Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 106: Allies or Enemies 1

The Governor's mansion.

"It would seem that a union between those two is destined to happen. That's alright certain things aren't left to human control but one's fate". 

Lu Yaozhu brought his teacup to his mouth to take a sip of tea but paused on hearing the word fate. He glanced at her small face with scrunched brows. "Fate, I didn't think I would ever hear you say that. Do you believe in faith? You don't seem like the kind of person that does".

Her lips tugged up, "but I do, believe in fate. Don't you?"

Lu Yaozhu dropped the cup of tea with a clack and looked away "No, fate is just an excuse used to fool people. If it did exist things wouldn't be this bad, life has taught me that such things like fate are just wishful thinking".

"What gave rise to these ideas?" Su Liya could guess what would influence him this way but she was still curious to hear his answer. She was curious if he would be honest with her or avoid the question entirely. They had gotten closer during the trip to Ningzhuo, however, she could tell just how close.

This was her way of testing how close they had gotten. Had they gotten close enough that he would give her an honest answer or would her give her a half baked answer designed to discourage her from prying. His answer would decide how she would go about handling things at Ningzhuo. Her various life experiences taught her not to judge people by their words but by their actions.

"There was a lot of things I believed in when I was young but as I got older, I lost interest in those things. Maybe because of my personal experience or from mere observation. Do you know that when a child is born most families invite priests to make divination on the child.

The priest checks the child's fate, luck and the rest. I said most families because not all family does that but the royal families do that. Those readings often decide on the path a child is meant to take in life. The Emperor was the 12th Prince born to the previous Emperor, he was born right after the crown prince was injured in battle and fell ill.

"The Imperial physicians all told the previous Emperor, that the crown prince was fatally injured and won't leave long. Everyone was so worried because the crown prince was the only healthy young prince that lived till adulthood. Out of the two other princes that were born after him, one died of illness.

"While the other was assassinated by bandits while on an official trip to Western Liang state. You see most princes die young because of struggles within the haram. Just as they nearly lost hope the Empress dowager was found to be with child. When the Emperor was born a monk was invited by the Empress dowager and as usual divination was carried out and the result praised the Emperor for being chosen as a just and kind leader.

"How is it that someone believed to be fated to be a kind and just reader, be so jealous and heartless that he nearly eliminated an entire clan. Fate to me is a big lie used to justify human greed, I don't believe in that and I never will. One day I will make him pay in blood for everything" 

"There is always an exception to every rule Yaozhu, don't let the Emperor's actions change you into something you are not. Everyone was born with free will which means that we are responsible for our actions. Emperor Zhong was destined to be a just Emperor but he made a decision not to be just.

"It was his decision, just as you decided to protect your family. Don't let him get the pleasure of ruining your life. if you want to beat that paranoid old man, you have to succeed. He sent you here to suffer so let's make the best of this situation. We can neutralise any of his traps and make a place for the Lu family in northern Wei. As long as there is life nothing is impossible".

Lu Yaozhu watched her silently for some seconds and laughed, " You almost have convinced. Liya even if we stayed out of his way and just performed our duties, he will still find a way to hurt us. You can't reason with a mad man. However, I could humour you for a short time but the moment he draws innocent blood. I will destroy him".

His word brought a chill down her spine, he both looked and sounded like the cold-hearted general he was rumoured to be. While she understood where he was coming from but she was a little scared that he would end up getting killed. She felt a little invested in his life now that she had gotten to know him. 


Duke's Wu mansion

It was nearly 10 pm but Lu Yingjie was yet to return from the crown prince's mansion. There had been three murder cases these last two weeks, all the victims were all court officials and were all killed at night. Lu Yingjie had sent word a few hours ago that he would be joining the crown prince for dinner this night and might come back late.

It was now very late at night and he was yet to return, Zhu Fengyin was a little worried. She stood by the window and looked up at the star-filled sky. The stars were all out this night, almost like they had come out to celebrate. She heard a quiet footstep a few steps away and turned around. Her maid Tian Tian walked in with a tray of fruits and a jar of water. 

"Tian Tian, is the Duke back yet?" She asked twisting the single braids on her shoulder.

Tian Tian sighed and shook her head "No, my lady".

She turned around and looking into the dark courtyard outside the window, sighed and muttered "what is keeping him, it is getting late. Should I send someone to check on him_"

"No your grace! I don't think that is a good idea, the crown prince may see it as an insult. His Highness and the Duke are quite close, maybe they were just carried off by their conversation. Our young master is vet responsible, he wouldn't do anything bad".

"You right, let me give him some more time, it is normal for men to stay out late. He may have drank a little at the crown prince mansion, please prepare some sobering soup for him. He might need to take that before sleeping, there is early morning court tomorrow. He can not be hungover".

"Yes, have some fruit, your grace. You have been standing around for some time now, it will help you replenish your strength"

Zhu fengyin glanced at the tray of fruit silently before finally nodding, "okay". 

Tian Tian smiled and placed the tray of fruits on the table by the window. She pulled a stool to the table for her mistress. "Here you go, your grace," Tian Tian said and stepped back.

Zhu Fengyin stepped away from the open window and walked to the table a few steps away, she looked down at the small plate of cute slices of apples, Mandarin and peaches. They were arranged stylishly on the plate, she picked up the small picker resting by the side of the plate, "this looks good, thanks".

Tian Tian blushed heavily and nodded "I will leave you to eat and go prepare the sobering soup".

"Alright, thanks" Zhu Fengyin replied and watched to maid leave. She was halfway through the fruits when she heard the outside maids chorused greeting of Lu Yingjie. She jumped up from her seat and rushed to the door, nearly running into him in the process.

Luckily he had seen her rush out and took a step back and held her shoulders to steady her. "Easy there Fengyin, not so fast," he said grinning.

Zhu Fengyin quickly covered her lips with her hand, "sorry about that, I didn't see you there!"

"How could you at the speed you ran out with," he smelled a sweet aroma from her and smiled, "You smell of apples and peaches, did you change your scent pack or_" he saw a small stain by the side of her lips and wiped it away with his hands, it smelt like peaches, "you eating were eating fruits, that explains it". 

He was a lot more playful than usual, Zhu Fengyin looked at his eyes and quickly found the reason behind that, "You drank" she said sounding a little angry.

Lu Yingjie nodded, he clasped her hand and walked in "did you wait long?"

"No_ ah I mean yes" Zhu Fengyin replied shyly.

"Sorry, the crown prince was a little happy. You see he is getting married soon" he said as they walked to the living room.

"Yes to the commandery princess the Imperial edict has been out for days now. Everyone knows that, how much did you drink?" she stopped and looked at him closely.

Lu Yingjie grinned and kissed her forehead, "not much my dear, at most I am just a little bit tipsy". He led them to seat at the side of the bed, " I know about the Imperial edict, I am not that drunk. It is not that marriage I am talking about my dear."


"He is getting married to a second wife, as a concubine that is. It is someone we know".


"Hmm, it is your third younger sister"


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