Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 188

Chapter 183 Take control of America


A tracking squad plus a task force were all converted into blood.

Two of the captains were personally transformed by Diana and became three generations of blood, and the rest of the team members are four generations of blood.

“Blood…we have also become monsters?”

One of the task forces couldn’t accept this reality, and backed back again and again, looking at a group of fanatical vampires in front of him, with a look of disbelief.

Since they joined canc, they have instilled containment principles. They have a mission to fight against the supernatural. At this moment, they themselves have become supernatural beings, and the three views collapsed instantly.

“Racial supremacy, compatriots, don’t you visit your king and true ancestor?” Andrew gently wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Feeling the oppression of the class, most of the canc members bow their heads respectfully.

The change of race made them resigned by the instinct in the bloodline.

“Huh?” Diana glanced at those who still insisted on themselves, they didn’t want to bow their heads.

“Regardless of whether you admit it or not, humans will no longer accept you, as long as they know that you become non-human, you will be greeted by imprisonment and research.”

Diana was telling the truth, and at the same time releasing the coercion of the higher blood races, causing those people to kneel down involuntarily.

The class rule of this race is too strong, it is a pyramid chain engraved in the blood.

But even so, there were still two people who could not accept reality, and the idea of ​​human supremacy was imprinted in their minds like a steel seal.

This should be the most stubborn principle school!

“No! I am a human!”

They picked up their guns and fired at a group of blood races, including their former teammates.

However, how could the bullet kill the kinsmen? A few clusters of blood exploded on their former captain, and they suddenly flew behind the two, holding the back of the neck with each hand.

The captain is three generations of blood. Easily suppressed the two of them, and even caused their blood to flow backward, bursting out of blood vessels and splashing out.

“Woo…Captain!” The two men were painfully drained of blood. Turned into a mummy and fell to the ground.

Sometimes the blood race will choose to fall asleep, condense the blood of the whole body in the heart. It can also keep a minimum of survival, becoming a corpse and not dying for thousands of years. When the time is right, the blood can return and it can be resurrected.

But at this moment their blood was sucked away by the captain, including the essence and blood. If the captain didn’t return it to them, they would be completely dead in about ten minutes.

“Did I allow you to kill them?” Lan Mu said abruptly while watching.

The captain was taken aback and looked at Lan Mu helplessly.

Lan Mu walked over in silence. A thought took the blood back from the captain’s body, and the pain made him kneel on the ground and grinning.

Returning the blood to the two dried corpses, they opened their eyes in horror, and they were resurrected.


The two of them were as if they had been rescued from drowning to the point of death, huddled on the ground and already unable to resist.

“Do you still think you are human?” Lan Mu said softly.

The two climbed back from the edge of death, feeling the absolute control of their true ancestor’s bloodline, and collapsed: “We are not humans!”

“No! You are still human.” Lan Mu suddenly changed from a blood race to a human, and his golden pupils turned back to black.

This transformation is not only the true ancestor of the blood race, but also the ancestor of humans and werewolves.

He can change form at will among the three clans, and only the werewolf will automatically transform at the full moon.

“Look! I am also a human. I am the common ancestor of the blood race and humans, there is no doubt about this.”

After Lan Mu finished speaking, not only the two of them were stunned. The other blood races around were also dumbfounded, but Diana was not surprised.

He added: “We are not an alien, but a longevity species among humans!”

“We have a long life span and power far beyond human beings…All our compatriots here were once humans, and they are now, and we will guide humans in the future.”

“The existence of blood is not to replace humans, but to transcend humans.”

“We are compatriots!”

After speaking, Lan Mu opened his arm and once again shed the blood of his ancestor human.

“Wow!” There was a commotion around the blood race, they all looked at Lan Mu eagerly.

A human whose blood is pure to perfection. The allure of the blood race is too great.

The blood was flowing on the ground, and the rose color was bright and attractive.

suddenly. Lan Mu became the true ancestor of the blood race again, and the blood races who were greedy just now were immediately shocked. No one dared to move.

Lan Mu thought, the perfect blood on the ground flew out of thin air and condensed into blood beads, like bright red gems.

Evenly dividing the blood beads into each blood race, Lan Mu said: “Although you belong to the higher blood races, you can easily condense your fangs and bat wings, but absorbing my human blood can completely make you in the human and blood races. A perfect conversion between them, no instrument in the world can detect your anomaly.”

Regarding the use of the perfect blood, Lan Mu has tried it before. After Diana absorbs it, she can easily become a human. Even the spiritual power can penetrate the body to find no abnormal bones, but she can become a blood race at any time, with double Family characteristics.

For a time, all the blood races became human, but they could still feel the pressure of the blood race class.

“Your identity is still a member of canc, what should you do…Someone will contact you when necessary, go!”

As Lan Mu said, he turned around and left. Diana was the first to follow, and the other blood races followed behind him obediently.

