Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 147

Chapter 143 Ultra Mobile Team

Lan Mu was helpless in the very center of the island, obviously the alien energy was in front of him, but he did not dare to pass.

A six-legged snake was thrown into the deserted area by him, and it quickly vaporized.

A giant tree was uprooted by him, and when it fell on the wasteland, it quickly decomposed and disappeared in ashes.

Stones and sand can exist in that area, in addition to this, animals and plants will be wiped out.

“The oak tree contains the power of life transformation… The barren mountain is a shelter for the destruction of life. The two grow together, it is really fate.”

Next, Lan Mu tried various methods and tried to get the tree over.

However, the oak tree took root in the mountain, no matter how Lan Mu made the wind and waves, or even sprayed high-pressure water jets, the water flow could not shake the oak tree.

“First absorb the energy in the water.”

Lan Mu was helpless, so he could only shove his head into the river, and the life ball turned violently.

The lake was originally just water, but with oak trees, it contains a lot of different kinds of energy.

Lan Mu frantically absorbed it downstream, and time passed by minute by minute.

At the same time, the Ultra Mobile Team escorted a container to the containment base.

The containment base is located in the east of the island, between the Beta Wall and the Gamma Wall, a group of tall buildings.

There is also a garrison inside the base, which is absolutely not allowed to leave, because there are more than a dozen contained objects.

Strictly speaking, large creatures such as dinosaurs and giant tortoises are not considered containment objects.

They are just derivatives of the containment, belonging to the behemoth bred by the water of Eden.

Only those who truly have supernatural abilities or create supernatural phenomena are worthy of being called containment objects.

Just like the eyes that obliterate life. Frogs that gush out flames and so on.

These behemoths made by Eden Water, such as giant tortoises. No matter how big it becomes, it is nothing unusual.

Canc has been studying here for many years. I have already understood the magic of Eden Water. Humans can increase their physical fitness by drinking a small amount of water, while other creatures drinking a large amount of it will cause abnormal changes, especially reptiles, the most significant changes.

They once wanted to go back to the source and control the source of everything, but there is another containment object, γ-208.

is also known as the eye of obliteration. It cannot be transferred but can be contained, because the target is only a mountain, and it is only to destroy life within one kilometer.

It is precisely because of the existence of these two shelters that the Lost Island established a shelter, built a triple high wall to isolate it, and cut off the water of the river. While controlling the creatures on the island, some containment items are often sent.

“Strong acid cannot completely suppress the sun frog. It may riot at any time and destroy the containment device. The above means…destroy it!”

Adams placed the container on the square of the base. Open the door and you can see a glass container full of strong acid with a frog swimming in it.

Dr. Kenner observed for a while and said, “If it is really like Helen said, 6,000 degrees Celsius can not kill it. Then you can only use the Eye of Obliteration?”

After    finished speaking, he walked aside and turned on the satellite image display.

“Adams. This alien flood dragon is a new containment object. It has broken through the triple separation wall. It is soaking in the Eden River… Its purpose is very clear.”

Adams looked at the dragon in the bath in the image and said indifferently: “If it’s just the ability to create floods. I don’t think it will be difficult to contain it.”

Dr. Kenner said: “I will send someone to **** the sun frog to the Omega Wall. After you contain the dragon, the sun frog will be destroyed immediately.”

“OK! I need missile assistance.”

“No, the target range is too large, and it is next to the Omega wall. If there are more missiles, it is easy to spread and destroy the wall. If the power is small, it will be ineffective against the target. I hope you will use the containment items to complete the task vigorously.”

Adams curled his lips before he could speak.

The Asian youth around him said, “Doctor! If you can use technological weapons for containment, you must never use the containment to fight. Even if you are a super mobile team, you must try to avoid the use of the containment!”

Adams looked angry and said indifferently: “Jin Hezai, it is the power of our ultra-mobile special forces to use the containment items. I will naturally tell when it should be used under what circumstances!”

Then he pointed to the container and said: “Give you a task to transport the sun frog to the extended platform in the Omega wall… and then stand by!”

After finishing speaking, he took the remaining members on the helicopter and left, leaving Jin Hezai frowning.

