Not A God


A week passed.

Tatsumaki, Fubuki and Travis left for City A. They soon arrived since they flew there. In this past week Travis has helped Fubuki in her powers using the power of rage music. This of course almost leveled the whole city but Travis stopped it from happening. He was greatly impressed by how fast she improved with her powers. Even Tatsumaki was proud of her little sisters progress. 

They entered the building and a person came and guided them to the meeting room. Where Travis saw the top Six  S class Heros. Fubuki got taken to another room where she would be examined for her newly improved  psychic powers. Sitting down Travis felt the stairs from every hero except Tatsumaki who was fully focused.

" Okay now that we've all gathered here. I'd like to thank you all for coming here. My name is Kazuki and I'll be the main speaker for this meeting. Firstly we'd like to discuss the number 1 B-class hero Travis who has proven to all of us how strong he is. If you're not caught up then there's some footage we took." 

The hologram screen started playing the many saves Travis has did for the city. Blast was very impressed of how he could beat the enemies with ease. Turning to Travis with a smile on his face. Travis also turned to him with a blank expression. He honestly didn't like seeing his saves since they're very cringe to him.

' Man.... can we just move on already' Travis thought while smile wrly.

" Okay so Travis has been great help to us , the people of City Z feel greatly indebted to him. He's shown immense strength and speed that rivals the heros we have in S class. I honestly feel that he can most likely beat each and everyone of you in this room. That my opinion but let's not discuss that. 

With that said Travis's Rank is unfit for a strong person like him. So the agency has came up with the decision to promote Travis from B-class to S-class. Now Travis had before refused to get promoted to A-class and I know that there's no person in t A-Class that can do what Travis does.'

' So Travis from now on You'll be S-class Number 6. Of course it'll increase in your saves.  Now let's got to the next topic. The rapid increase of monsters since the last meeting. We've already discussed this but now we really need to sit down and try to decipher what is happening'

He went on and spoke about how they should now always be on duty and that there's no breaks. Even at night they shall come to work when there's a threat that is on their level. Of course Travis didn't mind not receiving any sleep. 

The meeting ended like that and they were dismissed. Travis was about to walk out with Tatsumaki but was stopped but Blast who had a smile on his face.

" Travis,  Congratulations on ranking up. It nice to see a new member coming into our ranks" He said.

Travis nodded without changing his expression and said." Yeah thanks. It really means alot to me. I've always wanted to become an S-class hero"

Blast watched his calm demeanor and was impressed." For such a young man. You're really mature, most youth would be excited and would run out and celebrate with alcohol and what not. But you seem collected. I really admire that. 

Well it was nice meeting you Travis,  by the way I'm Blast. I hope to see more from you as time goes on.'He then walked off leaving Travis and Tatsumaki who stared at his back.

' Well he was kind ' Travis thought. 

They got Fubuki who was also S-class, Number 20. She was very excited to finally become an S-class. Travis said to give them a reward once they arrive home. 

They first went to the Mall and had some food at a restaurant. Travis ordered 20 plates but he was still hungry for more. Well the chef was really honored to see Travis enjoying her food. After that they did normal stuff like shopping,  watching movies and all that. Travis also went house hunting since he kinda wanted a new place right now. He doesn't want something extravagant or anything just a nice 5 room house with furniture. 

He did find a couple houses with that description. He took the number and left. After that they went home and Travis gave them the good D.

The next day Travis and the girls left for the beach. Parking their car in the lot they Travis carried the stuff while the girls just looked pretty. Travis sat down on the chair and sat under the shade watching the girls play in the water. He could feel the stares from the women who were ogling his body. 

He also felt some dudes staring at him with the same intention at the girls and his body shivered.' Nah man Miss me with that gay shii'

Soon after they finished playing they went and got some ice creams together leaving Travis asleep with shades on. The girls walked while having a conversation and reached the ice cream dude. But before they could pay two dudes gave the the owner the money.

" Come on ladies we'll pay for y'all." One of them said tryna sound sexy.

The other guy was staring at Fubukis boobs with a blush on his face. While the other at Tatsumaki. 

" Why don't y'all chill with us. Since you don't have anyone else with you we can spend the day together " He said with a perverted smiled on his face.

Tatsumaki and Fubukis eyes glowed and they both clenched their hand. 


The sound of their balls getting squashed echoed on the beach Making every guy in a mile radius crouch in pain. Travis was also woken by the sound of two dudes falling to despair.

' Rip to them even though they were hitting on my girls' he thought and fell back to sleep.

The next second the water in the sea began to move back and forward with force crashing into people who were swimming or walking on the shore. The clouds in the sky began to darken and gathered around. Travis who was already passed asleep did not see this happening yet he did feel something coming.

The girls who were eating there ice cream while enjoying their day saw all this happening and knew something bad was about to happen. 

" Can't we have a normal beach day" Tatsumaki said while frowning.

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