Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 85: Impressing the Monks

Biron Monastery was very happy about the revelations that Tetsu brought in. There were more humans out in the Mist. Rim Elm stood and managed to survive the calamity, although their situation was not that good.

Still, the appearance of Tetsu brought in a celebration in Biron.

Biron was far larger than it was in the game. It was so different that Dyne barely recognized it.

In the game, Biron had a few large halls and four small rooms. One for sleeping and functioned like an Inn that would recover the health of all players. There was another, which was the main hall where the kitchen and the merchants were. The third room, which had a Monk guarding outside, is a private room for all the women. Lastly, another room where Master Zopu and Kin resided.

The large halls were the main hall where Dyne had just entered and where the Monks' everyday training happened, another which had a large statue of Biron, and lastly, a large room divided into three doors. Two doors led to the exits leading to West and East Voz forest, and the last door led to Master Zopu’s room.

But in this world, Biron had so many rooms and so many halls that it was as large as Drake Castle!

Soon, the explanations were made as to how this was possible. Many residents of River Reach and Chorak had now resided in Biron.

In the Game, the only noticeable non-monk residents were the merchants and the women since Biron did not allow women. But here, Biron Monasteries had over thirty more non-monk adults. Many of them were constantly working on enlarging the Monastery.

“I see. So the quarry town villagers of Chorak have continued to dig deeper…” Dyne smiled as he saw these things.

Suddenly, a certain memory surfaced, and Dyne’s back began to sweat. He tried to make sure that Strafe wouldn’t notice and began to talk to Vahn about other scary things about the Basilisk.

But in Dyne’s mind, a certain fear remained.

“Did Strafe put a Balrog of Morgoth in the depths of this mountain?” Dyne wondered in fear. It fitted Strafe’s strange thinking.

“No! He had destined this place to be filled with the Mist. So most of these people might die. But if I save them… will that happen?” Dyne wondered.

The group was led down to the civilian's area, where most of the foreigners lived.

The mountain tunnel had grown deeper and deeper that it even led towards the area near the river. A small pool was made, which caused Tetsu, Dyne, and Vahn to panic. But upon checking it, the pool was made by pumping water from the river below, and after confirming that there was no opening from the river that can allow the Basilisk to enter Biron, the group was relieved.

Of course, this didn’t stop Dyne from speaking Parseltongue. Dyne continued to hiss strange words that confused Tetsu and Vahn.

Zopu and Kin, however, marveled at everything Dyne was trying to do.

Dyne and the group were given a tour around Biron as the preparations for the feast continued.

Tetsu caught sight of the dishes being prepared and noticed that Ostrich meat was used.

Tetsu insisted on seeing the preparations, and when he finally managed to enter, he sneered at the primitive means of preparing and explained that their cooking was too immature.

Tetsu immediately rushed for the kitchen area.

The kitchen room was very, very large. It was a kitchen but also had stalls where the merchants had stayed in. Dyne recalled that this room would later be a very crucial room for Biron’s survival.

After forcing Dyne to get in the kitchen, Dyne began to teach the ways of cooking Ostrich steak. Several steaks were prepared, each with their different grade of cooking. Dyne cooked from Rare to Well-Done.

The women were amazed at Dyne’s cooking skills, savored the tough and chewy parts of Well done, and slowly allowed themselves to descend to the soft, tender meat-melting heaven of the Rare steaks.

Soon the tour brought them back to a room they had already passed. This was a room that was used for prayers. A large statue of Biron was built, and the group was led there.

Tetsu immediately bowed and paid homage to Biron as the group discussed.

“This is our founder. Lord Biron.”

The first thing that Dyne noticed was the large red gemstone on Biron’s head.

“So that’s his Elemental Soul Seed. He placed it in his head…” Dyne grew intrigued at seeing Biron for the first time. He had seen it in his memories, but the jewel then only looked like some sort of Buddhist design. But now, Dyne realized that there was more to this jewel than he thought it to be.

Soon, the preparations were completed, and the full population of Biron Monastery met in the large halls where Dyne first entered.

The Outer Core Disciple, Ichirou, greeted them and began to enjoy the feast.

Songi, Gala, Maya were also present.

As the festivities and joy continued, Dyne couldn’t help but sense a strange look coming from Songi, who kept gazing at him when he got the time.

Dyne frowned and decided that he must reveal Songi’s evil heart as early as he could.

In the middle of the festivities, Zopu finally moved up and addressed the Monks. The scene was so familiar that it mirrored the event in the game. But this time, the content of the announcement was different.

“Biron Monks! Ladies and Gentlemen! You have undoubtedly been informed of the stories of Tetsu’s arrival. But now, I will reveal another secret. Since the time of Lord Biron, there has not yet been another Soul Cultivator! But now, Tetsu has finally reached it! Tetsu! Show your skills!” Zopu ordered.

Zopu ordered proudly.

Several Monks brought in a large punching bag, and one Monk carried it by standing at the back.