“The plan is very simple, the target will cause floods, then we will use high-altitude operations, all staff equipped with flight backpacks…”

said, they put on a small backpack on the helicopter, and the backpack extended two tentacled jet rods behind them.

The so-called ultra-mobile squadron is the only armed unit that can apply for the use of containment items on its own initiative. They have the privilege of using it first and then reporting it.

Not only that, most of their weapons are derivatives of containment, such as neon light guns, flight packs, laser swords, etc. made by a super printer.

The laser sword technology, human civilization has not yet developed to the relevant level, but the canc organization uses the “super printer” containment to directly create the fantasy weapons in the movie, and equip them with the ultra mobile team.

It can be said that the ultra-mobile team is the strongest and most loyal armed force. Each of them is an elite of the elite and is directly responsible to the boss.

“Silva stayed to release the blast freezer! Air support!”

“Other people follow me to contain them.”

After finishing speaking, a group of figures rushed down directly from the plane, leaving a wave of air behind them.

“It’s too late, it actually drank the River of Eden!”

I saw that the original lake on the barren mountain had dried up, the waterfall had disappeared, the river bed had also been exposed, and there was no drop of river water.

Jiaolong seemed to have been waiting for them for a long time. He opened his mouth and spouted a high-pressure water cannon. At the same time, he ran out of the Omega Wall.

“Very good! It has left the Omega Wall, hurry up! Air strike!”

Eight people dodge continuously in the air, flexible and free, avoiding the impact of water cannons.

With an order from Adams, two missile launchers exposed on the ground at the containment base suddenly flew out two missiles.

The water jet hit the missile, but couldn’t stop it. One hit the dragon, and the other exploded to the ground.

“Boom boom!”

Two explosions in a row, the black shadow of the dragon is still rushing amidst the smoke of gunpowder, ignoring the explosion at all.

Instead, the explosion affected many reptiles, and some dinosaurs were killed or injured.

“Dr. Kenner! The opponent is a behemoth of ninety-four meters long, how can two be enough?” Adams dissatisfied.

Dr. Kenner, who is in charge of the base, said: “The River of Eden has been drunk by it. Without the Water of Eden, the species on the Lost Island are all rare and out-of-print creatures. If one is extinct, one will be lost! Unless it reaches the sea, Otherwise I will not use weapons of mass destruction on the island.”

“Doctor! You… OK! I have nothing to say! You quickly turn on all the neon signs for me!”

Adams spoke quickly, catching up with the dragon.

At the same time, circles of neon lights lit up on the walls of the three steel cities! Illuminate the entire night.

As soon as Lan Mu ran to the second wall, he saw the bright neon lights on the wall.

“What the hell? Why did it become a red light…zone?”

If the whole world is shining neon, that kind of environment makes people feel nightmares, a strange background color, the stars in the sky are glowing with weird lights.

“What weapon? You can’t use the containment item directly, right?”

After seeing the power of the Obliteration Eye, Lan Mu did not dare to look down on any of the containment objects. UU reading

Although he was running away, his mental power kept staring at the chasing soldiers.

Only the eight jet-flying men took out a weird-looking gun, which looked like it was made of plastic and looked a bit like a water gun.

Something strange happened. The light of neon lights became like fog, all poured into a test tube bottle on the gun.

The next moment, a neon light rushed towards Lan Mu, very fast, and hit Lan Mu’s forehead.

“My Horn!”

Lan Mu’s head sank, thinking it was going to be bad, but he was unscathed.

“Nothing at all?”

Not only Lan Mu was stunned, even the chaser who was shooting was stunned.

“Why? The power of a neon light gun is no less than that of a laser. Any bone can be exploded. How can it not hurt his horns?”

Adams exclaimed. He is used to shooting the enemy’s head. Seeing the top horn of the opponent’s head, he shoots there. How can he know that the dragon’s horn is extremely hard.

Jiaolong had just turned over the second wall, and it seemed that there was still a long distance from the sea.

“Can’t be so passive…”

“I must have a denser and more powerful means of attack…”

“Damn, the land is so weak… How about flooding this island?” (To be continued.)

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