Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 102: The problem with having nosy neighbours

Ningzhuo, northern Wei

Steward Meng had more than enough eyes watching these new masters of his, Years of service had taught him the importance of information. Especially information about high ranking members of the nobility, being the steward of the residence of the highest-ranking official in the province didn't pay as well as selling information.

The previous governor was a halfwit who could think we'll for himself and relied on his powerful in-laws to bankroll him and give him insights. He hardly ever attended court and when he did it was to agree to everything his father-in-law pushed for like a dummy.

A smart person working for a fool was quite hurtful to one, he had never understood the importance of having good information to share until he worked for an incompetent master. The previous governor was quite foolish, he thought that his father-in-law would forever be in power and committed a lot of monstrosities. 

His previous master's stupidity earned him a lot of benefits but he never counted on the Emperor sending a new governor from the capital. This new governor was a decorated general known to be shrewd and rumoured to be a devil on the battlefield. 

However, while that was good qualities to have as a general, it wasn't a good assurance on a governor. The new Governor and his wife were a mystery, he needed to crack.

These new masters of his weren't that difficult to serve, the Governor was a workaholic as opposed to the previously over chanced governor he previously chances. He had a simple pattern which is to wake, wash up, dress up, eat breakfast and then leave for the Governor's office.

When he got back from the governor's office he ate lunch and then locked himself up in his study working on reports. The only time he left the study was when he had dinner with the madam. The madam on the other hand was about as reclusive as the governor.

She didn't care much for going out, which was why he was taken aback when one of his little birds reported that their madam was going out to sample the local delicacies. The news came in as he got back from his rounds and laid down at the recliner by the window to rest his bones. 

He had only shut his eyes for one second when there was a loud knock on the door of his quarters. His eyes snapped open and swore silently, whoever that was just kept on knocking relentlessly even after receiving no response out of him.

He sat up, hissing as his waist ached a little. He held one side of his waist and carefully got up. He glared at the door when the little fool at the door knocked once more. Whoever that was must have grown an extra brain cell because he heard a familiar muffled voice, "steward Meng! It is I, Jun".

Everything made sense once he discovered who was at the door, 'I should have known it was this idiot when he didn't even stop knocking for a second' he thought. He ran his hands through his face, "come in".

The idiot servant rushed in, he passed a few steps from the door on seeing steward Meng's angry expression, "ai steward Meng did I wake you from sleep. You look a little sleepy!"

Steward Meng ignored the nonsense he sprouted and just shook his head while thinking 'Idiot!'. He picked up a teacup next to him and threw it at the little fool. The idiot dared to step aside, the cup missed the target and hit the wall behind him.

"You! Idiot! You dare to avoid that!"

The younger make servant fell on both knees hard and moved forward, "please don't be angry Steward Meng, I only wanted to bring you this information quickly. It was time-sensitive!"

Steward Meng glared at the servant and returned the stationary he had picked up to the table, "the information had better be important or I will skin you alive!"

The servant let out the breath he held in when he saw steward Meng return the stationary to the table. "I have very fresh information on our madam, I promise that you won't be disappointed". The servant stood and wiped his clothes.

"Say whatever you came here to say before I lose my patience!" Steward Meng said loudly, shocking the servant.

"Um so it is like this" the servant started saying when he received a hard stare from Steward Meng which made him spit out the information quickly "Madam cancelled breakfast, she is going out to eat the local delicacies. She ordered sister Ah Li to inform the stable master and the carriage driver to bring the carriage around!"

Steward Meng stood quickly which made the servant take a huge step back. The fearful servant merely ran out of the room when steward Meng exclaimed "What!"

The servant fell on his knee once more, "I am telling the truth steward Meng, that is why the information seemed to be very time-sensitive?" Tears pooled up in his eyes on seeing the stewards dark expression.

"Get up you little klutz, I wouldn't hurt you. I have more pressing issues than dealing with you. Tell me did she happen to mention where she was headed?"

The servant stood still feeling a little shaky, "No Sir, this is her first time here so she couldn't know anywhere in Ningzhuo!"

Steward Meng beckoned the young man over and when he got closer, he slapped him at the back of his head, "I know it is her first time her idiot, it is just that this is a little out of character for her. I want to know if she had anywhere specific she was headed to?"

The younger servant rubbed his head gently, "oh then no, she just asked if there were any good restaurants close by", he replied grinning.

"That means that she isn't doing anything suspicious, she must have gotten tired of staying at home alone and wanted to go out and sightsee. Good but just to be sure, have Dongyi follow her, I want to find out everything she does".

"Yes," the servant replied, smiling expectantly.

Steward Meng saw his giddy expression and muttered "Idiot!" As he took out a fell count and hand threw it at the fool. He only worked with this idiot because it was easier to control a fool, who did not think as much as he did. He arranged his clothes when he was sure that he looked a little tidier.

He left his room and stood by the gate, it would seem that most madams had delayed a lot longer than usual because their madam took her sweet time to come out. He opened his head to hear if she would mention any restaurant names but she didn't so he let go of his suspension a little but still ordered Dongyi to trail her movement. He stood by the gate and watched until the carriage was out of sight before going inside.


Mu's restaurant, Ningzhuo

Before arriving at the restaurant while they were in the carriage, Su Liya hadn't specified where they were headed or even the reason behind their visit but Baozhai suspected that their visit had to do with the eldest madam's secret note. She had only stayed at the Duke's residence for some weeks before they left for Ningzhuo. 

However, she had come to understand just what kind of woman the Duchess was, people in the capital saw her as a proud, vicious and manipulative wife. Who to improve her position in her in-law's house and prevent the general from marrying well, ordered her maid to seduce her brother-in-law.

Thereby ruining his prospects, in every rumour concerning the Lu Family Zhu Fengyin was painted as a vicious spoiled brat. However, on meeting the Duchess a few times and based on what she heard from Rong Rong, she observed that Zhu Fengyin was nothing like the rumours suggested.

If old madam Lu and young mistress Lu let go of their obvious prejudices, they will see that Zhu Fengyin was a smart and kind girl who cared only for the safety of the Lu family. Even if she did order her maid to seduce the young master, her young mistress was a better match for the general than any of the other noble ladies.

She didn't question why they were headed to a restaurant, she trusted her mistress's judgement so when her mistress asked her if the restaurant reserve private rooms for the governor, she replied honestly.

As soon as they walked into the restaurant, she stooped a waitress aside and asked "Hello this is the governor's wife, her highness Princess Qin. We would like to make use of the governor's rooms" she showed the maid the Lu family's batch.

The maid nodded and ran out to call the restaurant manager a tall young man who looked to be in his thirties. The manager led them to the private room on seeing the Lu family batch. The guards from the governor's mansion stood guard at the door while Su Liya and Baozhai walked in.

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