Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 190

Chapter 185 The potential of the 9-tailed monster fo

[Broadcast] Pay attention to “Starting Reading” and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Those students who haven’t grabbed red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can show their talents this time.

“I need a lot of human spirit…”

Lan Mu maintained the form of a nine-tailed demon fox at the moment, extremely weak, his face pale and bloodless.

He drew another two liters of his own blood before he realized that blood is equally important to the nine-tailed demon fox.

Although he was a monster, he only had six liters of blood in his body, and more than half of the four liters were drawn before and after. If the humans had died long ago.

He quickly became the true ancestor of the blood race, and his sense of weakness disappeared in an instant, but he knew that the state of the nine-tailed demon fox was only frozen. To recover, he needed to absorb human essence.

“After absorbing these two liters of blood, my clone reached twelve thousand, and the effect was remarkable.”

For the time being, Lan Mu’s main strengthening method is to absorb the blood of his other transformations.

The most cost-effective one is the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. No other creatures with blood can compare to this monster that was once considered weak.

The nine-tailed demon fox seems to have such a rich nourishment in its blood because of its strong race and amazing potential. Lan Mu secretly sighed, reflecting on that he must still have a powerful ability that has not yet been developed.

The instinct of the blood race cannot be wrong, and only the stronger and more perfect biological blood can be more beneficial to the blood race.

In fact, the blood of the **** bird Bi Fang is also very good, but Lan Mu’s first choice is the demon fox. After all, he has a way to repair Nine Tails’ injuries, but he can’t repair Bi Fang’s injuries.

The body of the nine-tailed demon fox was killed once because of previous mistakes and weak defenses. Fortunately, it had the ability to resurrect and used a tail to offset a death.

Lan Mu had a hunch that the ninth tail was the most important tail of the nine-tailed demon fox. At this moment, he desperately wants to repair that tail!

“If you want to repair the ninth tail, you need to absorb at least a hundred and eighty human spirits. Where can I find so many people…”

“Ask Bai Ze…”

Lan Mu walked out of the secret room. The mental power was swept away, but Bai Ze was not found on the island. There are some blood mercenaries guarding the island.

“Leave? You should have gone to America, right?”

Lan Mu curled his lips: “In fact, animal spirits can also replenish the blood lost by the nine-tailed demon fox, and it doesn’t have to be human.”

“But it feels that the human spirit can make the nine-tailed demon fox stronger. The three types of sun and moon people are the path of demon cultivation.”

“Let’s add the blood volume first.”

After a change, it turned into a hundred-meter dragon, drilled into the sea, and set off huge waves.

The mercenaries guarding the island rushed to hear the movement, but only saw the terrifying beach gully on the coast.

“This is a serpentine trace…it’s too big, right?”

“Is there such a big snake on the island? There is none in the world, right?”

Several mercenaries looked at each other and simply stood by the shore.

Deep under the sea. Lan Mu started hunting, focusing on catching large animals.

But after searching for a long time, I didn’t find that there were no large animals in the nearby sea.

“Well…maybe I was scared away by my previous movements.”

As the second best thing, Lan Mu easily caught hundreds of fishes of various colors, he picked the bigger ones, and the shortest one was half a meter long.

He didn’t know the type of fish, so he put it in his mouth and threw it ashore.


All kinds of big fish landed on the shore, startling the mercenaries.

Seeing the huge black shadow backlit, they suddenly showed their fangs one by one, spreading their bat wings to fully guard.

Lan Mu snakes ashore. Seeing two mercenaries rushing up from left to right.

In the next second, the huge flood dragon disappeared, and a slender figure quickly reached out his hands. Clamp them easily.

“True… true ancestor!”

Seeing the target clearly, the mercenaries stunned for a moment and hurriedly saluted.

Lan Mu didn’t have general knowledge with them, but waved his hand to make them retreat.

Re-incarnate as a nine-tailed demon fox, weakly absorb the essence of the fish, and immediately become ruddy and restore blood.

“Sure enough, it’s just recovering from the injury. With so many big fishes with strong stamina, most of their energy is wasted.”

