Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 91

Chapter 88 Soul strengthening

“I heard the gunshots, it was too late to get here.”

“It should be Paul’s people who found Lan Mu, but what about the people? There is no blood on the scene and Lan Mu is not injured, it is impossible to be captured!”

“Quickly show the way, we must catch up with each other!”

After    Dungar arrived, he was pulled by Fang Moqi and hurriedly directed the right fork.

The three of them hurriedly got into one road, but no one noticed a lich walking out of the other road.

“I will last for seven days in the Lich Form… It’s really troublesome.”

Lan Mu looked cold and stiff.

silently followed the three of them, using their perception to stay more than 20 meters away quietly.

His perception is a full 100 meters. Unlike the stalker, he can clearly perceive everything within a hundred meters. The spirit penetrates any cover, penetrates into the inside of the object, and points directly to the essence.

and the three of them kept changing sideways. For about five minutes, a strange energy suddenly appeared in the perception.

Lan Mu stopped, feeling the longing from the depths of his soul, he turned his head and got into the wrong side of the road.

After walking more than forty meters, the corridor suddenly widened. This is a wide stone chamber.

The stone room is very empty, with a large pit two meters deep, twelve meters wide, and twenty meters long in the middle.

The pit is full of corpses, some of them are bones and skeletons, and some are fused with the dust.

Bones, rags, stone locks, and wood are all mixed together. This deep pit is like a bone field. You can imagine how many corpses were placed here.

“Sixty-four…” Lan Mu quickly figured out the number of dead.

Because in his perception, there are still black dead souls invisible to the naked eye in this stone room, floating quietly in the deep pit, densely packed.

Standing on the edge of the pit, I felt the rich breath of dead souls in the air.

The weak and small dead souls rushed towards him as if they had encountered a magnet, and all got into the body.

There are three areas in his body, one is where the soul lives, the other is where the frost energy lives, and the other is where the dark undead power lives.

Nowadays, a large number of dead souls are pouring into the soul realm. It only takes a thought to be stripped and decomposed into pure soul power.

During this process, Lan Mu could feel the painful and desperate life of these dead souls, as well as the resentment and fear when they were dying.

As a lich, in the process of collecting dead souls, he can witness all kinds of deaths. The huge negative emotions help him realize the power of death.

“It turns out that they are all slaves… The so-called holy land of Aztlan is a place of sacrifice.”

“Unfortunately, these slaves only knew that they were going to be sacrificed, but they didn’t know why they were sacrificed… Life is a long-term imprisonment at the end, until they die of thirst and starve to death…”

Lan Mu struggled to sort out the slave souls. The messy information contained only very few useful memories. The information in the souls was mixed with a lot of negative emotions, making Lan Mu miserable.

He rejected all negative emotions and let them dissipate in the material world, while the remaining pure soul remained and merged into himself.

Lan Mu’s soul was strengthened, and his brain was clear for a while, and the refreshing feeling burst from the depths of his soul almost made Lan Mu groan.

“Absorbing soul… seems to be addictive…”

The soul is more sensitive than the body, and the enjoyment of the soul is more direct than the enjoyment of the flesh and desire.

is not only refreshing, Lan Mu found that his perception distance has become farther.

The perception range has risen from one hundred meters to a little over one hundred and six meters.

“It has increased by six percent…So, the strength of my soul after being transformed into the Lich Queen is equivalent to the soul of at least a thousand people?”

Lan Mu tried to lift a stone lock, but he failed.

The stone lock weighs about 20 kilograms, and a normal person should be able to lift it, but his poor muscles are useless at all. He can’t even hold a twenty kilogram.

“Sure enough, turning into a lich caused my physical strength to be weaker than normal, but my soul was strengthened a thousand times…”

Lan Mu recalled what he had seen on the super USB flash drive. A certain novel seemed to say that the soul of a lich could be stored in a container to achieve immortality.

“Is it really possible?”

Lan Mu tried to withdraw his soul, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his soul.

He tried to strip one-tenth away, only to see a strange group of soul matter in his hands.

“Perception dropped by one tenth, try more…”

Lan Mu has more and more souls in his hands, and his perception range keeps dropping. He endures the pain, silently counting the proportions.

“Three tenths…four tenths…five tenths…six tenths…ah!”

When there were only four-tenths of his soul left, finally something went wrong.

It wasn’t that there was a problem with the soul, but the frost energy in the body rioted.

The cold current leaked out involuntarily and swept through the stone room, freezing all items with a thick layer of frost.

Feeling that the frost energy is out of control, Lan Mu hurriedly merged the detached soul back, and the riot stopped immediately.

“It turns out that the power of frost is not owned by my soul… it is the power of this body.”

Lan Mu originally thought that the body was not important, and it didn’t matter if it was destroyed.

But now that I think about it, this body is the best boarding body bestowed by his transformation ability, with the power of frost.

If this body is destroyed and he is forced to replace it with a new one, I am afraid he will lose the power of Frost.

“Assuming an adult’s soul strength is 1, then my current soul strength is 1064.”

“When the soul strength was lower than 400, the power of Frost was out of control, which means that even if I want to store my soul, I must keep at least 400 soul.”

“But it doesn’t matter, the soul strength will increase in the future, 400 souls will not be that important to me.”

“I can try to host a part of the soul in a hidden place and then host a part of the soul to steal someone’s body.”

“In this way, do I have two bodies? Even in the mandatory period, I can show people in human appearance?”

Lan Mu couldn’t sit still, he suddenly strengthened himself very urgently.

Not to talk about the benefits of soul strengthening, just the refreshment of that moment made him a little addicted.

According to the fragmented memory provided by the souls who died here, there are many similar stone chambers in the corridors extending in all directions in Aztlán, and the stone chambers are specially used to hold slaves.

These slaves were all sent as sacrifices. For unknown reasons, Aztlan was sealed off. At the same time the sacrifices stopped, no one sent food anymore, so that the slaves in this stone room were starved to death. To die of thirst.

“In that case, I should search for these stone chambers where slaves are held…”

“After I strengthen myself, I will go to Fang Moqi…”

After    decided, Lan Mu got into a tunnel.

With a 100-meter range of perception, he found a stone chamber after turning around for five minutes, but at the same time he felt the vastness of Aztlan.

The criss-crossing corridors, almost every time they reach the end of a corridor, they will face three or four bifurcations, and it is easy for most people to get lost in them.

walked into the stone room, and was greeted by another black dead soul, this time there were more, there were eighty-six.

“This feeling is really fascinating and intoxicating…”

Lan Mu has absorbed a new batch of dead souls, and his perception distance has reached 115 meters.

“There seems to be no side effects… Go on!”

Lan Mu walked into the corridor and looked for the next stone room Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile users, please go to read.

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