Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 98: The Strongest Ra-Seru

Using the Earth energy stored within the Earth Jewel, Dyne drew and wielded the Earth energy and made the earth cover. And on top of that, Dyne was using the powerful earth energy nearby to masks their presence.

“It would be too wasteful if I kept using the incense.”

“Amazing Patriarch!”

“Eh… Not really. This is the limit of what I can do. If you are thinking that I can make powerful attacks using this Jewel, I can’t. This Jewel is more of a defensive item. But even controlling it is a bit troublesome. I can’t even use Diggin!”


“It's an Earth magic attack that I envisioned. I use the earth’s power to add a layer of defense… You see, this Jewel absorbs earth energy. That is why if Serus of the Earth element attack you, it will decrease the damage from its attacks. All I did was use my Soul to amplify the sucking energy. Instead of gathering Earth energy, I made it so that it would pull the Earth itself.”

“So that’s why this place enclosed itself!” Vahn was amazed.

“Yes. It makes a good hiding spot. The continuous flow of Earth Energy will hide us from the senses of the creatures and Serus here.”

“Patriarch, how did you know about the exact location of the Earth Jewel?”

“Sensing…” Dyne lied. He knew of the location from the beginning. Strafe imitated the game by hiding a secret treasure in this spot. Unlike normal items that are acquired via treasure chest, these items are acquired by manually pressing the X button on specific locations.


“This place has the elements of Earth, Ice, and Dark. But I could sense a strange fluctuation there and hope for the best.”

Gala marveled at Dyne’s words.

“Patriarch… I am now truly convinced of your capability and wisdom!” Gala wanted to salute Dyne but couldn’t as they were crouching.

“If you truly consider my words to be wise, then trust me when I say that Songi will be your greatest enemy. He will fall, Gala. Unless you do something, he will forever be lost in the Darkness. And the light that you will need is a Ra-Seru!” Dyne spoke with a solemn expression of an otherworldly expert.

“I-I understand…” Gala bowed.

“Finally…” Dyne sighed inwardly.

“Looks like he believes me now!” Dyne could sense the workings of faith occurring once more as Gala’s future became unknown.

Strafe was taking notes at Dyne’s actions and began to meditate.

“It seems he is doing random and unnecessary things… But each action and interaction are carefully planned out. If only I have the power left. I would meditate on his memories. Perhaps when I near my death, I could afford to do that just to unlock how he has the Eyes of Destiny…” Strafe sighed.

The monsters and Serus gathered around the Genesis Tree. The groups were divided into three distinct groups. On each third of the area, the monsters gathered with their leaders on the front.

At the forefront of the Serus was the large Seru, Koru. Two Level 2 Gimards followed it to the side. The monster army had several evolved forms moving forward. These seemed to be the leader of each tribe.

The Plant group sent four large plants with a cage on top of its head. But on top of one was a rather curious and familiar creature that Dyne immediately recognized.

Hailing as one of the side characters in Breath of Fire III, the familiar onion-like creature stood proudly on top of the head of one of the cage plants.

“Peco?” Dyne unconsciously voiced out.

Gala and Vahn grew curious as they observed the creature that drew Dyne’s attention.

The small plant creature stood among the leaders of each group.

Suddenly, the power of Ice and Earth could be felt around them. The monster leaders did not take a step forward at the clash of the Ice and Earth powers.

“Looks like the monsters of this forest are at a disadvantage…” Dyne observed.

But as Ice and Earth's power moved closer, it was then absorbed and rushed towards the Genesis Tree.

The suction of power was so strong that it released a mighty aura that caused Koru and Peco to move away from each other.

“Jedo! It really is him!” Meta exclaimed.

The one that reacted the most was Dyne. He trembled as he felt the power.

Koru and the Plants retreated back and stood at a distance looking at the Genesis Tree as if waiting for something.

“Darkness… Ugh. And time and space. My natural foe! It feels so… cramped in here!” Dyne watched in amazement.

“What’s going on, Lord Dyne?” Meta asked.

“Alright, gang… listen up… I think I understand what’s happening. Jedo! He’s reborn! Rather, he is fusing!”

“So he is attempting to be reborn!” Meta marveled.

“Exactly. As I am the turning point from Neutral to Light, Earth to Brimstone, Jedo is my exact opposite. He is the turning point from Wind to Time and Space, which is neutral to Dark. But for some strange reason, Jedo is using the elements around this place to complete his transformation. He needed Earth and Ice! So he chose this place for a reason!” Dyne explained.

“But why Ice and Earth? Why does he need these elements to take form? I mean, in that elemental chart you explained, isn’t Earth near Light?” Vahn asked.

“He’s taking substance.” Meta voiced out as if in a trance.

“What?” Dyne and Vahn were surprised at Meta's declaration.