“Reliance on repairing the tail and practicing oneself must be the essence of the three talents of the sun and the moon…”

Look up at the sun. Lan Mu felt the slow progress.

“Relying on the essence of the sun and the moon, I am afraid that there is no one hundred and eighty years that cannot be achieved. Legend has it that only a hundred years of cultivation will have a tail. Where did I have so much time?”

“Forcing me to start with humans.”

Lan Mu beckoned. Shouted: “Who, come here!”

The mercenary who left, the last one was stunned, and turned his head to point at himself.

Lan Mu nodded, called him, and asked, “Can you contact Bai Ze?”

The mercenary nodded, took out a mobile phone and handed it over: “Yes… but the boss has ordered that there is nothing serious about not looking for him.”

“My business is a big deal.”

Lan Mu took the phone and contacted Bai Ze directly, and the phone was connected after a while.

“What happened on the island? Someone attacked?” Bai Ze thought Canc was calling.

Lan Mu said, “Where are you?”

Bai Ze understood this voice, and asked: “I’m in New York, master, what’s the matter?”

“Canc has prepared so many D-level personnel, can we also set up a group of such people?” Lan Mu said.

Bai Ze Leng said: “Death row prisoners? This…canc controls most countries in the world, so…cough cough, master, do you want to do human experiments?”

Lan Mu said: “I need a lot of human essence, and it’s better to have a lot of those that are dead and no one cares.”

Bai Ze smiled and said: “There are so many people like this to supplement D-class personnel through prisons of various countries. We can’t get this route, but desperadoes are easy to find. For example, there are many big drug lords and gang members in South America. Human trafficking organizations in Eastern Europe are also extremely rampant…”

“By the way, master, are you on the Shadow Island?”

Lan Mu said, “Yes, what’s the matter?”

“That’s too convenient. Southeast Asia has the most desperadoes. Drug barons, illegal armed forces, and pirates are plentiful. If you are the closest to Shadow Island, it is the inkpad area. The pirates are rampant in a mess, Java, Wang Hike, and Sulawesi. There are a lot of pirates in the sea.”

Bai Ze continued: “As far as I know, there are a lot of pirate dens in the Sonsolor Islands. I have investigated this very clearly. Because our cargo ships have also been hijacked and lost a lot of money.”

Lan Mu said in surprise: “Really? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Bai Ze smiled and said: “How dare you trouble the owner with such trivial things, Southeast Asia is full of small pirates, basically some island fishing villages can’t survive. The whole village collectively goes to sea to rob the non-mainstream pirates… There are only a few regular pirates. They have ties to the illegal armed forces in the triangle. After all, those arms have to be shipped from the United States. If you want to avoid the Interpol, you must have the support of pirates.”

“In fact, I am eager to recruit mercenaries and build armed forces because the seas in Southeast Asia are a bit messy. Basically, except for Malacca, which is very safe because of the American military, other small straits and non-international shipping areas have pirates. .”

Lan Mu interrupted Bai Ze and said, “Don’t say too much, just tell me the location of their lair.”

“Uh… well, they are…” After speaking the address, Bai Ze said again: “The mercenaries I left on the island know the specific location. You and them will lead the way faster. If it is not convenient, just assume that I didn’t say it. .”

Lan Mu said, “Okay, I see.”

Seeing that Lan Mu was about to hang up, Bai Ze asked, “Master, good progress is going on here in New York. Would you like to guide the work?”

Lan Mu thought that the task of containing a large number of dead souls had not been completed, and said: “I have something to do, I am not free! What? You can’t control the scene?”

Bai Ze hurriedly said: “No…”

“That’s it. Hang up!”

Lan Mu hung up after speaking, threw the phone back to the mercenary, and asked.

“Do you know the location of the pirate lair in the ink pad sea area?”

The mercenary nodded and said, “I know, our original mission was to deal with pirates, and we collected all this information for the boss.”

“That’s good, lead the way!”

Ever since, the two turned into bats, rushed out of the Shadow Island, and flew at high speed over the sea.

