Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 63

Chapter 61 Back home

“This is the National Water Distress Emergency Center…”

“Please accurately report the location of the distress and the name of the vessel in distress so that rescuers can arrive at the scene promptly and quickly.”

The captain quickly said to the communication channel: “I’m the captain of the Snail. I’m 19 nautical miles southeast of Hai’an Port, and I’m almost at Hai’an Port. The coordinates are…”

“Please describe the nature of your distress…”

Before the other party could finish speaking, the captain shouted hurriedly.

“The volcano erupted! The submarine volcano erupted! Just behind our ship!”

“…Please keep calm.”

“I am calm!”

“…But as far as I know, there are no volcanoes in such close seas. What is your degree of distress?”

The captain said: “The degree is good, there is no damage to the hull, and there are no casualties.”

“Then what is the danger for you?” The operator wondered: “Even if the submarine volcano erupts, can you stay away? The ships on the sea are generally not dangerous.”

“The eruption of the volcano has boiled the sea, and the volcano on the bottom of the sea is chasing us! I have been with us for more than ten minutes!”

“…Please keep calm.”

“I said I was calm!”

“Chasing you? The volcano is chasing you?” The operator felt that he and the other party did not live in the same world.

“That’s right, I have chased for two nautical miles, now I’m pulling the distance, 600 meters away from the stern.” The captain said, looking at the smoke rising to the sky behind.

“Well, speed up, don’t let the volcano catch up.”

“My yacht only has a speed of five knots.”

“Five knots? Then what are you going out to sea? Forget it, you insist, we will send a rescue boat to pick you up.”

“Okay! Thank you so much.”

After closing the communication, the operator laughed dumbly and said to his colleague: “The first time I heard such an outrageous harassing call.”

“The volcano is chasing him…hahaha!”

On the other side, the small yacht snails was still running away. They went straight to the nearest port, and they could see the land in sight.

When they docked in the port, the “volcano” stopped one kilometer away from the shore.

“Stop chasing! Great!”

The crew cheered, rushing off the boat one by one, standing on the ground with their feet on the ground, only then relieved their heart.

Watching ‘volcano’ chasing them fearfully along the way, no matter how you turn or change lanes. The red flames of the seabed always followed, chasing them like a big monster.

However, they thought too much. After Lan Mu noticed the port on the seabed, he immediately stopped and turned his head back.

Lan Mu didn’t want to chase them at all, but got lost. On the seabed where there was no sense of direction, he finally found a ship, and of course he had to follow the ship.

Being chased by him, the ship will inevitably flee to the nearest port, there is no doubt.

So taking the yacht as a guide, Lan Mu finally reached the coast of the mainland.

He was almost thrown off several times along the way, all because of the slow speed of the Balrog. Without any means of acceleration, he could only run wildly on the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, his strength is huge, and his lower body can advance like a bulldozer, maintaining the speed of human running, so he can barely chase the target far away without losing the target.

“It’s so close, my previous direction was a big bend!”

“Fortunately, the distance is not far away. If it is farther, I will not be able to catch up with the yacht.”

Lan Mu did not go ashore directly, but converged the flames, immersed in the water, and only kept the flames spontaneously burning.

As a result, the sea finally became calm, and the people in the port saw that the water surface subsided, and the large bubbles of water vapor disappeared, only that the volcano disappeared or left.

This incident spread quickly in the port, and then radiated to surrounding towns.

Many people didn’t believe it when they heard that, but when the crew took out the video they shot, they were dumbfounded.

There were a lot of people filming on the boat at that time, from various angles, and mutual confirmation was impossible.

The red flames on the seabed made some people with deep-sea phobia speed up their hearts.

“Such a sea area is boiled, my God, how hot is the bottom of the sea?”

The scene of the fire in the sea was so shocking that everyone who watched the video was shocked, saying that they had not seen such a miracle in the sea for so many years.

The incident was quickly spread online, and the video and the dictation of the parties began to spread on the Internet. A few hours later, the video became as popular as the nine-tailed fox of Dahan Mountain.

The nine-tailed fox in Dahan Mountain is so noisy. People in Malay and all over the country are aware of the appearance of the nine-tailed fox. Many videos have been circulated on the Internet in China. You can clearly see the charm of the nine-tailed fox and the uniqueness that seems to come from the second dimension. Beauty face.

However, other Southeast Asian countries have not spread that much. When the nine-tailed fox was circulating in various countries, various media soon came out to refute the rumors and explain it, and abruptly justified the fact that the nine-tailed fox charms the common people. What is the hype? what. There was even a Singaporean director who claimed that it was a publicity for his new movie, and the nine-tailed fox movie would be released next year.

