Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 62: The Soul Teacher and the Soul Student

Dyne spent the night imagining what sort of world lies beyond the game limitations. The existence of the gods changed everything and may hint into more side quests that Strafe created. The gamer couldn’t sleep as he imagined the possibilities.

Meta’s stories explained how the Ra-Seru came to arrive on Legaia. They accompanied Rogue, thinking that they were to liberate Legaia, but then Rogue betrayed them.

The Mist Rogue created drove the Serus made and used it to attack the Evil God's armies and the War God. The other Ra-Serus did what they can, but many almost died, and the rest were heavily wounded.

Dyne assumed that Strafe did all this to create the Legend of Legaia. However, this world's inhabitants believed that Tieg did this foreseeing another great danger and hid the Ra-Seru’s to be in the Genesis Trees.

With this background in mind, Tetsu and Vahn felt just how small they were in this world. They also realized that something happened in human history that changed the stories that became a legend.

Dyne could only sigh. He had met the creator of Legaia and knew that Tetsu and Vahn were just beings created by Strafe.

At the light of dawn, the group finally traveled to journey northward, into the river, and across it.

Bertugo, Brod, and Calamitiy’s clone dropped off the jars of Drake water and waited. They would guard the group to ensure that no monsters would attack them during this crossing.

Dyne, Tetsu, and Vahn glanced at the inconspicuous rope bridge that was barely visible. Dyne had to locate the tree where it was tied to actually see the rope.

“This is where we cross. The distance should be a little bit longer than a kilometer, but we should be safe since we can see that the rope is held firmly on the other side. Because we are carrying jars full of Drake Water, I’ll go ahead and carry one. This will also serve to test if it can carry the weight. When I reach the other side, I’ll communicate with Calamity to tell you when the next one can go.” Dyne gave his instructions.

He taught Vahn and Tetsu how to make the rope locks that would secure them from falling and tied more ropes to the jars to protect them. The ropes they used were of Rim Elms, making that used fibers and leaves. Dyne couldn’t create a very long rope like the one he found on the castle, which he tied together to create a longer one.

Yet, these ropes were very helpful for getting them across.

Dyne made the cross, and although the water jar was heavy, Dyne’s increased strength made it very easy for him to reach the other side.

On the other side, Calamity was standing guard, and several skeletons of Ostriches and frogs were nearby. While these would have proven a challenge for Calamity, the spirit attack that Calamity could do was critical. And by playing possum, it would surprise and kill the monsters.

As the corpses increased, the Lippians and other monsters no longer attacked Calamity.

Calamity’s color was slightly darker now compared to the other clones.

“Looks like eating different monsters and gaining experience from them is really the key to improve in cultivation!”

He gave the orders, and Calamity moved to Tetsu and poked him.

Tetsu made his trek and followed how Dyne crossed.

Several minutes later, he arrived, and all that was left was Vahn to make his crossing.

Vahn found it easier to cross as compared to Tetsu and Dyne. While the two used their own energy, Vahn had the assistance of Meta.

“Shall we go?” Tetsu asked.

“Erm… I think I have to pee.” Vahn answered in an embarrassed expression.

“Ri-right. Me too!” Dyne followed.

Tetsu laughed as the two began to find a spot to tinkle.

With that out of the way, the group finally prepared for their journey. They placed their water jars inside Calamity and began to set off towards Biron Monastery.

“Alright. As you know, there is a river that springs directly under Biron Monastery. This has been the source of water for the Monks. And this is also the easiest way to get to Biron Monastery. We go east and follow the river that goes directly north. With that, we can reach Biron!” Dyne explained.

The group began to move travel east, following the River.

After half a day, they finally found the river intersection.

The journey was rather exciting.

The monsters here would be stronger. And while Vahn could easily defeat Gobu Gobu, they were rather cautious at the monsters that they would meet here.

The group agreed that only two would rush to fight a monster if they could. The first to fight the monsters were Vahn and Dyne.

Through the use of Soul techniques, Dyne could sense where the enemies were. And so, even though there were many areas where the monsters would hide to ambush, Dyne could see them from afar.

“Soul Cultivators are cheats. It’s a good thing I am one!” Dyne laughed happily.

