Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 134: Long-Distance Call

Dyne was amazed at how harsh and uncompassionate this world is. Everyone is treated as a soldier. Although he was a soldier himself, he knew that he was fighting so that his countrymen, family, and friends would have a future. But here, he saw beings at the level of Saints, gods, and demons treating their descendants as mere soldiers for war. It was as if familial ties were secondary, but the legacy of Eternity was their priority.

Is this also the same for those in the faction of the Light?”

The Dark is not the only one who does this. The Light values strength as well. The cultivation world gives no compassion to the weak. You cannot be a citizen of this cultivation world and have no contribution. In your world, you’ve had plenty of that. And if left to your gaming tendencies, you would have become that as well! Whether it is the light or the darkness, weakness is scorned upon. Things change when you view things from the perspective of Eternity. When one can live forever, their desires and values change. While morality exists and is safeguarded by the Light, the Dark is there to attack you if you are weak. So what does the Light do? It favors strength. Only when the Light is secured in the guidance of strong men can Eternity truly prosper.”

So even the death of your Master is seen as an example of weakness?”

Me and the Slime God were the ones who opposed masters arrangements. She gave too much value to the weak. And because of that, many of her allies abandoned her. I made the game world to direct your passion into something useful. It isn’t because I am generous. I want you to be a powerful soldier of the Light.”

Dyne fell into a sense of deep pondering.

In short, if I want to play as much as I can, I have to be so strong… Alright.”

Jedo and Strafe were silent as they heard Dyne’s conclusion and finally decided to ignore it.

Anyway… The Demons are hoping that this training ground will birth powerful demons that can challenge the Light. This is also why I am cheap and why the Slime God was sadistic.”

I guess I’m starting to understand why you guys are so uptight. But about the portal... Isn’t that expensive? Wouldn’t the Light notice? I mean, these guys are creating a portal from who knows where the right to the Edge of Eternity!”

No. This plan of the Devils is quite impressive. There are many factors that ensure this act would be left unseen.”

I know that one of the problems is that this place is too far for your alliance to watch.”

Yes. Also, remember, the Slime God confirmed that there are traitors in the Light, and they should be making it difficult for the alliance to find these portals. But apart from these already troubling limitations, there are two main reasons why. One is, this portal is for a soul!”

Hmm… So you mean that the portal being opened is weak?”

Yes. This is because of the soul stone! If I were to make an analogy, creating a portal like what they did would be similar to using a primitive telephone line without these beacons. You need telephone lines to connect a telephone to another. If they were doing this, we would notice that they would have to construct a long transfer array similar to that telephone line. But with this Soul Stone acting as a beacon, it's like calling using a cell phone. There are no physical lines that connect the two but this wireless and invisible power. So it's harder for us, in the Light, to see it! Another issue is the materials used to ensure that the device is being sent privately! I am talking about the meteor itself!”

The meteor?”

Yes. The material of the meteor is a time and space artifact. It's rare that it only exists within Eternity's middle to core regions. It amplifies the power of the soul in the Soul stone, making it easier for the other part of the soul to sense it. Remember when the Slime God had a hard time maintaining his connection because even the minute, slow movements of the planet were enough to make him lose his connection with you! And the Slime God is among the strongest Time and Space cultivators in all of Eternity! If not for your miracle, his call would have ended immediately.”

But how can these wizards gain such means to activate such rare magic? Didn’t you say that this planet is a very weak one? How on earth can these wizards cast a spell to activate the artifact and allow a connection between two realms?”

They don’t need to! All they need to do is to increase the Dark energy here. The meteor’s body is made of a magic material known as the Wizards Ore. The ore absorbs whatever magic was used on it and can carry it for a long. I believe that these weren’t just meteors, but ships! The soul stone would have some control over its movements and would influence the meteor to aim for whatever planets it would find in the Edge of Eternity.”

Then that means this evil plot has been happening for some time now.”

