Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 141

Chapter 137 Prohibited waters

I don’t know what that energy is. As it rolls in the unicorn, the waters around Shadow Island begin to agitate.

Layers upon layers of waves, a miniature tsunami flooded the Shadow Island violently.

“Oops! Don’t ruin the island!”

Lan Mu hurriedly tried to calm the waves, but saw that the waves were getting smaller and smaller, and finally subsided gradually.

After all, it was not a momentary calm. The shore was washed up in a mess. Many fish, shrimps, shells and crabs were left in the forest and the beach, struggling arbitrarily.

The birds chirping on the Shadow Island, many nests were washed away, and they could only rebuild their nests in the middle of the night.

The bear was so frightened that he was so wet, he was hiding in the center of the Shadow Island with his **** pouted, where the attack was minimal.

The central area of ​​Shadow Island was originally a hillside, and Lan Mu was entrenched on it.

is a valley under the mountain. When the sea water pours in, it fills it up, and if you don’t pay attention, it turns into a small lake.

The small lake is like a crescent, half surrounded by hills, and it looks pretty good.

Lan Mu lazily slid his body and got his head into Crescent Lake.

With a thought, the sea water suddenly rolled up, constantly bubbling with water vapor, and the mist that formed naturally wrapped around the unicorn and swept the whole body at the same time.

For a time, Lan Mu appeared and disappeared in a thick fog. This was instinctively creating water vapor and driving the fog.

“Can I draw water vapor from the sea?”

“This water vapor seems to be able to be stored…”

Lan Mu frantically sucked in the sea water, and the Moon Lake that had just formed gradually dried up, and finally only the swampland was left like a ravine.

As for the seawater is all drawn into a kind of highly condensed water drop, hidden in the unicorn, I don’t know how to do it.

The drops of water were turbid, and there were too many magazines besides water.

Lan Mu relied on his strong mental power and cooperated with the dragon’s ability to handle water, and the turbidity in the water drop was gradually repelled.

As for where to discharge it… Lan Mu curiously absorbed a little, but his whole body convulsed uncomfortably. Busy to spray them all out.

A large group of grayish-brown crystals appeared on the horns, and they flew out two kilometers and landed on the beach by the sea, smashing into a sandpit, weighing tens of thousands of tons!

“How much space is there in this unicorn? It’s simply unscientific!”

Tens of thousands of cubic meters of seawater are all sucked into the one-meter-long unicorn. In the end, an impurity crystal weighing hundreds of tons was sprayed out, which seems to indicate that the unicorn has a bit of meson ability.

Lan Mu continued to be immersed in the unicorn space, the cloud of turbid energy was still there, as if it were a cloud of black mud. He tried to fuse the water droplets that had become transparent into the energy, but was quickly rejected. Unable to merge.

“Then I ate…”

Lan Mu absorbed the drops of water, but felt his throat rise and his mouth swelled.


A thick jet of water sprayed out, rushing straight into the sky, spraying a full 2,000 meters away.

The water column rushed high into the sky, scattered into pouring rain and fell, and returned to the sea when the sea breeze blew.

Lan Mu stared at the raindrops in a daze, does he count as making rain? Doesn’t it seem to be counted?

He just turned the water droplets in the unicorn space into tens of thousands of tons of water in one breath, and sent it to the sky as a water column.

“Handling the water, controlling the fog, making waves…”

“There is also the ability of the unicorn space to purify and decompose water…”

“Huh? Isn’t this a freshwater lake?”

“But it’s not a hurry. I’ll save some drops of water first.”

Lan Mu didn’t use the ability to make waves this time, but slowly crawled to the beach, stuffed his head into the sea, and started to drive the unicorn to suck.

“It seems that there are 10,000 tons…”

“A hundred thousand tons…”

“Half million tons…You can continue!”

“Eight hundred thousand… Eight hundred and one hundred thousand… Eight hundred and twenty thousand…”

Lan Mu was startled, feeling that he was almost at the limit, and the unicorn space was faintly swollen, as if 830,000 tons of water was the limit.

This is a full 830,000 tons of water, which is equivalent to the amount of water used by more than 40,000 people a month, which is more than enough.

If all of this water is poured into the bird’s nest in the capital, it can almost be filled. Probably there is still some space in the dome.

“Try the jet power!”

Lan Mu tried his best to absorb the drops of water, and a burst of brain came out of his mouth.


The sound of the huge water hitting the air resounded everywhere, and a water column with a diameter of two meters flew out two kilometers away. Finally submerged in the sea.

The distant sea was hit with huge waves, and the current hit the sea surface, creating a small whirlpool forcibly.


He didn’t purify and decompose the water droplets just now, so he absorbed the abnormally turbid water droplets.

A variety of salty and fishy smells, as well as the nausea of ​​metallic elements, filled Lan Mu’s body.

“It must be decomposed again in the future…Oh my God, there are so many impurities in the sea!”

After almost experimenting, Lan Mu was already a little lazy. Finally, after absorbing about 80 tons of water, he climbed back to the hill and continued to rest.

While resting, the water drops slowly decomposed, and finally a huge impurity crystal was thrown out.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was dawn.


New Guinea belongs to the tropics, near the equator.

Therefore, the daylight on the Shadow Island can almost kill people. The sky is as clean as a wash and occasionally there are a few small clouds floating in the sky, and its azure blue blends with the sea.

The sun is unobstructed, shining all over the island.