“Yes! True Ancestor!” The two teams watched Lan Mu leave, and when they disappeared into the night, they cleared up the scene, and then continued to look for their mission target, the big red and blue bird.

They didn’t know that the big bird was also Lan Mu.

Hunter town, in the tavern, early morning.

A group of kinsmen are cleaning up the scene. The bearded men and other hunters’ associations stationed here will continue to stay in this small town. Their task is to transform all hunters who come here in the future, even ordinary people.

Anyway, there is the Siberian Railway nearby, and there may be a few more blood races on the train going back and forth.

The rest of the hunters themselves are freelancers, and they will follow Diana to all parts of the world to spread the gospel of the blood race.

The race needs to grow. Wealth and territory are both indispensable.

Diana’s first goal is the United States, where people of all ethnic groups in the world are there. There are capitalists everywhere, as long as they have money. Then private rights will be infinitely magnified.

The vast majority of people in this world cannot refuse the temptation to become a blood clan. After all, they have immortality, flight and power, and each one is invaluable.

In the process of first embrace, any terminal illness will be cured, even the dying injury can be repaired at the moment of transforming the blood race.

Using these characteristics, in a country dominated by chaebols in the United States, the blood race will establish a huge underground power in a short time.

What should I do if the rich person on the rich side has a terminal illness? In order to survive. Even if the soul is betrayed to the devil, there is a lot of human action, let alone a healthier and stronger body!

What should I do if the old patriarchs who secretly influence a country are dying of old age? Immortality and youth will drive them crazy, and any four generations of blood will be enough to save them.

Wealth and power will be all at your fingertips. In a few years, the people in that country will have no idea how many people who are on the surface are humans, but secretly there are blood races.

However, the perfect blood is limited, not to mention that Lan Mu does not intend to provide his human blood to more blood races.

It is still easy to find the existence of the blood family by means of physical examination, equipment, etc., so most of the blood family status will be given to those who have a high status and have clearly withdrawn from the ruling system. They are more likely to be undetected by canc in the early stages.

The United States will become the base camp of the kinsmen, and then by controlling the Hunter Association, it will slowly use the full-time hunters scattered around. Radiating the influence of the kinship to the whole world, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia will all have the power of the kinship.

A transformation gave Lan Mu’s power a huge potential overnight, but Lan Mu did not forget his purpose of establishing power.

“Always pay attention to the existence of the containment, Diana! I give you the power to lead the blood, but you must unconditionally follow an organization.”

“The power of the blood clan is the power of the blue and white society. The leader of the blue and white society is Bai Ze. He will also be the second-generation blood clan. I will let him contact you. Before that, you will develop the blood clan as soon as possible.”

“Remember. Kindred is not invincible, pay attention to low-key. Don’t be noticed by canc.”

“Their cards…I haven’t figured it out yet. I think the senior management in the United States should have some intelligence.”

Diana is the one who knows Lan Mu’s power best among all the blood races. She knows that Lan Mu can change between humans, blood races and even werewolves, so all the blood races were ready to move before, but she didn’t react at all.

As the queen leading the blood clan instead of Lan Mu, other blood clan can be disrespectful to Lan Mu, but she can’t!

Ordinary kinsmen make mistakes, the queen will deal with them, but the queen’s mistakes will be punished by the true ancestor.

Lan Mu’s existence was also unfathomable in Diana’s heart, not to mention that the true ancestor had control over all blood races.

Diana surrendered and said: “Understood, true ancestor. I will handle the matter of the shelter properly.”

Lan Mu also exhorted: “The power of the blood clan is not something that everyone can have. In the future, the highest combat system of hunters and killers shall not exceed the four generations of the blood clan. Those social elites with huge wealth or background depend on the situation. Three generations of blood, but most of them are still classified as four generations.”

“Only members or scientific researchers who join the Blue and White Society can there be three generations of kinsmen on a large scale. Pay attention to attracting scientific researchers and establish our own research institutions as soon as possible.”

“The existence of kinship should encompass all fields and take the elite line, whether it is politicians, scholars, military, education system, entertainment circle…”

“To travel all over the world In any industry, there are compatriots of our blood.”

After speaking, Lan Mu turned into a sky full of bats and flew south towards the Shadow Island.

Diana looked up at Lan Mu to fly away, and unconsciously stroked the place where Lan Mu had bitten when she embraced her. Although the scar had disappeared long ago, the brand was still deep in her heart.

There were extremely complicated gazes in her eyes, but Lan Mu didn’t look at her more until he left.

“Master Diana, we are ready! We can set off at any time!” Andrew flew over in awe and said, bowing his head.

Diana suppressed her nostalgia, and said indifferently, “Say it again, don’t call me an adult, but call me your majesty the queen!”

“Uh…Yes! Your Majesty the Queen!”

“Okay, let’s go!”

Diana ordered the blood family, took a group of people into bats and flew away, leaving the Hunter Town, and heading to the United States. (To be continued.)

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