Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 165

Chapter 160 Foreign team

The RV drove until three o’clock in the morning in the middle of the night, and the whirring wind swept down the snow and quickly buried the road.

It was midwinter at this time, the mountain road was originally rugged, the road was blocked by heavy snow, and there were snowdrifts everywhere.

They have already arrived in the mountains, dozens of kilometers away from the end of the road.

“The car can’t move…” Bai Ze shouted.

Luo Yan walked to the driver’s seat and reached out and pressed a button.

I heard the sound of ‘chicking’, and a certain liquid was sprayed from the front of the car. As soon as it was stained with snow and ice, it melted the snow and opened a road.

“This is a special deicing agent. I specially prepared forty kilograms, which is enough to keep going until the end of the road.”

With that said, he also looked at Lan Mu, where he was resting silently. He knew that Lan Mu only needed to become a flame demon to run wild in this mountainous area.

However, Lan Mu didn’t do this. Fortunately, Luo Yan had thoughts and prepared a special deicing agent.

An hour later, the road came to an end. Highway S202 came to an abrupt end. A large road sign buried in snow and ice stood in front, indicating that this was the end of S202, and the direction of two mountain roads was drawn.

Luo Yan pointed to the mountain road on the right and said: “This mountain road on the right is the mountain road leading to the Jiba Menba village, which is the most remote village in southern Tibet. It has been sealed in the mountains by heavy snow for many years. It belongs to the Menba ethnic group. In one of the territories, the Monba people have lived in the mountainous areas of southern Tibet for generations. They still live a primitive life and only speak their own language. The car can no longer go here, and the rest of the road has to be walked.”

He took out a set of snow climbing suits, which was the kind of clothes for people who climbed Mount Everest.

“There is only one set, Lan Mu, I won’t follow the rest of the way, after all, I can’t be missing for too long.”

Lan Mu understood that Luo Yan could only do this. He should work hard for the rest.

“Okay, you just need to send them out of the country secretly, you don’t need to worry about other things.”

Lan Mu changed into a snow suit. Carrying a shovel and rope, get out of the car and walk uphill.

He walked for about half an hour. Prepare to become Bi Fang and fly in.

But suddenly stopped, and as soon as he turned around he saw Fang Moqi rushing over with a sleigh.

Fang Moqi didn’t wear a snow suit, only a down jacket wrapped his body, his face was red, and he ran and laughed.

Lan Mu was stunned, and said in air: “Why are you here?”

Fang Moqi walked with Lan Mu and said, “Come with you! I once told you that there are not many places in this world that I haven’t conquered. There is only one in China. That is the Himalayas.”

“Hey…” Lan Mu was speechless, but since he has followed, let it go.

Fang Moqi’s words are not too cumbersome.

Although he doesn’t wear much, he has good physique and experience, so it doesn’t get in the way.

The two of them walked along a path on the edge of a rock, stepping on the snow more than one meter high under their feet, almost trekking in the snow ditch.

One hour later, the mountain was still a mountain. The road is still the road, and the snow is still heavy.

The long road seems endless.

Fang Moqi said: “We entered at a bad time, just in time for the snowy weather. Even the Monba people who grew up in the snow-capped mountains would not dare to walk in this kind of weather.”

The snow is too deep, and every step will sink into it, which is extremely exhausting.

Lan Mu smiled slightly and said: “This road must be taken by outsiders… The real mountain people can’t go.”

Fang Moqi was taken aback, not knowing what it meant.

I saw Lan Mu stepped aside, sprinkled some deicing agent, and melted a large area of ​​snow, exposing the ice on the mountain.

He used deicing agent while smashing it with a shovel. Quickly broke the ice to reveal the hole inside.

“Is this hole…”

Lan Mu smiled and said: “This should be a tunnel opened by the Monba people in the mountain. There should be many such tunnels in the entire mountain area. It is completely possible to avoid the plight of the heavy snow.”

His spiritual power found this kind of tunnel hidden deep inside the snow mountain all the way back.

Fang Moqi said in surprise: “I have dealt with the Monba people, and never heard them mention the tunnel?”

Lan Mu laughed and said, “I guess they only want to use it for themselves. They don’t want to use it for you outsiders.”

Having said that, he walked into the tunnel first.

The tunnel is very short, and the two have to bend forward. It is much warmer inside, and there is no snow, and the speed is more than twice as fast.

A lot of Tibetan-style sutras were laid along the way, and there were unique Tibetan seal carvings on both sides of the tunnel.

On the ground, you can often see all kinds of birds, beasts, fish and insects carved with stones, as well as wooden pestle-like utensils.

The two of them walked about a few kilometers before they came to the exit, and there was light coming in from outside.

Half of the exit was covered with ice, Lan Mu cut the way, and his eyes lit up as soon as he stepped out.

Among the mountains are small villages one after another, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and forests, but there is a large grassland in the middle, supporting the villages to be self-sufficient.

The ten small villages are the villages of the Jibamenba ethnic group. They enjoy the pastures in the mountains and live a life of farming and grazing.

The nearest to the exit of the tunnel is a temple, full of Tibetan style, with many Tibetan characters outlined on it, revealing the ancient flavor.

Fang Moqi sighed: “The Menba people live very well. When I came here before, I couldn’t believe that there would be such a simple and leisurely mountain village in this deep mountain and old forest.”