Even things like Southeast Asia are not spread widely, let alone other countries on other continents. I have never heard the news of the appearance of the nine-tailed fox.

Compared to China, a large number of circulated photos and video recordings, high-definition versions of various angles, suddenly detonated the Chinese people’s enthusiastic pursuit of the nine-tailed fox.

When there was an accident in the live broadcast, even if the signal was immediately cut off, many people saw the nine-tailed fox.

After   , there were videos proving that the charm and the girl turned into a fox. In just a few days, the nine-tailed fox became a hot search on the Internet.

Many nine-tailed fox-related works have been sold hot, and many nine-tailed fox-related forums have also been hotly pursued. The TV station has also urgently changed to a TV series with nine-tailed fox, and is preparing to shoot movies and TV with nine-tailed fox as the protagonist. .

Compared with the silence of other countries in the world, the nine-tailed fox is too popular in China, and various myths and legends have been ripped apart in the past few days.

A large number of Malaysians wanted to go to Malay, but they were told that Malay had been attacked and the customs suspended their visas.

The incident of the terrorist attack was publicized by the Malais government, but the people still didn’t know the details. They only knew that 128 soldiers died in order to eliminate the terrorists. In order to win the sympathy of the society, China took the lead in exempting a debt, and the United Kingdom and the United States also expressed one after another.

So internationally, the biggest thing this month is the terrorist attack on Marais.

But the Chinese people don’t care, they still care about the nine-tailed fox that has been circulated in mythology since ancient times, until the appearance of the monster in the South China Sea.

After seeing the video of the underwater fire chasing the yacht, netizens ranked it second only to the nine-tailed fox.

Someone in the comment said: “It turned out to be a long shot. With a long experience, the volcano will run!”

“Wait for the scientist to explain.”

“Could it be crustal movement? It pushed the volcano.”

“Your volcano will turn? I didn’t see the yacht changing a few directions to get out, but did the volcano follow?”

“This is obviously an animal!”

“Animals? If you can boil the sea surface and cause this effect, do you know how hot the sea floor is? Or animals? I laughed.”

“Who said it couldn’t be an animal? As a doctor of Beijing University, I watched the video three times and thought it was a whale that suffered an oil spill. It was set ablaze by a submarine volcano and chased the yacht. When it reached the shore, it burned to death.”

“Can the one upstairs be edited more ridiculously?”

Netizens are discussing this matter. Many people watched the video, but they just commented or chatted with their friends without paying attention. In terms of importance, it is not as good as the nine-tailed fox.

Because of the nine-tailed fox video in front, but even the real mythological creatures have been born, it is still the kind of high-definition video, the video of the nine-tailed fox’s appearance, demeanor, and behavior. In comparison, isn’t it a weird thing to see fire on the bottom of the sea? No one sees the true face. Are there still few water monster legends in various countries?

“After watching this video, I decided to go and do Ari again.”

“Same as above, the fox is my destiny. The submarine volcanoes are my shit!”

“I watched Marais Nine-Tailed Fox video fifty times.”

“Only fifty times upstairs? I have 30G video on my computer doujinben…it means that I have scanned my eyes for a hundred weeks.”

“Huh? The fox got out of the book? I ask for the space of the great cloud.”

“Same request!”

I have to say that the charm of the nine-tailed fox is greater. After more than ten days, it still firmly dominates the hot discussion and the hot search.

The video of the Nine-Tailed Fox Raising in the Gymnasium has been watched badly, and every second of the footage is analyzed and explained.

A lot of stories about the nine-tailed fox have been compiled on the Internet, and a group of people have made up the story of the nine-tailed fox in Marais.

Why did she go to Marais? What happened again? The truth of these things was revealed, and some netizens’ brains were added.

even added a persona to the nine-tailed fox on her own terms. She must like football. But the Malays played too badly, so she couldn’t help showing up and telling them not to play…

There is even a fan group of Nine-Tailed Fox, and the number has exploded with some second- and third-rate stars…

After all, this is the only mythical creature whose real existence has been recognized by the people.

Chinese people are beginning to believe that dragons, phoenixes and unicorns may be fake, and the ancients made fiction, but the nine-tailed fox must be real!

Lan Mu didn’t know anything about these things.

In the evening, around 23:00.

Leizhou, Guangdong Province, on the coastline two kilometers east of Haian Port, a naked figure climbed ashore from the sea.

There was no one around, he was clutching his lower body, feeling a chill under his crotch.

then turned around, turned into a white lion, and disappeared on the beach.

“I finally returned to the mainland, so kind!”

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