Not A God


After beating them at cards for the past 2 hours Travis got bored.

" I'm gonna go get some fresh air" He said and walked out the house.

Taking in the good clean air Travis felt refreshed. He decided to get a nice walk around the village. Seeing the kids happily running around and the adults doing farm work Travis was hit with euphoria. He really enjoyed the scenery of this place, it felt warm even though he didn't show it on his blank face.  

Standing infront of the river Travis looked at the fish swim upstream. He saw the many a bear with its child in the river hoping to get some fish. After getting enough of the scenery he walked back to the house. Finding the girls still fixated on the card game.

' Ahh come on!'


The sun set and night enveloped the sky. Travis sat on the patio and watched the many stars in the sky. The girls were currently playing football together. Seeing them fumble and tumble whilst playing he got a annoyed. He got up and decided to show them how play. Pulling the ball towards him with his feet , Travis lofted it up and began to juggle it on his feet. He did a around the world a couple time then continued juggle it. The girls watched in amazement as he had great control of the ball. 

Getting cocky Travis did other moves whilst still keeping the ball from touching the ground. Balancing it on his head and letting it fall back to his feet where he juggled it again. Till Travis shot the ball into the tiny net that was randomly placed infront of him. 

The girls clapped their hands, applauding his skills. " So when are we gonna go back?" 

Fubuki asked. Travis pondered for a bit." When the city needs us maybe." He said. 

The girls smiled happily and ran towards Travis trying to get the ball from him. Dribbling past them, getting many nut megs Travis scored over and over again. 

The next day.

Travis got up from bed , looking down to the girls who slept soundly on his sides. Blitzing off bed and appearing in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal and a spoon Travis ate silently while thinking.

Tatsumaki came in the room and hugged Travis's waist. She was still half asleep as she tired tiredly looked up to him. Travis patted her head making her giggle. Fubuki also came and hugged him from behind. Travis who stood there silently eating his cereal. After finishing he put the bowl in the sink and washed it. He was carrying Tatsumaki infront of him and Fubuki on the back. Placing the bowl back in the coarbord Travis walked outside getting the fresh morning air.  

' So Today is the day huh?' Travis said as he stared at the sky seeing the large ship flying towards the earth. 

He smiled." Get ready girls. We're about to have some fun" saying this the girls woke up and for off him. 

" Whats wrong?" Fubuki asked. " Well there's a giant spaceship speeding to earth at the moment and I don't think they're coming in peace" 

' I should buy that shirt for the girls when I get some time'he thought. 

" Really then we should quickly warn the agency before something happens. " Said Fubuki. 

" Calm down lil sis. Remember Travis said our vacation will only end when the city needs us" She said.

Travis nodded. " Yeah I don't really give a fuck about nobody in the city. So we'll only fight when I see that they're getting recked." 

He then walked and watched some SpongeBob. 

The ship had reached the planet as it hovered over it. It slowly descended down on City A that was about to get attacked by some eagle monsters. The ship fired a huge beam that leveled most of the city. 


All the heros watched in horror , a monster with five faces flew down towards them and stared them with cold eyes. The S-class heros that were already on the field hurriedly killed the monster. But it didn't die, infact it reattached itself but this time it had grew much stronger. S-class hero rank 3 Silverfang watched this and started getting serious. Rank 4 hero Atomic Samurai unsheated his sword and flashed towards the monster slicing it a couple times and appearing behind it. Sheathing his Katana back and smiled. 

Thinking that it was now dead he turned back to Silverfang. 

" That's how you do it" He said with a proud tone.

But the monster reattached itself again yet this time more muscular and larger. Silverfang stretched his body and got ready to fight it. Sprinting towards it and throwing a strong blow on its head sending it back and crashing into rubble. It quickly got up and laughed.

Getting his fighting stance on he stared at it as it slowly approached him. Till it stood a couple meters away from him.

Inside the ship

Boros was looking at the fight from the screen. He chuckled a little." Hmmm humans a very interesting. " He said.

Walking to back to his throne room and sitting on the throne. The weird tentacle alien entered the room and lowered his head. " Lord Boros. The Invasion seems to be going well at the moment. We're getting the cannons ready to eradicate the whole city. "

" Good Job , now leave me. I must think of something to say before we take over the planet. " He said while shooing him away.

He left and Boros began to think of a speech.

With Travis and the girls. He had received a call from Hq asking them to come and help. Travis and the girls instantly appeared over the city using his technique. He looked down the leveled city that was covered in rubble. Hero HQ was standing on its last pillar and was about to fall. 

" Yes fashionably late like any other Hero." He said.

" Girls go help the other heros while I take care of this ship" 


Leaping to the top and entering through a hole Travis appeared in an empty space that had many machines and things around. 

' Where the fuck am I' he wondered as he walked around. A door opened infront of him and he saw a hallway. 

" That was easy." He said as he walked down the way towards Boros's throne room.

Outside with Tatsumaki and Fubuki who arrived in the battel field seeing the heros having a hard time with the monster. Tatsumaki bounded him and slowly crushed him flat. She made him into a ball and threw him far into space.

" That's how you do it" She said while smiling arrogantly. 

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