Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 663 The Empress was assassinated! King Liang supervises the country!

Compared with two years ago, Luoyang City seemed much cooler, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a depression.

It originally had a population of 2 million, but now there are less than 200,000 people remaining in the city. This number also includes 50,000 soldiers defending the city.

Lema Tingfeng Street, which should be bustling and bustling, has only a few pedestrians, making it seem extremely empty and lonely.

On the other hand, Chang'an City, across the river from Luoyang, is still prosperous...

On the streets, people come and go. However, there are some differences compared to the past, that is, everyone carries a knife.

And there was no sign of decadence or malaise on anyone's face.

On the contrary, they have strong faith and bright eyes.

This is because they know that all the major city gates are guarded by the most elite soldiers, and none of the female relatives in the Regent's Palace have evacuated.

Even Li Zian's female family members are still guarding Chang'an, what reason do they have to be afraid? Is there any reason to retreat to Jiangnan?

Li Zian, the God of War of Dayin!

Four years ago, he was not afraid of the 600,000 iron hooves of the Northern Barbarians.

This time, the clown whose mind is controlled by evil spirits is far worse than the Northern Barbarian cavalry. What is there to be afraid of?

For example, the night before, thousands of unconscious gangsters attacked the South City Gate. Li Zian's second wife, Ziyuan, the famous oiran of Yuzhou City, stood at the top of the city and used her magical power to make all the gangsters fall into sleep. .

Then, the city guards rushed out bravely and killed the enemy without leaving any trace behind!


They can proudly tell the world.

Even if the imperial court moves to Tianfu, and even if the people all over the world evacuate to the south of the Yangtze River, the people of Chang'an are willing to live and die with Chang'an!

Regent's Palace.

Three-year-old Ji Changan has learned to run. Behind him, his two-year-old sister and brother tried to keep up with their brother, but they staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, crying loudly.

Seeing this, Qiluo laughed heartlessly: "Shame, shame, I fell down and cried."

The two little kids didn't know whether they understood or not, but their expressions and movements were basically the same.

They opened their eyes wide and looked curiously at the aunt who couldn't stop laughing.

However, Ji Changan, the elder brother, saw his younger brother and sister fall, so he quickly ran back, pulled the younger brother and sister up from the ground, and comforted them: "Don't cry, don't cry."

"Still laughing! Even Chang'an is more sensible than an aunt like you."

Ye Qingyu rolled her eyes at Qiluo.

Beside, Zi Yuan was knitting a sweater quietly.

Children grow up quickly, so we need to knit some new clothes for them.

Empress Li Lianyue lay lazily on the hammock invented by Li Nuo and asked, "How is the situation over there at Xiyao?"

Ye Qingyu replied: "I visited Jiutian Mountain half a month ago. The evil master's cultivation level has dropped a bit, but the situation of the evil-killing sword formation is not optimistic. It can only last for another year at most. And you are not here. Is it really okay for Ying Tianfu to take charge?"

Dayin had moved the capital to Yingtian Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River.

After all, if you want to build ships to go to sea and move the capital to the south of the Yangtze River, many things will be easier to do.

In two years, with the full support of the imperial court, there were more than a thousand sea-going ships of all sizes in Zhoushan Port.

Moreover, the East China Sea has already established contact with the Queen of the Mermaids, Ling Cai'er, and has opened up nearly fifty islands rich in materials.

The huge "immigration" plan is also proceeding in an orderly manner. In two years, almost five million people had been shipped overseas.

Today, in the territory of Dayin, there are only ten important military towns in the north and west, including Chang'an, Shangyang, Yanjing, and Guangling. The people of other prefectures and counties have migrated to the south.

All civil and military officials are busy at Yingtian Mansion.

But this empress actually took some time off from her busy schedule and took her two-year-old son with her to Chang'an.

However, this son is already two years old and has not yet been given a name. He only has a nickname of "Huhu".

She is waiting for the child's father to come back and name the child himself.

But it’s been two years.

Life or death is uncertain.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyu used Tianji Technique to calculate and said that his life was not in danger for the time being, so the girls felt more at ease.

But still can't resist the pain of lovesickness.

Especially watching the child grow up without seeing his biological father is really uncomfortable.

Li Lianyue said gloomily: "I've been out for a few days, but Bachelor Du has been urging me to go back."

"The court will definitely not be able to leave you as the emperor."

Ye Qingyu smiled.

Li Lianyue lamented: "Do you think Zian is really fine?"

"It's really okay. Can I still lie to you?"

Ye Qingyu replied.

Li Lianyue nodded, and then asked about Beiyue Feihuai's situation: "By the way, how is Beiyue?"

"With Ran'er here, you don't have to worry, he will be full of life in a month or two."

Ye Qingyu smiled.

