Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 1422

Chapter 837 1 cheating is harder than 1

Lan Mu seemed to have done nothing, but in fact he did a lot.

Not only the solar system, but also all the creatures in the entire galaxy recovered in an instant, and the serious consequences caused by the slowing of the speed of light were all reversed.

This is not a simple matter. There are too many things to be changed. After all, Lan Mu is still carrying the infinite obliteration, so he only dealt with the Milky Way.

As for other river systems, and even other universes, Lan Mu couldn’t control it for the time being, it was really exhausting.

Let’s talk about it when he really wins.

If you lose, everything will stop, and the entire timeline will disappear with Lan Mu’s complete death. It doesn’t make sense for those creatures to live longer.

The surrogate was on the sidelines, letting Lan Mu perform, completely ignored.

It makes no sense to him.

“Recovered! Not only the solar system, but all the places in the Milky Way are recovered!” The Silver Heart was shocked.

This is the first time that civilizations have seen the root-level existence’s wanton tampering of the universe so directly. This has far broken the boundary of life and death. Under such tampering, does life really make sense?

“Blue… Lan Mu, what the **** is going on? Who is he?”

Lan Mu looked at the surrogate and said: “He? Almighty universe manager will incarnate… is here to kill me.”

Feifu immediately faced the enemy, including other civilizations, and looked at the substitutes nervously.

“What are you nervous about? Does it make sense?” Lan Mu said with a smile.

The silver-hearted person was the first to understand that the two existed in front of him, and they were engaged in an unprecedented duel.

The surrogate came to kill Lan Mu. Once Lan Mu dies, the Almighty Universe will come to an end.

The speed of light before was reduced, and it was unified with the multiverse… I was afraid it was just a small confrontation between the two.

Fighting at this level, it is really incomprehensible.

They are so lucky to know this.

What’s the use of being nervous? They include all creatures in all universes, and they can only passively wait for the result.

Fortunately, Lan Mu won, he can recover all losses and change everything back to the original state.

If a substitute kills Lan Mu, everything will come to an end.

It’s not just the silver-hearted people who figured it out, all the clever creatures here, and soon realized what was going on.

What timeline, what Almighty Universe, although I don’t understand well, but Lan Mu, who is still so calmly facing the substitute, must have reached an indescribable and unimaginable realm.

The Yinxin people and other civilizations have too many questions they want to know, and there are many doubts in their hearts, and they are eager to ask Lan Mu for advice immediately.

The pursuit of truth is an instinct that they can hardly contain.

But everyone still suppressed this impulse and didn’t dare to disturb Lan Mu.

Because they knew that Lan Mu was already above all living beings, and went further than everyone else… he was the one who was truly qualified to explore all the ultimate truths.

“I see… Lan Mu, you don’t have to worry about us, it doesn’t matter if we all die.”

The silver-hearted people are very enlightened. They know that it doesn’t matter if all creatures in the multiverse die. Blue Mu cannot die alone!

Lan Mu was dead, and there was no hope.

What about exploring the ultimate meaning?

Lan Mu didn’t care about the bystanders’ thoughts anymore, he had only one thing in his mind.


Anyway, Odonis was dead, and the earth had already been destroyed once, and all the objects he knew and cherished had all died.

There is nothing to worry about in all this, even if everything is destroyed, he will win.

“Alternative, Go? Or flying chess?”

In the end, Lan Mu and the surrogate set up a Go chessboard made of neutron star material in an unnamed star system more than a thousand light-years away from the Galactic Center. The miniature black holes are the sunspots and the miniature white holes are the white ones.

This kind of horrible chess game, only the two of them can easily play.

Both are otherworldly, and Lan Mu can be regarded as a half-controller of the multiverse.

But even so, he can’t count all the moves in Go.

There are 19 roads vertically and horizontally on the Go board, with a total of 361 intersections. Each intersection has three states: sunspots, whites, and no children. Regardless of the “robbery” factor, the number of changes is 3 to the 361 power, which is about 10 gai or more than the 164 power.

In the actual game, there is “robbing”, which has increased the total number of chess games by countless times. In addition, the intersection after a few moves can continue to play, and the second move can continue to play after being picked…

Lan Mu roughly calculated that Go can play more than 1.42 times 10 to the 768 power.

This is an extremely exaggerated number.

If all the possibilities of the chess game are recorded and stored on the hard disk, this hard disk will be bigger than the largest star in the universe!

If you really want to be serious, and you have to divide the victory or defeat, this will be the most exciting game ever. There is no one.

Because both Lan Mu and the surrogate can perform extraordinary calculations and estimate the changes and possibilities of each step.

With this kind of calculation power, Lan Mu is far inferior to the substitute, because he has too many things to consider, and it is impossible to pay attention to the chess game with all his strength.

There is another variable, that is, the agent will add information.

This ability has never been useful for a substitute.

Once used, the surrogate is almost certain to win!

He only needs to create a containment object that has no solution for playing chess, or create a brain cell with infinite computing power, and he can win steadily.

This is just a trivial matter in the setting of information. With unlimited computing power, let alone Go, even if the grid of Go is hundreds of times larger, the substitutes who strongly add abnormal information will be able to win.

However, Lan Mu expected that the surrogate would not use that kind of creative algorithm.

On the one hand, the outcome of this game is actually not important at all. On the other hand, if the substitute wants to use it, he will already use it! Lan Mu had long since died!

