No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

This task pawnshop did not give a clear customer name, it seems to have a wide range, mainly concentrated in a private aristocratic high school called Shinhwa.

In order to lure customers into the pawnshop, it is necessary to approach them first, but Ye Li does not plan to enter Shinhwa High School as a student. She wouldn’t mind if she was a college student, but as a high school student, her knowledge far surpassed that of a high school student, and pretending to be a high school student would be too restrictive, so Ye Li chose to be a school doctor.

Returning from overseas study, a Korean-Chinese medical student from a good background.

Should it be said that it is a top aristocratic high school? Ye Li is a new school doctor. The school has given her a rather spacious office. Open the window and you can directly see the playground in the school Like other luxury buildings, there is a pot of green and sunny plants on the windowsill, desks, coffee machines, bookcases, medical cabinets, and clean and spacious beds specially prepared for patients, which can be called rigorous.

Ye Li doesn’t plan to make any changes, and she won’t stay long anyway.

At first she thought she would use her mental power to deceive them, but after a few days she found out that she couldn’t actually use her school doctor to do anything, and all the children studying here were from rich families , If you really have a cold or flu, you won’t go to the school doctor, but go home to the family doctor or go to the big hospital under your family name for diagnosis and treatment.

There is only one possibility for students who can really come to Ye Li to see a doctor. They are injured but do not want to be known by their family.

Mythology is a very interesting place. There is a tradition called ‘red note’. The four students with the best background standing at the top of the pyramid of Mythology High School control all the resources of the school. If they angered them, they would be affixed with red notes, isolated and ostracized and bullied by the whole school.

In as many ways as they can think of.

These children who can’t be called ‘adults’ are unexpectedly cruel, Ye Li’s heart is unwavering.

At first, when the bullied student came to her, she just pointed him to the medicine cabinet, nothing else said or did, watching them silently use red The potion is applied to the wound and the corners of the purplish lips.

Gradually, the students with the red notes habitually came to Dr. Ye. In their opinion, Dr. Ye’s silence was more like a respect for their little self-esteem. Listen quietly to their pain.

And finally some students began to summon the courage to ask, “Doctor Ye, what should I do? My parents and they will definitely not agree with me to drop out of school, Shinhwa has such a high status in Korea…”

They didn’t have to ask for an answer. After all, in their eyes, Ye Li was just an ordinary school doctor who didn’t have much background energy. These words were actually asking themselves, and they used the last courage. .

Don’t worry that your complaints will be revealed. Who makes Ye Li a kind, quiet and gentle doctor who will take care of others’ self-esteem.

Ye Li might not know what they were saying, and she even came up with a very good idea. She turned to look at the handsome boy who was fidgeting at the desk, and smiled: “Actually, I have a way to help you get out of the current predicament, but it only takes a small price.”


“Have you heard that Su Minyu’s company went public in the United States, and his family immigrated to the United States, so he didn’t come to school today.”

Another complained “I thought he was forced to drop out of school because of the red note, this guy is a bit lucky too.”

, really lucky.

“I don’t know who the next red note will be, then there will be a good show to watch.” Several people smiled maliciously, because the violence did not come on them, so they had no scruples.

Su Minyu’s departure from Shinhwa didn’t attract much attention from F4. There are various reasons for leaving because of the red note, as long as their status in this school remains unshakable.

In less than half a month, a rumor spread quietly within the mythology. It is said that there is a pawnshop that can realize people’s wishes, and only need to pay a small price. Although everyone said that they didn’t need to fulfill their wishes, their hearts were already burning like fire.

Ye Li was holding a cup of coffee in one hand and stood by the window looking at the scenery, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, “Please come in.” Ye Li turned and put the coffee on the table, while he was sitting down.

Two girls in Shinhwa high school uniforms came in, one was beautiful and the other was energetic, and it was obvious that one of them pulled the other over.

“Silk grass, just accompany me once, please.” Wu Minzhi said coquettishly while pulling the golden silk grass.

I couldn’t resist the plea of my only good friend at school, so the golden grass had to agree. The two quickly negotiated and greeted Ye Li together, “Hello, Doctor Ye.”

