Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 124: Alchemy, Archery and Apes

Dyne didn’t bother to explain all the details but immediately started to test how to send items to the Monster Hive. Dyne tried it with a long staff that Lucas bought from the weapon smiths. The staff disappeared, and Dyne was happy that he could access it.

Jedo was ranting and shouting hateful words, which Dyne ignored.

After confirming it, all the items in the bag were easily absorbed.

Lucas and Trina were amazed at what they saw.

The group proceeded deeper into the forest. As they continued to move deeper, Dyne continued to ask Lucas what the known monsters lived in this forest.

“The forest is vast. The Kong Apes is the dominant force here and has driven the other monsters into hiding. The goblins are said to stay in the caves east of here. Since the Kong Apes are plant-eaters, most of the forest's wild games have slowly increased in numbers. The goblins are driven to the brink of extinction.”

“So there’s an imbalance in the forest, huh? The lack of carnivores is disrupting the ecosystem here. If this forest will have a dominant herbivore ecosystem, this forest is going to go extinct centuries from now.” Dyne muttered as he gazed off in the distance.


“Nothing. I was just talking to myself. Alright, for now. I need to capture a Kong Ape.”

“Capture? But Kong Apes travel in packs.”

“Father… About what I said when we got here. The truth is, Dyne killed a pack of Kong Apes with a Fire Kong Ape and an Ice Kong Ape.”

“…” Lucas and Trina wanted to say something, but they couldn’t.

“That… That sounds like something Master Dyne would do.”

“Anyway, we have to capture them. Let’s look for an Ape pack.”

“This forest is huge. We need to search and move North. The problem is if we are close to several packs, we might get caught in a dangerous situation. Although you are strong, Master Dyne, and even if I have moved up several levels, a pack can surround us and may kill us.” Lucas explained.

“Right. There are four of us. So I can’t use the Chicken King.”

“The Chicken King?”

“It’s another powerful artifact in Dyne’s possession.

“I guess we’ll have to go deeper in the forest slowly. I guess this is also good since I need to look for several herbs.” Dyne thought.

“You really intend to study alchemy?” Rena asked.

“Hmm… I have already finished studying. I need an application.” Dyne explained.

Even Rena was confused as Dyne said this.

“Oh, look! Fungge weeds! Great! If I recall correctly, these weeds are nourished from a nearby healing source! Which means… Ah, there we are! The medicinal Wound Mending Herb. But this shouldn't be enough. There has to be an overgrown or Mother Wound Mending herb nearby. Can you guys help me look for it! This is great! The more raw materials we get, the more experiments I can try. Coupled with some blood clotting, herb, and an Energy Fruit, I should be able to imitate a healing leaf! That’s a good place to start with compounding and alchemy!” Dyne laughed.

“It seems Dyne’s talents in alchemy are impressive!” Lucas praised.

“But you…! I thought…!” Rena, however, was startled.

“Ah! A Wound Mending Herb! Here it is! Just as you said, Master Dyne!” Trina, who was familiar with what it looked like, found the nearby healing herb covered by the Fungge weed.

“Amazing!’ Lucas praised.

“But… you! You said you didn't know anything about herbs! Little Brother, don’t tease me like that!” Rena finally shouted.

The group began to collect the herbs, and Dyne even made them collect the Fungge weed for some odd reason which the group complied to do.

The group continued to move deeper into the forest, and Dyne would make them collect odd herbs, leaves, and fruits.

Rena got all the angrier as Dyne identified rare herbs that weren’t even mentioned in the alchemy book of Calamitus Slime.

She even got angrier when Dyne tried to explain what had happened.

“So basically, through the book, I learned the stuff that Calamitus Slime learned.”

“Fine! Keep on lying!”

“That’s really what happened!”

“Here’s your herb!” Rena threw the herb to Dyne’s face.

Dyne finally sighed and decided not to make things worse.

As the group moved deeper into the forest, Dyne warned them that they were drawing close to a Kong Ape pack.

“Kong Apes are nearby?” Lucas asked.

“That’s right. I am using a soul technique that allows me to sense nearby life forces. I think only Rena has a chance to learn this, though…” Dyne explained.


“She’s what we call Soul Sensitive. That’s how she heard the voice of my artifact.” Dyne pointed at Jedo.

“I haven’t heard it since.”

“That’s because it stopped talking out loud.”

“I knew Soul weapons are sentient. But I didn’t think it would be that smart!” Lucas marveled.

Dyne sighed. Every time he brought up something, Lucas and Trina would bombard him with questions.

“Uncle, Auntie. Listen.These things are my secret. If we keep talking, it may take forever for you guys to keep up. So, for now, let's just fight those Kong Apes. I promise to bring you someplace where you can learn all about the things that I know.” Dyne offered.

“So-sorry, Master Dyne…” Lucas nodded and had an embarrassed expression.

“How do you propose to attack the Kong Apes?”

