Not A God

Bro I solo

As they walked around town they ate some exotic snacks that were sold in the stalls that were spread around the block. She happily clinged to Travis's arms as they walked together. They're appearances caused a commotion since both were well known Heros , especially Tatsumaki who's the Second rank in S-class. Some took pictures and uploaded them on Social media which made another large commotion. People were wondering if Travis and Tatsumaki were dating and they wanted answers. 

Fubuki was checking her Twitts and saw the most searched tweet which was Travis and Tatsumaki. 

' What is this, Onee-san was seen with a man today at City B' she thought. ' this must be Fake, She would never walk with any puny male.' 

Well she was wrong on both assumptions. Travis wasn't puny and Tatsumaki was walking with him happily just like the photos.

He didn't really care that people had taken pics and posted them. It doesn't make life any different from normal. He just has to avoid paparazzi and reporters then his life was gonna be simple.  They continued to walk together while they held each other's hand.


In a laboratory in the woods. Fukegao a mad scientist is happy because he newly developed serum has just been completed. He ran through the halls towards his younger brother, Marugori. He has always been hellbent on becoming the strongest human in the world. He's taken many steroids in his life but he still felt that he was weak. So he asked his brother to create something for him that could make him the strongest. 

Fukegao walked in the gym and saw his brother bench pressing 200kg.

" Little Bro, Look!. I've finally completed the ultimate steroids. Bicep king!! Drink this for the strength you desire!!" He said while laughing maniacally. 

Marugori got up from the seat and looked at the glass tube that held his goal. Without thinking he took the tube and gulped down everything inside. 

His eyes widened as he felt his body expand. He muscles bulged as he grew waller and much more stronger. Fukegao watched in amazement as he continued to grow and didn't stop. Due to his tall height he broke through the roof and continued to become bigger and bigger. Till the growth stopped Marugoris head had reached the clouds as he stood there. He looked down to his brother who was excited as fuck. 

He picked his brother up and placed him on his shoulder. " This is perfect!!!!. I'm the brains and you're the brawn!! We're combining the greatest mind and strongest  body. We Brothers will conquer the earth and rule as Kings!!!!" 

On the other side of the town. Tremors could be felt as Travis and Tatsumaki were sitting inside a dinner having a nice conversation. " I guess my assumptions were right" 

He then got up and went outside with Tatsumaki following him." Hey could you do me a favor and help all the people here. I'm gonna go fight the big one." He said as he took off into the sky. 

Tatsumaki watched as he disappeared into the clouds. 'Let's get to work' She thought as he body glowed green and flew floated into the air. She looked ahead to see the giant dude terrorizing the town. She spread her hands out.


The ground shook violently as all her energy covered the half of the city. It began to slowly rise from the ground as she moved it to another location. If you're wondering " What about the other people in the other half" Well Travis already did that. 

Travis stood in the air as he stared at the giant man. 'Should I drag it?' He thought. 

' Nah I gotta show these fuckers thats I solo this world'

Travis's figure vanished as he appeared on top of the giant. He looked down to the Fukegao who was holding on tightly for his life. He tapped the Marugoris head with his finger and a giant surge of energy ran through his body.

He began to expand even more but in a bad way. Fukegao watched as his brother grew bigger and bigger till he stopped. He calmed down thinking that it might be a simple side effect but then.

( Booom)

A giant explosion bigger than the city happened the next second. A shock wave destroyed everything in its surroundings as it left a crater on the earth. Blood and flesh spread around the area. Travis watched from above and smiled. 

' You can call me , One Tap Man'

Tatsumaki who had just finished moving the city flew straight to Travis and hugged him tightly. Travis hugged her back. She stared into his eyes with love as she went for a kiss. Of course Travis returned it as they kissed passionately in the air. 

He held her ass while doing so making her blush but she didn't stop him. Her hands wrapped around his neck , even though this was her first she had was pretty good at kissing. Travis wasn't gonna let her have the upper hand.

He teleported to his room as he laid her on bed with his dominating her mouth with his tongue. Her body heated up in lust as she felt her pussy quiver in pleasure. He broke the kiss as he removed his shirt leaving him with his Godly figure that she stared at with lust. He also pulled her dress up revealing her beautiful pale body that he admired. Her small but portable breats made him smile slyly as he moved to them and licked the nipple while pinching the other. 

" Oh, ❤️❤️God...Ahn!" She moaned as she felt him suck her nipples. 

He continued to lick and suck her breasts making her juices leak out her pussy. Travis backed up and he looked down on her. He took his pants off while staring into her eyes that were staring back at him with lust. 

She subconsciously spread her legs apart for him as she watched him hold his Erect dragon. Blushing red as she couldn't imagine that a kiss could lead to this. Well of course she did want  them to finally move to this stage but she didn't think it would be this fast. 

Travis slowly pushed his cock head inside her pussy. That very second her body was hit with the greatest feeling of pleasure she had ever felt. His cock went passed her hymen as he stopped moving waiting for her to say.

" Why did you stop , Fuck me Hardd!!" She shouted. 

Travis smiled. ' Ok'

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