Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 1384

Chapter 799 Contain the Lord God

Min Long couldn’t escape. He possessed a slavery system and, with his strange ability, inflicted heavy damage on the Blue and White Society.

But he himself is an ordinary person.

Being pulled into the main **** space, there is no way to escape.

He also wanted to pretend that he didn’t know the truth, but the main **** forcibly stripped the system, but he was speechless and didn’t have to pretend.

Lan Mu stood up in the air, and to this day, he already knew how the Lord God stripped the system.

Very simple, similar to the resurrection, the main application is information transfer.

The information of the system is transferred to the main **** himself, so that the main **** also has the function of slavery.

The root algorithm of information transfer, Lan Mu also, is a bit similar to the cutting in the document.

It’s just that he’can’t see’ the information, nor can he perceive the essential content of the information, so that his cutting can only be used on actual objects, and the information is extracted randomly.

In addition, it does not overlap, which is a paste-like algorithm.

Lan Mu really wants to learn this, as long as he can, he can theoretically add the characteristics of all contained objects… together!

It’s a pity that the Lord God will, but he needs money!

Only in front of system-type containment objects, the main **** will labor for free.

Because absorbing the information of the system is strengthening the Lord God himself.

The main **** space can only have one independent system, that is, the main god. When Sajia broke into the main **** space, the main **** was indifferent, because even if Sajia destroys the main **** space, the main **** still exists, and there is no substantial conflict of interest.

Seeing that the absorption progress was about to end step by step, Lan Mu no longer worried about Min Long, but instead worried about the Lord God.

“001 won’t calculate to this point, and then the main **** will betray me, will he?”

Lan Mu didn’t know if he was thinking too much. The Lord God had already absorbed many systems. This enslavement system was a bit too powerful. With enough points, anyone could be enslaved.

001’s real killer, if it is not Min Long, but the main god, then Lan Mu will be invincible.

This possibility is there.

Lan Mu has never been a self-righteous person. Although he trusts the Lord God very much, it is related to his game with 001, and any fluke is not desirable.

001 can count everything, and the only way he can deal with it is to block all the roads that may capsize, so that even if the enemy is omniscient, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered: “Stop the absorption system.”

“The required points are 200 billion.” The main **** said empty and spiritual.


Usually, what he asks the Lord God to do is to ask for money, but this time to ask him not to do anything, he still asks for money!

Lan Mu checked and went to the Silver Heart Black Hole before. In the past 60 years, the earth has accumulated tens of billions of points again, but 200 billion is not enough.

“Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for the Lord God to betray me because it was created by me. The absolute information in its roots is hosted by me, and it must not be against me. This is the absolute information that I personally set.”

“But once he does something to me, he will definitely be able to enslave me. I will come in with the white light, and I am cheap now…”

“Tsk, chain of suspicion…”

Lan Mu was worried. He felt that he had fallen into the trap again. He was struggling to get the host of the enslavement system during the mandatory period. He didn’t expect it to be bad. It made him inevitably think too much. He knew that he had to wait for the life ball to be completely filled. Min Long will be solved later.

At this moment, he also realized that Bai Ze and the others struggled to save Lannessa.

Fortunately, Lan Mu is no longer the kind of person who has been entangled for a long time. The millions of years before and after the confrontation with Victor have been too hard for him. Soon, he really thought of a way.

“Pawn machine…”

The **** machine had fallen into Lan Mu’s hands, and this was the first catastrophe of his mandatory period.

It is restrained by secondary pigments, but it does not mean that its characteristics are not strong.

Lan Mu decided to **** the slavery system before it completely absorbed the system, regardless of whether the main **** would betray or not…

He couldn’t interrupt the absorption of the main god, but instead, he got a **** opportunity, and the slavery system had a golden coin-like appearance.

As long as the enslavement system has the so-called essence, the **** machine can be taken away.

“Two hundred billion points? Then I will do it myself!”