“Guess the number!” Lan Mu caught a handful of sunspots. If the surrogate guessed the odds and doubles, he could choose whether to play black or white.


Lan Mu flipped his hand, but it was an even number. In fact, the surrogate didn’t guess wrong, but Lan Mu deleted one at the moment of flipping his hand.

“I’m in the dark.” Lan Mu made the next move first.

As a result, for this first step, the substitutes considered for three hours.

“This guy…” Lan Mu frowned. Obviously, the surrogate didn’t care about winning or losing. He knew that Lan Mu wouldn’t be willing to gamble, so he was simply dragging his time.

There is no time limit for their game.

On the surface, the two were playing chess, but in fact, this obliteration didn’t stop for a moment.

The surrogate sat chirping, Lan Mu took the time to stare at the black box and kept thinking.

At the same time, the space fluctuated, and the Yinxin people and other civilizations arrived again.

They were silent, not daring to disturb Lan Mu. The reason they came here was simply because they were simply curious and not afraid of death.

The two great tampering universes are confronting each other like drinking water. If you don’t watch the battle, you won’t be reconciled to death.

They are not afraid of death. As of now, the fate of the multiverse has nothing to do with any creatures, it is purely tied to Lan Mu.

Everyone is afraid of death and cannot change the result.

If everything were to be destroyed, it would be worth it to die here.

“This… isn’t it a duel? How to play chess?” Feifu was the first to be surprised.

Because of the prestige of the Blue and White Society, the various cultures of the earth spread among the higher civilizations, and everyone knows that this is playing chess.

Didn’t you say that the war is over? Didn’t you want to kill Lan Mu? Why did the two come to play chess?

Silver-hearted Giggs looked at it for a while, and suddenly said with a clear look: “I understand! This looks like a game of chess, but it is actually a duel of root algorithms!”

“That level is a battle we can’t understand, and their every move may contain indescribable mysteries!”

After hearing what Giggs said, everyone was stunned, and they could only explain that way.

“It deserves to be the root algorithm! I can’t understand it! It’s all about playing chess anyway!”

On impulse, a civilization used a detector to launch gravitational waves to explore the chessboard.

But the gravitational wave was just about to be emitted, and the Silverhearted immediately destroyed it, and then controlled all the equipment of this civilization.

Giggs said angrily: “You are crazy! As I said, no one is allowed to disturb Lan Mu! This is about the fate of all creatures in the multiverse!”

“Do you understand! Let’s see, we are already afraid to disturb them! Do you still dare to use the detector?”

The civilization was immediately ashamed, and hurriedly said: “I was wrong!”

Everyone dared not approach, nor did they dare to use any detection methods, but simply analyzed based on the feedback light.

Obviously, I can’t see anything, I just feel that both are very calm and unfathomable.

“Hurry up! You don’t stop killing for a second, don’t wait until I’m dead, you’re still dead…” Lan Mu said.

In the universe, sound waves cannot be transmitted.

However, the people present are all top civilizations. With optical sensors alone, they can also simulate the sound wave form over there, and then know what the two are talking about.

“Destroy! Sure enough, it looks like a game of chess, but in fact, we can’t see the secret confrontation!” Giggs said.

“He’s gone! The man in white is gone!” The surrogate was dressed in white. They didn’t know the name, so they had to be called the man in white.

As for Lan Mu didn’t wear any clothes at all, there were blue quantum sparks lingering on his body, which was considered to be wearing a distinctive’blue suit’.

The substitute lost a son, Lan Mu thought for a while, and quickly followed him, and then continued to consider the question of the box.

I didn’t know that this time, the surrogate didn’t grind, and immediately followed him.

Lan Mu frowned, followed a few steps, and a dozen of them fell, and the situation turned out to be that Lan Mu was passive.

“This guy, after thinking about it for so long, I’m afraid it’s just a few hundred steps later. Now every one of me is within his expectations, so he plays extremely fast.”

Lan Mu calmly turned a chess piece into a cup of tea, slowly savoring it.

He actually started to grind again.

“If I play seriously, it will be a waste of time, so this round will actually be lost. I have to consider other issues… I must test it out!”

Lan Mu thought for a while, and fell abruptly.

This one fell, nothing else changed, the chessboard changed!

Originally, there were nineteen roads, but it turned out to be twenty roads! A good chessboard, the number of squares was forcibly changed.

As a result, there are many more variables, and the situation in which sunspots are suppressed is different.

Lan Mu is not just tampering with the chessboard, he even combined the chessboard with his own information, making it a ‘body organ’ of Lan Mu!

It seems incredible In fact, it is a simple matter in terms of information. Lan Mu has hands and feet, as well as an external chessboard. This is his body structure. Who can refuse?

Only the devil is allowed to have two horns, but Lan Mu is not allowed to have a chessboard?

The surrogate glanced at Lan Mu, but Lan Mu’s innocent look was met.

Regarding this, the surrogate didn’t take it seriously, and just started playing on the twenty-way chess board.

As a result, he fell all at once, and all the black stones on the chessboard became white ones!

For a time, the two played for so long, and there was not even a single black on the board!

Not only that, because sunspots are miniature black holes, all the time and space of the Almighty Universe, all black holes…all become white holes of crazy spewing matter!

Lan Mu was startled and couldn’t help laughing.

“The surrogate cheats more fiercely than me…”

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