Two years ago, the strange army sent by Li Lianyue, headed by Bei Yue Feihuai, with the cooperation of the dragon guardian envoy, attacked from both sides and defeated the three witches of Dijiang.

But the three witches of Dijiang were powerful after all, and Beiyue Feihuai was also seriously injured in the fight.

When the class teacher returned to the court, Beiyue Feihuai was carried back by the soldiers.

Liu Xiangjun was sad for a long time.

Although Beiyue Feihuai was injured for the sake of the imperial court and it was his duty, Li Lianyue also felt guilty in her heart.

It's just that the military situation was urgent at the time, and there was really no better candidate.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran'er, who is skillful and kind, rescued Beiyue Feihuai from the gate of hell.

The injury that took two years to heal is finally about to heal.

"By the way, that old guy at the bottom of Xuanwu Lake...can you trust him?"

Li Lianyue asked solemnly.

Ye Qingyu recalled: "Zi'an told me at the beginning that he worshiped this old Kui as his teacher."

"Hey! I know this too!" Qiluo answered hurriedly, "Ashina and I actually found the entrance together."

Ye Qingyu smiled and said: "That Lao Kui is the ancestor of Tianjian Pavilion, known as the Sword Demon. Zian said that the senior Sword Demon also passed the inheritance to him."

"Zian will never misjudge the person!"

Li Lianyue finally made up her mind.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Zi Yuan put down her needle and thread and looked at Li Lianyue worriedly.

This is indeed too risky!

Li Lianyue said: "We must cut through the tangled knot with a sharp knife and lure the snake out of its hole. Dayin cannot withstand internal friction."

The girls chatted for a while, and then they all went back to the house to rest with their children in their arms.

A night of silence.

The next day.

The empress left the prince in Chang'an and returned to Jiangnan with only a hundred guards.

She has been out for more than half a month. If she doesn't go back, Du Yan will really come and take her back in person.

However, just as the empress was on her way to respond to Tianfu by boat, she encountered an assassination near Xuanwu Lake!

Human trap!

Saw people again!

On Xuanwu Lake, corpses appeared, including a hundred of the empress's personal guards, as well as the corpses of human beings!

The whereabouts of the empress are unknown.

After getting this news, the government and the public were shocked!

"How brave! This matter is obviously man-made. Investigate, we must get to the bottom of it! Kill the nine tribes!"

In the Du Mansion, Du Yan was furious and murderous!

Zhang Qiushi, Minister of the Ministry of War, also looked livid. He never expected that when the Central Plains human race was in trouble, there would be people willing to become traitors and assassinate the empress.

"The appearance of human traps... I suspect that it is the fault of Princess Taiping." Wang Yangming said with a gloomy face, "Zian had vaguely mentioned the blood sacrifice human elixir case to me before, and there were signs of human trap activities behind it. And in the palace of Princess Taiping A large artificial lake was dug underneath to raise human roosters."

"Princess Taiping has been deprived of her title by His Majesty and demoted to a commoner. Although she has complaints and hatred towards His Majesty, her abilities are limited. How can she assassinate His Majesty?"

Zhang Qiushi raised questions.

The one hundred guards around the empress were no ordinary soldiers. Moreover, right in Xuanwu Lake, an assassination was completed under their noses!

Wang Yangming sighed: "Who could that be?"

Du Yan squinted his eyes and asked, "Who do you think will benefit the most if His Majesty dies?"

The prince is young.

The country is in turmoil...


A vassal king immediately appeared in everyone's eyes - King Liang!

Three years ago, Li Zian killed the King of Yue in the court, but the shock made all the vassal kings in the world tremble and behave honestly with their tails between their legs.

But this also made the vassal king completely hate Li Zian.

After all, Li Zian made a very bad start.

Now, Li Zian has disappeared for two years and is probably dead.

Coupled with the evil spirits causing rebellion, the country urgently needed the support of vassal kings from all over the country, and joined forces with various governments to send troops to quell the rebellion.

For a time, the power of the vassal king also became much greater. At least I have a powerful fighting force on hand.

The reputation of King Liang is very good in Jiangdong and Jiangnan.

After all, whether it is building a ship or gathering people, as the host, King Liang has the money and strength to contribute without asking for anything in return!

Gradually, he became known as a wise king among the people.

Moreover, the empress once lamented the virtue of this uncle in court.

Could it really be him?

The three of them looked at each other and fell into deep thought for a while.

Of course, there is also the possibility that there is someone else behind the scenes.

Kill the emperor and then frame the blame on King Liang!

Kill two birds with one stone!


It’s true that misfortunes never come singly.

The three veterans really felt a little exhausted.

The empress was attacked and her life or death was unknown.

This matter cannot be concealed at all.

After all, some people witnessed the tragic battle on Xuanwu Lake with their own eyes.