“What what? What are you and the Ra-Seru talking about?” Gala asked immediately.

Vahn nudged Gala to keep quiet.

“Elements are divided into Light and Darkness. And they meet in Neutral. But both groups could be divided into two groups. Elements of Substance and Elements of Form. All of the Dark are Elements of Form, and all of Light are Elements of Substance.” Meta continued to chant in a trance-like state.

“Substance and Form?” Vahn repeated.

Gala restrained himself from asking again.

“That- that’s all I know… Strange… Who was I?” Meta lost his trance-like state.

“I get it…” Dyne nodded.

“Tell us, Patriarch.” Gala urged.

“Alright. Remember that wheel thing of Elements? Notice how the light and Dark groups are divided into two. Light, Fire, Lightning, Entropy are things that should fall into substance. I mean, they are plasma and stuff?”

“Plasma?” Vahn and Gala echoed.

“Let’s just say they are intangible. Then notice where it leads? It moves to Wind, which you could say is another state of matter, but it is, in some ways, intangible. And then, after that, is Time and Space. My opposite element. I think, starting there, the elements are now finally taking form! Dark has formed! Of course! Dark Matter!”

“Dark matter?” Gala echoed again, even more confused now.

“Time and Space define it! And its first form is Dark matter! And then it becomes Water! And then Ice! And then Steel and then Earth! I get it now!”

“What?” Gala asked again

“Basically, the Elements could be divided into two types. Things you can touch, and things you can’t touch! All in the light are intangible things. And that shifts to the Dark, which are things we can touch. It starts off slowly in Dark energy and then moves to water, which we can touch. Than Ice, Steel, and Earth! And that is why Brimstone stands between Light and Dark! Because it is Earth with Holy fire! From Tangible Earth, it is transforming it to become intangible light!”

“And Time and Space?” Vahn asked. He could now understand Dyne’s rough explanation.

“It stands at the opposite of Brimstone! Time and space transform intangible Wind into something of form! And it reverts it to dark matter! And that explains how Jedo can do this! Brimstone purges the tangible and makes it intangible, becoming Light. But Time and Space absorbs the intangible, and makes it Tangible creating Darkness!”

“Correct, Lord Dyne… I have to ask…”

“Save your questions for later, Meta. Trust me. But I can’t answer your questions.” Dyne knew that Meta wanted to know about her past life.

“I understand.”

“For now… Explain to Vahn what I just explained so he can tell Gala…” Dyne’s eyes were focused on the Genesis Tree. He couldn’t understand it before, but now that he knew ‘where’ and ‘what to look for, he could see it.

The Elements of Ice and Earth were drawn in. The shell of a fallen Ra-Seru was there, but it was used as a shell to allow the Host to take its place.

“Jedo… The strongest Ra-Seru in the game. With abilities to teleport and move great distances. He could even bring Serus when he moves from one place to another. He even travels to Nauru Valley without requiring the aid of Tieg himself!” Dyne thought to himself.

“Even Meta, Ozma, and Terra couldn’t do it and had to ask help from Tieg. But Jedo can. The Dark and Time Seru. So this is how you planned to shape the fate of this world…” Dyne applauded.

Dyne continued to observe the changes, and finally, it happened…

The ground slowly trembled, and the Genesis Tree began to glow with a faint light.

The monsters began to rampage as if they were expecting something to appear.

At that moment, Koru screeched and summoned powerful ice to turn one half of the ground into ice.

Peco also gave a cute cry and stomped on the ground creating a powerful petrifying force that turned the other half of the ground into stone.

The monster party was in chaos as the land beneath them changed.

Ice and Earth were being absorbed quickly, and finally, a bright shiny crystal appeared in front of the Genesis Tree. This was a Ra-Seru egg!

“What’s happening?!” Gala was astonished.

“It’s picking a side! Jedo is choosing which group it will lead! Both groups are offering their energy. But, the monster group seems just to want to grab the power source!”

“Who do you think will win?”

Dyne thought for a bit but knew that Strafe’s design and plans when creating the game were detailed.

“The Seru group would win.” Dyne answered confidently.

The Plants would lose. By the time the game officially ‘starts’ three years from now, the future East Voz Forest would have no area, and the petrified parts of the forest were only a few places. The monsters would also lose and would serve the Serus.

But then, a loud screech could be heard, and a large figure slithered and charged, bumping and ramming on the monster group.

It charged towards the front and released its soul petrification power.

The Basilisk had arrived.

Here is the elemental wheel thing for your convenience.


And here is what a Ra-Seru egg looks like. (this is taken on the part of the game where the heroes head to West Voz Forest. The Genesis Tree is dead. This is the same tree that Dyne wanted to rescue. That Ra-Seru egg is Ozma which becomes Gala's Ra-Seru)


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