No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 112

Chapter 112:

Two months ago, there was a news report that a treasure, a dzi bead, was excavated from the thousand-year-old snow-capped mountains in Tibet. gift. The text of this legend was translated from the ancient Tibetan script engraved on the brocade box that preserves the dzi, and its authenticity cannot be verified.

Although it is said that dzi beads can eliminate all diseases, bring back the dead and prolong life, but after testing by the scientific research team, nothing special was found, but because dzi beads themselves are also very beautiful and precious, so dzi beads This thing was transferred from the national scientific research department to the Ministry of Finance, and then handed over to the largest auction house in the country for public auction, and the income was attributed to the national department.

For a while, the rumors of ‘Dzi Beads’ became popular, and the beauty of Dzi Beads also attracted the attention of many people. Many wealthy people at home and abroad participated in the auction and collected this treasure.

In the middle of the night, Ye Li appeared outside the National Academy of Sciences, and in the next second, she disappeared and appeared in one of the rooms in the attached museum where the treasures were stored.

As a museum of the state department, it is also equipped with the most advanced security system, but Ye Li is still in a no-man’s land, and successfully found the thing, the dzi. It was placed here before being auctioned off.

But before she could take out the dzi bead in the glass box, an outstretched palm stopped in front of her, and it was the Bai family who stood in the way, Ye Li raised his hand and hit the arm hard , and Lao Bai’s palm turned over and instantly resolved the offensive.

Obviously, the two of them had a lot of sense in this fight. Except for a few cracks on the floor under their feet, there was no other big movement.

Old Bai quickly withdrew his hand, his face still had an elegant and kind smile, “Boss Ye, you broke the rules.”

The corners of Ye Li’s lips curved, as if she was not the one who hurt people first, “I have to see if this thing is real.”

Her eyes flashed, and she had a different meaning, “Is it worth my shot?”

Old Bai smiled but didn’t say anything. He didn’t take Ye Li’s words seriously. Whoever believed what the owner of the No. 8 pawnshop said was going to **** and couldn’t blame others.

Ye Li didn’t expect the Bai family to get the news so quickly. It seemed that this thing was real, she couldn’t help frowning slightly, then smiled again,

“The things that should return to dust and dust have to be disturbed by future generations. Rather than wandering away in the greed and desire of human beings, it is better for me to take it away.”

Old Bai smiled warmly, looked at her and said, “You are right, but since it is a human thing now, it should be done according to human rules.”

Hearing this, Ye Li raised her eyebrows slightly, but she was not annoyed and acted according to the rules of human beings, that is, the Bai family would intervene, but it doesn’t matter, there is no number eight when it comes to money. There are more pawnshops.

Ye Li smiled and said, “Then let’s see.”

Old Bai smiled and nodded slightly.


At the auction three days later, the rich and famous gathered, Ye Li and Yan Yangchu got out of the car and walked into the lobby of the auction. As soon as they sat down, they saw the old Bai who was still wearing a white Tang suit. , and a middle-aged man with an equally refined and kind face next to him, not from the Bai family, but an ordinary person with a long fortune.

Old Bai smiled at Ye Li, but his gaze towards Yan Yangchu was no different.

The auction started very soon. An auctioneer wearing gold-rimmed glasses came to the stage. After saying a few words to set off the atmosphere, he announced the start of the auction. A few treasures were put on the stage, and the atmosphere of the auction was lively, but Ye Li and Lao Bai, unlike most of them here, came only for the sake of the dzi bead, so they were very calm.

The middle-aged Confucian businessman next to Lao Bai did not take any action, and some people who knew Yin Yangchu, the president of the Silver Emperor, also asked him what he planned to auction, and he dealt with it in a few words. Ye Li closed his eyes and rested, didn’t speak, and no one would come to disturb her. If Yan Yangchu couldn’t even take care of this, then she didn’t need to bring him here.

The auction finally came to Dzi Beads. Dzi Beads are not the most precious among many auction items, so the order of the auction is only the fifth from the bottom.

Ye Li also opened his eyes after hearing that the auction of dzi beads started, Yan Yangchu also knew what to do. A bunch of fun people.

The auctioneer didn’t expect the auction to start within a minute, and the price quadrupled. However, there were still people chasing the price. The rich each added a million.