“I attack them with a bow and draw them towards me. Uncle, Auntie. Hide over there. And when they get past me, you ambush them from behind. Rena, you stay behind me and follow my orders. You can also help in shooting them.” Dyne brought out the bow, and arrows were kept in the Monster Hive.

“But Master Dyne, my attacks won’t penetrate them even if I attack them or ambush them! Besides, staying there would allow the Kong Apes to easily find us as they have great scents.”

“Those two bushes are Eucalyptus Saint bushes. The strong scent will hide your presence. Just add more bushes by getting some leaves on the ground, and they should run bypass you. As for attacking them, just use the spear to stab them on their balls. The last time I made a killing, there were only a few female Kong Apes. So most of this pack ought to be males.”

Trina reddened at Dyne’s words.

Dyne urged them to take their respective positions, and the group moved immediately.

Lucas and Trina hid near some bushes at the side while Dyne and Rena stood on a ground without any obstacles, trees, or plants to hide them from.

Dyne was closing his eyes as he kept on sensing the presence of the Kong Apes.

Suddenly, Dyne held his bow up and began to pull back the string as if an arrow.

“But Little Brother, what are you doing?”

“I have Soul magic. My Elemental Spirit Seed got stronger. Going by Jedo’s words, it seems like I have the same power of a Level 2 Ra-Seru.” Dyne explained.

“Jedo. Work with me here. I will condense Light energy and shape it in an arrow. You are still practicing Yami’s powers, right? Well, this is good training for you! Wrap the dark energy around the light! Make it the container that will hold the light element in!” Dyne explained.

“Wrap it?!” Jedo cursed as if he heard the most ridiculous thing ever.

“You didn’t know? Light is the element of the intangible, and Dark is the beginning of the tangible. Dark is an element that begins to shape things. Life and Death also follow this principle. Life is the soul. Death is the body. Death contains life as the body contains the soul. So do it. Don’t worry. If you feel like you can’t do it, leak the energy out, and I can wield it.”

Jedo was raging. Dyne was assuming that he was better than Jedo using Dark element!

“Hurry. The enemy is coming.” Dyne explained. He focused and brought out the Light from within him.

Dyne had separated the energy of Brimstone. As he took the light from the Earth, he managed to draw it out.

Lucas, Rena, and Trina held their breath as they saw an arrow forming out of thin air.

“This cost seven AP? So I could do only about fourteen shots. Should be enough.” Dyne mused.

“Jedo. Do it.” Dyne then commanded.

Jedo released the energy and tried to envelop the light. Jedo was having a hard time as the light was repelling the darkness.

“Stronger, Jedo. I already weakened the light. Just how weak are you?” Dyne frowned.

Jedo was going mad.

“I’ll do it myself!” Dyne sighed and immediately controlled the energy. Then, a strange dark force covered the arrow.

“That’s how you do it! Please take note, Jedo. I can’t carry you throughout this adventure. You need to get stronger so you won’t be a burden.” Dyne expressed.

Jedo began to cry.

At that moment, Dyne released the arrow.

The arrow flew with incredible speed and shot towards the Kong Ape that was now visible.


A loud explosion was heard as the arrow struck the Kong Ape's head and blasted a hole in it.

“Dual Elemental wielding is really the way to go. The Darkness element moved unhindered and unobstructed by wind and resistance. And when the Dark element broke, the light exploded.” Dyne applauded.

“Too bad, it’s too wasteful. Because Jedo’s too weak in his control, that cost fifteen AP! My gosh…” Dyne sighed.

“I can hear your thoughts!” Jedo roared.

Dyne shook his head in disappointment. I should have gone with Mule.” Dyne sighed as he took an arrow from his quiver.

Light energy gathered around it, and Dyne released the arrow.

The arrow struck another Ape, and a small blast occurred. Although it was weaker compared to the first arrow, it still weakened the Ape.

“Nice! Only two AP used! Let's do this!” Dyne laughed and began to attack wave after wave.

Eight apes rushed towards Dyne. One was already killed, and Dyne managed to kill another.

The apes were closing in with incredible speed.

“Big Sis. They are too focused on me. Shoot them with your magic missiles. Try to aim for their head.” Dyne explained.

Rena immediately shot several bolts of divine energy. But Rena’s aim was slightly off, and the attack was arcing in a direction that would miss.

Dyne controlled the last arrow he released, and through the remaining light energy on the arrow, Dyne made its arc in a different direction.

The Ape tried to evade this but was struck by Rena’s attack.


The Ape stumbled as it lost its balance.

“Jedo. I hope by this time next week, you’d be this good at controlling that dark energy. You’re the only Ra-Seru in the entire history of Legaia that’s a burden to his host.

In Jedo’s depression, he managed to produce water and wept.

“Hey! Not bad! Water! That’s next to Dark, right? Train more!” Dyne praised and caused Jedo to weep all the more.

Happy New Year Guys!

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