Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 112: Shocking the Villagers

The amount of gold that Dyne threw out became a huge pile that was high as a meter tall and about the same size wide.

“Gold Storing Card!” The Elder exclaimed again.

Rena was glancing at the card with surprise as well.

“By the looks of it, it’s even a purple card!” Rena’s mom was shocked.

“Young Master Dyne! We-we don’t need that many! We can buy food for a month with… this… small amount…” Rena’s father trembled and took out a small amount from the gold pile next to him. But then he noticed that the golden chunks he took had a strange glow.

“The purity rate of this gold is amazing! This ought to be worth A thousand already!” Rena’s father exclaimed.

“I take it back… only this.” Rena’s father left a lot, and only one-fourth of the gold he originally took remained.

“Erm… Big Sis… Shouldn’t I have shown this?” Dyne helplessly asked.

Rena was awoken from this and knew that Dyne was asking whether he should have shown this. She couldn’t answer immediately. Her initial answer was supposed to be no. But compared to the other items that Dyne revealed, this was practically showing people an ordinary pocket knife while hiding his tank.

“It-It’s fine…” Rena mumbled.

Dyne sighed. He glanced at his purple card and noticed that it had changed in its texture.

“I’ve modified it to follow this world's Purple Cards.” Strafe began.

“That is capable of containing several millions of the life energy you can gather, and it can even compress it. This planet is primitive, and their ways in Body Cultivation are far inferior to your methods. Here, gold is a resource used as a means to strengthen the body. But this method is extremely flawed. The means of increasing cultivation using that one creates an imbalance in the Life and Death energy in the body as that one is the lifeblood of another creature.”

“So basically, if I try to level up with this stuff, it will cause problems in my cultivation later on? Is that why these guys are stuck in Martial Novice?”


“I see. So that godly technique you taught me to absorb the experience and leave the gold is doesn't disrupt my cultivation? No wonder. I always wondered why you didn't make me take it. Interesting. I should meditate on that technique and see if there are ways to enhance it…” Dyne wondered.

“There are no ways to enhance it! That is a technique that has been developed since the start of time! Countless gods and goddesses have held that technique and taught geniuses how to use that! You might be a genius, but-”

Dyne walked to the gold pile and gathered roughly the same amount that Lucas had on his hand. Suddenly, Dyne caused the energy from the gold and wielded it on his arms. The energy coursed through his Brimstone heart, and a purging occurred. The energy then became pure. As pure as the experience that he could gather in Legaia.

Dyne then moved closer towards Rena and reached out his hands, which held the purified life force's power. Dyne then concentrated as he held his hands over Rena’s chest.

A surging force erupted as Rena felt her martial energy rushing out of her.

"Relax and allow my powers to flow in you." Dyne smiled.

Rena’s expression changed as her body trembled. A bright light began to surround her.

“Hrm? Big Sis! There are too much death energy and impurity in your body despite having a Light Alignment.” Dyne frowned.

Dyne then concentrated, and a dark, red color appeared. It was as if Dyne was holding lava in his hand.

"Bear it, Big Sis. I'll be sending some energy in, alright?"

Dyne motioned and pressed the upper chest portion of Rena. 

Rena groaned as she felt the power but trusted Dyne and allowed the wild heat to course through her veins.

"Grim... Purge the black icky stuff..." Dyne ordered as Grim secretly sent his holy fire into the mix.

The death energy and filth in Rena's body were being expelled, but the color of the strange slimy color was now dark brown. Instead of some sweaty, black slimy energy, it looked as if something burnt and bloody emerged.

Dyne was proud of himself.

"This way, there won't be some black slimy stuff!" Dyne laughed inwardly.

More and more filth was being expelled, and there was a strange change in Rena's body.

Rena's body began to glow.

Some of the villagers watching were stunned at what was happening.

"She's breaking through!" One of the villagers had curiously used detect.

At these words, many also did the same.

Rena was a Mind Cultivator, so her Martial Cultivation was very low.

She only had body cultivation of being on the second level of the Martial Advent stage.

Martial Advent Level 3… Martial Advent Level 4…. Martial Advent Level 5…

The energy condensed and disappeared.