Yan Yangchu’s expression was calm and calm. Before he came, he had heard from Miss Ye that he didn’t need to worry about the money, as long as he photographed it, he directly increased the price to 80 million.

The two competing rich people automatically withdrew from the competition, but the middle-aged Confucian businessman next to Lao Bai was very calm and offered “100 million.”

There was an uproar in the venue, and the auctioneer on the stage was also very excited. Today, the first auction of over 100 million yuan, he can get a lot of rewards.

“Is there anyone who wants to increase the price, 100 million yuan for the first time…” Although he was excited, the professionalism of many years made the auctioneer quickly calm down.

Sure enough, someone still made an offer, Yan Yangchu raised his card and said, “One hundred and fifty million.”

Old Bai said, “Do you really want to keep increasing the price like this?”

No one could hear or notice the voices of both of them,

Ye Li smiled, “It doesn’t matter, the most important thing in pawnshop No. 8 is money.”

Old Bai asked rhetorically, “How to deal with the consequences of the disturbance?”

Ye Li looked calm, “If you didn’t intervene, this movement would not have happened.”

The rich people in the seats have become a little numb, from five million to five hundred million, a full 100 times, and the increase seems to continue, just to buy a fancy thing.

Yan Yangchu and the others knew each other. He was the president of the Silver Emperor and an important figure in the domestic rich circle. As for the middle-aged Confucian businessman, some people thought for a long time before they remembered who this person was. Mr. Chen, a descendant of the former founder of the country, played well in Europe and North America, and his domestic industry was also huge, with a family property of hundreds of millions. The invisible rich few people know about.

As for the old white next to him, no one knows him. They all think that it is the younger generation brought by Mr. Chen. He can still handle things in front of such a high auction price. Qualification is also good.

No one knows that the person who really dominated Mr. Chen’s high auction price was this young man in a white Tang suit. Just like no one knew that the mastermind behind such a big and domineering consortium like the Silver Emperor was Ye Li.

Because it is inconvenient to appear in front of the world, I need more identities that seem to be fake and real, and a perfect and reasonable spokesperson.

Dzi beads were auctioned for a sky-high price of one billion, but the two buyers, Yan Yangchu and Mr. Chen, did not want to give up. The organizers of the auction also began to panic. The development of things has exceeded their expectations, and if they continue like this, they will only be out of control.

Then the organizer invited the two parties competing for the Dzi beads to negotiate in the background, hoping to give it to one of them at a reasonable price.

Ye Li did not go. When the auction failed, she left the auction, and other matters were left to Yan Yangchu. Will not give up easily.

After the auction ended, the sky-high price of one billion dzi beads was rumored for a while.

Ye Li didn’t care, she had given Yan Yangchu a death order, and she would spare no effort to photograph the dzi bead. A week later, the re-auction of dzi beads fell into a dead end again like the last time, and dzi beads were auctioned for a new sky-high price of 1.5 billion.

For the organizer and the national scientific research department, this is no longer a matter that money can solve. The important thing is that they cannot make either Yan Yangchu or Mr. Chen compromise and make concessions, and the dzi has obviously become a piece A hot potato is inconvenient for anyone. They also want their own people to take pictures, both of which are not offended, but the price is really hard to beat.

Yan Yangchu was deeply apologetic for not being able to successfully complete the task given by Ye Li, but Ye Li did not blame him. She and the Bai family can guess the result. Now it depends on who is willing to stop . Anyway, Ye Li didn’t intend to back down. Since she had already made a move, she could only win.

A dark color flashed in Ye Li’s eyes.

After several days of renegotiation, the organizer decided to hold the third auction one month later. If there is still no result, the auction will be passed in.

Originally ‘passed-in’ refers to the failure of the auction transaction due to the high starting price during the auction. In the buying and selling activities, the buyers and sellers cannot reach an agreement, so that the buying and selling behavior cannot be successfully carried out, and the target of the auction cannot get the amount they want to trade. But this time, because of the special circumstances, neither of the two buyers gave up, and they could not reach a compromise with the organizer, so they were forced to take this approach.

In general, this is also the worst outcome.

It’s only a month, Ye Li has always been patient and can afford to wait, but it seems that the conventional method may not work.

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