.

"According to Young Master's request, the auction house has almost been built. As for the items to be auctioned, a lot has been gathered in these days. There are more than a thousand high-quality items and no less than a hundred rare treasures. Now there is a shortage of one treasure. "

Lu Yihong is confused.

The Jiangnan Commercial Bank developed extremely rapidly. In addition to opening up the trade routes of the sixteen countries in the Western Regions, it also developed maritime trade.

Even the royal courts of the northern barbarians and the northwest Qiang people have traces of the activities of Jiangnan merchants.

But even so, it is still difficult to find a treasure that can hold the scene.

After all, according to the young master’s request, this auction house must become a hit and become famous all over the world!

Li Nuo nodded, took out a wooden box from his arms, and said calmly: "This golden lotus contains thirty-six lotus seeds. It is about to mature. It should be regarded as a treasure for the store."

As soon as the wooden box is opened, the golden lotus comes out, and the golden light shines!

Lu Yihong was stunned.

After a long time to recover, he breathed quickly and swallowed his saliva and said: "Sir, could this be the thirty-sixth grade golden lotus that enjoys the baptism of Buddhism day and night?"

"Well, I picked this lotus from Lingshan Yunchi."

Li Nuo nodded.

During those days in Lingshan, he finally couldn't hold it back and picked up a golden lotus.


Can a scholar be called a thief?

But this thing was destined for him, and he couldn't bear to see it withering in the sea of ​​clouds, so he took action to pick it.

There is no other semicolon but this one who can express "stealing" in such a fresh and refined way!

"As soon as this thing comes out, I'm afraid that no matter the Jianghu sect or the wealthy family, everyone will go crazy!"

Lu Yihong said with emotion, "Twenty years ago, a sixteenth-grade purple lotus appeared on the rivers and lakes, which caused a bloody storm! Several major sects fought, and two more sects were uprooted. In the end, the government intervened to mediate , and then forcefully suppressed the matter."

The lotus flower in Buddhism is extremely useful.

Lotus seeds are used as medicine to stabilize the mood and reduce the influence of inner demons.

Put the lotus into the furnace to refine the elixir, and it can become the [Energy-Building True Lotus Pill], which can help your body break the shackles of the realm.

Especially for practitioners at the fifth or fourth level, this golden lotus is simply good news!

"There are still two months left before Chinese Valentine's Day. It's almost time. You can go ahead and start building momentum. Next, I will turn the Jiangnan Nangong family upside down!"

The Nangong family has opened many treasure pavilions. To deal with the Nangong family, we naturally have to start with their money bags...

Every year during festivals such as Chinese Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival, Zhenbao Pavilion's business is the hottest.

Li Nuo naturally wanted to give Zhenbao Pavilion the most fatal blow at this point in time!

He believed that as long as the Nangong family was forced to jump over the wall, flaws would be exposed.

He wants people to have nowhere to hide!

Refining blood sacrificial elixirs in the Central Plains Dynasty is an unpardonable crime!

Although Wenzong died, Li Nuo would not turn a blind eye to the cancer he left behind.

Since there have been traces of human beings on the Nangong family's ship, there is absolutely no way to escape the relationship between the Nangong family and the Blood Sacrifice Pill!

He wants to uproot it!

Give justice to the people who were brutally murdered, and bring peace to the world!

"Don't worry, sir, the layout on the Jiangnan side has been completed, and this matter will be handled properly."

Lu Yihong said.

Although he is in Chang'an, there is no problem in controlling Jiangnan Caobang.

"Well, I can rest assured that this matter will be left to you. By the way, Uncle Jing An... promise him that I will go to the banquet tonight."

Li Nuo finally decided to meet Jing Anbo.

He was curious. Why do all the old fritters in the officialdom know how to protect themselves, but he insists on rushing in?

Aren't you afraid of upsetting His Majesty?

This Uncle Jing'an can also be regarded as the old man of the imperial court. My ancestors also had great achievements and had two princes.

However, during the Xuanzong period, his father made a mistake and the title was reduced. When it was passed to him, he was just a little uncle.

Although Ran'er can't be the old man's daughter-in-law, he can take in a disciple.

He, the former examiner of the examination, has never accepted a single student so far!

The time soon came to evening.

Li Nuo put on his Confucian shirt and scarf and came to a small villa with a very elegant environment - Junzixuan.

"Hahaha, Zi'an is here. Chu Shouzhong often mentions you in my ears. It makes me so happy that Zi'an can come here."

As soon as they reached the door, hearty laughter rang out and a middle-aged man strode over.

It was Jing Anbo.

The centipede-like scar on his left cheek is his legacy on the battlefield.

And this Junzixuan is his family's property. It can be regarded as a gold-selling cave second only to the brothel.

He did not use the title "Gong Wu'an" and even moved out of Zhennan, Bo Chu Shouzhong. Naturally, he wanted to make the relationship between the two parties closer. In this way, he can also propose marriage for his son.

"I've met Uncle Jing."

However, Li Nuo just bowed his hand, spoke politely, and treated him as an equal.

This made Amber Jing's heart skip a beat.

It seemed that it would be very difficult for his son to marry Wu An Gong's sister.