The stronger the system, the longer the absorption process.

Lan Mu had at least a few minutes left, he immediately called Feifu and asked him to choose a D-level personnel to come over.

Class d personnel are all brainwashed into dumb-like existences. They used to rely on hypnosis and psychological cues. Now that the Blue and White Club is so strong, d-class personnel are directly implanted with training chips and release to the brain 24 hours a day. Although subconscious waves can cause people to lose creativity and reduce IQ, what creativity does D-level personnel want? Just obey.

“Master, get ready, this is a senior D-level personnel.”

Lan Mu immediately recruited him into the main **** space. Seeing that it was an old man with a Nascent Soul cultivation base, he said casually: “Are all D-level personnel these years old?”

Fei Fu said: “He is already an veteran Class D member of the Blue and White Club. He has done 80 human experiments, 400 times the containment contact test, and has experienced two containment failures. The Blue and White Club has been raised. For sixty years, Zhuo Yue from the General Affairs Department personally promulgated him the honor of lifetime achievement for D-level personnel…”


Lan Mu was speechless, but he felt relieved, after all, he was an old D-class personnel who had been for sixty years.

“Quickly, press here, the **** opportunity is connected with your soul, and you can directly order it.” Lan Mu placed the **** machine in the main **** space, and immediately let the Yuan Ying period boss link the **** machine.

“Pawn that gold coin!”

The old man Yuan Ying is very obedient, he has done much more than this complicated containment experiment, which is still very simple, and he immediately pawned the gold coins calmly.

In an instant, the **** machine appeared over the gold coin, shrinking it and pulling it continuously.

Min Long stared blankly from the side, his heart beating, his face was hard to see the extreme, Fei Fu was cold-eyed, knowing that this guy would undoubtedly die, Bai Ze must be very interested in executing him personally.

After all, the enslaved people, as before the enslavement, have the same memory, strength, and personality, and they just obey the slave master strangely. There are still many people in the Blue and White Society who are enslaved by it, and these people don’t need to find out. Now that the slave owner is found, as long as the slave owner dies, there is no need to know who the slave is.

Without slave owners, those slaves are no different from normal people.

Soon, the gold coins were pawned away, and the main god’s absorption progress was still halfway through.

In this way, the anomalous information of the slavery system is equivalent to being divided into two and sealed in the main **** and the **** machine respectively.

Anyway, the enslavement system Lan Mu is not required, he is most relieved of this situation.

After doing this, the old man Yuan Ying took back the **** machine solemnly, and put it aside properly.

He said to Lan Mu, “Are you reporting here?”

“Huh? Let’s talk…” Lan Mu remembered, D-class personnel must report their feelings after completing the task.

They are equivalent to thunder-walkers in the flesh, helping the Blue and White Society understand the details of the contents.

The old man Yuanying immediately reported in a loud voice: “The side effects are unknown, the feeling: nothing, but the mind can be manipulated…”

“The containment item has recognized me as the master. All items in the area within 3,000 kilometers of me can be designated as pawns. The process is irreversible. After the pawns are completed, I will live with a currency certificate of corresponding value.

“Currency certificates can be selected from the **** machines up to 100,000 items, which are divided into three categories: biological, weapon, and special.”

“Double repayment of the currency voucher can release the corresponding pawn…”

The old man Yuan Ying is worthy of being a senior D-level personnel. He eloquently talked about his feelings and explained everything he knew, extremely detailed.

Lan Mu found that he did not seem to be unusual, luck was good, the information lost in the first wave might be remote, and the cost was not reflected.

Finally the old man shouted: “D-class personnel 12458 report is complete!”

Lan Mu nodded in satisfaction and thought in his heart.

“It turns out that you can double the repayment and put the **** back…”

“Then Australia and Kalimantan…and Shadow Island can all return…”

“It’s only double… Go to the next door and **** the Trisolaris galaxy, don’t you have it?”

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