“Observe. What we have, and what we thought proudly off, the Spirit Arts, were but the beginning! This was supposed to be a stepping stone towards Soul Cultivation! And what I will show you is but the very beginning!” Tetsu declared.

Everyone drew closer to observe.

Tetsu gathered his Spirit energy and continued to harness it.

Dyne moved closer as he sensed something.

Tetsu pushed forward with his palms open. It didn’t even touch the punching bag. But a powerful force like a gust of wind exploded out and nearly threw the Monk backward.

The Monks were stunned at what they saw.

Tetsu was gasping for breath. But took a few breaths and used Spirit to increase his strength.

“Oh! You’ve gotten better, Tetsu! How about this, try compressing the force instead of allowing it to explode, try compressing it to make a small ball of soul force.”

Tetsu turned at Dyne and was unsure at what he meant.

“You can do it. You have been training, after all. I mean, I may have been cultivating in my dreams, but I haven’t reached that level yet. You can surpass me in this area.” Dyne smiled.

Tetsu’s expression brightened up, and he nodded.

“Alright. Make two monks carry the punching bag and have them stand side to side.” Dyne said to Zopu.

“How audacious to address a Biron Monk Elder like that!” Songi roared.

“Songi. Silence! We have much to explain, but this intrigues me. Do as he says.” Zopu told the monks nearby.

And so two monks held the bag side by side, and Tetsu stood at the front and began to concentrate.

He did as Dyne said and tried to compress the energy of the soul on his hands.

Soon he frowned and began to channel it with two hands as he could feel that compressing it wouldn’t work.

He crouched down and held his hands so that each finger was touching the tips of the corresponding finger on the other hand. The soul energy gathered in the round gap between his arms.

“RRRGGAAAAGGGGHH!” Tetsu threw his arms out as if throwing a ball and the soul energy blasted and struck the punching bag.


It was a sound akin to a gunshot in Dyne’s world. The powerful attack dug into the punching bag and destroyed the leathery bag revealing the cushion inside.

The two monks also stumbled at the impact, and even though they were prepared, the punching bag came flying off.

This punching bag was created using the bodies of monsters outside and was used for Spirit training. And yet, a hole was created from the spirit attack.

Tetsu was lying on the floor as all the force was drained.

There was pin-drop silence as they watched the events that transpired.

Suddenly, the Monks erupted in joy and clapped at the scene.

“Elder Tetsu! Elder Tetsu!” A chant happened, and the Monks were cheering.

Tetsu stood up and was still panting.

“Fellow Disciples! Don’t forget that what I achieved was because of this young man! Dyne! He has been teaching me soul cultivation. In fact, Vahn is also a Soul Cultivator! And both of us learned from this young man’s teaching!” Tetsu declared.

The Monks gasped and clamored at these words.

“Quiet!” Zopu stepped forth.

“That is but the very tip of what Dyne has. Master Dyne, please, show us that!” Zopu bowed.

This scene shocked the monks all the more.

Dyne sighed and removed the black scarf around his neck and revealed his neck's strange texture and color. He then pulled down his clothes' collar and revealed his chest, which now had a red gem protruding out.

The gem was shocking, and many even assumed that Dyne had a Seru on his chest.

“That is not a Seru! It is the same power that Lord Biron had! The sign of his enlightenment was that gem on his forehead. And this is it! The Elemental Spirit Seed!”

The clamor erupted once more as many monks were shocked, and some even fell on the ground to kneel before Dyne.

Gala approached Dyne.

“Master Dyne. What is the name of that attack you taught Tetsu?” Gala asked as he bowed.

Dyne glanced at Gala and began to think. He couldn’t brush off this moment. He could see that the Monks were all looking at him with respect. By sensing their soul, he knew that in order to gain their loyalty, he must come up with something that will make them reflect on. It couldn’t be a simple name.

Dyne thought back and recalled Tetsu’s position of the attack.

“Yes. That position. That form. It could only be that!” Dyne finally decided.

“The first attack he showed is called Biron Palm Technique. But that second one, its traditional name, is Wave Motion Fist. By collapsing and compressing the Soul energy he released, it created a powerful attack that could equal the magic power that the Serus would release.”

“Wave motion fist!” Many began to mutter this attack.

Even Songi began to frown at its name.

“But in the Language of Tieg, He calls it…” Dyne began and gave a dramatic pause.

The monks waited for Dyne to finish. Many were even shocked that Dyne knew the language of Tieg, which they have heard for the first time.

Dyne waited for maximum awesomeness and finally shouted the domineering name of the attack.


Forgot to post this the first time. Here is Ichirou. He isn't a named character in Legend of Legaia but he didn't have the traditional monk attire. So I decided to make use of him and make the standard Outer Disciple thing seen in most cultivation novels.


Kitchen area-


Biron Statue- (Notice the Elemental Spirit Seed in his forehead. Honestly, this was just a coincidence. I noticed it when I was playing the game and thought... "Wow. How convenient. The game itself is helping me build the story."


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