He spent his whole life as a soldier and was brave, and everyone who saw him would give him a thumbs up.

But when it comes to carrying on the family line, it's not that great. He gave birth to nine daughters, and finally had a son at the age of fifty.

He was worried about this son for a long time.

He had thought that at least before he died, his son would have a good future. Otherwise, the Jing'an Mansion will definitely decline.

Therefore, when he learned that Duke Wu An had a biological sister, while other colleagues were still waiting and watching, he made a decision!

He believes in his own vision!

Duke Wu An is a dragon among men. Sooner or later, he will soar to the nine heavens!

Your Majesty, Mr. Wu An cannot be trapped.

But now, Jing Anbo's heart felt a little cold.

Mr. Wu An seems not to want to have a close relationship with him...

"Ahem, Mr. Wu An, I wonder if your sister has a husband?"

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, Jing Anbo finally got to the point.

Li Nuo pretended not to understand what Jing Anbo meant and said: "Ran'er is still a little girl. I plan to keep her by my side for a few more years. Let's not mention the little girl... Come and have a drink. I heard that Jing Anbo Haidu, come and drink from this bowl.”

Jing Anbo drank a bowl, and the strong wine entered his stomach, but it was a bit bitter...

He had heard the implication of Li Zian's words. This was a polite rejection of his marriage proposal.

However, just when Jing Anbo was disappointed, Li Nuo changed the topic: "By the way, I heard that Mr. Ling is determined to obtain fame. I wonder if he can enter the academy?"

Jing Anbo said awkwardly: "Quuzi has obtained the title of scholar, and he plans to continue his efforts in Qiu Wei today to strive for a good family background. But Quan Zi is usually too naughty and has pissed off several old masters. I don't know if he can do it this Qiu Wei." ah."

This is also a worry for Jing Anbo.

His son is so careless!

In the early years, it was no problem to pass the college examination.

After all, for a family as rich as his, as long as the younger generation is not too stupid, it is not difficult to become a scholar.

But it's two different things when you take the exam.

Then it depends on your true ability.

But there are millions of scholars in the world, and at least half of them are those who have studied hard for twenty years.

It's so hard to compete with these people.

As for being admitted to Lushan College or further studying at the Imperial Academy.


He has put his face on the line many times, but he won't accept it.

Therefore, he could only invite those famous Confucian scholars to come to his house to teach his son. Unexpectedly, his son had a naughty mind and many old masters went away because of his anger.

Before Li Nuo came to the banquet, he had of course found out all about Jing Anbo's family background.

I even went to observe the kid myself.

That boy is sixteen years old. Although he is naughty, he is extremely talented in literature!

Although it is not the most top-notch [literary and profound], it is not far behind!

That boy was born with a prototype of Wen Gong in his mind!

What is the magical function of Wen Gong?

Generally, scholars store literary energy in their Dantian.

The magical function of Wen Gong is the same as that of Dantian.

In other words, once this kid studies hard and makes progress every day, he will be born with at least twice as much literary talent as others!

And as the cultivation level gets higher, the reserve of Wen Qi will increase.

in short. Once he sets foot in the [Fourth Level True Artistic Realm], this guy can beat four with one!

Of course, this kid still doesn't know that he has the prototype of Wen Gong in his mind.

The reason why Li Nuo knew it was because of the Confucian statue in his divine sea.

In addition to strengthening his literary and spiritual powers, this Confucian statue also has another use, that is, it can sense the talent of any Confucian scholar.

If not, he wouldn't have developed a "love for talents".

This kid is even more talented in Confucianism and Taoism than Cui Liyan!

Li Nuo didn't want this boy to waste his talent in vain.

Back to business.

Li Nuo chuckled and said, "Young people are all like this. Back then, Cui Liyan also gave up Confucianism and Taoism and indulged in ingenious and obscene skills. However, the prodigal son returns with gold, and Cui Liyan finally became a Jinshi."

"How can Quanzi compare with the grandson of Prime Minister Cui? The Cui family master is born to study. It's a pity that Quanzi is not good at studying, let alone martial arts."

Jing Anbo said with emotion.

Li Nuo smiled and said, "That's because we lack a good teacher."

Jing Anbo felt excited all over.

Mr. Wu An, what does this mean?

Are you willing to be the recommender and recommend his son to study at Lushan College?

Jing Anbo stared at Li Nuo with burning eyes.

Li Nuo smiled and said, "I wonder if Mr. Ling is willing to accept me as his disciple?"


Worship Mr. Wu An as your teacher!

Is Mr. Wu An really willing to accept his evil son as his disciple?

this moment.

Jing Anbo's mind went blank.

"Of course, I won't force you. If you're not interested, forget it."

"No, no, no! I am willing! I am so willing! Mr. Wu An, wait a moment!"

Amber Jing's face flushed with excitement, and he hurried out and yelled at the waiter.

It didn't take long.

The young marquis was fought over by several strong warriors.

at this time.

The young Marquis looked confused.

He was fighting cocks with other young men, but his father's four kings captured him without saying a word.

No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use.

And this also caused him to lose all his dignity in front of all the young masters!

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