Soon, a strange panic quietly spread among the people.

Ten days later, this sentiment intensified... They even gathered outside the Meridian Gate to petition to remove Nangong Shehu's military power!

After all, a naval admiral actually let the murderer assassinate the emperor in Xuanwu Lake. This is a huge dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty!

Du Yan knew that someone was secretly fueling the fire.

Great court meeting.

Nangong Feiying came out to admonish the doctor and said with great emotion: "Ministers, please listen to what I say. His Majesty's whereabouts are unknown now. The regent has been missing for two years. The prince is still young. It can be said that there are internal and external troubles. We are waiting for you. We must elect someone to assist the government as soon as possible to calm the people of the world!"

"Master Nangong's words make sense, and I agree with you."

"The lower official also seconded the proposal."

In the main hall, nearly a quarter of the civil and military officials came out to echo.

Nangong Feiying looked at Du Yan and said, "Master Du, this matter should be in compliance with etiquette, right?"

Academician Du replied coldly: "I wonder if Dr. Admonishment has anyone in mind?"

Nangong Feiying said calmly: "Xiaoguan really has a few more suitable candidates. Of course, I will only mention it. As for who to choose to assist the government, it will naturally be decided by you several bachelors through discussion."

Zhang Qiushi asked: "I wonder who Mr. Nangong has in mind?"

Nangong Feiying did not beat around the bush and said bluntly: "My first recommendation is King Liang! King Liang has a reputation among the people. His Majesty once said in the court meeting that King Liang should be the loyal king of Dayin! His character , abilities are all excellent, and his coming to assist the country can reassure people's hearts."

"Secondly, we should recommend King Huainan. Although King Huainan is a bit older, as an auxiliary minister, doesn't he seem to be on the right track?"

As soon as this statement came out, the officials in the court immediately started discussing.

This is really a feasible method.

After all, it is just to choose the auxiliary king, and it is not a matter of abolishing or establishing one, so everyone is not so stressed.

Du Yan and Zhang Qiushi looked at each other and smiled.

These two old foxes have a clear mind!

After enduring it for a full ten days, the mastermind behind this finally couldn't help but take action.

I'm not afraid that you won't take action, but I'm afraid that you will hide and remain silent!

Now it seems that the person who assassinated the empress was either King Huainan or King Liang.

Because these two people benefited.

Moreover, as a local snake in the south of the Yangtze River, the Nangong family must be closely related!

Du Yan couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Those who play military affairs are still inferior to those who play politics.

Nangong Shehu was a good man in leading troops in war, but his political experience was too little. As for the Nangong family, it doesn’t matter what he says. Who will not let Nangong Feiying jump up and down?

"Everyone, let's vote together. Those who choose the King of Liang stand on the left side of the jade steps, and those who choose the King of Huainan stand on the right."

Du Yan said.

The courtiers began to take sides without much thought.

Nangong Feiying stood in the middle openly. He would not be stupid enough to expose his true identity directly.

Moreover, only in this way can he appear fair and just. Everything is for the sake of the court and he has no selfish motives.

Soon, the results became clear.

King Liang’s votes accounted for almost 90%!

"It seems that everyone agrees with King Liang's supervision of the country. Forget it, the cabinet will draft a decree and let King Liang enter the palace."

Bachelor Du said.


Eunuch Xiao Deng also announced his resignation very wisely.

The ruling and opposition parties were shocked again!

King Liang supervises the country!

It is not to assist the government, but to directly supervise the country!

This power goes one step further!

The Liang Prince's fiefdom was in Liangzhou, east of the Yangtze River, about a hundred miles away from Yingtian Mansion.

Soon, a eunuch from the imperial court went to Liangzhou with the decree of the cabinet.

And at the same time.

The bottom of Xuanwu Lake.

Li Lianyue was making tea elegantly: "Senior Sword Demon, try this Dahongpao. This is the spiritual tea only available in Xiangguo Temple."

"Did you really give birth to a son for that bastard Zi'an?"

The sword demon carefully looked at the delicate-looking girl in front of him.

Li Lianyue smiled and said: "This is still false. He is already two years old, but he is too young, so I will simply leave the child in Chang'an."

The sword demon sighed and said: "Well, when he is older, bring it back to me for a look. If his bones are good, I will teach him Taoism."

"Senior Sword Demon, the Central Plains needs you, are you really unwilling to come out?"

Li Lianyue changed the topic.

"There are many talented people in the world, and I am not short of someone with old arms and legs. Besides, I don't have many years to live. Fortunately, I have found Zian, the heir to the mantle."

The sword demon sighed, "How can you really catch a big fish with such a plan?"

"must be able to!"

The empress was categorical.

In fact, in the past two years, she has long felt that there is an abnormal force secretly flowing among the people!

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