Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 124

Chapter 120 Completion plan

What exactly this ball is, he still doesn’t know, but he knows that it contains the’genes’ of hundreds of millions of species. The genes here do not refer to DNA in a narrow sense, but refer to the genetic sequence of life, carbon-based organisms and silicon-based organisms. Biology, elemental creatures and even radio wave life forms have their own unique’genes’.

Xiaoqiu strengthened Lan Mu’s body by an unknown method, and instantly changed his race. It was unscientific to the extreme. However, this kind of power of playing with life forms did happen.

Since the ball has the ability to transform the race of creatures, it is named the life ball for the time being.

The life ball uses a certain kind of power to achieve this kind of change of race against the sky, and this kind of power is incomplete, and some of it does not know why it appeared in the ancient tree in the center of Shennongjia.

Maybe it was not originally an ancient tree, but an old crooked neck tree, but it changed drastically after being possessed by that kind of power.

Not only that, but also began to unconsciously release radiation to the outside world, subtly changing the racial form of small animals.

It’s just that this force is too little, and there is no huge gene pool like Lan Mu’s own small ball, so the tree is still a tree, but from an old crooked neck tree to an ancient tree with strong vitality, containing chaotic magnetic fields and unconsciousness. Transform the radiation.

“After filling up this power, my forced transformation time has been shortened by ten hours!”

“The power in the life ball is in a state of disorder. If I completely fill it up, will the transformation be able to be orderly?”

Since the life ball has been possessed, the objects of transformation have been random, and when the transformation is also random, only the mandatory period of seven days is fixed.

Perhaps it was because those seven days belonged to the adaptation period. To load a certain transformation on him, and become a fixed transformation object, this kind of loading must undergo seven days of adaptation.

However, Lan Mu now feels that when the life ball is complete, the transformation may not need to adapt at all.

If you want to change, you can change, whatever you want to change. Change whenever you want…

This should be the complete body of the life ball!

Lan Mu pondered, this idea is groundless! But it’s no wonder that he thinks this way, he is really looking forward to a controllable transformation, and it is best to make it up to a certain extent. You can control the transformation as you like and choose the transformation object.

Although only this point was made up, and the mandatory period was only shortened by ten hours, for Lan Mu, this was a hope.

“I can’t use half of my life. Let’s experience the life of monsters?”

“When I become a lich, I will pretend to be the high priest and resurrect the dead…”

“Become Bifang, I will pretend to be the patron saint of Shennongjia…”

“What if you become a towering behemoth from now on? What if you become a beast with a height of one hundred feet and a city with one foot?”

Lan Mu thought of that scene. In front of countless people, he became a huge monster like a mountain. The house collapsed as soon as he appeared. He turned around, and the tail leveled the city. Many people were He was crushed by the monster he had become, and countless people on the earth were running and crying.

The army arrived at the first time, and various tanks and missiles attacked him. The planes in the sky were bombarding him, but these were just itching, until a mushroom cloud rose up beside him, he was blown into countless pieces of flesh and blood, flying all over the sky…

“Hehe, there is no way to avoid it, there is no way to hide, I can only spend seven days and nights with the whole world…think shuddering!”

Lan Mu secretly said: “There are obviously many missing points in the life ball. I own 80%. Where is the remaining 20%?”

“Why is there a lump in Shennongjia? Is it randomly scattered all over the world? Then what caused them to split?”

“I picked up the life ball in Fence Mountain… It is completely a thousand miles away from Shennongjia. According to the energy provided to me by the ancient tree, I have to fill it more than a dozen times before it is complete…”

“It won’t be so broken, right? There are always a few big pieces? The life ball is 80%, maybe there is something else that accounts for 10%? Half of it will do!”

Lan Mu looked at the old crooked neck tree that had turned back to its original shape. And the three-tailed little beast that is extremely dependent on him.

already had a general brain replenishment in his heart, making a plan to replenish the life ball.

“Yes! The ancient trees at the core of Shennongjia have unconsciously transformed the surrounding area because of this energy.”

“There must be many similar places or things in the world. I just need to find them one by one and touch them to fill the life ball.”

