Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 195

Chapter 190 Bodyguard

No one pays attention to Kenneth’s Huya. After all, as a five-generation blood clan, he can converge his blood characteristics very well. Huya is not a unique sign, many people have it. △¢,

The graduate students were very interested in what Kenneth said. They talked a lot. Some people thought that the doctor was crazy, how could there really be a panacea.

Some people think that Kenneth should have discovered or synthesized a certain powerful antibiotic, which has a miraculous effect on a certain viral terminal illness, and has blown it into a panacea.

But Bob listened very carefully and noticed the blood mentioned by Kenneth.

“Doctor, the panacea is your blood? Do you want to show us the results of scientific research? Why are there no relevant academic reports? Are we the first people to know?” Bob asked.

Kenneth replied: “You are not the first to know, and you will not be the last.”

“The panacea is indeed our blood. I myself have injected this blood. I have a body that will never get sick. Even cells contain amazing energy. The speed of division is more than six hundred times slower than that of humans! This means that theoretically , We can live for 30,000 years.”

The crowd was in an uproar, they were all academic lunatics, or researchers with a rigorous scientific spirit.

Kenneth’s remarks are completely subverting their scientific view, and they are simply nonsense!

He is even more academic madman than academic madman. No matter how mad a scientist is, he will not say that there is a medicine that can prevent people from getting sick and live for 30,000 years.

“I think you have a serious conjecture in your mind, Doctor! Perhaps eating too many donuts has caused your brainstem to shrink! I am wasting time to listen to this class!” A graduate student stood up angrily , Using gentle words to say bluntly that the other party is crazy.

Graduate students stood up one by one. They took time out of their busy schedule to attend classes, but they didn’t expect to hear a madman’s crazy words.

But Kenneth and Brian were very calm. It seems that there are no symptoms of madness at all, as if it is just expounding a fact.

“Since you can’t accept this reality. Then try it for yourself?”

“Will anyone come up to receive my blood? You will realize what immortality is!”

Kenneth smiled slightly, and Brian unknowingly blocked the door.

The graduate students didn’t believe this kind of boastful lies at all, and they were unwilling to give it a try.

When they walked down the stairs and were about to leave, Bob suddenly rushed to the podium and shouted.

“I am willing to receive the injection!”

Everyone looked at this young man with thick eyes, his face was full of enthusiasm at the moment, and his consciousness of sacrificing himself as a guinea pig, his eyes had a certain hope. That is the expectation and pursuit of the existence of science fictional drugs.

Strong curiosity and bold assumptions about things are the basic qualities of an excellent researcher.

“Bob! Imagination must also conform to the spirit of science. Kenneth’s statement is tainting our scientific outlook.” A researcher persuaded.

However, Bob was determined. He stretched out his arm and said, “Come on! Doctor, let me see the panacea you said!”

Kenneth looked at Bob with a smile, shook his head and said, “The injection I’m talking about is not a needle…”

What can I use without a needle?

Bob looked at Kenneth suspiciously, and other graduate students looked at the podium curiously. Although they did not agree with Kenneth verbally, they also had great curiosity. Of course he was reluctant to leave at this time.

Kenneth opened his mouth, and two tiger fangs suddenly burst into fangs!

“Ah!” The graduate students were shocked.

Bob’s eyes widened and he said nothing.

Kenneth bit Bob in the neck with one bite. He quickly sucked it into a corpse, and then fed it back quickly, and a brand-new six-generation blood family was born.

Fangs and bat wings burst out. Bob flew into the air with a groan, feeling the unprecedented power in his body. Trembling with excitement.

“My body… is great!”

He yelled and threw his eyes away, and his pupils turned light blue.

People like him who research and work around the clock. The body is full of problems, and the physique is fragile.

At this moment, those problems are gone, and the high myopia is gone. On the contrary, the eyesight is better than normal people, and the strength is far beyond ordinary people.

“Oh my God! This is the blood race!”

The graduate student on the side shouted in panic that there are too many vampire legends. The United States has also made several movies and TV series to describe this legend.

If the blood race really exists, and they are not afraid of various weaknesses such as sunlight, then they are the perfect longevity species.