Rena, they could feel that Rena’s martial cultivation had increased.

Many used Detect now and was stunned to see the drastic increase in Rena. From Martial Advent Level 2, she jumped three levels!

“There. Now the godly technique is better. I modified it so that it can work on certain cultivators. But I'm guessing this should only be useful towards Light, Fire, Earth, and Metal cultivators.” Dyne said to Strafe.

“My liver…” Strafe and the Soul poison felt pain in their liver though they didn’t have one.

“Ho-How?!” The age-old ancient technique of gathering the good from a fallen creature now had a variation. And it was so amazing.

“You forget, I’m Brimstone. I purge the elements. This is nothing. Although its losses about fifty percent of the energy, it can still help cultivators reach the first bottleneck, which is level five. And since I’m ten-years-old…” Dyne pretended to concentrate as his hands continued to rest on Rena’s chest.

“Um… little Brother… You’re… touching me.” Rena was embarrassed. Although Dyne didn’t touch it, it was pretty close.

“Oh! So-sorry! Big Sis! I was so focused on using my powers to help you reach the first wall of cultivation!”

“Ri-Right. It’s ok. Even I’m shocked. So this is level five? Amazing…” Rena continued to feel the power pulse through her body.

The villagers marveled at that skill. That ability would allow many cultivators to ascend earlier than possible! The miracle that they saw made them stunned.

“No wonder he’s at the sixth level already!” A Martial Novice exclaimed.

“Erm… Big Sis’s Dad. I think your Element is compatible for me to use what I just did to Rena. So I guess I can make you rise about three or four levels.” Dyne shrugged.

Lucas, who heard Dyne, froze. He was at the fourth level of the Martial Novice realm. He had cultivated all his life but met this insurmountable wall. No matter how he tried, he could no longer reach the next level even though he had tried to absorb as much gold as he could.


“I’ll do it later! Big Sis’s mom and dad, we’ll be waiting at home. Please buy whatever you can. Big Sis. Let’s go. Oh… And if the villagers give you a hard time, tell me. I’ll kill them.” Dyne smiled.

Everyone felt a chill rang down their spine with Dyne’s innocent smile.

Dyne gathered the gold on the ground with his purple card, which absorbed everything immediately and left. The crowd parted gave way at Dyne's march. Rena quickly bowed to her parents and urged them to follow what Dyne said as she turned to leave.

“Little Brother Dyne!” Rena called as she chased.

Everyone was quaking in their boots as they saw Dyne leave.

There was silence. And then the first villager came to his senses!

“Big Brother Lucas! Big Sister Trina! I just caught a Boar Ox! The Goblins captured it, but my brothers and I have caught it! I can offer you great discounts for buying it!” A man suddenly emerged from the crowd.

All of a sudden, many came to their senses. They had just witnessed Rena rise four levels in their cultivation with the gold that Dyne had. While no one would dare to steal it, everyone has gone mad and began to offer their best prices.

“Big Brother Lucas! You always said you liked my hammer! Here, take two!”

“Who needs your hammer? Big Sister Trina, remember you said you fancied my armguard? I can give you seven! I can even make cute designs so that you’d look good when fighting!”

“Seven armguards! She only has two hands! Big Sister Trina and Big Brother Lucas! Didn’t you once say that I was good at imitating the sound of a dog? Make me your pet!”

“Big Brother Lucas! Rena is too old for that young master. I have a daughter. Please introduce us!”

“Big Brother Lucas! We have the best weapons in town! That gold can buy you a lot! Give me just a little bit, and I can give you weapons that are one-fifth the market price!” The merchant of the town spoke.

With a cultivation jumping gold, everyone lost all sense and began to offer the couple everything they had. It made no sense. How was that gold able to make Rena rise the ranks? And seeing that Dyne had consumed the gold made them wonder just what miraculous form of gold did Lucas have on his hands.

“With this, Big Sister, I don’t think the villagers will make it difficult for you and the family. I mean, other than the fact that they are afraid of me, there are tremendous benefits if they make me their friend.” Dyne began to explain his actions.

Rena kept looking back as she heard the many offers made towards her father and mother.

In just a few minutes, Dyne turned the tide around and changed how she and her parents were treated.

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