Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 108: Allies or Enemies 3

Old master Sun's study at the Sun family mansion Ningzhuo, Northern Wei

At the Sun Mansion, two streets away from the governor's mansion. Deputy Sun stood in front of a small square-shaped low desk at the centre of the room facing his elderly father. Old master Sun was a plump man in his late sixties, he was still hale and hearty at his age. This was thanks to being a military officer in the past.

The Sun family was an old family with deep roots in Ningzhuo, like all traditional families the old master Sun favoured the legitimate sons over those born of concubines. However, with his only legitimate some dead, he could only rely on this legitimate son of his. Since out of all the other Shu sons, Deputy Sun was the only person with a working brain in his head.

Deputy Sun had proven time and time again that he could fulfil his duties as the improvised heir, old master Sun decided to let him take over a few of the family businesses. Deputy Sun had always delivered on all his tasks but for the past weeks, he had hit a boulder in the form of the new governor and hadn't delivered as he used to. 

This was the reason, he was called in by his father this early morning. Old master Sun hadn't looked up from the ledger since he walked in and deliberately left him waiting. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, Deputy Sun was aware that his father put much importance on his finances and would drop him as soon as he felt that his money was threatened.

He began to think of convincing answers that would satisfy his father in his mind as he waited. It didn't matter that his foot began to throb because his main aim was to get out of his father's bad side in one piece. Old master Sun Finally broke the silence minutes later, he shut the ledger and leaned back on the seat.

Old master Sun glanced at his underperforming son and tapped his finger on the table "er'San, do you know the kind of person I hate the most?"

Deputy Sun bowed his head lower and nodded, "Yes father, you hate incompetent people the most".

"Good, at least you are smart enough to know that. Your deceased brother wasn't so observant, although your younger brother was so incompetent. Do you know why I kept him around?"

"Yes father"

"You know that I do not like two words answers since you know the reason. Say It out, that way it will stick".

Deputy Sun swallowed and balled up his fist, he replied in a low tone, "Because he is the legitimate son".

Old master Sun waited expectantly but didn't hear his foolish eldest son say anything else. He glared at the foolish boy, "Do you think that I supported him solely because of his birth?" When his foolish som didn't give any response, he won't out the words

"short-sighted fool! Just like your low born mother, you cannot see past the obvious. There is a reason a concubine isn't easily promoted to the main wife. That is because they often can not improve themselves and remain stock following the wrong ideals. You and that low born mother of yours schemed so well to get rid of my heir, yet you can not see past the insignificant facts of your birth".

Deputy Sun looked up eyes wide, he never knew that his father found out about their involvement in the tragedy that got rid of his precious heir. He glanced at his father strangely, but his father's expression never changed. 'If his father knew of his little tricks why did he let him go scot-free. What was his father's end goal?'

Old master Sun chuckled on seeing his son's lost expression, "surely you did not think that you had me fooled. You two are not as smart as you think er'San, I know the part you played but I ignored your little games because of all the benefits your brother brought me. He was careless, one wrong move and he could cause me to lose everything. As much as I love him, love my social standing better. This brings us back to my previous questions, why do you think I tolerated you, incompetent brother?"

Deputy Sun immediately remembered his father's previous statements, "because he brought you good benefits".

"Yes! Your brother had good standing from both his maternal side and from his wife but you have no one but the Lau family. The Lau family is just a new family, they just moved up the social ladder and while they are a wealthy family. They lack good management hands, if anything happens to old man Lau and the Eldest madam, the entire family would crumble.

"When you came to me and begged me to pick you out of my four remaining sons to take over the family. You promised to help the family gain back all the money squandered by your deceased brother. You said that you would multiply our current wealth, that is the reason why I choose you and for some time you did.

"You brought me good results, but now you are held up by a young governor over ten years your junior. He may be from the same clan as the empress but who in our circle doesn't know that the Empress is at odds with the Empress. He lacks adequate protection, handling thus young governor won't be hard. Yet you have failed to handle him and because of your incompetence lost a lot of money.

"If you can not handle a mere general, how can you be left in charge of our Sun family. You couldn't even carefully handle an assassination attempt and nearly got caught. Don't forget that you are not the only male heir in this family, if you are not up to the task, I can always pick from one of your brothers or even from our side branch.

"There are a lot of legitimate sons in that branch, all of whom have promising futures. The elders in the man branch at the capital will prefer that since it will keep the bloodline pure. There are a lot of people willing to take in your role so don't be so complacent!"

Deputy Sun fell on both knees immediately and crawled to the other side of the table, he held his father's hand and cried out, "father Father please forgive me. I was wrong, I will take care of the governor. Please give me another chance, I was just being careful because the governor is a little suspicious. He wants to check the accounts book father, he is very serious. I don't know how to handle him, father!"

"You don't know how to handle him? How can it be so difficult to falsify a record and give it to him? Lu Yaozhu is new at these parts, the Lu family had no standing here and neither do any of their allies. He lacks solid connections but you don't, get the other officials in control and turn them all against him. 

" You managed to remove one seating governor without getting implicated, you can do it again, or are you only capable of handling weak opponents and not strong opponents? The Shi family even gave us a hand, we can use them to handle him. I heard that he ruined the Shi family's opium business.

"They are looking for revenge, rope them in. Handle this governor and get yourself appointed as the new governor. The Emperor deliberately sent him over here for a reason we can make good use of his plan. Meanwhile, submit a fabricated ledger to him, you are a smart boy, use your brain!"

Deputy Sun nodded continuously, "Yes Father, I will handle it. Please give me some time".

Old master Sun glared and he then sighed " You have three weeks"

"Thank you, Father!"

Deputy Sun visited his mother after leaving his father's study, she had been moved to a bigger courtyard following his new promotion and was living in better conditions. Hus father wasn't an affectionate man, he only appreciated results and for the past year, Deputy Sun had received good results.

This put his mother in the old man's good graces but this sudden situation could ruin that. His mother was resting on the recliner by the opener window when he arrived. She sat up and welcomed him "Er'San my son, you came! I heard that your father called you over, what is it?"

His mother, Madam Sheng was a petite woman in her early fifties, although she was now older she still looked beautiful. She has been a dancing girl before she married his father and during celebrations liked to perform in front of the old master. She was also good at flattering people and old master Sun like most arrogant noblemen enjoyed that.

She didn't need her son to say anything to see that whatever conversation he had with his father had gone wrong. Her son's dull expression said it all, after hearing the entire story she frowned. "Er'San, I have gotten sick of flattering that foolish old man. I spend my youth with him but got nothing to show for it apart from you and your sister. Why don't we get rid of him and this new governor together?"

Deputy Sun gazed at his mother, silently weighing their options before nodding "Alright mother, what do you have planned".

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