Mercenaries are only four generations of blood. The flight speed is similar to that of a passenger plane, but the inkpad is not far from here. A few hours later, they arrived near Sonsolol.

On a small island in the Sonsolor Islands. Although it is only a small island of 40 square kilometers, there is a natural harbor on it, which is suitable for berthing some not very large ships.

A wharf has been built on it, and a broken ferry that looks like it has been modified is moored in the harbor. There are flags of various countries on it. They are piled like garbage on one corner of the deck. At the same time, there is a graffiti of a dragon on the side of the ship. It’s very ugly.

There are many mixed wood and stone buildings on the shore. The sanitary conditions are very bad. Most of them are rude men with dark skin living here, and almost everyone has a gun on their body.

There is a large wooden house with a large pile of leftovers and wine barrels.

This is a paradise for pirates, the entire island is their territory, completely free.

The sun was in the west, and it was time for dinner. A large group of pirates came out of each residence and gathered in a large wooden house to start a big dinner.

Usually there are similar dinners every week. They spend extravagantly, usually after harvesting a large amount of wealth, they will purchase a lot of materials and drinks, and enjoy the luxury jewelry and women they robbed. Once the days are tight and no suitable target is found on the sea, the idea will be hit in some poor fishing villages along the coast, looting food and population, men are coolies and women are toys.

They wear all kinds of gold and silver jewelry that don’t match them, but they don’t have frills. Carry-on firearms are kept at the boss of the main seat, and they cannot be equipped with guns during parties.

At the beginning of the party, after the pirate chief gave an order after the pirates had made up his own brewing procedures, the pirates became uproarious and began to revel freely.

Some pirates put their arms around exposed women and play with them wantonly. Some pirates can only hold wine barrels, smoke foreign cigarettes, and look at the group of pirates enviously.

Only a few pirates have fixed women. They are all looted from coastal fishing villages, and they must be shared by all pirates for a month after they are looted, and they will be allocated to a pirate at the end of a month.

In fact, most people don’t wait for the expiration of one month, and they are usually tortured to death within a dozen or twenty days.

Because some pirates knew that they couldn’t allocate them, they vented unscrupulously this month, almost torturing the other party to death. Anyway, it was not him who took the offer in the end.

So this caused most women to die in the first ten days, and their bodies were thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

Even if there is a strong woman who lives to the end, she is basically physically disabled, and was killed and abandoned by the pirate who was disliked.

The pirate chief wanted to change this situation several times, but the cancellation of the one-month period was unacceptable to all pirates, and in the end it was nothing.

Most pirates actually don’t want to start a family, even if some pirates are in their forties, they still don’t want to establish a real family.

Many people have the same idea that the boss said to them.

“When we have enough big money, we will go to America to live happily and start a family.”

In fact, only young pirates still believe the boss’s statement. Many veteran pirates have already abandoned themselves. They don’t believe that they can finally wash away their past lives in the United States and start anew so they can live more recklessly. right now.

They are having fun, and occasionally look forward to the future, but more just look at the refreshment in front of them.

However, they didn’t know it, just when they were partying and spending a lot of time.

Two figures fell over the island at some unknown time.

p.s: The previous chapter has been changed. It’s not that I forgot the dragon. After all, I didn’t even forget the fat Ding. How could I forget such a large dragon, but I accidentally missed it when I wrote it… well, it’s forgotten. do not mind the details. In addition, I never ask for votes. Please remember that you read my book, discuss, criticize, and suggest that you already support me. Of course, if you support the original version, it is even more of a parent. There is a group number in the profile. You can Here, there are already many people. In addition, I’m sorry to those friends who gave me rewards and monthly tickets to support me. I can’t bear to look directly at the efficiency of my codewords. In fact, I really want to break out, but I personally don’t know how to write cool, so break out is possible. Know water. So I’m sorry, when my life is stable and I pay off the debt, I will notify you if I deposit the manuscript. the above.

ps. For children who are chasing new shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is up, let me get a ticket, ask for an increase and appreciation ticket, and finally make a rush! (To be continued.)

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