“Do you have anything to do with me?” Ye Li also pretended to be an elder and said warmly.

“I…we want to ask about the No. 8 pawnshop.” The girl named Wu Minzhi boldly asked, and then she seemed worried that Ye Li would doubt her intentions, and argued “Of course, we’re not trying to do anything bad. It’s the golden thread grass that got a red note posted by F4. I just want to help her.”

“Minzhi, it turns out that you are all for your own sake.” Jinsicao obviously didn’t expect her friend to worry about her own affairs, and was immediately moved.

Wu Minzhi smiled sincerely and said, “Silk grass, we are good friends.”

Ye Li looked at the good friends with great interest, and after they were moved, she said slowly, “I do know about the No. 8 pawnshop.” As expected, the corners of her mouth curved slightly. Even if she didn’t listen to her heart, Ye Li could guess that the rumor that she had already found out about the pawnshop number 8 was first spread from Ye Li.

“I am also moved by your friendship, so I am very willing to give you a gift.” Ye Li handed them two black business cards, one for each.

Wu Minzhi and Jinsicao looked dazed, only to hear Ye Li explain, “This is the business card to the No. 8 pawnshop, with this, as long as you think about the No. 8 pawnshop, someone will come and pick it up. you.”

“However, remember, one thing is exchanged for another, and a certain price must be paid when one’s wish is fulfilled.” She did not want to receive guests who were not willing to pawn.

Wu Minzhi and Jinsi Cao left the school doctor’s office after thanking Ye Li. When they got to the corridor, Wu Minzhi said to Golden Silk Grass, “Silk Grass, let’s try it out and let the pawnshop remove your red note.”

Golden Silk Grass pursed her lips, looked at the black business card in her hand, and finally said, “Minzhi, I think it’s better.”

Wu Minzhi was puzzled, “Why, Sicao, you don’t understand this tradition of our school, and they will only do it more and more in the future, and you saw that on the first day you came. How badly the boy with the red note was bullied, if he hadn’t found the **** shop No. 8, maybe he would have died.” The more he talked about it, Wu Minzhi also showed a bit of sincerity.

Golden Silk Grass still shook her head and said seriously, “But Dr. Ye also said that one thing is another thing, what if I can’t afford it, my family is very poor, and there is nothing to pawn. , and I told the big **** Gu Junbiao personally, I will definitely get through it on my own, and now if I borrow the help of others, wouldn’t I be back on my word? I’m not that kind of person.”

Speaking of the golden thread grass, she made a gesture of cheering for herself with a fist.

“Alright then, come on.” Wu Minzhi said that he also put away the business card, maybe things weren’t that bad.

In the setting sun, the scene of two high school students and girls leaving the school hospital building holding hands fell into the eyes of Ye Li who was standing by the window. At the same time, she saw a future that was completely opposite to the present.

She smiled suddenly, what an interesting fate.

In the dedicated lounge of F4, Song Yubin was sitting on the sofa fiddling with his mobile phone, and suddenly said to the other three, “Have you heard the latest school rumors?”

Gu Junbiao, who was sleeping on the other large sofa, lifted the coat covering his face, “You mean that stinky girl from Golden Silk Grass?”

“It’s not her.” Song Yubin twitched the corners of his mouth, Gu Junbiao was really competing with that grass-roots girl, and everything had to do with the golden grass. “It’s a rumor about the No. 8 pawnshop that can fulfill his wish.” His face was slightly serious.

Song Yubin’s mouth twitched again, there are quite a lot of people who believe in it, and the younger brother who followed him in the school told him about this matter. It can be said that this rumor is getting more and more noisy in the school It’s big, but no one dares to take it to the surface.

“What’s the matter, is there something wrong?” Yin Zhihou understood Song Yubin’s expression, put down the book in his hand, and asked.

It was rare for a person to listen to him seriously, Song Yubin explained the situation, “I don’t really believe this rumor, but the number of students who have left Shinhwa recently for various reasons is more than usual. And there are some weird things happening in the school.”

Yin Zhihou is very convincing when he is serious, “Find some time to check it out.”

As for Gu Junbiao, he was still thinking about how to prune the golden weeds and teach that ignorant girl to be soft on him.

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