Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 110: Allies or Enemies 5

The ice prisons of Northern Wei.

Deep below the majestic palace that is the Imperial Palace of northern Wei was a cold prison known as the ice Prison. It was built by the first Emperor of Northern Wei to house the most dangerous criminals found that committed the most heinous crimes. From the murder of members of the imperial family to plotting rebellions and treason.

The members of the Lu family was transported straight onto the prison by Iron guards. No one was informed of the reason for their arrest, Everyone from the soldiers that borough them into the guards and the warden was silent. 

The ice prison as its name suggests was a very cold prison located deep under the palace. The Entrance of the ice prison was deep inside the palace. It was a set of chambers deep underground, the entire prison was a huge mass of metal and stone.

Each prison cell was enclosed by heavy iron bars, the cell was empty. Striped to the bare minimum of necessities, it was empty save for a few sets of straw mats and a small wooden table and chair. 

There were around the clock security, with guards stationed all over the prison. The high-quality security combined with the location of the prison made the prison impregnable. The entire wide radius of the prison entrance was well guarded by iron guards, a set of powerful martial artists that answers only to the Emperor.

They were transported to the prison in the barred carriages, the carriage passed through the side gates of the palace. Lu Yaozhu and his brothers were put all together in the first carriage while madam Lu, Lu Yiling and Zhu Fengyin were placed in the second carriage. Unlike the men, they weren't but in chains, the three women huddled up together in the carriage.

Their lady's maids and other servants were put in the other carriages. While the members of the Lu family were transported to the ice palace their servants were taken to the general prison located at the ministry of justice. The carriage came to a stop without any warning pushing them forward, They held the wooden bars of the carriage to steady themselves.

The Prison Warden a huge man in black soft armour stood at the prison gates to welcome them. The commander of the Elite guards and the Prison Warden spoke at the side. A few seconds later the commander ordered the soldiers to bring the prisoners out. Zhu Fengyin shivered when she saw the sick smile on the prison warden's face.

She didn't know what the commander of the Elite guards said to the Warden but it wasn't anything good. The soldiers dragged them down from the carriage roughly, they were merciless in their actions. Almost like they were ordered to do this, which spoke a lot about the person behind their arrest. 

They led them down long stone walls, the stone step went down to the prison. It got colder as they got down the stairs, armed guards surrounded the stairs. When they got to the ground floor of the prison, there were through a dim hallway until they got to a stone room containing long lines of prison cells. 

Lu Yaozhu and his brothers were dragged to an empty prison cell by the left and pushed in by the prison guard. While the women were led to the prison cell opposite theirs, the ice prison was deep underground and there weren't any windows to provide light. The only source of light was the single lamp hanging on the prison wall, Zhu Fengyin cleaned the wooden chair at the side. 

The chair was surprisingly sturdy, she pulled Madam Lu to the seat. "Please have a seat, Mother". 

Madam Lu nodded and let Zhu Fengyin guide her to the seat. "Thanks", she whispered and looked down at her hands. Zhu Fengyin glanced at Lu Yiling, with her mother-in-law, settled she wanted to check on the youngest member of the family. "have a seat on the mat, Yiling. It is cold in here". 

Lu Yiling looked into her brothers' prison cells, the guards had unlocked the long interlocked chains at some point. They now had individual chains, they stood around the prison and glanced at their prison cell periodically. Everything seemed normal, Lu Yiling walked to the mat and sat with her legs folded under each other.

Zhu Fengyin smiled when caught Lu Yingjie's gaze to ease his worry. They needed to be strong for what is going on, Lu Yingjie as the head of the family had a lot to worry about. She wanted to ease a little of his worries, Lu Yingjie gazed at her quietly for a few seconds, then nodded.

He turned to say a few words to Lu Yong, Zhu Fengyin sat next to Lu Yiling. Everyone was lost in their thought, Zhu Fengyin included. She prayed silently that her message would get to Ningzhuo before the soldiers sent to bring Su Liya back to the capital arrived.

She didn't know if the soldiers had left but judging by their sudden arrest, they may not have sent a team already. She was initially worried when Lu Yaozhu returned alone without Su Liya and instead reported that she was suck and couldn't travel. With everything that has happened, this sickness was proving to be a blessing in disguise. 

After some time, Zhu Fengyin gradually slipped into a deep slumber but the loud noise of the metal prison doors being pushed open snapped her awake. It was difficult to tell whether it was night or day but since they were being dragged out of their cell and led outside. It had to be daybreak, the bright morning light reflected on the steps confirmed her suspicion. 

Staying in the dark prison made her eyes hypersensitive to the bright rays of the sun. She squinted her eyes slightly as she walked out of the prison door. She couldn't shield her eyes with her hand because of the heavy chains tied around her wrist. The guards tired the chains around their rise as they walked out of their prison cell.

The chain was similar to the chain that has adorned Lu Yingjie, Lu Yong and Lu Yaozhu's hands since they were arrested. Zhu Fengyin saw the three men walking in a straight line up ahead, with Lu Yingjie taking lead.

They had been directed to walk in a straight line in the centre of two roles of heavily armed guards with a long line of soldiers standing behind them. Zhu Fengyin looked around as they walked forward, hoping to somehow identify their location. 

She had visited the palace regularly while growing up, she hoped to find somewhere familiar that could inform her where she was being held but there wasn't a familiar landmark insight. This could be because there was a different entrance to the prison apart from the large used by people in the palace.

They were led through a stone pathway and into a wide courtyard, there were soldiers stationed all over the courtyard. They were led to demand at the centre of the compound and then ordered to kneel facing the open balcony at the centre of the courtyard. 

Emperor Zhong sat in-between the crown prince and Prime Minister Shi, while the other ministers stood on at the balcony surrounding the square-shaped yard they were kept. Zhu Fengyin stole a glance at the Emperor and although he had a stoic expression on his face, his eyes were bright. Her father stood not far away, in his purple court uniform.

Her father was very difficult to read so she couldn't tell just how he felt the sixth Prince on the other hand stood next to the Prime Minister grinning like a concubine that gave birth to a son. She glanced down immediately the Imperial Secretary began to speak.

"By his Majesty's order, The Entire Lu Family has been arrested for the crime of plotting take over the throne. It has been brought to our attention by Deputy Sun of Ningzhuo that the Duke of Wu, Lu Yingjie and General Lu Yaozhu has conspired with the Northern Bongsu bandits for years.

"There is evidence to show that General Lu has been recruiting and amassing an illegal army by making use of military funds. The Lu family has been brought in for questioning, Duke Wu and General Lu how do you plea?"

Lu Yiling got angrier as the made-up charges were brought up, she glanced once more at the fool seated at the middle. How is it that the Emperor chose to listen to the accusation of a local officer accused of Fraud over a loyal statesman? Even though her brothers came up to deny the charges the Emperor's lackeys did relent. 

More witnesses came up to defend these accusations, a majority of the witnesses were all military commanders in the capital and a few officials from Ningzhuo. It wasn't difficult for Lu Yiling to realise the real reason behind Lu Yaozhu's appointment to Ningzhuo. It seemed like this was the end game, well though by this imperial uncle of hers.

However, it was the confession of Lu Yaozhu's most trusted subordinate, General Yi that hit the nail in the coffin. The Emperor made a play to be merciful and announced that the case would be investigated by Prime Minister Shi and Minister Zhu. 

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