Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 104: The problem with having nosy neighbours 3

The Governor's mansion.

Su Liya didn't spend much time at the restaurant, to avoid raising any unwarranted attention. She returned to the Governor's mansion as soon as her plans were settled. Just as he did when she left, Steward Meng welcomed her at the door. An ignorant person would mistake his action for dedication to his duties but not Su Liya.

She knew that the reasons for these elaborate actions on his part were dishonourable. It was all a ploy to get her to relax her guard around him and create a wide opening for him to enter. However, she feigned ignorance and went on as nothing happened. 

Living in this time has honed her acting skills, she was now used to saying what she termed beautiful lies.

Once she was out of sight Steward Meng called Dongyi over and inquired about the trip to the restaurant. Apart from saying the restaurant they had visited, there wasn't anything to report. Their young madam was like a typical madam true and true apart from spending money endlessly there was nothing special about her.

He led down his guard on her, there was no need to waste resources on her, it would be a lot more productive to pay more attention to the governor. His Employer was paying him to watch the governor, not his wife. 

At Su Liya's end, Rong Rong was waiting in her room when she got to Fangxi Pavillion. The inner maids were all dismissed, Su Liya felt more relaxed with the three Ahs out of hearing distance but to be safe, she spoke in low tones.

Su Liya took off the outer jacket and passed it to Baozhai "Rong Rong, Were you able to find out anything about the previous occupants of the residence?" 

Rong Rong lips touched on remembering the juicy information she had discovered, "Yes your highness, I found quite a few interesting facts"

"Do tell?" Su Liya said grinning as she put her hand through a fresh blouse. 

"When I brought up the precious governor the servant spilled a lot of interesting stories. The gist of it all is that the previous governor was a womaniser and well your typical never do well young master but it was the governor's wife that had a very interesting story".

"Apart from being the only child of the Wu family what other rumours are there?" Now that she was well dressed Su Liya sat on the stool by the tea table and rested her elbow on the table.

"The previous Governor was quote a player that messed around with the maids in the residence. One of the mad that he had a fling with was that old witch, Matron Bao but get this, She has a son that was born at the same time as the madam's child but he died of a cold when he was just a few weeks old"

"Matron Bao isn't the first maid to give birth for the master of the house and lose the child. Why would that be a rumour?"

"Because when the governor's wife died in childbirth, the midwife recorded a birth of a living child"

Su Liya sat forward, "What!"

"Yes so makes you wonder why the next day when the governor was arrested, the child was recorded as dead. When deputy Sun brought up the rumours the midwife changed her story and said that she was mistaken."

"You mean to say that, the child was taken away?"

"Yes, by the Wu family since a few years later there were rumours that old master Wu adopted a child from the side branch of the family but no one has seen the adopted child. Since the Wu family doesn't socialise anymore".

Su Liya sat back and brought down her hand on the table and tapped her fingers on the table gently. If the rumours were right then Rong Rong just found her an in with the Wu family but first, she had to do something to get the Wu family's attention.

How does one go about that exactly, she thought of bringing this up to Lu Yaozhu but didn't know-how. Lu Yaozhu was sent down here to eradicate the bandits and ensure peace in the north. To do that, he would need the support of the battalion stationed here but getting that would be hard. 

If Deputy Sun still had a hold over them, before the Shi family and the Emperor made their move. Lu Yaozhu needed to neutralise the threat Deputy Sun and the Lau family presented. She needed to speak with Lu Yaozhu about this. There wasn't much time left, the Emperor could make his move any time soon.

The sound of fast footsteps drew get away from her thoughts, as Ah Li rushed into the room. " My Lady, we have a guest!"

Su Liya looked up, "guests? Who are they"

"It is Madam Ning from the next compound and a few other madams"

"Oh, you can't tell her that I am having a nap or something"

Ah Li shook her head continuously, "no no we can't. Madam Ning saw you come down from the carriage. She said it herself"

Su Liya frowned and thought, 'who is this Madam Ning that is shameless enough to say something like this?" This neighbour of hers was giving her no room to escape, she sighed and nodded "have the kitchen send over some snacks, I will be joining them soon"

"Yes," Ah Li replied and ran out of the room.

Su Lita glanced at Rong Rong, "who on earth is this Madam Ning?'

"According to the maids, she is the right madam of a dried fruit merchant family. She is the second daughter of old man Lau and feels entitled'

"I should have known she was related to the Lau family, since she is too chanced and came here to disturb my rest I will tame her a little."

Su Liya waited for close to twenty minutes before Coming out to meet the madams. The wait was designed to put them on edge so it wasn't a surprise when she overhead them criticizing her as she wall in.

"Where is that upstart, we have been waiting for some time. Madam Ning, I thought you said she was timid, what game is she playing keeping us waiting"

"I don't know what she is up to but Madam Chen do be patient, she might just be busy getting changed. Didn't she just get back home"

"Alright, I will listen. I am just disgusted that I will have to bow to a no need lady of low class like her"

"Haha, she is quite a low-class bitch. Who in northern Wei doesn't know how she got married to the Governor. There is nothing special about her, it is her methods that are too bad."

"Oh that true, I heard that she is quite the beauty. It is a pity that she is as despicable as expected"

"We should watch out for our young masters and husbands, in case she chooses to cast her gaze at them"

Su Liya stood a few steps away from the door and listen silently to what they said. She wasn't surprised at their snobbish attitude, she had experienced as much from them. However, Rong Rong was so angry for her mistress she nearly matched in to give them a dress down but was held back by Baozhai before she cour take a step.

Su Liya saw their little actions and smiled, she walked in as the last woman finished speaking. She replied jokingly, "there is no need to watch protect your sons and husband from this princess. I am not a cougar, the Governor is more than enough". 

Her sudden appearance made the woman stiffen, they all blushed but Su Liya never intended to let them go so easily. She continued, "You women really shouldn't listen to rumours, those are often lies made up by malicious people. When the Emperor granted this princess marriage to the Governor. He called us sweethearts, anything contrary is wrong. They are rumours challenging the Emperor's orders".

The madams all felt the colour drain off their faces on hearing that, the crime of challenging the Emperor's orders was a major crime that can get the whole four generations of your family wiped. They all fell on their knees and said loudly, even Madam Ning joined them in their cries.

"Your highness please forgive me"

"Don't take this to heart, your highness, we were wrong"

"Please forgive this foolish servant?"

"This lowly one doesn't dare say something like that!"

Su Liya smirked, "aiya why are you all being all serious, I was only playing. I think you all take life too serious, I was just pulling your legs. This is a very serious crime to accuse someone of since the result could be disastrous. Please stand, I understand that it was all rumours. It can not be your word or well that could cost you your entire family and wealth".

The women all nodded with fake laughter, their lady's maids helped them back to their seats. Madam Ning who was so full of herself initially, mellowed down. She had come over to intimidate the new governor's wife but the table turned on her so quickly.

She had assumed that the governor's wife was timid since she wasn't of noble birth, at the rumours from the capital said it that wasn't the case. This improvised Princess wasn't going to be an easy target.

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