“Life transformation…strange things…abnormal areas…”

“CANC probably knows the most about this kind of thing, right? They claim to contain anomalous things in the world and maintain natural order. Maybe they contain the power of life transformation in the area they contain.”

Lan Mu is now anxious to rush back immediately and ask Bai Ze for information about the containment objects that have the function of life transformation.

“If this is the case, I will take the initiative to contact CANC…”

“Find the fragments of the life ball scattered all over the world, and I don’t have to be afraid that one day I will lose control.”

“The sooner the plan is completed, the better. Now it turns into a random monster. Maybe the next one is a monster that destroys the world.”

After making up his mind, Lan Mu calculated that six days had passed, and in a few hours he would become human again.

Now that the secret of Shennongjia’s core has been taken away by him, it will become normal in the future, and there will be no more strange beasts.

Even if the people of Qianlong break the miasma here, they will find nothing if they come in. The mystery of the birth of the strange beast will always be a legend.

“Qianlong, aren’t you afraid that there will be more and more strange beasts here until they get out of control? Now I have solved it, heh, take your time to explore!”

Lan Mu summoned one bear, two birds and three tails. These are the surviving wise beasts in Shennongjia.

Most of the strange beasts only have an abnormal appearance, a small part of the strange beasts have wisdom, and the single-digit strange beasts have some small abilities, such as three tails.

There are a few wise ones, Qianlong killed a part of it, and the rest, except for the savage and the ferocious beast, are these dumb and cute foodies around him.

Savage and ferocious beasts are savage, Lan Mu doesn’t care about them, let Qianlong take care of them!

“From now on, you will be called Xiongda! You two will be called Niaoer and Niaoshuang. Um… Three-tailed is called Sanwei! Haha!”

Lan Mu knows how **** his ability to choose names is, but he doesn’t care. If these four guys want to mix with him, they have to accept his name.

Regarding Lan Mu’s strange name, one bear, two birds and three tails are just awkward and expressionless.

“Okay okay…how about it? Leave Shennongjia with me, right?”

Three tails drilled in Lan Mu Feather, shouting: “Don’t leave…”

“If we don’t leave here, one day humans will come in. Once twice, ten times a hundred times, they will never give up.”

“Leaving you with me is the best way to protect this forest.” Lan Mu persuaded.

Three-tailed paws covered his head, and Wu Wu agreed.


Three days ago, the party once again brought a group of people into the core area for the country. They were fully armed and large in number.

However, after going deep for a certain distance, he quickly escaped, seeming to be just testing the weapon’s effect.

After that, they broke in six times and escaped six times, each time they brought different things.

Today, at around nine o’clock in the morning, the party is full of confidence in bringing people back to the country again.

Twelve helicopters bypassed the periphery and went straight over the core area.

blower, thermal induction helmet, protective clothing with metal material, flame thrower and strong acid ejector.

Before entering, everyone was injected with an urgently produced mycin, which was extracted from Fang Moqi’s blood. After several days of experimentation they can be sure that Fangmo Qi can rely on this mycin and ignore 90% of the miasma.

There is another ten percent, which belongs to the plague, which is a lethal virus spread by mosquitoes.

After the injection of the cultivated mycin, the human body will have a high fever and the body temperature will rise sharply. It will take about one to two hours to subside, but the human body will adapt afterwards, and there will be no such minor side effects after the injection.

But even though they solved the miasma disaster, they did not have 100% confidence to enter the deepest valley.

Because poisonous insects are still difficult to entangle, many poisonous insects are extremely poisonous, and they will die if they are bitten. With the addition of miasma, they are not afraid of any insect repellent.

The party took the lead in the country, and the team moved forward slowly, using flames and strong acid to make a way out.

There is the sound of a helicopter overhead to guide the way, and at critical moments, it can be bombed directly with missiles to clear the way for them.

But this time, Dang Weiguo soon discovered that something was wrong. Why are there so few poisonous insects?

Compared with the number of poisons encountered in the past few times, this time it is like a collective holiday for poisons, with only a few working overtime!

“Where did the poison go?” Although they were puzzled, they still had to investigate deeply.

However, they didn’t know that Lan Mu had already abducted everything they were looking for.

Struggling to get in, waiting for them…

may be just a cruel beast. (To be continued.)

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