Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 118: A game of smoke and shadows 2

The Imperial Palace, Emperor Zhong's palace

it was a moonless night in the capital, which meant that it was a lot darker than usual that night. The Palace servants lit up lamps to brighten up the entire palace. Standing lamps were placed from the entrance of the Emperor Purple hall to the Emperor's Imperial study.

Emperor Zhong was going through the reports when Caihong came in a reported that the Imperial Secretary had submitted a report from Ningzhuo. The mood of the previously exhausted Emperor rose at the mention of a report from Ningzhuo. He had been expecting this report for weeks, he had even instructed the Imperial Secretary to submit each report from Ningzhuo to him as soon as it arrived.

Caihong presented the letter sachet containing the report to Emperor Zhong, Who took it from his hand. "The Imperial secretary Yang has worked hard, send down a reward", Emperor Zhong said and waved him away.

Caihong bowed and quietly retreated. He felt that the Emperor response to the report was strange but didn't dare speculate. However he still sent word to the Empress, Caihong has been with the Emperor for decades. He understood who between the Empress and Imperial Consort Shi had true feelings for the Emperor.

The Emperor himself could tell but chose to play dumb. He had watched the Emperor grow so much like a parent, he felt embarrassed by how the Emperor treated the Empress. He couldn't caution the son of the heavens (the Emperor is also titled the son of heavens since it is believed that he was chosen by the gods to rule).

While he couldn't caution the son of heaven, he could make life easier for the Empress. This was his way of apologizing for the Emperor, it was the least he could do. He didn't know what came the Emperor was playing but since it concerned the Lu family most especially General Lu, he feared that it wasn't anything good. 

Caihong sent one of his most trusted Students to deliver the message to the Empress while he stood outside the Emperor's study and stood guard. He was on night duty in case the Emperor needed something.

Meanwhile, inside the Imperial study, Emperor Zhong untied the strings holding the sachet closed and pulled out the report. He quickly read through, Deputy Sun had done a good job, based on the sample of the records submitted by Lu Yaozhu. He was pleased with the way things were going, everything would go back to normal soon.

It was nearing the dawn of the Lu family's empire, soon they would be history. He would successfully regain the power lost by the Imperial family, how can a mere military family be more popular than the Imperial family. Too bad his old friend Lu Peizhi wasn't alive to see the downfall of his precious Lu family.

Luckily the Empress would experience the whole thing, he would give her a front-row seat to it all. She would watch as the Lu family lost their precious honour, it would teach her to pick the right side. She dared to abandon him for her family, what was so special about protecting her family's honour. How pathetic because with just a command from him, her precious family would lose everything.

He picked up the writing brush and wrote the words approve then picked up the Emperor's Dragon seal and stamped on Lu Yaozhu's official request for the arrest of the Deputy Sun and old master Sun. He wrote an edict instructing the Imperial guards to escort Lu Yaozhu and the suspects back to the capital from Ningzhuo.

The edict would be sent with is approval letter while another permission letter would be sent to Lu Yaozhu immediately. Emperor Zhong drafted all the necessary documents weeks earlier in preparation for the report. He took them out of a wooden box by his desk and stamped them all before calling Caihong in to send them to the Imperial office.

Caihong collected the letter and sent them off to the Imperial office, he followed the necessary channels before sending word to the Prime Minister. Everything went swiftly, by the time it was reported to the entire court the next day the Imperial dispatch officer and the imperial guards had already left.

The report submitted to the Imperial court was approved by the emperor as soon as it arrived at the capital. Most officials were surprised to hear that but they soon dismissed their suspicion. They just assumed that it was because the Emperor was annoyed by the provincial officials large scale louting not because of the Emperor's favouring the young general but not Prime Minister Shi and Minister Sheng. They knew the real reason behind the Emperor's speedy response.

The Lu family was a thorn in their side, they were glad for an opportunity to get rid of this nuisance. Prime Minister Shi had secretly activated his secret guards this was a good opportunity to get rid of any possible resistance to his plans in tge Lu families camp.


The Governor's Mansion, Ningzhuo

The Imperial dispatch officer left hours earlier than the Imperial guards and thanks to his swift house, arrived at Ningzhuo a day earlier than the Imperial guards. Lu Yaozhu wasn't surprised by his Emperor's swift arrival, he had seen first-hand how quick his Emperor was in eliminating all resistance.

The Emperor had been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of the Lu family, how would he let an opportunity like this escape him. Emperor Zhong believe that Fortune favours the brave, he was both swift and fast in his actions. 

Lu Yaozhu met the imperial dispatch officer as soon as he arrived at Ningzhuo and relieved him of the documents before sending him on his way. He suspected that the Imperial guards would arrive the next day and instructed the servants to arrange the necessary lodging for them. 

Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya had already planned with Physician Shen, two days earlier Su Liya was given a potion that would make her appear to be terribly ill. Physician Shen was called in very early that day the next day after Su Liya was discovered to be vomiting non-stop. After checking her pulse, Su Liya was reported to be suffering from stomach sickness and was ordered to be bedridden for twelve days. 

Because of her ill health, Su Liya was exempted from returning to the capital with Lu Yaozhu. Lu Yaozhu accompanied the Imperial guards and the prisoners back to the capital. They didn't stay back at night to rest as often as Lu Yaozhu and his company did during the last trip, in just eight days they were at the capital.

Lu Yaozhu was welcomed by the heads of the joint judicial offices and the ministry of justices at the city gates. The officials from the ministry of justice escorted the prisoners to the detainment cells located at the offices of the ministry of justice while Lu Yaozhu entered the Palace to pay respects to the Emperor.

Today was a day off from court, there was no one at the palace. Lu Yaozhu met the Emperor at the Imperial study. Emperor Zhong was replying to some memorandum submitted earlier by court officials from the various offices. While the daily court session did not hold today and the officials were given a free day, the Emperor was free to rest.

He had to go through the various memorandum submitted before the next court season tomorrow. Emperor Zhong felt a headache coming, he placed the memorandum in his hand back on the table and rubbed his temple gently. He picked up the cold tea on his right arm took a sip, Caihong came in as he returned the teacup to his previous position.

"Your Majesty, General Lu has arrived, he is standing outside and requesting to pay respect", Caihong said in a quiet tone.

Emperor Zhong sighed and gazed outside the door, "This nephew of mine is filial, he stops by at our palace as soon as he arrived at the Capital. It is a pity that I can not meet him now, this Emperor is tired and his eyes wary. Tell the general to get some rest, there is no need for these unnecessary formalities when we are all family. Tomorrow is another day" 

The Emperor had been working non-stop since having breakfast, it was no surprise that he was too tired to see anyone. Caihong understood the Emperor's words, "Yes, your Majesty". He silently retreated but was called back by the Emperor a few steps from the door.

"Eunuch Caihong, inform the domestic department to send over some replenishing tea leaves, Governor Lu travelled from a far distance and instead of going home straight stopped by here. We can not let him go empty-handed"

"The servant understands, your Majesty".

Emperor Zhong didn't say anything more and just leaned back on the backrest of his seat while rubbing her temple gently. Caihong was an old hand, he knew how to handle everything. There was no need to worry. 

Caihong relayed the Emperor's words to Lu Yaozhu when he got out and instructed him to wait. When the tea leaves arrived he handed them to Lu Yaozhu. Lu Yaozhu said his thanks to the Emperor's Chief Eunuch and returned to the Duke's mansion.

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