Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 1313

Chapter 739 committed to

Lan Mu frowned, and his mental strength swept away, and he knew what was going on.

The earth is now…1919.

“This… how come more than fifty years have passed?”

Nearly sixty years of time, inexplicably gone, he just went to other universes to blew himself up, and he also deliberately selected a universe with an energy level similar to that of the earth. There is no difference in time.

Regardless of a lot, he immediately found Odonis, teleported, and rushed to the South Pole.

Here, the ship he left behind has been unfolded into a steel dogma city, located at the South Pole.

Odonis was in a meeting talking about something, and he was taken aback when he saw Lan Mu suddenly break in.

“Come here first.”

Odonis was very excited, waved away the others, and walked into the back cabin.

Lan Mu also hurriedly followed, and the two looked at each other.

Odonis still looks young at the moment, but he doesn’t have the youthful temperament as before. At this moment, he is already eighty years old.

But it seems that he is only in his forties.

As for Lan Mu, there is almost no change. Comparing the two, Odonis is obviously old.

“How come… the past sixty years?” Lan Mu Leng said.

Odonis said strangely: “Fifty-nine years… You said you would be back soon, but then you never came back… I thought you would not be back.”

Lan Mu lowered his head in thought, thinking about what went wrong.

The universe is chosen by him, there will be no time difference, the only possible situation… is the tunneling state of Sargeras.

In the tunneling state, his own time slowed…

He said he would return right away, and it turned out to be sixty years.

When I came back, the vicissitudes of life were already over, and the first battle was over…

“I took people to Victoria’s castle, recovered a large number of containment items, and obtained the Sage’s Stone and some longevity potions. That potion made my puberty extremely long, otherwise you should see an old man now…” Otto Nice smiled bitterly.

Lan Mu also smiled bitterly. He didn’t know that a tunnel was used for 60 years… No wonder Sargeras got an Aixing for so many years.

“Sorry, I thought I would be back soon.”

Odonis smiled and said: “What’s so sorry about this, you are no longer a mortal, you should adapt to these…”

Lan Mu said anxiously: “Of course I’m sorry! I forgot that you are a mortal…I will promote you to an immortal now!”

“No…I already knew my death date. When I was 108 years old, I had to die and transfer my career to the next generation. That is the limit given by 001! I will die anyway.” Odonis laughed.

Lan Mu frowned. In history, Zero One knew his death date, so he made the transfer of the leader in advance.

Odonis smiled: “Actually, you disappeared for so many years. I thought you had gone back. I was very excited when I saw you just now. I thought you won Victor…”

“I thought I was dead, right? If I leave this timeline without dying, the timeline here won’t flow.” Lan Mu said.

Odonis curled his lips and said: “I really thought you won, reached an indescribable state, tampered with the rules of time, and let my time continue to flow. Well, this is my brain supplement… It seems we There is a long way to go.”

Lan Mu’s eyes lit up and he was thinking about it unclearly.

Odonis asked, “Where the **** have you been?”

Lan Mu said in a daze: “I just suddenly thought of exploding to eliminate the two-dimensional information contained in Sharu’s body and rebuild the three-dimensional body. But the stronger the strength, the slower the recovery, and the result is halfway through. The Titans…”

He said everything that happened, but for Lan Mu, it was only a few dozen days old.

After hearing this, Odonis groaned: “This is really a good way, time…”

“By the way! You are in our timeline, and your own main timeline is static. No matter when you go back, it is the moment you left. In that case, you don’t need to go to the two-dimensional practice at all, even if the efficiency is poor. Some, you can also venture into many real worlds and practice your own strength alone. Even if you don’t have an opponent, time can continuously amplify the weak training effect. You have enough lifespan, don’t you!”

“In our timeline, there is no Victor at all. No matter how many years you have practiced, no one can threaten you. You can practice for 10,000 years, millions of years, or even 100 million years!”

“Victor waited for you for 100 million years, and you can practice for 100 million years before you go to a decisive battle with him!”

Lan Mu was not surprised at all, just staring at Odonis.

At this moment, Odonis was very excited, he was just a mortal, so at this moment he thought of using time to bridge the gap with Victor.

Because theoretically speaking, Lan Mu’s time is too much to run out. Just talk about the body of Kong Xuan, there is no one knows how much life is worth.

Lan Mu had thought about this a long time ago…

“Lan Mu, this can greatly reduce the gap! This is the real way to break the game.” Odonis said excitedly.

However, Lan Mu shook his head and said: “I know this method, but I don’t think 001 will allow this. 100 million years is too long, anything can happen…”

“What are you talking about? Even if there is a chance to increase your winning percentage, you should fight for it!” Odonis puzzled.

Lan Mu firmly said: “Needless to say, I won’t do that. Let’s continue the two-dimensional plan. I will go to each two-dimensional and hone my various transformations.”

“In the second dimension, I will also spend a long time, the big deal, every time I go back to the third dimension to reshape my body. At best, it will only take a few days in reality.”

“By the way, I will have a forty-five days of transformation in a short time. After that transformation, we can formulate a detailed battle plan. Um… we can prepare some self-created two-dimensional elements and set something like Victor Character, and then I went in and played a mock battle with fake Victor.”

“If I can win him once in the second dimension, I can win the second time.”

Odonis said intently: “I agree with the simulation battle, but it is meaningless to spend your time in the second dimension. You don’t have to be so troublesome. You can also hone yourself in the third dimension. The three-dimensional comprehension will benefit you even more!”

Lan Mu shook his head.

Odonis anxiously said: “Why do you have to practice in the second dimension! The benefits of the third dimension are even greater! Use the life span in the second dimension instead of the third dimension!”

Lan Mu said seriously: “It’s not the same. Even if I stay in the second dimension for a thousand years, the reality is only one year.”

Odonis said silently: “I said, it doesn’t matter how many years are in reality, your own starting timeline is static!”

“But you are not…you will grow old and die, you have more than forty years left.” Lan Mu said quietly.

Odonis was startled, his whole person froze.

He had been thinking from Lan Mu’s perspective just now, so he came up with using Changsheng to accumulate strength and hole cards.

But he didn’t expect that Lan Mu was also thinking from his perspective, if he did that, Lan Mu would watch as Odonis’ time had come.

“You… Lan Mu, I don’t know how many timelines I have, it’s… it’s such an ending, it’s meaningless…” Odonis stammered.

Lan Mu said faintly: “I can’t control other timelines I don’t know how many ways to die… But so what? We at this moment are really meaningful. ”

“I promised you that I will win, and with the truth, I will come back to tell you.”

“If I reach an indescribable state and can arbitrarily tamper with information, then I will definitely liberate your contract.”

Lan Mu stared at O’Donis. In his memory, he was a young man in his twenties not long ago, but he is now eighty.

He didn’t allow himself to make such mistakes again.

Practice here for 100 million years? Yes, maybe it will increase some winning percentages. But Odonis, who was in front of him, could never wait for his answer.


“What I promised is not just talking about it.”

p.s: Sorry, this is yesterday’s change.

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