Yes. They timed it precisely. They would kill my Master, the Weaver, who had the power to detect all these. And when they did, it would be just in time for these meteors which they sent Basileus knows when and would make its timely landing on these planets.”

So, how exactly can the wizards cast the spell?”

It’s just like how Lazarus was corrupted in Diablo. The Soul Stone can corrupt and impart power to the wielder. The wizard ore here might have been drained of power the moment it entered the atmosphere. After all, the power that these meteors must have should be so small to avoid being detected or noticed. Once it entered the atmosphere and was found by Lazarus, the Soul Stone manipulated him and imparted the spells to gather darkness to complete the summoning.”

So the Soul Stone resolves the issue on this end by teaching the people to find it how to reactivate and harness the power stored in the wizard ore...”

Exactly. This world is too far and weak that it shouldn’t know the Chants of Creation or the Chants of Corruption. So the Soul Stone thought them. The dark energy harnesses enough energy to power the Wizards ore, and so, the long-distance call is made.”

So in short, this wizard ore is the cellphone, the Soul stone is the sim card. And all that’s left is for these wizards to dial the number.”


Perfect...” Dyne had an evil smile on his face.


Oh, I don’t mean the whole evil plan thing. I meant the Wizard’s ore. It sounds quite interesting. I can make either a Materia that my team will soon use, as it can store magic… Or it can be a pseudo-Elemental Spirit seed for my Serus!” Dyne smiled greedily.

A Pseudo Elemental Spirit Seed?!” Strafe found the claim to be ludicrous.

How do you intend to do that? That’s crazy!”

Give locality to the soul. You said my Elemental Spirit Seed was formed because my Soul finally found locality. So I plan to force it! This can also be a training method for Serus like Grim actually to form one! They can copy it and meditate on it to create it!”

That’s impossible! You can’t give locality to the soul!”

But I just did.”


Well, I don’t know exactly when. Four chapters ago? Jedo, you’re the Time Ra-Seru. When was it?”

Don’t drag me into this.”

When I controlled a zombie! I linked my soul with me but made them retain locality in their bodies, remember? That’s why they weren’t dark zombies, and it even made you call me a necromancer of the light! The key is Brimstone! Haven’t you noticed? You said it yourself… Time and Space create the dimensions while Brimstone breaches them. This was also why my Brimstone Heart immediately formed. An Elemental Spirit Seed made of Brimstone will naturally breach the dimensions and create locality in my heart. My soul, which wasn’t in the three dimensions, suddenly appeared in the three dimensions. Geez, Strafe. For the Weavers Disciple, you sure are slow.”

Strafe wanted to answer, but then he realized what had just happened earlier. He then began to recall the past.

Mo-monster!” Strafe shouted as he felt that the world was so unfair.

Jedo. When I slash the soul, and you absorb it, try to acquire as much of the stones as you can. I am going to try to break it!” Dyne continued as Strafe couldn’t say anything.

Alright. Look’s like it’s starting. I can feel space tremble.”

Good. Can you make a portal to send me off towards Jaden’s group?”

Yes. In this weakened space, I can.” Jedo assured.

Good. Let’s do it. Coat me in the dark until I say so. Grab the half soul who would be squealing in pain from getting halved. My attack will hit the Wizard Ore. Try to get as much as you can and teleport me out of here. Remember, you have to be fast. We have to concentrate on containing the soul. I know that Aiden of Diablo failed to contain the soul of Diablo. Since we are just getting half, it should be enough. But I expect some hardship in this.” Dyne’s expression grew serious as he watched.

The ritual continued as more and more darkness began to appear.

It’s starting! The portal's opening. Jedo... Can you feel it? It’s approaching. The soul! Get ready!”

As the three moons above began so clear that it looked real, a bright red flash descended and broke through the vision.

But as the soul entered the cave, a strange screech was felt.

Yooooouuuuu foooolllllsss!” an angry howl emerged as the red soul began to shout in pain.

Dyne immediately acted.

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