“It’s just that they have their own culture and language. Although they use Tibetan, most of them believe in their own witch religion, but their witch religion has merged with Buddhism, forming a weird religion.”

A few Moinba people at the entrance of the temple spotted them. The Moinba people are equipped with bows and arrows and long knives, and they are surprised to say something coming here.

Fang Moqi took the lead and greeted him with a sing-like language.

Seeing Fang Moqi communicate with the Monba people, Lan Mu was dumbfounded.

“Lao Fang, how many languages ​​do you know? How do I feel that you can communicate wherever you go?”

Not knowing what Fang Moqi had said to the other party, several Monba people immediately laughed and led them into the temple.

A monk received Fang Moqi, and it seemed that the two still knew each other.

Fang Moqi pulled Lan Mu and introduced, “This is the master of mistakes. He is actually the highest-ranking person in this township.”

“He asked me how I discovered the tunnel, and I told him that I discovered it accidentally. It seemed that the tunnel involved some religious factors, and he was a little unhappy. I asked, and he said that it was a way of life. People who don’t believe in religion. Passing by will be sneaky.”

Lan Mu couldn’t help but laugh, his mental power looked carefully, and he had never been sneaky. Not even a dead soul.

But this is other people’s religious custom, and he doesn’t need to provoke it. Just know it in my heart.

Fang Moqi said something to them, and then left the temple on the mountain.

Master Zhuo Cuo sent the two down the mountain and passed through three villages. They came to a valley area. The climate suddenly became hot again. A two-meter-wide river passed through the village, seemingly flowing from a towering snow-capped mountain in the distance. .

The locals were so hospitable, Fang Moqi took out some handicrafts from the outside and gave them as small gifts. Immediately, they were surrounded by the Monba people singing and dancing, offering delicious and delicious food.

After repairing for a day, they rushed to the most fringe village of Jiba Menba Township, which is the end of the pasture in the river valley.

There are mountains in front of us again, and there will be no such good valleys on the next journey, but there will be towering mountains all the way!

Looking at the snow-covered peaks under the clouds, Lan Mu thought for a while and said.

“Old Fang, if you don’t want to stay here, let me go in and look for it alone next time?”

Fang Moqi glared at him and said, “Do you think I will shrink? I’m all excited now.”

“Puff…” Lan Mu was speechless. I just want to be down-to-earth and look for it step by step. Maybe it’s a different kind of fun.

Fang Moqi questioned: “Lan Mu. Why do you have to find Shambhala?”

Lan Mu asked back: “Why do you have to explore the world?”

Fang Moqi stagnated, he couldn’t answer this question. “But how can you find a place that even Qianlong can’t find? Even if you find it, you will eventually disappear.”

Lan Mu smiled and said, “That may be true.”

After a four-day long journey, they passed two large lakes and climbed over four mountain peaks.

Several times it was obvious that I could take a short cut, but forcibly crossed the mountain head-on, so I took a lot of wrong roads.

They want to detour, of course, to avoid Qianlong’s base. All easy ways will be discovered by Qianlong’s guard post. So we must take the road to challenge the limit.

“Huh…Finally turned over…”

“This mountain is Yalula Co. Turning over is the high-risk area of ​​missing. The approximate area of ​​the entrance to Shambhala is just south of this mountain.”

Fang Moqi said, but his face was not pretty, he was too tired.

There is no road at all on this road, almost all over the mountains.

In high altitude areas, breathing is difficult and physical exertion is even greater.

If it were not for Fang Moqi’s rich experience and strong physique, it would be really difficult for an average person to climb four big mountains in four days and travel dozens of kilometers continuously.

Lan Mu also relied purely on human physique to overcome, if he hadn’t drunk bamboo leaf wine, he would have been tired and fell on the ground.

“The next road is much easier. Although there are mountains, you don’t need to avoid Qianlong. You can choose a gentle road.”

As they continued to move forward, on the way, every time Lan Mu reached a mountain, he swept across the distance with mental power, and he did not find any abnormal areas.

No abnormal radiation, no abnormal areas, no abnormal creatures, no abnormal items…

“There is really no trace. Is the missing person surely related to Shambhala?”

Lan Mu also began to suspect that Shambhala was just a legend. Under his spiritual power, the mountains were unconcealed. Unless Shambhala was on the top of the mountain and the altitude was too high for him to scan, it would be impossible to avoid Lan Mu’s search.

“Huh? What do these people do?”

In my mental perception, I suddenly saw a group of blonde foreigners using suction cup gloves and ropes to climb cliffs Lan Mu was surprised. None of them were Chinese, and they would never be Qianlong. the member of.

“It seems that more than a group of us avoided the guard post and entered this no man’s land…”

“They obviously also know the distribution of Qianlong’s guard posts, and they also brought all kinds of climbing equipment, so they clearly came prepared.”

“Are they also looking for Shambhala?”

Lan Mu narrowed his eyes and headed towards the group of foreigners with Fang Moqi.

They walked higher and higher, on the protruding part of the side wall of the cliff, underneath it was an abyss.

When the two of Lan Mu reached the place of the group, they had already climbed a higher mountain.

It is about 3,000 meters above sea level, and the foreign team has reached a height of 4,000 meters above sea level.

Perceived, six foreigners formed a string and climbed up in the strong wind. (To be continued.)

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