The temperature in the entire area is rising in a straight line, and eventually it is about forty degrees.


The huge water dragon greedily absorbs heat, and doesn’t want to move.

went on like this all day, about dusk, Lan Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

Because Xiongda came to him, not only him, but Mio also yelled: “Boss! Boss!”

“what’s the situation?”

Xiongda was unclear, and Mio said directly: “Thirsty! Thirsty! The sea water is not good…”

Lan Mu was taken aback, and said to his heart that Bai Ze had prepared the pool? The reserve of fresh water can last for several weeks.

Then he thought about the storm and recklessness last night, the sea flooded the Shadow Island once, and the fresh water pond had long been dirty.

“Well, it’s almost done…”

“Glong Long…”

Lan Mu stretched his body, and as he straightened his neck, his lower body would make a crunching sound of crushing stones.

He climbed into the gully, expanding the depth of the gully at the bottom of the mountain. Plowing through the body, quickly pulled out a series of low valleys, and then slightly modified, the entire Moon Lake valley became larger.

“It’s okay…”


A huge jet of water gushes out. The rapids collide, blend, whirlpool in the valley…

The water level is getting higher and higher, finally filling the entire valley and turning into a lake.

The new Moon Lake was born. Located in the center of Shadow Island, half surrounded by hills.

A freshwater lake has been formed here. Since then, Shadow Island will not be short of water for a long time, directly solving the problem of freshwater resources.

And because of the abundance of fresh water, many animals can be bred here, and the ecological circle is considered to have a foundation.

After doing all this, Lan Mu went to the sea to prey. The creatures on the seabed are too rich, and I can’t finish eating just what I want.

None of those marine creatures are as fierce as it, and no one is as huge as it. No one runs fast without it.

Facing the completely undeveloped sea, he feasted arrogantly, and then explored the sea further afield as he wandered.

Bai Ze once showed him a drawing of the sea area and marked several places where the Lost Island might be.

Taking advantage of the sufficient calories now and eating and drinking enough, Lan Mu chose the north and traveled all the way.

“This is really a needle in a haystack!”

“It is said that the Lost Island has **10 square kilometers. Although it is very large, what is the difference between throwing a coin in the desert and putting it in the boundless ocean?

Because he doesn’t have navigation objects such as maps. Although we follow the sun, moon and the earth’s magnetic field to identify the direction, in this way we cannot change the course at will, and we must maintain a straight line.

Otherwise, he will easily get lost in the sea and can’t find the route back to Shadow Island.

The sun is westward. The setting sun was like blood, and soon completely submerged into the sea. In the end, the sea and the sky were dim, with only one bright moon rising into the sky, responding to the sky full of stars.

has probably swimed out about four hundred and sixty nautical miles, and found nothing. In addition to sea water or sea water!

“I can’t find it today…”

Lan Mu knew that he should return home, but when he was about to turn around, a ship appeared in his perception!

He couldn’t see what ship it was, because the opponent was 20 kilometers away from him, in a northwest direction.

Mental power can’t reach there. He knew that the ship exists only through Jiaolong’s subtle perception of the heat and undercurrents in the sea.


Lan Mu struggled to catch up. Although he was very tired, he hadn’t caught up with the opponent after a few minutes, but through the undercurrent, the ship was slowing down.

The opponent’s speed was getting slower and slower, and then he stopped in one place.

According to the undercurrent of the seabed, Lan Mu was a little surprised because it was a small island! It’s just that the island is very small, ten times smaller than the Shadow Island.

After a short while, Lan Mu finally came to the small island. It looked like a small island in the distance, about three square kilometers. There was a small port on it, which seemed to provide temporary mooring and supplies for ships.

The ship that    was tracking was moored there, it was a cruiser!

The cruiser is hung with the American flag. It is 160 meters long and about 14 meters wide. It is equipped with anti-ship missile launchers and anti-aircraft missile launchers, anti-submarine rocket launchers and four torpedo tubes. Automatic long-range guns and two catapult-type reconnaissance aircraft.

“It’s just the U.S. Army… I thought it was CANC…”

“But it may not be…”

Lan Mu dived two hundred meters again and approached the cruiser.

When he came directly below, he mentally scanned into the cruiser to monitor the crew’s conversation.

Hundreds of crew members communicated with messy information and rich and colorful conversations. Some were work, some were life, and some were small chats.

The local dialects also severely hindered Lan Mu from interpreting the information. Even so, he understood the purpose of the cruiser an hour later.

“Isolate merchant ships or cruise ships that strayed into this sea area!”

Lan Mu learned from the intelligence gathered by the crew that the routes of ships of various countries deliberately avoid this area and usually do not pass by. Only ships that change lanes halfway or deviate from the route will appear in this sea area. , Then the navy performing ocean-going missions in this sea area will have the responsibility to let those ships leave this sea area.

This time, it was not the only one that made the cruise. It is said that there were also two submarines, two frigates and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

They did not come purely for this mission, the fleet itself has overseas training missions. However, according to a special order of the Hexagon Building, they must be obliged to carry out the secret task of sea isolation before and after their overseas training missions.

Isolated is a forbidden sea area of ​​280,000 square kilometers.

This two-kilometer reef is one of the mooring ports in this forbidden sea area, which is specially used to temporarily rest the military ships.

“Interesting, isn’t this place without silver three hundred taels?”

“Is the sea area of ​​280,000 square kilometers? I can always find it!” (To be continued.)

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