Strafe, on the other hand, was angry. Dyne was just to advance and surpassed the expectations that he had! This world was supposed to be Dyne’s training ground into Soul Awakening and possibly Soul Gathering. But Dyne had already reached Soul Gathering stage, and that is without even communing with a Ra-Seru!

“Vahn, there are two frogs hiding on the nearby grasses. They will probably leap out anytime. I’ll communicate via soul so that when they ambush us, we surprise them with an attack!” Dyne laughed.

Vahn nodded, and the pair went ahead.

Dyne walked in front of Vahn and drew closer to the location where he could sense the monster.

“Can you sense them? They are over there!” Dyne instructed.

Vahn shook his head.

“I can’t. Not even with Meta’s help!” Vahn answered.

“Odd…” Dyne was confused.

“Lord Dyne, I have no way of sensing other creatures since I am a soul creature. As for Serus, the presence of the Mist makes it difficult for me to sense it unless the presence is so strong.”

Dyne nodded. That explained how the Ra-Seru could sense Songi but not the normal Serus.

“I think you guys just need to train. Meta, I know you are a Soul creature, but when I release my Imaginarium Arts, could you detect certain changes when I release it?”

“Yes. I sense the sensations in your soul.”

“Good. Although it would be very different from mine, since I have a body, you should try to use Vahn as a medium to train the soul arts. From the way I see it, you are still at the Soul Gathering stage of Soul Cultivation. There are higher paths than that. But I think if you train with Vahn, you would soon reach the stage I am at.”

“Yes, Lord Dyne.” Meta answered.

Strafe was cursing.

“This little brat! I gave him the Ra-Serus so he can train as a Soul Cultivator, but now he is training the Ra-Serus?! The teachers have become the student!”

“Vahn, try to sense it too. I can tell you that there are two frogs nearby. With Meta alone, she might not be able to sense it. But if you two work together, you should be able to do it. Don’t treat Meta as an ordinary Seru. And Meta, don’t assume that only you can do soul arts. Vahn has already become a Soul Awakened cultivator. Very soon, he could do the same things I could do.” Dyne encouraged.

Vahn and Meta were silent and continued to use their soul.

With Meta’s help, Vahn was able to increase the range of his senses and now feel the monsters' presence.

“I can sense them!” Vahn exclaimed.

“Good! Now… We walk over there and wait for them to ambush us. Then we attack them the moment they pounce on us. Don’t use Gimard magic just yet. Let’s see how we fare against these frogs!” Dyne smiled.

The pair moved onwards, pretending to not know of the frogs nearby.

As they drew closer, the Frogs suddenly leaped up to attack the two.

But Dyne and Vahn was ready and rushed to strike first.

Grim appeared, and his scythe blade broke out as Dyne hacked his scythe downward.

Vahn and Meta delivered a powerful Spirit attack combo that started with an uppercut. The punch hurled the frog backward, and Vahn rushed and kept on attacking. This was one of the tricks that Dyne showed him back in Rim Elm.

Vahn kept on hitting the frog with enough force to keep the frog in mid-air. Right before it would fall, Vahn would then do another series of attacks to bring it back up.

Finally, his combo ended as the frog fell into a range where Vahn could not kick or punch it back up.

Vahn ran and used a powerful fist to send it hurling forward.

"Power Punch!" Vahn shouted as he concentrated his Spirit and performed a Biron art attack.

The frog was thrown back and stumbled and didn't get up again.

Dyne had already explained that the monsters they would face in this area would be more robust that not even a Gobu Gobu could challenge it.

And so, Dyne taught Vahn this trick to make their journey here easier.

Vahn succeeded in pulling it off and successfully killed its first target.

Vahn smiled and turned towards Dyne.

As for Dyne, the frog was already killed as the scythe had penetrated right over its head and killed it on the first blow.

Dyne was clapping at Vahn’s aerial combo.

“Nice juggle!” Dyne praised.

That's it for this week! We'll start of next week with Tekken's Juggle. It would have been impossible, but with Spirit, it's now possible to do those humanly impossible acts.

Do check out my other works. New Game+ and my entry to this years Spirity Awards, Ascension of the Nephilim in Webnovel.

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