“Don’t panic… You are about to become my compatriots. As the elites of this society, you are fortunate to be able to directly become a blood race and enjoy longevity and a healthy body. Your youth will be fixed at this moment, and there will be countless time to go. Do the research you like, and develop scientific results that others will not be able to find in their entire lives.”

Kenneth spoke, spreading his arms in a hug.

“Come on, don’t believe the lies fabricated by mortals. The blood race does not have many shortcomings that you recognize. We just walked upright from the sun. No matter what kind of disease you have, even if it is a physical disability, as long as you accept our noble Bloodline, everything is not a problem.”

“Next…who will come?”

At this moment, they finally understood what Kenneth meant that all terminal illnesses were not a problem, and finally understood what a panacea…

From a human being to a blood race, that is a powerful race in the legend! They were regarded as fictitious fantasy creatures, which appeared in front of them alive at this moment, which seemed to them as a treasure for them who studied biotechnology.

Intense curiosity and desire for blood gene, instantly defeated their sense of belonging to human identity.

Besides, there are no shortcomings like fear of the sun as they thought, aren’t the two blood races mixed around them like normal people? Who knows how many of their teachers and idols are kinsmen?

Maybe the President of the United States is of blood!

In an instant, the vast majority of graduate students were madly persuading themselves that they stepped onto the podium in surprise and chose to accept the kinship transformation.

Blood races were born one after another, and they botched their new bodies. For a while, all the demons danced in the classroom, all experiencing the feeling of flying.

The few hesitating people left, seeing that everyone had chosen to become a blood clan, and Brian guarded the gate. They were not fools either, they immediately made a decision and accepted the first embrace.

A total of 24 graduate students have been converted. Although Kenneth and Brian are half and half, they are somewhat overwhelming.

Their faces were pale, their essence and blood had been consumed excessively, and they had become very weak.

“Brian, I remember that the blood bank of the school’s biological research center is managed by you. Although it is not comparable to living human blood, it is finally useful…” Kenneth said weakly.

Brian nodded, obviously it was the blood bank’s idea.

For the six generations of blood races, human blood has a lot of benefits for them, it can replenish the essence and blood that has been consumed, and even enhance their strength.

According to the research of many scientific blood races, human blood is only effective for blood races under five generations, and the fresher blood is better, the younger and healthy human blood is better, and the best is virgin blood.

Of course, if you want to raise your strength to a level and reach the point where you can compete with the five generations of blood races, you need an extremely large amount of blood, which is a very difficult thing.

And even if there are six generations of blood-sucking power to advance to the level of the fifth generation, the class is still the sixth generation, and the blood purity cannot be made up by human blood. The only thing that is promoted is the strength, at most, the status of the six generations of barons can be changed to viscount.

What changes is the title, and the class is lifelong.

The way to raise the ranks is probably only possible by rewarding the essence and blood of the more advanced kinsmen.

“My fellow citizens, have you played enough? It’s time to stop…”

Kenneth rushed to **** blood, yelling to silence the new blood.

They fell from the sky, feeling the suppression of class, and could only listen to the teachings of Kenneth.

Kenneth introduced to them the responsibilities of being a scientific blood clan, as well as his allegiance to the queen and true ancestor.

There are many large companies and scientific research institutions under the control of Kindred. These graduate students will be assigned to various research institutes to participate in many scientific research projects.

Just as Kenneth told everyone to keep their bat wings to hide their identities and act low-key on weekdays.


The door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, making a loud noise.

Everyone looked at it, and many blood races had not had time to restrain their wings.

“Hey! Who is bullying my eldest lady? Stand up!”

A young Chinese broke in, wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses.

He kicked open the locked door extremely arrogantly, and behind him was the beautiful Chinese woman who was pouting. It was the beautiful woman who pretended to be a student and was kicked out of the classroom.

It seemed that he was a figure like this eldest lady’s bodyguard, because the beauty was wronged here, so she came out.

But when he saw the situation in the classroom clearly, he immediately pulled his sunglasses down in fright, revealing surprised eyes.

“Fuck…” (To be continued.)

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