Not A God


This woman's name was Chu QingYin. She the wife of the main Character of the Manhwa" Son In Law Above Them All" The story is pretty cliche, based on all the other Chinese Manhwa plots. There's the auction, rock lottery and many other cliche stuff. But most medicine since its the main income source for the protagonist. 

This girl was kinda bisexual but later said that she was confused. Well Travis didn't care, if she was then he would make her straight with his cock. Not that he has anything against them but hey its a fiction. 

Chu QingYin sat on her chair whilst staring at Travis without removing eyes contact. She found his eyes to be very appealing to her, but her main focus was his Godly handsome face. Well you've heard this line many times before but let's just continue. 

" Hello Mr Wyatt. I'm Chu QingYin that Ceo of this company. You made an appointment for a contract on buying shares from us am I correct. " She said coldly. Even though her face and voice was cold the deep red blush on her face told another story. Someone who didn't know would think she had a cold but when they saw Travis sitting infront of her they would instantly change their mind.

" Yes that's the reason why I am here. My name is Travis its nice to meet you. So how much shares are available, I'm willing to pay any price." He said 

" Well we're selling 15% of our shares which is alot I know but we really need the liquid capital to pay of somethings. So are you willing to buy them all or just a portion?" She asked. 

" I'll buy them all. I kinda feel that this company might hit a huge boom in any moment so I'll buy them all." He said.

Chu QingYin smiled a bit and stood up. Stretching her hand waiting for Travis to also do the same. He did and took her hand in a handshake.

" Pleasure doing business with you Mr Wyatt. Now let's sign legal paperwork to seal this deal" She contacted her secretary to bring the papers.

She placed them infront of Travis who read it nicely. For a second. After he signed on the dotted line. 

" Okay so that's that. How about we get some drinks to celebrate?" Travis asked.

She blushed and turned her face down to the contract. " Well I don't think it would be appropriate for a married woman to go out with a man who is not is husband." She said. 

In no way she wanted to refuse this offer, but she still felt attachment to her husband even though he was useless.

" Ohh sorry. I didn't know Miss Chu was married. Well tough luck I guess. See you on the next board meeting.' Which is tomorrow' " He walked out the office leaving Chu QingYin standing there looking at the hand he had held for quite a while. Bringing it up to her nose and sniffing it she could smell the slight aroma if his perfume.

' So masculine. What am I thinking!! I'm married!'She quickly removed the thoughts in her mind and continued on with her paperwork. 

Travis who had just left the building stood outside. With his hands in his pocket Travis couldn't help but smile. He saw the Protagonist of the Son In Law Above Them All Manhwa. " Qin Li" He drove his wife's car to come pick her up , seeing this Travis got an understanding that the plot had not started yet. So he still had alot of time most likely.  

Qin Li walked passed Travis without even looking up. Travis knew this dude lacked self esteem or something like that. 

' Well let's go back home for now. Or should I try meeting other characters. Especially Hentai manhwa ones since they're very exciting. Nah not now. Let me finish with Chu QingYin then I'll move on.' 

Travis walked back to the car that had brought him here. It drove him back home where he made some food. He then got a text from Na-yeon asking him about his plans for today. He told her he was busy even though that was a straight lie. Well don't gotta know that. After that Travis began to think of a plan on how to get women in Revenge.

' They are honestly hard to crack due to me not knowing most of their locations. I can pin point the main character. I wonder if he can lead me to the heroines. I'll just have to see.' 

Travis got up and went outside. He got out yard and walked to out the hood following the GPS that would lead him to the protagonist. Till he arrived the complex he was living in. Travis looked around for any sign of the protagonist.

' No luck. I should try tomorrow' he said in mind. As he was about to walk away he heard the doors of the complex open. Travis looked back and saw the Mc walk out. Chan-OK is his name. The adopted brother of Cha Chan-Yeol. Travis Honestly didn't care much about the beef the Mc had with the antagonist. He just wanted to cuck them all.


Travis approached Chan-OK." Yo." He said raising his hand. Chan-OK turned to Travis with a confused expression.

" Hello, how can I help you?" He asked. 

" Nothing really, I just couldn't help but think you looked really familiar " Travis said .

Chan-OK smiled wrly." Ohh okay you must have seen someone that looks like me before." He said while chuckling slightly. 

" Nah Man. I know it's you. Are you perhaps the adopted brother of Chan-Yeol?" Travis asked while smirking a bit. He Chan-oks face turn upside down. With a frown on his face he looked at Travis with dread in his eyes.

" No I don't think I am that person. So goodbye " He said and was about to walk off.

" How about I help you get back what you deserve. With me I'll get you your family back. Well not your son since he's an asshole but your daughter and wife." Travis said. 

Chan-ok turned back to Travis with anger in his eyes." How do you know that!!" He shouted

" Well you could say I'm really informative. Well here's my business card. Call me when you need my help." He said passing it over to him. 

After that Travis walked away leaving Chan-OK with his hands trembling holding the card.' Travis Wyatt. Who is this guy' 

When Travis returned home he laid back on the couch whilst getting sending the money to Chu QingYins company. The transaction was now complete meaning he had a standing in her company now. He could make decisions and all that.

' Well I've already placed myself into two characters lives. With Na-yeon I'll just go on a date with her which will seal us. Well I'm gonna do it slowly since I don't want to rush things. With the other Stepmoms chick's I'll just meet them after I get with Na-yeon. Things are really working out at the moment '

Travis got up from the couch and went to the shower where he took a nice cold one. 

' I wonder how Tatsumaki and Fubuki are doing'

At Void mansion. Tatsumaki and Fubuki are currently watching sitcoms together while sitting in their underwear. It's been a minute since Td had left, time moved much slower in the void which meant they wouldn't miss him much. 

' They're probably fine'

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