Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 145

Chapter 141 Giant tortoise

Lanmu does not travel fast on land, about one-tenth the speed of swimming in the sea.

The trees in the forest are also things that hinder him, and he often breaks the trees during his actions.

In this way, his whereabouts can’t be hidden at all. Even if he doesn’t rely on satellites, he can easily follow him by tracking his tracks.

Soon he found a group of people surreptitiously behind, it was the soldiers of the garrison.

“They just follow from a distance and don’t plan to approach me…”

“Probably waiting for support… If I go back to fight with them, they want to see it instead.”

“I must cross the next giant wall as soon as possible and enter the core area, where there must be the alien energy I want.”

Lan Mu pulled up a mountain and fell a tree, leaving a mess behind him.

He can only perceive tens of kilometers in the sea, and through heat on land, he can only perceive five kilometers, which is better than direct mental perception.

The squadron was about three kilometers behind him, and Lan Mu ignored it and headed toward the second giant wall.

Along the way, everything he saw and heard was strange.

Whether it is plants or animals, the species here are not all normal creatures on earth.

Flowers, grass and trees, or birds, insects, and animals, a tyrannical figure, seemingly brutal, with a novel structure.

But for the most part, they are only larger than the earth species, and for Lan Mu, they still only have the idea of ​​running away in a hurry.

During the fast journey, Lan Mu encountered a group of predators, who looked like raptors and came hopping around, making unpleasant quacking sounds.

These seven-headed raptors have sharp heads and sharp beaks, flexible and bold.

actually jumped on his back, bounced lightly twice, and wanted to leave after being provocative.

Velociraptors don’t seem to know they are provoke a behemoth. Still running like flying on the other’s back, ignorant.

Lan Mu suddenly turned his head, Jiao’s head was like black lightning. He immediately bit one of the heads and heard a click. The velociraptor bones were all bitten, and they wailed and died.


spit at random, and the corpse smashed a Velociraptor again. The other Velociraptors were finally frightened, knowing that this unseen monster is not easy to mess with.

However, Lan Mu didn’t want to let them go, Jiao made an assault and hit the Raptor with a horn on top.

I heard a muffled noise, as if they were hit by a high-speed train. Tendons broke and fractured and fell to the ground.

“It’s very weak… Maybe there are some dinosaurs outside, right?”

Next, Lan Mu encountered waves of dinosaurs.

There are docile hadrosaurs, bulky swollen heads, and even the ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex.

None of these dinosaurs were Lan Mu’s one-in-one enemy. The roadblockers were either knocked away or crushed.

Although dinosaurs are weak in Lan Mu’s eyes, they are all powerful reptiles compared to humans. A large group of such creatures can be born. It is enough to show how huge the alien energy on the Lost Island is.

In contrast, the change in Shennongjia is not worth mentioning. Of course, the direction of the two changes is different. In terms of strength, the ferocious beast would definitely not be able to defeat the Tyrannosaurus rex, but the level of intelligence is far higher than that of the dinosaurs in Shennongjia.

Especially the legendary creatures like Sanwei, whose language learning ability even surpasses that of human beings.

“Such a huge area of ​​influence, so many mysterious species, so powerful…”

“There is definitely a lot of alien energy in the heart of the island!”

Lan Mu was full of expectations and rushed to the second high wall as quickly as possible, just when he sensed that it was a high wall five kilometers away. He finally encountered a difficult enemy.

To be precise, it’s a tuft…the meatball seems to exist.

There are so many holes in the meatball, one and the other seems to be breathing. It also released a strange fragrance.

Lan Mu didn’t care when he first felt it. After approaching it, Muran noticed the strange smell and hurriedly backed away.

The meat ball is parasitic on a huge tree, the tree is 60 meters high, and the meat ball is also 60 meters high!

For the time being, this is the biggest creature Lan Mu has seen.

“I don’t know what it is…”

Lan Mu couldn’t figure out the other side’s way, thinking that it would be okay to take a detour.

After he bypassed the meat ball, his mental perception kept monitoring it. After a while, a giant python with five heads appeared where he was just now.

The five giant pythons have been with Lan Mu for a period of time. Although they are called giant pythons, they are only twelve meters in length. Lan Mu doesn’t care about this smallness.

The giant python also seemed to smell the strange scent, and immediately reacted strangely. Instead of following Lan Mu, it crawled towards the meat ball.

Like a fool, he drilled directly through the hole of the meat ball and went.

Then…there was no more…The hole just closed and never opened again.

“Oh, this kind of booby trap is ineffective for such a huge body…”

“The Lost Island, here is far more peculiar than I thought.”

Lan Mu strode quickly, and finally came under the high wall. He stood upright, his body straightened high.

As before, use the same method to directly climb over the wall!

“Captain! I saw each other! It’s really a giant python!”

“It’s not just a giant python… pay attention to its unicorn! This is a footless dragon!”

“It’s going to cross the Gamma Wall! Captain, shall we stop it?”

“Come on, I call for air support.”

There are 15 people in this garrison squad. They are familiar with the terrain and are good at dealing with monsters on the periphery, so they can easily run long distances in the forest.

The team leader quickly called the containment base to report the situation here.

“Countdown to air strikes…”




Three missiles flew in and locked onto the huge flood dragon that had crawled.

“Boom boom boom!”

The missile is so powerful that it blows up the blood behind Lan Mu.

But only two missiles hit him directly, and the other one exploded in the air and spilled a large potion on his back.


Lan Mu made a high-pitched voice, and slammed over the high wall.

The other end of the wall is still the forest, but it is much sparser, and there are patches of flat land and a river that lead directly to the center of the island.

“Hi, is this potion a powerful anesthetic?”

He was walking around, and soon found that his back was numb, and his actions were slow.

“There are so many monsters here that they don’t fight, and they have allowed them to thrive for so many years.”

“As soon as I showed up, it was a missile attack. Understood…Do you want to keep me in captivity? They want to capture me alive?”

Supernatural creatures beyond their control are not allowed. They are not incapable of cleaning the lost island, but they are confident of containing and researching, so the entire island is kept in captivity and a containment base is set up here.

Lan Mu was the first monster to break in. Regardless of whether it would disrupt the ecological balance or not, Lan Mu itself was obviously a containment object sent to the door.

“It’s not easy to catch me…”

Lan Mu’s cold snake pupils were bloodshot, regardless of the scattered scales, he moved forward quickly.

He walked along a river, and it was obvious that the source of the river was the center of the island.

It is rumored that there is a lake there, which is Lan Mu’s goal.

Lan Mu’s movement was too loud, and the creatures in the river began to noisy.

It happened that a fifteen-meter-long crocodile crawled out of a river, but before the crocodile could think about it, Lan Mu bit it and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

The gastric juice in his body was madly decomposing the crocodile. The injury behind it was not very serious, and the bleeding was stopped immediately.

This is an emperor crocodile. Seeing that he can barely squeeze between his teeth, Lan Mu ate it directly.

While hunting the emperor crocodile, Lan Mu inadvertently took a sip of the river water and then froze on the spot.

“Alien energy!”

Lan Mu looked at the river in surprise, just now the life orb jumped out on its own and absorbed the alien energy.

The most important thing is that this energy does not have the familiar radiation, and even the feeling of Lan Mu. This energy is completely different from that of Shennongjia!

“What’s the situation, did I make a mistake?”

“No! My purpose is to fill the life ball, no matter what energy it is, as long as the life ball recognizes and absorbs it, then I will definitely get it!”

Lan Mu looked at the river, which was originally meant to eventually flow to the sea or stay in another lake.

However, Lan Mu saw that the second high wall directly blocked the river, part of it was taken away by the wall’s drainage hole, and the other part was forced to change lanes, forming a small lake in a depression on the side.

“Just right!”

Lan Mu flew to the small lake, plunged in and began to absorb.

The life ball spins swiftly, making up for itself.

Just as he was absorbing energy beautifully, the lake suddenly bulged…


Lan Mu was stunned for a while, and soon discovered an astonishing fact through a mental scan.

He ignored that there was a giant beast in the water! It was a giant forty meters in length.

The huge black carapace is round like a lid with mottled marks. The top is covered with mud. It has stiffened into the earth over time, just forming a riverbed at the bottom of the lake.

The carapace suddenly rose, and a long neck stretched out of it. The head at the head was covered with thick armor, his eyes were sharp, and his mouth showed sharp teeth.

There are bone spikes on the neck, and the limbs are stretched out. They are very strong and covered with bone protection.

This is a big turtle! (To be continued.)

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